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1、Unit 9 When was it invented我夯基 我达标.汉译英1.错误地 2.偶然 3.撞上 4.根据;按 5.用这种方法 6.用来做 7.落入,陷入 8.足够咸 9.一个古老的中国传说 10.把 分成 答案:1.by mistake2.by accident3.knock into4.according to5.in this way6.be used for7.fall into8.salty enough9.an ancient Chinese legend10.divide.into.补全对话A.Motorola is more popular,I think.B.I w

2、ant one,newer but not too expensive.C.I have to ask for 900 yuan.D.Can I help you?E.What type would you like?F.How much is it?A:Good morning.1B:Yes,please.I am looking for a mobile phone,but I have no idea.A:We have got all kinds of mobile phones here,which do you prefer,Siemens,Nokia or Motorola?B:

3、I really know little about them.Which one sells best these days?A:Mm.2B:How much is Motorola?A:3The newer,the more expensive.B:4A:What about this one? It looks nice and works well.B:5A:1000 yuan.B:Any discount? How about 850 yuan?A:6Thats the best we can do.OK?B:OK.I will take it.A:Thank you.答案:1.D2

4、.A3.E4.B5.F6.C.单项选择1.Keys used for the doors.A.is;openingB.is;openedC.are;openingD.are;opened 答案:C被用来做 be used for doing,主语是keys谓语动词要用复数。2.The police found the lost car .A.with mistakeB.by accidentC.by mistakeD.in accident 答案:Bby accident“意外地”;by mistake “错误的”;根据句意,警察应是意外地找到了丢失的车。3.When the car ?A.d

5、id;inventB.was;inventedC.does;inventD.in;invented 答案:B车被发明用被动,be invented,已经发明,应该使用过去时态。4.Here is a piece of paper for you !Oh,thanks.Its for me to write a long letter on.A.big enoughB.enough largeC.small enoughD.enough small答案:Aenough修饰形容词或副词时后置,足够大应是big enough。5.He often dreams of to the moon one

6、day.A.flyB.flyingC.to flyD.flies答案:Bdream of+doing 表示“梦想做”。.用所给词的适当形式填空1.About 50 000 cars (produce) in the factory last month.2.Everyone knows Thomas Edison (invent) a lot of useful inventions.3.We have decided (have) a picnic in the countryside this Sunday.4.To stay in a place means to stay in or

7、to stay in a place (safe).5.The TV set,the computer and the fridge are (invent).6.He told me that he (teach) in that school for 10 years.7.What do you think (be) the most useful invention?8.They would like to eat those delicious (cookie).9.By the time I got there,the train already (go).10.The (pleas

8、e) journey will last long in his memory.答案:1.were produced2.invented3.to have4.safe,safety,safely5.inventions6.had taught7.is8.cookies9.had,gone10.pleasant我综合 我发展.听力A.听句子,选出能回答每个句子的最佳应答语1.A.Youre welcome.B.I think so.C.How do you do?D.Thats right.2.A.Im glad to see you.B.Speaking.C.Certainly.Here yo

9、u are.D.Id love to.3.A.It doesnt matter.B.Its kind of you.C.Its my turn.D.Thank you all the same.4.A.Thats a good idea.B.Im sorry to hear that.C.Hold on,please.D.Very well.Thank you.5.A.Goodness me!B.Good luck!C.Goodbye!D.Good idea!B.听句子,选择与你听到的句子意思相同或相近的选项1.A.Before you see the doctor,you can eat s

10、omething.B.After you see the doctor,you can eat something.C.Before you see the doctor,you should eat something.D.After you see the doctor,you cant eat anything.2.A.I spoke to him angrily.B.He was too angry to say a word.C.He was angry because he couldnt speak.D.He spoke to me angnri1y.3.A.Maths is m

11、uch easier than English.B.Maths is as difficult as English.C.English is less difficult than maths.D.Maths is not as hard as English.4.A.I hear our teacher wont go to Wudang Mountain.B.We will go to Wudang Mountain with our teacher.C.Our teacher will go to Wudang Mountain by himself.D.Our teacher wil

12、l show us the way to Wudang Mountain.5.A.Shall we go at once?B.Do you want to go fishing?C.Why arent you going right now?D.Lets go to school right away.答案:A.1.A2.B3.A4.B5.DB.1.B2.B3.C4.B5.A听力原文:A.1.Thank you very much,Mr.Hunt.2.May I speak to Doctor Clark,please?3.Im sorry Im late.4.Davids mother is

13、 ill in bed.5.Shall we go to the park?B.1.You mustnt eat anything until you have seen the doctor.2.He was so angry that he couldnt say anything.3.English is not as hard as maths.4.Our teacher will take us to Wudang Mountain.5.Lets go right away.单项选择1.My mother told me that my homework must on time.A

14、.finishB.be finishC.be finishedD.finished 答案:C作业必须被准时完成用被动语态,即must be finished。2.The boy was seen on the sports ground.A.to playB.playC.playedD.to playing答案:A某人被看见做某事用句型sb.be seen to do。3.The number of teachers in our school 60 and a number of them male teachers.A.is;areB.are;isC.am;areD.be;are答案:At

15、he number of.is.意思是“的数量是”;a number of.are.意思是“许多”。4.He hates traveling.He likes to stay in a place .A.safeB.safetyC.safelyD.save答案:Cstay是实义动词用副词修饰。5.Usually a library is used reading books people.A.for;byB.for;forC.by;forD.as;by答案:A被用来做某事be used for doing,被某人使用be used by sb.。6.If it tomorrow,we go t

16、o the park.A.rains;wontB.will rain;wontC.rains;dontD.will rain;will do答案:Aif引导条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时态。7.All the books will to the children who live in the small village.A.be sentB.sentC.be sendD.send答案:A书被送到孩子手中,用被动语态be sent。8.They decided at the end of this month.A.to leaveB.going backC.trav

17、elD.not stat out 答案:A决定做某事decide to do sth.。9.Do you know the lady is interviewing our headmaster?Yes,she is a journalist from CCTV.A.whichB.whoC.whomD.whose答案:B所填写的词引导定语从句,在从句中又作主语,排除C、D项。先行词为lady,应用关系代词who,因为which不能指人。10.Shopping with me?Sorry.I have a lot of clothes .A.to washB.washed C.washD.to

18、be washed答案:A不定式作定语时,一般放在被修饰词的后面。wash和被修饰词clothes存在逻辑上的动宾关系,但句子的主语和动词wash又有逻辑上的主谓关系,所以不用不定式的被动。.根据中文完成句子1.(青岛模拟)There were many famous in ancient China,and paper was one of them.(发明)2.I dont like this kind of potato chips because they are not (易碎的).3.China is a (发展)country.4.Silk is (生产) in Hangzhou

19、.5.The conductor kept (提供) us hot water on the train.6.I know the four greatest in China,but I dont know who are the .They these in old days.(发明)7.A (世纪) is a hundred years.8.The seat belt on a plane are a (可调节).9.There are a lot of (顾客)doing some shopping in the supermarket.10.He was noticed (撞)int

20、o the headmaster.11.The farmer (射击)a hare yesterday.答案:1.inventions 2.developing 3.centuries4.crispy5.developing 6.produced7.offering8.inventions,inventors,invented9.century 10.adjustable 11.customers12.to knock13.shot.完形填空Two hundred years ago,people in the west did not know coffee or tea.They were

21、1 to drink them because they thought coffee or tea could kill a person.Once the king of England wanted to find out2 it was true or not.At that time there were two brothers in prison.The king would3 in a few days because they did wrong.The king said,“I shall let them live but they must drink coffee o

22、r tea to the end of their4.One brother must drink coffee and5 must drink tea every day.” And they6 the kings words.They7lived many years.At last,the older brother8,when he was eightythree years old.The younger one died a few years9.After that,people10that coffee and tea were not bad for man.1.A.happ

23、yB.afraidC.strongD.rich2.A.whenB.whatC.whetherD.which3.A.kill themB.catch themC.call themD.cut them4.A.lifeB.liveC.livesD.living5.A.oneB.otherC.anotherD.the other6.A.heardB.listened toC.didD.followed7.A.bothB.eachC.alsoD.all8.A.killedB.livedC.diedD.dead9.A.agoB.laterC.oldD.before10.A.shoutedB.spokeC

24、.keptD.knew答案:1.B根据后面的“coffee or tea could kill a person”,可知应是表示“恐惧,害怕”。2.C根据后面or not,前面用whether表示是否。3.A根据后面兄弟俩犯罪的原因可知,国王要杀死他们。4.C表示两个人的生命,用复数,此时的life为可数名词。5.Done.the other,一个另一个。6.Dfollow表示听从,listen to只是表示听,不表示遵从与否,从文章可以看出,他们两个是听从了皇帝的话。7.A根据文章they指的是那两个犯人,表示两者都应用both。8.C根据后句的died,意为自然死亡。9.B表示“经过一段时

25、间以后”,用“时间段+later”结构。10.D经过前面兄弟俩的经历,人们对coffee 和tea才有了认识。.改错Which is best way to learn a language?1. We should remember if we all learnt our own2. language well when we are children.3. If we could learn a second language in the same way,we would not seem so difficult.4. Think of that a child does.It l

26、istens to what5. people say and it tries to imitate(模仿)6. what it had heard.When it wants something,7. it has to ask it.It is using the language.8. It is talking in it and thinking with it9. all the time.Because people have to use a10. second language all the time,they would learn it quickly.答案:1.be

27、stthe best形容词最高级前须加定冠词the。2.ifhow根据句子的意思应用连词how 表示方式。3.arewere根据句意,应该用一般过去时。4.weit代词it 代替上文的a second language。5.thatwhatthat引导名词性从句是纯连词,无意义,而what引导名词性从句时有意义。6.7.hadhas全文都是一般现在时态。8.askask forask意为“问”,ask for 意为“要求”。9.within表示“用”某种语言时用介词in。10.BecauseIf/When根据句子意思,前后之间无因果关系。.作文题目:My Book要求:1.不少于10句;2.使

28、用下列单词:Beijing,help,paper,read,nice,ears;3.至少使用两个含有被动语态的句子。 答案:My BookI have a nice book.Its name is “ English Guide”.I like it very much.If I have problems in English study,I can ask my English teacher.But if I am at home,I can look them up in my book.It was printed in Beijing.I cost me nearly 30 yuan.There are many pictures in it.It helps me a lot in my English study.It is regarded as a friend of mine.I often read it when I am free.Do you have such a kind of book? If not,go to buy one.It can help you with your English study.


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