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    • 2023新牛津译林版五年级下册《英语》期中复习Unit1-4翻译句子专项练习(含答案).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新牛津译林版五年级下册《英语》期中复习Unit1-Unit4易错题专项练习(有答案).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新牛津译林版五年级下册《英语》期中复习Unit1-Unit4语法复习检测(含答案).docx--点击预览
    • 2023新牛津译林版五年级下册《英语》期中复习Unit1-Unit4语音复习检测(含答案).docx--点击预览


译林英语 5B 期中翻译句子专项练习(有答案)根据中文提示完成句子或对话。根据中文提示完成句子或对话。1.灰姑娘试穿了这只鞋。Cinderella the shoe.2.-谁帮助了灰姑娘?-一位仙女。-Cinderella?-A fairy3.他必须在晚上 8 点钟之前回家。He come 8 oclock in the evening.4.-她为什么脱掉毛衣?-因为天气太热了。-she the?-its .5.我们能在这里吃零食吗?we?6.这些蘑菇看上去如此好看。These .7.波比在一棵树下发现了一些漂亮的花。Bobby some a tree.8.你不明白我在说什么。真遗憾!You what Im saying.a !9.刘涛经常去他爷爷的农场摘一些橙子。Liu Tao often his grandpas farm to some .10.苏正在为她的朋友画一位王子。Sue a her friend.11.-你的新家离学校近吗?-是的!它在学校附近。-Is your school?-Yes!Its school.12.-你每天怎样去上学?-我每天步行上学。-How do you every day?-I go to school every day.13.刘涛经常乘出租车去上学。他的爸爸是一名出租车司机。Liu Tao to school taxi.His father is a taxi .14.-你的英语老师住在哪里?-她住在月亮镇。-your English teacher?-She Moon Town.15.-小鸟波莉为什么不开心?-因为她飞不高。-the little bird Polly?-she cant .16.波比非常喜欢在公园里骑他的自行车。Bobby in the very much.17.罗斯经常给我们看她的花。Rose often .18.戴维有一列新的玩具火车。David a new .19.公共汽车上的轮子转了一圈又一圈。The wheels round and round.20.我不知道怎样问路。I dont know how .21.沿着这条街走,在交通灯处向左转。你会看见动物园在你的左侧。Go this and at the traffic lights.You can see the on your .22.我们的学校在医院旁边。Our school is the .23.我看见迈克从一家电影院里出来。I see Mike a .24.他感觉冷。他不应该把他的手套落在家里。He .He his at home.25.波比很乐意帮助他们。Bobby very to .26.我的左腿疼。我没法在体育课上跑步了。My .I in the PE lesson.27.-你喜欢吃什么?-中国的食物。-What do you?-.28.山姆和蒂娜来医院帮助波比。Sam and Tina Bobby.参考答案1.tries on 2.Who helps,does 3.has to,home before 4.Why does,take off,sweater,Because,too hot5.Can,eat/have snacks here 6.mushrooms look so nice7.finds,beautiful flowers under 8.dont understand,What,pity9.goes to,pick,oranges 10.is drawing,prince for11.new home near,near 12.go to school,on foot13.often goes,by,driver 14.Where does,live,lives in15.Why is,not happy,Because,fly high 16.likes riding his bike,park 17.shows us her flowers 18.has,toy train 19.on the bus go20.to ask the way 21.along,street,turn left,zoo,left 22.next to,hospital e out from,cinema24.feels cold,shouldnt leave,gloves 25.is,happy,help them 26.left leg hurts,cant run27.like eating,Chinese e to the hospital to help译林英语 5B 期中易错题专项练习(有答案)单项选择。()1.There a party Mikes house.A.be;in B.are;at C.is;at()2.Nancy play the piano every evening.A.have to B.has to C.haves to()3.Why Cinderellas sisters so happy?A.do B.does C.are()4.This skirt is so nice.I want to .A.try them on B.try on it C.try it on()5.-must(必须)Cinderella come back?-12 oclock.A.What;On B.Why;Its C.When;Before()6.I dont have nice clothes shoes.A.some;and B.any;and C.any;or()7.-do you have dinner?-At six oclock.A.Where B.How long C.What time()8.the new T-shirt,Helen.A.Try on B.Try out C.Try up()9.People usually buy Christmas trees Christmas.A.in B.after C.before()10.I have to home now.A.go to B.go C.going()11.The dress the little girl well.A.fitting B.fits C.fites()12.stories Nezha is my hobby.A.Read;with B.Reads;for C.Reading;about()13.-What would you like?-some mushrooms.A.I like B.Id like C.Id likes()14.Its us to go to bed early.We can have a good sleep.A.good for B.bad for C.good at()15.-What Bobby do there?-He a big red apple.A.does;picks B.does;pick C.do;picks()16.“”is a Chinese story.A.Cinderella B.The Monkey King C.Snow White()17.-Im sorry.I cant go fishing with you.-A.Thats right.B.Well done.C.What a pity!()18.-Where you live?-I live near the zoo.A.are B.can C.do()19.Lets go to the park .A.on foot B.by feet C.to walking()20.I like playing in Disneyland,but it is my home.A.far away B.far from C far off()21.Su Hai lives Moon Street.A.in B.on C.behind()22.-How Jenny go to school?-She to school by school bus.A.does;go B.do;go C.does;goes()23.I usually have lunch at school,but my sister .A.does B.dont C.doesnt()24.We can get before seven.A.to there B.to home C.there()25.Kitty lives Apple Street Sunshine Town.A.in;in B.in;on C.on;in()26.-Susan and her cousin go to school by metro?-No,.A.Does;she doesnt B.Do;they dont C.Does;they dont()27.Bills home is school.So he comes to school .A.near;on foot B.far from;on foot C.near;by train()28.-Where your parent?-Beijing.A.does;lives;At B.does;live;In C.do;live;At()29.-Can you your new shoes me?-All right.A.show;to B.shows;for C.showing;with()30.Trains go the town every day.A.for B.through C.after()31.-Can I watch TV now,Mum?-No,cant.You have to books.A.you;see B.I;watch C.you;read()32.-Do you want football?-Yes,I do.A.to playing the B.to play C.playing a()33.-How Mr Green home?-car.A.do;comes;On B.does;comes;Take C.does;come;By()34.You can take the bus and at the second stop.A.get on B.get into C.get off()35.Jim walks every day.A.home B.school C.to home()36.A young woman gets the bus and sits down beside me.A.off B.in C.on()37.-Do you the way to the new sports centre by yourself?-No.A man takes me there.A.build B.find C.look()38.The little girl doesnt understand the word,so she asks Miss Li .A.with help B.to help C.for help()39.The tall man asks me get to the zoo.A.where B.how C.how to()40.He comes out Forest Park Station.A.off B.in C.from()41.Theres a school Moon Street.A.in B.on C.at()42.We have no food at home.We have to go to the .A.bookshop B.library C.supermarket()43.Turn right the first traffic lights.A.in B.on C.at()44.-How can I Marys home?-You can there by taxi.A.get;get B.get to;get C.get;get to()45.The zoo is here.We can the taxi now.A.get out of B.get off C.get to()46.Do you know the way the nearest(最近的)hospital?A.at B.in C.to()47.-Do you like?-Yes,we do.A.to watch film B.watching films C.to seeing a film()48.Look!The metro is .A.comes B.come C.coming()49.The bus is .We cant get on it.A.big B.full C.over()50.-In ,do they ask“Where is the restroom?”-Yes.Youre right.A.China B.the UK C.the US()51.-Whats wrong you?-I have a(n).A.with;ill B.of;cold C.with;cough()52.-I feel .-Here is a cup of tea for you.A.hungry B.thirsty C.tired()53.We shouldnt eat sweets.A.too much B.too many C.some()54.-you feel cold?-Yes,I .I think I am ill.A.Do;do B.Are;am C.Do;am()55.-the basket full?-No.There anything in it.A.Does;is B.Does;isnt C.Is;isnt()56.The baby only has three .A.tooth B.teeth C.toothes()57.-does your mother now?-She feels better.A.What;feel B.How;feel C.How;feels()58.-I feel hot.What should I do?-You should your coat.A.put on B.turn off C.take off()59.-Do they brush teeth after dinner?-Yes,they do.A.they B.their C.them()60.You are ill.You should the doctor.A.look B.look at C.see()61.Mike has a ,so he goes to see the dentist.A.headache B.cold C.toothache()62.Lily cant hear .A.well B.good C.nice()63.I cant turn round jump now.A.and B.with C.or()64.Giraffe his long neck.A.points at B.point to C.point at()65.You have a high fever.Your temperature(温度)is .A.104 B.104 C.36()66.I am always happy others.A.for help B.to help C.helping()67.My sister has a because she often eats sweets.A.headache;a lot of B.toothache;lots of C.toothache;a lot参 考 答 案1-5 CBCCC6-10 CCACB11-15 BCBAA16-20 BCCAB21-25 BCCCC26-30 BABAB31-35 CBCCA36-40 CBCCC41-45 BCCBA46-50 CBCBC51-55 CBBAC56-60 BBCBC61-67CACAABB译林英语 5B 期中语法复习检测(有答案)【语法 1】why 引导的特殊疑问句及答语一、单项选择。()1.Why Cinderellas sisters so happy?A.do B.does C.are()2.-must(必须)Cinderella come back?-12 oclock.A.What;On B.Why;Its C.When;Before()3.-Why are you in bed now?-.A.I want to play football B.Because I am ill C.After I have supper二、根据中文提示完成句子或对话。1.-你为什么如此高兴?-因为今天是我的生日。-are you so?-today is my birthday.2.我如此难过是因为她。I am so sad her.3.你看上去很累。为什么不去睡觉呢?You look so ,you go to bed?4.教师节要到了。为什么不做一张卡片给你的老师呢?Teachers Day is coming.make a card for your teacher?5.-你为什么喜欢猫?-因为它们很可爱。-you like cats?-they are very lovely.【语法 2】特殊疑问词的用法从方框中选择合适的单词填空,每个单词限用一次。Why What When Where Who Whose1.-are those?-They are letters.2.-jacket is this?-Its Mikes.3.-do you go home every day?-At half past three.4.-is the little girl?-Shes my sister.5.-are you so happy?-Because today is my birthday.6.-are the bags?-Theyre on the sofa.【语法 3】put on”穿上”与 try on”试穿”单项选择。单项选择。()1.-Can I?Its still a little wet.-Of course.Or youll have a cold.A.try on it B.take it off C.take on it()2.Where are my red shoes,Mum?I want to .A.put them on B.put it on C.try on them()3.That blue skirt looks nice.Please ,Lucy.A.try on it B.try it on C.try them on【语法 4】have to”不得不”用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)There is nothing to eat at home.My parents have (buy)some.(2)The train is about to leave.Peter (have)(say)goodbye to his friends.【语法 5】疑问词 where 及 how 的用法一、用适当的疑问词填空。1.-is this pen?-Ten yuan.2.-is my coat?-In your bedroom.3.-students are there in your class?-56.4.-are you?-Im 12.二、对画线部分提问。1.My teacher goes to work on foot.teacher to work?2.There are two balls on the ground.are there on the ground?3.Your skirt is on your bed.is skirt?【语法 6】地点介词的用法单项选择。单项选择。()1.There is a cow the tree.A.onB.atC.under()2.There is a teachers desk the classroom.A.in front of B.in the front ofC.on()3.The children are swimming the pool.A.by B.onC.in()4.Tom is my left.A.onB.inC.behind()5.There is a tree the two houses.A.nextB.betweenC.in the front of【语法 7】by+交通工具 选择适当的词填空。1.She always (take/by)a taxi to the shopping centre.2.-(What/How)do they go to school?-They go to school (take/by)bus.3.Mikes father goes (to/for)work (take/by)car every day.4.Yang Ling (live/lives)near school.She goes to school (on/in)foot.【语法 8】问路和指路用语一、用适当的介词或副词填空。1.Helen lives _ Moon Street.Its far _ school.2.Turn right _ the traffic lights.You can see the hospital _ your right.3.Mike lives next _ my house.He goes to school _ bus.4.Go _ Sunshine Road.5.Get_ the metro _ Moon Station and get off _ Brown Station.6.How do I get _ the bookstore?二、按要求完成句子。1.Im on Jims left.(同义句转换)Jim is on my _.2.Get on the bus at Park Station.(改为否定句)_ get on the bus at Park Station.3.The station is next to my house.(对画线部分提问)_ is the station.4.I can see the shop on my left.(对画线部分提问)_ can _ see on _ left?【语法 9】英语中交通方式的表达方法一、用 by,in,on 或 take 填空。1.Helen often goes to the cinema _ metro.2.They will go to the cinema _ bus.3.He went to the park _ car yesterday.4.Helen will go there _ bus.5.Will you _ the bus to Beijing tomorrow?二、按要求完成句子。1.I go home on foot every day.(同义句转换)I _ _ every day.2.They drive a car to Suzhou.(同义句转换)They go to Suzhou _ _.【语法 10】情态动词 should 的用法单项选择。()1.Helen should to the party.A.goB.goesC.to go()2.They play football on the street.A.shouldB.canC.shouldnt()3.Mike his teeth every morning.A.should brushesB.shouldnt brushC.should brush()4.You have a fever.You drink cold water.A.shouldB.shouldntC.can()5.You are ill.You shouldnt now.A.have a restB.drink some waterC.eat ice cream【语法 11】看病常用语按要求完成句子。1.I feel hungry.(对画线部分提问)feel?2.She feels cold.(对画线部分提问)she?3.Bobby has a cough.(对画线部分提问)with Bobby?4.Whats wrong with you?(同义句转换)Whats with you?参考答案参考答案【语法 1】一、C C B 二、1.Why,happy,Because 2.tired,Why not 3.Why not 4.Why,do,Because【语法 2】1.What 2.Whose 3.When 4.Who 5.Why 6.Where【语法 3】BAB【语法 4】to buy,has to say【语法 5】一、1.How much 2.Where 3.How many 4.How old二、1.How does your,go 2.How many balls 3.Where,your【语法 6】CACAB【语法 7】1.take 2.How,by 3.to,by 4.lives,on【语法 8】一、1.on,from 2.at,on 3.to,by 4.along 5.on,at,at 6.to二、1.right 2.Dont 3.Where 4.What,you,your【语法 9】一、1.by 2.by 3.by 4.by 5.take 二、1.walk home 2.by car【语法 10】ACCBC【语法 11】1.How do you 2.How does,feel 3.Whats wrong 4.the matter译林英语 5B 期中语音复习检测(有答案)一、判断下列每组单词画线部分的读音是判断下列每组单词画线部分的读音是(S)否否(D)相同。相同。()1.princefit()2.childrendress()3.trywhy()4.pickfind()5.hurtworker()6.Australiadraw()7.drivedrink()8.fairyafraid()9.storyclothes()10.hurryunderstand()11.nearwhere()12.townshow()13.trouserstravel()14.trainstreet()15.moonschool()16.bikeride()17.putbus()18.parkcard()19.shoutshort()20.sixshirt()21.shoeshiny()22.sureship()23.whichfish()24.fullUK()25.shopstop()26.offmetro()27.lunchChinese()28.benchteach()29.chickenschool()30.muchheadache()31.resthelp()32.fevermedicine()33.neckcheck()34.wrongnose二、选出下列每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。二、选出下列每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。()1.A.drawB.treeC.drinkD.driver()2.A.cryB.butterflyC.fairyD.why()3.A.warmB.hardC.afterD.party()4.A.beforeB.becauseC.EnglishD.let()5.A.hotB.clothesC.offD.coffee()6.A.farB.carC.warmD.park()7.A.treeB.tryC.trainD.there()8.A.rideB.shipC.thinkD.city()9.A.metroB.streetC.wheelD.beep()10.A.busB.sunC.usuallyD.sometimes()11.A.warmB.parkC.farD.art()12.A.stationB.askC.lateD.take()13.A.excuseB.puddingC.putD.full()14.A.shopB.shoeC.chairD.sheep()15.A.nextB.leftC.getD.cinema()16.A.headacheB.eatC.teacherD.tea()17.A.checkB.muchC.toothacheD.beach()18.A.toyB.pointC.morningD.boy()19.A.hurtB.nurseC.turkeyD.doctor()20.A.dentistB.medicineC.illnessD.bedtime()21.A.weatherB.pleasantC.sweaterD.eat()22.A.swingB.singC.orangeD.morning()23.A.washB.dishC.peachD.shine()24.A.exerciseB.helpC.pestD.these()25.A.nameB.ladybirdC.grapeD.away()26.A.smellB.vegetableC.pestD.evening()27.A.quickB.queenC.kingD.quiet()28.A.breadB.readyC.heavyD.meat()29.A.kitchenB.catchC.schoolD.Chinese()30.A.tomatoB.otherC.goldenD.metro()31.A.placeB.dragonC.angryD.thank()32.A.JuneB.dumplingC.summerD.Sunday()33.A.countryB.mountainC.aroundD.house()34.A.thinkB.theirC.monthD.both()35.A.riceB.ninthC.childD.give参考答案一、1-5.SSSDS 6-10.DSDDS11-15.DDSSS 16-20.SDSSD21-25.SSDDS26-30.DSSDD31-34.SDSD 二、1-5.BCADB6-10.CDAAC11-15.ABACD16-20.ACCDD21-25.DCCDD26-30.DCDCB31-35.AAABD
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