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1、 交际用语1. 能就简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见。2. 能有效的询问信息和请求帮助。3. 根据话题进行情景对话。一、知识精讲纵观全国各地的中考试卷,交际用语多以补全对话和单项选择题的形式出现。我们先一起看一下英语新课程标准要求初三学生掌握的话题。试卷中以看病、购物、问路、打电话、邀请、感谢、祝愿和祝贺等内容为主。初中英语日常交际用语包括以下30个方面的内容:1. 问候 Greetingsa. Good morning/afternoon/evening.Hello/Hi!How are you?b. Fine, thank you. And you?Very well,thank

2、you. 2. 介绍Introductionsa. This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/These areand they areb. How do you do?Nice/Glad to see/meet you.c. My name isIm a student/worker, etc. 3. 告别Farewellsa. I think its time for us to leave now./Im afraid I must go now.b. Goodbye!(Bye-bye!Bye!)See you later/tomorrow.(See you.)Good night.

3、注晚上见面时,只能说Good evening,睡觉前要用Good night来告别。4. 打电话Making telephone callsa. Hello! May I speak to?Is that(speaking)?b. Hold on,please.This isspeaking.He/She isnt here right now/at the moment.Can I take a message for you?c. I called to tell/ask youd. Goodbye. 5. 感谢和应答Thanks and responsesa. Thank you(ver

4、y much).Thanks a lot.Many thanks.Thanks forb. Its very nice of you.Its very kind of you to say so/do it.Thank you all the same.c. Not at all.Thats all right./Its my pleasure.Youre welcome./Thats OK. 6. 祝愿、祝贺和应答Good wishes,congratulations and responsesa. Good luck!Best wishes to you.Have a nice/good

5、time.Congratulations!Happy birthday to you.b. Thank you.注回答对方只是对自己某一方面时,用“Thank you.”而共有的节日要用“The same to you.”c. Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!d. The same to you.状元典例Well have an English exam tomorrow. _. A. Thats great B. Good luck to youC. Congratulations D. Glad to hear that 答案:B思路分析:本题考查的是表示祝愿

6、和祝贺的交际用语。由句意“我们明天将有一个英语考试”,答语应为“祝你们好运”,故选择B。7. 意愿IntentionsIm going toI willId like toI want/hope to 8. 道歉和应答Apologies and responsesa. Im sorry.(Sorry.)Im sorry for/aboutExcuse me.b. Thats all right.It doesnt matter.Thats nothing.Never mind. 9. 遗憾和同情Regrets and sympathyWhat a pity!Im sorry to hear t

7、hat. 10. 邀请和应答Invitations and responsesa. Will you come to?Would you like to?b. Yes. Id love toYes. Its very kind/nice of you.c. Id love to. But状元典例Would you like to go and watch the football game with me? . A. Not at all B. Excuse me, I cantC. Yes, Id love to D. Thats right答案:C思路分析:本题考查的是有关邀请的交际用语。

8、以“Would you like.?”提问的句子的肯定答语为“Yes, Id love to.”故选择C。11. 提供帮助和应答Offers and responsesa. Can I help you?/May I help you?What can I do for you?Here,take this/my/Here you are.Let mefor you.Would you like some?b. Thanks. That would be nice/fine.Thank you for your help./Thank you for helping me.Yes, pleas

9、e.c. No, thanks/thank you.Thats very kind of you,but 12. 请求允许和应答Asking for permission and responsesa. May I?Can/Could I?b. Yes./Certainly.Yes, do please.Of course(you may).Thats OK/all right.c. Im sorry,butYoud better not. 13. 表示同意和不同意Expressing agreement and disagreementa. Certainly/Sure/Of course.

10、Yes,please.Yes,I think so.Thats true.All right./OK.Thats a good idea.I agree(with you).b. No, I dont think so.Im afraid not.I really cant agree with you.c. Yes, maybe.You may be right.状元典例Maths is as interesting as English, I think. _. English is more interesting than maths.A. I think so B. I dont t

11、hink so C. I hope so D. I dont hope so答案:B思路分析:本题考查的是关于是否同意对方观点的交际用语。由句意“我认为数学和英语一样有趣”,但答语为“英语比数学更有趣”,可知“不同意对方的观点”,回答应为“我不这样认为”,故选择B。14. 表示肯定和不肯定Expressing certainty and uncertaintya. Im sure.Im sure(that)b. Im not sure.Im not sure whether/ifc. Maybe./Perhaps. 15. 喜好和厌恶Likes and dislikesa. I like/lo

12、ve(very much)I like/love tob. I dont like(to)I hate(to) 16. 谈论天气Talking about the weathera. Whats the weather like today?Hows the weather in?b. Its fine/cloudy/windy/rainyIts rather warm/cold/hot etc. today, isnt it? 17. 购物Shoppinga. What can I do for you?May/Can I help you?b. I want/Id like/Let me

13、havekilo/boxHow much is it?Thats too expensive,Im afraid.Thats fine. Ill take it.c. How many/much do you want?What color/size/kind do you want?d. Do you have any other kind/size/color? 18. 问路和应答Asking the way and responsesa. Excuse me,which is the way to?Excuse me,can you tell me the way to?How can

14、I get to?I dont know the way.b. Go down this street.Turn right/left at the first/second crossing.Its aboutmetres from here. 19. 问时间或日期和应答Asking the time or date and responsesa. What day is (it) today?Whats the date today?What time is it?Whats the time,please?b. Its Monday/Tuesday.Its January 10th.It

15、s five oclock/half past five/a quarter to five/five thirty.Its time for 20. 请求Requestsa. Can/Could youfor me?Will/Would you please?May I have?b. Please give/pass mePlease wait (here/a moment).Please wait (for) your turn.Please stand in line/line up.Please hurry.c. Dont rush/crowd.No noise,please.No

16、smoking,please.状元典例 Do you mind my closing the window?_. Its much too noisy outside.A. Yes, please B. Of course not C. All right答案:B思路分析:本题考查的是关于请求的交际用语。由句意“你介意我关窗户吗?” 可推测答语应为“当然不(介意),外面太吵了,” 故选择B。21. 劝告和建议Advice and suggestionsa. Youd betterYou shouldYou need (to)b. Shall we?LetsWhat/How about? 22.

17、 禁止和警告Prohibition and warningsa. You cant/mustntIf you, youllb. Take care!Be careful!Look out!Watch out!Watch it!Mind (out)! 23. 表达感情Expressing certain emotionsa. 喜悦Pleasure,JoyIm glad/pleased/happy toThats nice.Thats wonderful/great.b. 焦虑AnxietyWhats wrong?Whats the matter (with you)?Im/Hes/Shes wo

18、rried.Oh,what shall I/we do?c. 惊奇SurpriseReally?Oh dear!Is that so? 24. 就餐Taking mealsa. What would you like to have?Would you like something to eat/drink?b. Id likec. Would you like some more?Help yourself to somed. Thank you. Ive had enough. /Just a little,please. 25. 约会Making appointmentsa. Are y

19、ou free this afternoon/evening?What about tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening?Shall we meet at ?4:30 at?b. Yes,thats all right.Yes,Ill be free then.c. No,I wont be free then. But Ill be freed. All right. See you then. 26. 传递信息Passing on a messagea. Will you please give this note/message to?b. asked m

20、e to give you this note.c. Thanks for the message. 27. 看病Seeing the doctora. Theres something wrong withIve got a cough.I feel terrible (bad).I dont feel well.Ive got a pain here.This place hurts.b. Take this medicine three times a day.Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.Its nothing serious.Y

21、oull be all right/well soon. 28. 求救Calling for helpa. Help!b. Whats the matter? 29. 语言困难Language difficultiesPardon?Please say that again/more slowly.What do you mean by?Im sorry I cant follow you.Im sorry I know only a little English.30. 常见标志和说明 Some common signs and instructions包括: BUSINESS HOURS,

22、 OFFICE HOURS, OPEN, CLOSED, PULL, PUSH, ON, OFF, ENTRANCE, EXIT, INSTRUCTIONS, FRAGILE, THIS SIDE UP, MENU, NO SMOKING, NO PARKING, NO PHOTOS, DANGER!, PLAY, STOP, PAUSE。 二、难点聚焦 中考试卷多以听力题的形式考查考生对交际用语在特定语言环境下的实际运用能力。常涉及看病、购物、问路、打电话、邀请、约会等内容,下面分别介绍几个主要话题。. 就医(一)医生常用语1. 询问病情Whats the matter (with you)

23、?Whats wrong with you?What seems to be the trouble?Do you have a fever?How long have you felt like this?How long have you been like this?Have you taken your temperature?2. 提出建议Its nothing seriousTake this medicine three times a dayYoull be all rightwell soon(二)病人常用语叙述病情I have a headachecoughfeverI f

24、eel terriblebadI dont feel wellIt hurts hereI cant sleep well . 购物(一)售货员常用语1. 招呼顾客CanMay I help you?What can I do for you?2. 询问顾客需要How many would you like?(可数名词)How much would you like?(不可数名词)What colorsizekind would you like?What about this one?Heres your change(二)顾客常用语I want/ Id like a pair of sho

25、es.How much is it/ are they?May I try it on?Its too big/small.Sorry, its too expensive.Do you have any other colors / sizes / kinds?Two and a half kilos/ pounds, please.Thats fine. Ill take it.Just have a look.Well, Ill think about it.III. 问路(一)问路人常用语Excuse me. Wheres the washroom? Can you tell me h

26、ow to get to the post office?Excuse me. Which bus goes to World Park?Excuse me. Which is the way to the Bank of China?Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the station, please?How can I get to No. 4 Middle School?Can I take a bus?Where is the bus stop?(二)指路人常用语1. 指路用语Its over there.Its about 400 m

27、eters from here.Go down this street until you see the tall red building.Turn right / left at the first / second crossing / corner.You cant miss it. You can take bus No. 103. Youd better take a taxi. 2. 不能指路Sorry. I dont know. Im a stranger here. . 打电话(一)打电话人常用语Hello! May I speak to Tom?Hello! Id lik

28、e to speak to Mr. Green. Is that Liu Ying speaking? Can I leave a message? Ill call back later/again.Ill ring him / her up again.(二)接电话人常用语Hello! This is Mary speaking. Hello, who is that?Hold on /the line, please.Just a moment, please.Hello, whos speaking?Sorry. He / She isnt here right now.Can I t

29、ake a message?Sorry. I cant hear you. The line is bad / busy. I couldnt get through.Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong number. 邀请(一)邀请人常用语Would you like to go for a walk?You must come to dinner with me.May I invite you to dinner?What/ How about having a swim?(二)被邀请人常用语1. 接受邀请OK.Thank you.Id like th

30、at, thanks.Yes, Id love to.That would be very nice.2. 不接受邀请No, thank you.Its very nice of you, but my mother is ill.Id love to, but Im afraid I have no time.Im sorry I cant. What about another time?. 约会(一)邀请人常用语Will you be free tomorrow?Do you have time this morning?How about tomorrow morning?When/

31、Where shall we meet?Could we meet at 4:30?Lets make it 4:30.(二)被邀请人常用语1. 接受邀请Yes, Ill be free then.All right. See you then.2. 不接受邀请Im afraid I have no time then.Sorry, I wont be free then. But Ill be free tomorrow.三、状元笔记1. You look more beautiful in this skirt today._. .A. No, not at all B. Thanks a

32、 lot C. I dont think so D. No, you must be kidding答案:B思路分析:本题考查的是关于表扬的答语。对于称赞的答语为“谢谢”,故选择B。2. “告别”的考点:See you. Take care. “See you. ”是道别时用语,同“Good-bye”,但有别于“You see.(你知道)”,如:You see , everything has two sides. 而Take care. 也是道别用语,但表示“多保重”。3. “提醒、注意”的考点:Mind your step/ head! Wet floor! Look out!Be car

33、eful! Dont touch! Take care!难点:“Look out!”,警告对方有危险,英语解释为:warn somebody they are in danger。“Take care”警告对方做事要小心,其英语解释为:warn somebody to do something carefully,还可作道别时用语,译为“请多保重”。4. “My pleasure.”同“Its a pleasure.”是感谢应答语,译作“不用谢”;而“With pleasure.”是请求应答语,译作“乐意效劳, 不用谢”。5. 交际用语:“What for?”相当于“Why?”,表示“为什么”

34、。与what相关的交际用语还可表示“为何”,即for what purpose; “Guess what!”“你猜猜发生了什么事?” 用于说出令人感到惊讶的事情前;而“Whats up ?”表示“Whats happening ?,译作“有啥事?”;“So what?”表示“是又怎么样”、“那有什么了不起”、“与我有什么关系”;“Whats wrong?” 表焦虑;“What a shame!” 表遗憾;“What is it?”问是什么;“What about ?” 表劝告或建议;“What a surprise !” 表惊讶。6. “Come on!”有多种意义:表敦促,译作“快、加油”;表鼓励,煽动,译作“加油,打呀,高兴点”等,如: Come on, boys ,you can do it. 了解对方所说的不是事实,译作“别逗了,算了吧”,如: Oh ,come on ,nobody will believe you .


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