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1、一、词汇拓展(1)work n&v.工作 worker n.工人)(2)tooth n.牙齿teeth n.牙齿(tooth的复数形式)(3)interest n.兴趣,趣味v.使感兴趣interesting adj.令人感兴趣的interested adj.有趣的;感兴趣的(4)dress v.穿衣服;给(某人)穿衣服 dressed adj.穿着衣服的n.连衣裙;衣服(5)usual adj.一般的;通常的 usually adv.通常;一般情况(6)quick adj.快的;迅速的 quickly ad.快地,迅速地(7)ever adv.曾经never adj.从不;绝不(8funn.

2、快乐,趣味adj.愉快的,有趣的 funny adj.奇怪的;滑稽好笑的一、 短语归纳(1)what time 几点 (2) go to school 去上 (3)get up 起床 (4) take a shower 洗淋浴 (5) brush teeth 刷牙 (6) get to 到达(7) do homework 做家庭作业 (8) go to work 去上班 (9) go home 回家 (10) eatvegetables吃蔬菜home , here , there是地点副词,表示到这几个地方去的时候,前面的介词要省略。(11) fromto 从到 (12) get home 到

3、达家中 (13)eitheror 要么要么 (14) go to bed 上床睡觉(15)in the morning/ afternoon/ evening 在上午/下午/晚上(16) at night 在夜间 (17). lots of=a lot of= much= many 许多,大量(18). radio station 广播电台 (19). at night 在晚上(20). be late for=arrive late for 迟到(21 play computer games 玩电脑游戏(22).go to class上课 (23).comeback回来 (24).get/b

4、e dressed in+衣服名词或颜色名词表示穿着衣服或颜色的衣服=be in+颜色(穿戴颜色衣服/帽子) (25).dress sb.给某人穿衣/.dress oneself某人自己穿衣服/get dressed 穿上衣服(26).put on 穿上(反义词take off)(27).do ones homework 做家庭作业 (28)workattheradiostation在电台工作(29)eatquickly吃得快 (30)eatbreakfast=have breakfast/dinner/lunch 吃早、晚、午饭(31).take a shower 洗淋浴澡(32)be la

5、te for school=come to school late上学迟到了 (33)take a walk=have a walk=go for a walk散步(34)gooutforawalk出去散步(35)brush ones teeth刷牙(36)on school nights 在上学的晚上 (37)domorningexercises做早操/doeyeexercises做眼保健操 (38)keephealthy/behealthy/stayhealthy/keepingoodhealth保持健康(39)Whatdoyoudo?=Whatareyou?=Whatsyourjob?你

6、是干什么的?(40)getupearly起得很早 (41)playsports做运动(42)listen to 听 (43)unhealthyhabits不健康的习惯(44)tastegood味道很好(45)haveaveryhealthylife有一个健康的生活(46)healthyactivities健康的活动三、知识点 what time & when引导的特殊疑问句what time和when都可以对时间状语进行提问,用来询问什么时间。两者主要用法如下:1. 对做某事的具体时间点进行询问时,when和what time均可用。如:When / What time do you go t

7、o school? At eight oclock.2. 对钟表显示的具体时间进行询问时,即询问几点几分时,只能用what time。如:What time is it (now) ? = Whats the time (now) ? (现在)几点了? Its 8:35.3. 对非具体时间点进行询问时,只能用when。如:When is your School Day? Its on Saturday.四、知识点 英语钟点时刻的表达1.当时间是整点时,可用“钟点数+oclock”来表达,其中oclock可以省略。如: 6:00six (oclock)2. 当时间不是整点时,表达方式有以下两种:

8、顺读法:钟点数+分钟数。如:9:08nine eight 14:40fourteen forty逆读法:1)当分钟数小于30时,用“分钟数+ past +钟点数”表示“几点过几分”。如:8:09nine past eight2)当分钟数大于30时,用“(60分钟数) + to +下一个钟点数”表示“差几分到几点”。如:11:40twenty to twelve 3) 当分钟数是30分时, 用half past +钟点数 , 表示“几点半”。如: 1:30half past one4) 15分钟还可以用a quarter表示。如:11:15a quarter past eleven 8:45a

9、quarter to nine3. 具体时间前面用介词at。 五、 知识点 词语辨析:family; house ; home的用法:family的意思是“家庭、家庭成员”,与居住的房子无关。强调家庭成员。 当family作为整体概念的“家庭”讲时是单数;当“家庭成员”讲时,以单数形式当复数用,谓语动词则用复数,如: Mr Richards family is very large 理查德先生家里的人很多(单数) My family are very well我家里人都很好。(复数) house的意思是“房屋、住宅”,一般对家人所居住的建筑物而言。 如: There are many new

10、houses in our village我们村里有很多新房子。home的意思是“家”,主要指一个人出生或居住的地方,房屋是其中的一部分,因而也有“家乡、故乡”的意思,它具有house所没有的感情色彩(如“团聚”、“思念”等),侧重个人出生、被抚养的环境和居住地点。如: East or West,home is best (金窝银窝不如自己的草窝。)六、知识点 词语辨析:job ;work的用法:work 作不可数名词,有体力或脑力劳动的意思,也可以做动词用。You have done a days work in three hours. The children were at schoo

11、l, my husband was at work and the house was quiet. 孩子们上学去了,我丈夫去上班了,所以家里很安静。 He is now out of work. 他现在失业了。 job 作为“工作”解,job 是可数名词。如:When you start a job, you must stick to it. 一旦你开始了一件工作,他就得持之以恒。 七、知识点 词语辨析: listen to, hear和sound的用法:listen to意为“注意听”,表示有意识地去听,但不一定听得见什么,强调听的动作。(listen不及物,listen to及物) 如

12、:They are listening to the teacher. 他们在听老师说。hear意为“听见”,表示耳朵里听到了,但不一定有意识地听,强调听的结果。如:Im sorry to hear that. 听到那个消息我很难过。sound意为“听起来,听上去”,可作连系动词,后接形容词作表语,还可以和like连用。 例如:The music sounds sweet. 这音乐听起来悦耳。 八、知识点频度副词是副词的一种,在初中阶段常用即always,usually, often, sometimes,never现将它们的用法归纳如下:1always是频度最大的词,意为总是;永远。如:Is


14、ening.我有时在晚上看书。5.never 从不九、知识点 一般现在时。(语法重点)一般现在时态的意义是:1表示现在的特征或状态。如:He is at home today. 他今天在家。 2表示经常性、习惯性的动作。常和频率副词always, often, usually及every day等表示时间的短语连用。如:Igotoschoolat7:00everyday.我每天7点钟去上学。3表示主语具备的性格或能力。如:Shelikespearsverymuch.她非常喜欢梨子。TheyspeakEnglish.他们讲英语。肯定陈述句:当主语是第一、二和第三人称复数时,谓语动词用原形。当主语

15、是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。例如:TheystayathomeonSundays.他们星期天呆在家。Hedoeshishomeworkintheevening.他在晚上做作业。否定句:当主语是第一、二及第三人称复数时,否定句借助助动词donot,当主语是第三人称单数时,否定句借用doesnot,并将动词第三人称单数还原。例如:TheydontstayathomeonSundays.他们星期天不呆在家里。He doesntdohishomeworkintheevening.他晚上不做作业。疑问句:当主语是第一、第二及第三人称复数时,疑问句在句首加Do。当主语是第三人称单数时,疑

16、问句在句首加Does,并把谓语第三人称单数还原。例如:DotheystayathomeonSundays?他们星期天呆在家吗?Doeshedohishomeworkintheevening?他晚上做作业吗?练习题:一、用所词给的适当形式填空。1. My sister is very young (幼小的).She cant brush her (she) teeth.2.His parents go (go) to work at eight every morning.3. Liu Dehua is a famous singer and he has (have) lots of fans

17、.(歌迷)4. That great writer(作家)often works (work) all night.5. Lets _go_(go) home. Its a little late.6Either you or he _is_ (be) wrong.7Tom often gets up in the morning, so he has a _quick_ breakfast and goes to school _quickly_ (quickly)8This kind of fruit tastes very _good_(well)9.Lucy is only two y

18、ears old. She cant get _dressed_(dress).10.what _does_ Jack _do_ (do) on Sunday evening?He usually watches TV with his parents.11.My grandpa cant eat beans now. He doesnt have strong _teeth_(tooth).12.I know a _funny_(fun) story. Let me tell you.13.My parents usually _exercise_ (exercise)on weekends

19、.二、单项选择( B )1. Do you know the_?Yes, its 10:30.A. age B. time C. number D. address( C )2. What do you usually do _ Sunday morning?A. to B. at C. on D. in( D )3. Its ten oclock in the evening. Lets_ .A. go to school B. get up C. have lunch D. go to bed( B )4. The little boy _ every morning.A. brushes

20、 his tooth B. brushes his teeth C. brush his tooth D. brush his teeth( C )5. _ John often _ school?No, he isnt.A. Does; late forB. Is; late to C. Is; late forD. Does; late to( B )6. I gave her _ address and she gave me _.A. my; herB. my; hersC. mine; herD. mine; hers( B )7. Shes _ girl.A. an fifteen

21、-years-old B. a fifteen-year-old C. a fifteen-years-old D. an fifteen-year-old ( D )8. My father doesnt like milk. My mother doesnt like milk, _. A. too B. also C. orD. either ( C )9.He always gets up early every morning,so he is _ late for school.AalwaysBusuallyCneverDoften( A )10._ do you have sup

22、per?At 7:00.AWhenBWhereCWhatDHow( A )11.Doing exercise every day is good _ your health.Afor Bat Cwith Din( A )12. What time does Linda _ after school?A. do her homework B. does her homework C. do her homeworks D. does her homeworks( B )13. They often have lunch _ 12:00. A. in B. at C. on D. for( B )

23、14.When do you _ every day?A. go to home B. go home C. go a home D. go to the home( D )15. Doing sports is good _ your health.A. in B. at C. on D. for( A )16. She wants _ an orange.A to eat B. eating C. eat D. eats( C )17._ Mike_his homework in the evening?A. Do; do B. Do; does C .Does ;do D.Does ;/

24、( B )18. Dick never eats vegetables, so this is not a _ life.A. happy B. healthy C. interesting D. sad( B )19. I go home _ _5:30 the afternoon.A.at; on B. at; in C. at ;at D.in;/( C )20. He _ his homework on Sundays.A doesnt B. dont do C. doesnt do D. dont( B )21. Does the hamburger _good? Yes. I wa

25、nt to eat another (另一个) one. A. look B. taste C. sound D. make ( A )22. Fruit and vegetables are good_ me. I eat them every day. A. for B. with C. at D. to( B )23. Im sorry you cant _ because we have no water (水) now. A. get up B. take a shower C. take a walk D. go to bed( C ) 24. Doing exercise _ g

26、ood for your health.A. be B. am C. is D. are( B )25The vegetable soup _delicious. Can i have more? Alooks Btastes Csounds Dfeels( B )26Hi,Jane. What time do you get up _ weekdays? I usually get up _ about six oclock. Ain, atBon; at Cat ;at Don; on ( D )27I have a new _. So i have so much _ to do . A

27、.work job B. work at, work C. job; job D. job; work ( D ) 28_ the afternoon of June 2nd , many foreigners arrived _ Shanghai. A.In ;atB.On; toC.In; in D. On; in ( B )29.You need to brush your _ after _. A.tooth; eatB.teeth; eatingC.teeth; eatD.tooth; eating( C )30Do you often go to the gym?No,_ . I

28、don like sports at all. A. always B. usually C. never D.often完形填空。通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号写在题号前的括号内。Im a middle school student. I think my life isnt really _31_. Let me tell you _32_ it. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I _33_ get up before 7:30 in the morning, because I alwa

29、ys go to bed late at night. After getting up, I wash my face and brush teeth. I _34_ a healthy breakfast at 7:40. At 8:00, I walk to the bus stop. I take a _35_to school. It takes _36_ 20 minutes to get there. School finishes at 14:30. When I get home, I do my _37_ and study until 17:00. After that,

30、 I _38_my mother make dinner. We have dinner at 18:00. Then i always_39_friends on the computer. We talk about many things. I go to bed at 22:30. My school days are boring, _40_ the weekends are another story. How is your life?( C ) 31. A. difficult B. boring C.interesting D. right( A ) 32. A. about

31、 B. on C. with D. to( C ) 33. A.usually B. always C. never D. often( B ) 34. A. cross B. have C. show D. work( D ) 35. A. train B. bike C. subway D. bus( A ) 36. A. me B. you C. us D. them( C ) 37. A. model B. dream C. homework D. job( B ) 38. A. taste B. help C. live D. call( A )39. A.talk with B.

32、ask for C. think of D. write to( D ) 40. A. and B. or C. because D. butBJenny gets up early in the morning. She has her breakfast and then goes to school. She walks to the bus stop and takes a bus, She gets to school at about half past seven. Jenny is never late for school. She likes her school and

33、works hard. Classes begin at 8:00. She has six classes every day. Jenny is good at all her lessons, and she likes English best. Usually Jenny has lunch at school. She goes home at five in the afternoon. Sometimes, she helps her friends with their lessons. After supper she usually watches TV news. Th

34、en she does her homework. She goes to bed at about 9:30. Jenny is a good girL( A )41. Where does Jenny have her breakfast?A. She has her breakfast at home. B. She has her breakfast at school.C. She has her breakfast on her way to school. D. She has her breakfast on the bus.( C )42. How does Jenny do

35、 in herlessons?A. She doesnt like going to school. B. She cant do her lessons.C. She does very well in her lessons D.She doesnt know her lessons at all.( D )43. How many hours is Jenny at school? A. She is at school for seven hours. B. She is at school for seven and a half hours.C. She is at school

36、for eight hours. D. She is at school for nine and a half hours.( B )44. What does Jenny sometimes do after school? A. She has supper with her classmates at school B. She helps her friends with her lessons.C. She does some shopping for her mother. D. She goes home with her friends.( C )45. What does Jenny do after supper?A. She watches TV and then goes to bed. B. She watches TV and does some housework.C. She watches TV and does her homework. D. She reads her English and does some sports.如有侵权请联系告知删除,感谢你们的配合!


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