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1、Unit 1.Can you play the guitar?重点词汇1.sing an English song唱英文歌; 2. play music演奏音乐:play the piano弹钢琴; play the violin拉小提琴;play the guitar弹吉他;play the drum打鼓;3.play sports做运动:play basketball打篮球;play soccerfootball踢足球;play baseball打棒球;play volleyball打排球;play tennis打网球;play ping-pongplay table tennis打乒乓球

2、;4.play chess下象棋;play Chinese chess下中国象棋;play cards玩纸牌;play music演奏音乐;play games玩游戏;play computer games.玩电脑游戏.5. sing well唱的好;dance well跳的好;paint/draw well画的好;play the guitar well.吉他弹的好6.be good at sth在-方面有特长,擅长于-;be good at doing sth擅长做某事;be good with sb对-很好,擅长于应付-;e and join us!和我门一起来;d8. be busy忙

3、;be busy doing sth忙于做某事;be busy with sth忙于做某事; Be free有空;(东西)免费9.help wanted招聘帮手;Teachers wanted招聘老师;Doctors wanted招聘医生;10.say说话(强调说话内容):say a word说句话;say it in English用中文说(它);11.rock band摇滚乐队; 必诵句型1.-Can能,会 you singdanceplay the guitar?你会做-吗? -Yes,I can.No,I cant.2.-Can Maria do Chinese kongfu? -Ca

4、n she speak English?她会讲英语/中文吗? -Yes,she can.-No,she cant.but但是 she can speak Chinese.3.-Can you and Tom play chess? -Yes,we can./No,we cant.4.-Can Jim and Jenny swim? -Yes,they can./No,they cant.5.-What can you do?你会做什么呢? -I can dance,but I cant sing.6.-What club do you want to join?你想参加什么俱乐部? -I wa

5、nt to join the(swimming/music/English/art艺术,美术/sports/chess)club.7.(1)Bill can play the guitar,and而且 he can also 也play the violin.(2)Tom can会 play volleyball,but但是 he cant 不会play the piano. (3)Maria can play the violin,but she cant play chess. (4)Jim can paint pictures,but he cant paint it well. Uni

6、t 1 经典练习One:单词填空1.They cant help me_the work. Can you help the boy_skating。(学习滑冰)2(1)Drinking milk is good_our health. (2)Mary is good_English. (3)Jennys brother is good at_basketball. (4)We must be good_others。对别人好3.-Do you want to make_with me?/-Sure,Id be glad to.我乐意。4.Can he_the story in English

7、? My father often_us stories and are good_the children.5.We are going to have a party this evening,would you like to_us?-6.I can_English and Chinese.7.He likes drawing,so he wants to join the_club. I like to swim,so I can join the_club.8.Excuxe me,could you tell me something_your family?9.Is this yo

8、ur dictionary_Lilys?10.He doesnt want to eat tomatoes_potatoes.11.Im a writer,so I can_many stories.12.Jim likes Chinese kungfu very much,so he joins the_club.13.Mr Green always_the students English in our school. He is a teacher,he_math in a school.14.She can dance ans sing well,So she wants to be

9、a_.15.Bob likes_the piano.she doesnt like_hamburgers. Two:单项选择1( )How do you_this in English? A.speak B.say C.tell2( )Do you know a man_Jack Smith? A.name B.names C.named3( )-Do you know the way to the post office? -Yes,Follow跟随me and Ill_you.the way(给你带路) A.call B.give C.show4( )I can play_guitar,b

10、ut I cant play_Chinese chess. A./,the B.the,a C.the,/5( )Can your father_Chinese?/Yes,she can_Chinese a little.A.speak,speaks B.say ,say C.speak,speak6( )I need_a song with you. A.to sing B.singing C.sing7( )Tom cant play the violin_play chess. A.and B.but C.or8( )Our teacher told us_carefully in cl

11、ass. A.listen B.to listen C.listening9( )I can sing well, I want_the music club. .join B.to join C.joining10( )You sing well,You_a good musician when you grow up.A.maybe B.may be C.may11( )They often help kids_dancing. A.to B.at C.with.12( )I can_Chinese Kongfu. A.play B.do C.make13( )He tells Jim_t

12、o school on time. A.go B.to go C.goes14( )Victor is good_singing,and so hes good_the children in the music club.A.at,for B.with,for C.at,with15( )Please call Alan_053-765498. A.at. B.for C.on16( )Jim,can you_this word in Chinese?/Yes,I can_a little Chinese.A.speak,say B.say,speak C.tell,speak17( )Sa

13、m can sing English songs_,but I cant.A.very good B.very much C.very well.18( )Lets_for a walk,shall we? A.to go B.going C.go Three:用所给词的形式填空1.There are 56_(people)In my class.2.Our school needs two_(music)3.Thank you for_(help)me_my English.4.My parents want me_(join)the art club.5.Some boys in our

14、class like_(tell)stories.6.Liyundi can play the piano very_(good)7.They like_(paint)pictures.8.He can do_(China)Kongfu.9.Can I join the_(swim)club?10.I have some photos,I can show_(they)to you this afternoon.11.There are有two great_(piano)in the music room. Four:句型转换1.She can sing_dance.(改为否定句) She_s

15、ing_dance.2.Is your pen blue?(用black改为选择疑问句) Is your pen_ _black?3.John plays the piano very well.(用can改写) John_ _the piano very well.4.Bill can paint and play the drums.(就划线部分提问) _ _Bill_?5.I want to join the basketball club.(就划线部分提问) _ _ _you want to join?6.He wants to join the music club because

16、he likes singing.(就画线部分提问) _ _he_to join the music club?7.I can speak English.(就画线提问) _language_speak? Five:情景填词A.What club do you want to_?B.I want to join the sports club.A:Great!What_can you play?B:I can play basketball and baseball,and I can play the guitar,too.A:So you may join_clubs:the basket

17、ball club,the baseball club and the_club, What_you?,David?C:I_English very well.I think I can join the English club.A:That_good!B:OK.Lets_them now.Six:情景翻译1.你会弹吉他吗?不,我不会。 2.你想参加什么俱乐部呢? 3.-我想参加英语俱乐部。-我会画画,但我不会游泳。 5.我妹妹会拉小提琴,但她不会打排球。 6.我说英语非常流利,他下国际象棋非常棒。 7.我会唱歌和跳舞。 我不会唱歌也不会跳舞。 8.玛利亚英语学的好. 9.你能帮我学习英语吗? 10.你的地址在哪? 11.玛利亚每天晚上弹钢琴. 玛利亚(不)喜欢弹钢琴 12.马克经常在星期天和妈妈去看电影. 13.我喜欢上体育课,因为很让人放松。


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