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1、【广州中考试题】2021广州市越秀区中考英语模拟试题【Word版】 2021广州市越秀区中考英语模拟试题【Word版】 由于格式问题,部分试题会存在乱码的现象,请考生点击全屏查看! 注意事项: 1、答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应号码的标号涂黑。 2、选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如果是E选项涂AB两个字母。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 3、非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答卷各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然

2、后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4、考生必须保持答题卡及答卷的整洁。 、语法选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1-15 各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A young man went to visit a wise man living deep in the mountain for the wisdom of life. “Excuse me! Could you please tell me what 1 d

3、ay in our life is? Is it the day when we were born or the day when we die? Is it the day we fall in love or the day we 2 ?” The young man asked. “ 3 . The most important day in our life is today,” 4 man replied. “ 5 is it today?” The young man felt more than surprised. “Is it because some big events

4、 have taken place today?” “No. 6 has happened today.” “So is it because of my visit?” “Even if nobody visited me today, today is still very important 7 today is the only wealth we have. No matter how memorable yesterday 8 , it has gone; no matter how wonderful tomorrow 9 be, it is yet to e; but no m

5、atter how mon today is, it is in 10 hands.” The young man still wanted to ask something, 11 the wise man stopped him and said, “When we 12 about the importance of today, we have wasted a lot of it.” The young man 13 , so he nodded his head and then went down the mountain. Actually today is 14 valuab

6、le to be wasted. Therefore, what we should do now is 15 yesterday and tomorrow and grasp (抓) today! ( ) 1. A. important B. more important C. much important D. the most important ( ) 2. A. success B. successful C. succeed D. successfully ( ) 3. A. All B. Some C. Neither D. None ( ) 4. A. a B. an C. t

7、he D. / ( ) 5. A. How B. Why C. What D. Where ( ) 6. A. Nothing special B. Special nothing C. Something special D. Special something ( ) 7. A. if B. because C. unless D. although ( ) 8. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( ) 9. A. must B. should C. need D. may ( ) 10. A. our B. we C. us D. ourselves ( ) 11

8、. A. but B. and C. so D. or ( ) 12. A. talked B. are talking C. were talking D. have talked ( ) 13. A. were understood B. understood C. understand D. is understood ( ) 14. A. so B. such C. very D. too ( ) 15. A. forget B. forgets C. to forget D. to forgetting 二、完形填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意

9、,然后从16-25各题所给的A、B、C、D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Mr. Ma, a famous mental (心理的) doctor from Beijing once said at an important meeting, “Now many young students can have 16 with their minds. Some students bee worried 17 they have to study very hard. Others have trouble 18 on well with people around them li

10、ke their parents and classmates. Parents and teachers should care more about this problem.” Then Mr. Ma Rave some examples. One patient, a middle school student from Xian was doing 19 in his lessons. He thought his teachers and friends often 20 him, and he became so nervous and worried that one nigh

11、t he left his home without telling his 21 . Another student, a 14-year-old school girl from Shanghai, was very afraid of exams. While she was reading the exam paper, she couldnt 22 anything to write. A recent report from Jiefang Daily says about 18 percent of young students in Shanghai have mental p

12、roblems. They often feel worried and very 23 . Unluckily, many of them wont go and ask for help. Some think they will look stupid if they go to see a doctor. 24 wont talk about their secrets. At the end of the meeting, Mr. Ma 25 some good ideas to young people: Talk to your parents or teachers often

13、. Take part in group activities. Try to get on well with the people around you. Go to see a doctor if you often feel unhappy. ( ) 16. A. problems B. questions C. ideas D. thoughts ( ) 17. A. so B. because C. though D. but ( ) 18. A. taking B. having C. getting D. doing ( ) 19. A. quickly B. well C.

14、easily D. badly ( ) 20. A. laughed at B. aimed at C. looked at D. shouted at ( ) 21. A. teachers B. parents C. friends D. neighbours ( ) 22. A. think about B. think of C. think over D. think to ( ) 23. A. happy B. excited C. unhappy D. interested ( ) 24. A. The other B. Other C. The others D. Others

15、 ( ) 25. A. led B. lent C. offered D. passed 三、阅读(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Each morning a rich man found a poor man sitting on a bench (长凳) in the park. The poor man always sat there, looking at the big hotel in which the rich man lived. On

16、e day, the rich man got out of his car and said to the poor man, “Excuse me. I want to know why you sit here and look at my hotel every morning.” “Sir,” said the poor man, “I am a failure. I have no money, no family, no home. I sleep on this bench, and every night I dream that one day Ill sleep in t

17、hat hotel.” The rich man said, “Tonight your dream will e true. Ill pay for the best room in that hotel for you a whole month.” A few days after, the rich man went into the poor mans room to ask him how he was enjoying himself. To his surprise, he found that the man had moved out of the hotel back t

18、o his bench. When the rich man asked why, he said. “You see, when I was sleeping on my bench, I dreamed I was there, in the big hotel. It was a wonderful dream. But when I was there I dreamed I was back to this cold bench. It was a terrible dream, and I couldnt get any sleep at all.” ( ) 26. The poo

19、r man lived in _ before he met the rich man. A. the hotel B. his home C the park D. the car ( ) 27. What did the poor man do every morning? A. He waited for the rich man. B. He looked at the rich mans hotel. C. He looked at the rich mans car. D. He enjoyed the clean car. ( ) 28. Which of the followi

20、ng is True according to the passage? A. The poor man dreamed of sleeping in a hotel. B. The poor man dreamed of being rich. C. The poor man dreamed of owning that hotel. D. The poor man dreamed of being the rich mans friend. ( ) 29. Why did the poor man move out of the hotel? A. Because he didnt wan

21、t to live in such a fine room. B. Because he didnt like the rich man. C. Because he couldnt pay for the room. D. Because he couldnt get any sleep at al1 there. ( ) 30. In the end, the poor man found it _ to sleep in the hotel. A. sorry B. nice C. wonderful D. terrible (B) Should teenagers be allowed

22、 to have jobs? There are several ways to look at the question. Of course, in some family situations, having a teens job may be good. These families usually cant afford to buy what their children like. If the teenagers want to buy something expensive, theyll have to go out to work. But what about the

23、 families that are doing all right and dont need their teens to have a job to get by? Some parents want their teens to work so that they can learn responsibility (责任感) and stay out of trouble after school. Getting their first job also helps teach teens the value of money and how hard it is to earn.

24、In fact, having a job is good for teens in some ways. Not all teens, however, need the extra money by getting a job. If a teen wants to take part in after school activities such as sports or games, having a job could get in the way of that. Teens only get one chance to be teens and being on school s

25、ports teams might be the only chance in their lifetime. Once high school and college are over, itll be very difficult to find such a chance. So parents should think twice before allowing their children to get jobs. There are of course some teens who really want to work and that is fine. Everyone is

26、different. If a teen wants to work to make extra money, then he or she should be allowed to do it. As teens, they should be allowed to learn about social life. ( ) 31. Who might be the main readers of the passage? A. Teenagers. B. Parents. C. Teachers. D. Doctors. ( ) 32. Which word might have the s

27、ame meaning as the word “earn”? A. ask B. make C. spend D. use ( ) 33. What does the writer think about teens and their jobs? A. All teens should be asked to go out to work. B. Poor families must ask their teens to work. C. A teens job can make him or her 1earn more. D. Rich families must ask their

28、teens to work. ( ) 34. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. All teens go out to work mainly because of the pocket money. B. Some teens may cause trouble, so parents want them to work after school. C. Taking part in after-school activities is helpful to teens. D. Having a j

29、ob is good for teens in some ways. ( ) 35. Whats the main idea for the passage? A. Having a job is good for teens in all ways. B. Some great ideas about teens jobs. C. Parents should treat teens having jobs correctly. D. Children should have jobs. (C) Is there intelligent (有智力的) life on other planet

30、s? For years, scientists said “no.” or “we dont know.” But today this is changing. Seth Shostak and Alexandra Barnett are astronomers. They believe intelligent life exists (存在) somewhere in the universe. They also think we still soon contact these beings. Why do Shostak and Barnett think intelligent

31、 life exists on other planets? The first reason is time. Scientists believe the universe is about 12 billion years old. “This is long enough for other planets to have intelligent life,” say Shostak and Barnett. The second reason is sizethe universe is huge. “Tools like the Hubble Telescope (哈勃望远镜) h

32、ave shown that there are at least 100 billion galaxies (星系),” says Shostak. “And our galaxy, has at least 100 billion stars. Some planets going around these stars might be similar to Earth.” In the past, it was hard to look for signs of intelligent life in the universe. But now, powerful telescopes

33、(高倍望远镜) allow scientists to discover smaller planetsthe size of Mars or Earth in other solar systems. These planets might have intelligent 1ife. Have beings from space already visited Earth? “Probably not,” says Shostak. “Its a long way away. However, intelligent beings may contact us in other ways,

34、 such as radio signals (信号). In fact, they may be trying to municate with us now, but we dont have the right tools to receive their messages. However, this is changing. By 2025, we could make contact with other life forms in our universe and we might help each other.” ( ) 36. Seth Shostak and Alexan

35、dra Barnett are _. A. astronomers B. farmers C. singers D. drivers ( ) 37. What is the best title for Paragraph 2? A. The Age and Size of Earth B. Our Galaxy: The Milky Way C. Why Intelligent Life Might Exist D. Earth: The Only Planet with Intelligent Life ( ) 38. Why was it hard to look for signs of intelligent life in the universe in the past? A. There were not any smaller planets. B. There were not any powerful telescopes (高倍望远镜). C. The astronomers were not interested in them. D. The


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