初三中考英语语法专题复习之状语从句讲义附习题练习(DOC 12页).doc

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1、学员编号: 年 级: 9 课 时 数: 学员姓名:YYY 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: XX授课类型C 状语从句星 级教学目标1、 熟悉中考状语从句的各种类型2、 重点掌握中考状语从句的考点What do you want to be when you grow up?C 专题-状语从句(建议2-5分钟) I want to bewhen I grow up. a pilot? a cook? Teacher: What do you want to be when you grow up?Student: I want to bewhen I grow up.Teacher: Why do y

2、ou want to be?Student: Because I Teacher: What will you do if you are a ?Student: I will 批注:通过以上的简短对话,引出when, if, because等等所引导的状语从句,进而进入今天的所学的主题状语从句。状语从句是中考的常考点,希望学生在老师的讲解下掌握好主要考察的状语从句,加油!初中英语状语从句用法分类详解(建议20-25分钟) 一、状语从句的分类状语从句属于复合句,是中考的考点,在中考占1至4分不等,常在单项选择和句型转换中考察。状语从句中常考的是时间状语从句,条件状语从句,原因状语从句和让步状语

3、从句。状语从句分8类:从句种类主要从属连词 1时间状语从句 when, while, as, before, after, until, till, whenever 2条件状语从句 if, unless 3目的状语从句 in order that, so that 4结果状语从句 sothat, suchthat, so that, so 5原因状语从句 because, as, since 6让步状语从句 although, though, even though(if), while 7地点状语从句 where, wherever 8比较状语从句 than, as1. 时间状语从句1.1

4、连接时间状语从句的连接词有:when(当的时候),while(当的时候),as(当的时候),until(一直到,直到才),as soon as(一就),since(自从 )before(在前)after(左后)1.2 when 当从句是延续动作或短暂性动作时,都可以用when; 此外,可用作并列连词,表示“这时(突然)”,常在过去进行时中考察;He smiles when you praise him.We were going for a walk when it began to rain.(“这时”)1.3 while 若主、从句表示两个同时进行的持续性动作,且强调主句表示的动作延续到从

5、句所指的整个时间,通常要用 while:while 也可以用作并列连词,表示“而”、“却”,表示一种对比:Dont talk while youre eating. I kept silent while he was writing.He likes coffee, while she likes tea. (表示对比)1.4 as多用在口语中,强调“同一时间”或“一前一后”,有时还有“随着”的含义As I was going out, it began to rain.(强调两个动作先后发生)As spring warms the good earth,all flowers begin

6、to bloom(as有“随着”的含义)1.5 since“自从”, before“在前”,after“在后”。 since引导从句用非延续性动词或“过去时间点”或“过去时间段+ago”,主句用完成时态。I havent seen him since last year.He handed in his paper before the bell rang.1.6 until / notuntil表示“一直到” until的主句谓语动词为延续性动词;notuntil的主句谓语动词为短暂性动词。He worked until it was dark.He did not get up until

7、 his mother came in.1.7 as soon as表示从句动作一发生,主句动作随即发生,通常译为“一就”。As soon as I finish the work, Ill go to see you.批注:时态状语从句是常考的知识点,经常与时态一起考察,考察主将从现的有when, as soon as, notnot; 此外when会考察过去时和过去进行时,since考察现在完成时,before和when可能会考察过去完成时。典型例题1) Peter will cook for his parents _ the International Day of Families

8、comes.(2012年中考) A) unless B) when C) until D) though答案:B主句是一般将来时,从句是一般现在时,很容易想到“主将从现”,再根据题意,可以看出从句是表示时间的,因此答案选B.2) We didnt start our discussion _ everybody arrived. (2011年中考)A. since B. if C. while D. until答案:D此句主要是根据题意来解答,由题意可知“直到大家都到齐了,我们才开始讨论”。因此选D。3) Nancy _ lots of charity work in her free tim

9、e since she entered college. (2007年中考) A) has done B) will do C) was doing D) is doing答案:A此题主要考察时态,由since+过去时间的从句看出,此题考察了现在完成时,since的考察主要是在完成时中出现的。2. 条件状语从句引导条件状语从句的连词有:if和unless。条件状语从句常考的知识点有“主将从现”,ifnot和unless的转换,if和unless与并列祈使句的转换。常在单项选择和句型转换中考察。1.1表示正面的条件用if “如果”。If you dont look after young tre

10、es, they will die very quickly.1.2 表示否定的条件用unless( =if.not)“除非,如果不”。 I shall not go to the cinema unless I finish my homework before eight. 我不会去看电影,除非我能在8点前完成作业。 说明:ifnot常可以用unless替代。 If you dont study hard, you will fail in the exam. You will fail in the exam unless you study hard.批注:部分学生经常把unless翻

11、译成“除非”导致出错,在授课过程中,给学生强调unless=ifnot (如果不),更容易解题。1.3祈使结构表条件1) 祈使句( , ) +and/then+简单句 if 从句(否定式)+主句 Use your head, then youll find a way.=If you use your head, youll find a way.2) 祈使句(,)+or+简单句 if 从句(否定式)+主语 Work even harder, or you will never pass the exam.= If you dont work harder, you will never pa

12、ss the exam.典型例题1 We will have no water to drink _we dont protect the earth. (2010年中考)A) until B) before C) though D) if答案:D先看懂句意,再看时态,很明显主句用了一般将来时,从句用了一般现在时,再结合句意,由此选出D.2. Bill won t make any progress _ he studies harder than before. (2008年中考)A. if. B. when. C. because. D. unless.答案:D此题的意思是“贝尔将不能取得

13、进步_他比以前更努力”,很明显排除了B和C选项。再根据句意,显然是“如果不努力,就不会取得进步”,因而答案选D。3 Be quick, or you cant catch the bus. (保持句意基本不变) (2013年金山一模) you quick, you cant catch the bus.答案:Unless are/If arent此题句意是“快一点,否则你赶不上公交车”,or是“不然,否则”的意思,常与unless或ifnot进行转换,因此答案是Unless are/If arent 3. 原因状语从句原因状语从句常在单项选择中考察,引导原因状语从句的连词有: because,

14、 for, since, as, now that 1.1 because意为“因为”,表示直接的原因或理由,着重点在从句,用于回答why,语气最强。He is absent today because he is ill.批注:注意because和because of的区别。because后接句子,而because of后接宾语。1.2 since意为“既然”、“由于”,一般表示对方已知的、无需加以说明的既成事实的理由(如果从句表示的原因不是确定的事实,就不能用since,通常用because)。Since you are ill, Ill go alone.1.3 as意为“由于”,表示十

15、分明显的原因,一般说明因果关系,着重点在主句,语气较弱,常用于口语。As it is snowing, we shall not go to the park.1.4 for意为“因为”,引导的从句并不说明主句行为发生的直接原因,只提供补充说明,且不可位于主句前。for前往往用逗号或分号与主句分开,引起的从句对主句加以解释。I didnt go to see him, for a heavy snow was falling.1.5 now that意为“既然”Now that it has stopped raining, lets start at once.批注:原因状语从句的连词的区别

16、在初中阶段很少考察,基本是一个原因状语从句的连词和其他状语从句连词的一起考察。但是一定得掌握以上几个连词的意思,特别是since和now that, 还有一部分学生都不熟悉。此外注意because不能和“冤家”so同时出现。典型例题1. Peter was late for the meeting _ he missed the ferry. (2007年中考) A) though B) because C) while D) if答案:B 此题主要是根据题意,“皮特开会迟到了,_他错过了轮渡”,显然是果因关系,后一句是说明原因,所以选B。4. 让步状语从句让步状语从句常单项选择中考察,引导让

17、步状语从句的连词有:although, while, even though, even if1.1 althoughthough“虽然”Although I didnt know anybody at the party, I had a very good time.批注:althoughthough不能和“冤家”but 同时出现,但是可以和still, yet同时出现,因为but是并列连词,而still和yet是副词。1.2 while意为“然而”1) while用于对照,说明两种情况相反,意为“然而,但是”。While I was reading, he was playing.2)

18、while意为“虽然,尽管”,同although,此时从句和主句的主语往往为同一人或物。While she liked cats。she never let them come into her room1.3 even if “即使”(if后陈述的是假设);even though“尽管”(though后陈述的是事实)。Im going to apply for the job, even if it pays very little.He is an honest man, I say, even though I have opposed him.典型例题1. _John failed t

19、o climb to the top of the mountain several times, he didnt give up. (2009年中考) A)Although B)Because C)Whether D)Unless答案:A此题主要是根据句意和前后句关系解答。“_乔恩几次没能爬上山顶,他没有放弃”,前后是让步的关系,显然选A。2. I really enjoyed your lecture _ there were some parts I didnt quite understand. (2012年闵行区二模)A) because B) unless C) though D

20、) when答案:C此题也是根据句意和前后句关系来答。“我真地很喜欢你的演讲_我有几部分没有听懂”,前后相反,所以选C。5.目的状语从句目的状语从句常在句型转换中考察,目的状语从句的连词有:in order that目的是为了,so that,以便 1.1以in order that,so that引导的目的状语从句谓语通常用may,might加动词构成,也可用can/ could或willwould加动词构成。They started early so that they might arrive in time.1.2 让步状语从句so that和in order that常与so as

21、to 和in order to 进行转换,在句型转换中会考察到。注意so that和in order that引导句子,而so as to 和in order to后接动词原形。He gets up early so that / in order that he can catch the bus.=He gets up early so as to/ in order to catch the bus.批注:so as to 和in order to的否定形式是so as not to 和in order not to。典型例题1. Kitty practices playing the

22、piano after class in order to win the competition. (保持句意基本不变) (2012年 静安二模) Kitty practices playing the piano after class_ _she can win the competition.答案:so that从上下两个句子可以看出,主要区别在于后面,上句后面是in order to do,而下句横线是个从句,明显是考察in order that+句子,但是空格只有两个,所以答案就是so that.6. 结果状语从句结果状语从句常在单项选择和句型转换中考察,引导结果状语从句的词: s

23、othat / suchthat如此以致The box is so heavy that nobody can move it.It is such a heavy box that nobody can move it.批注:so +形容词,因为so是副词;such+名词,因为such是代词。此外注意sothat引导的结果状语从句常跟tooto或enough to do的句型转换,常在句型转换中考察。典型例题1. Julia sang so terribly that I couldnt believe my ears. (保持句意不变) (2012年浦东新区二模)Julia sang _

24、terribly for me _ believe my ears.答案:too ,to 根据句意,表达的意思是“朱丽叶唱歌得如此难听以至于我都不相信我的耳朵”,也就是“朱丽叶唱歌太难听不能相信我的耳朵”,所以答案为too ,to。2. Nancy is _ clever _ she can find the way to the station. (2013年松江一模) A) toothatB) so/C) sothatD) tooto答案:C根据题意,“南希是_聪明_她能找到去车站的路”,而后一空后面是个句子,显然选C。7. 地点状语从句和比较从句地点状语从句在中考出现的相对较少,而比较从

25、句主要是结合形容词和副词的比较级一起考察。1) 引导地点状语从句的连词主要是where,其他的有wherever,anywhere和everywhere。Put it where you can see it.2)引导比较状语从句的词有:than比,asas“像一样”,not soas“不像一样”,the morethe more“越越”I know you better than he does.The harder you study, the greater progress you will make.典型例题1. The red suitcase is _ the black one

26、. I will take the red one to go travelling. (2012年浦东新区二模)A) as heavy as B) so heavy as C) not as heavy as D) heavier than答案:C此题主要根据句意来解答,从后一句“我将买这件红的旅行箱去旅行”可看出,红旅行箱没有黑的沉,所以选C。二、状语从句的解题技巧其实掌握状语从句很简单,你只需要: 熟练掌握各个状语从句连词的意思理解原题目的意思 把握主从句或前后句的逻辑关系选出答案,并代入检查 (建议5-10分钟)一、单项选择1. A good friend always gives y

27、ou a helping hand _ youre in trouble. (2006年中考)A) whenB) beforeC) untilD) though 2. If Tony isnt careful enough with his lesson, more mistakes _ later. (2012年 静安二模)A have made B will make C have been made D will be made3. A: What would some students like to do after finishing their education?B: They

28、 would like to start to work _ they neednt depend on their parents. (2012年 宝山二模)A) as soon as B) so that C)if D)although4. The people there did not allow them to set up a factory _ pollute the water in the river. (2012年 奉贤二模)A) not so as to B) so as not to C) in order to D) so that5.You may fail to

29、pass the examination _ you do your best to go over the lessons. (2012年虹口二模)A. after B. because C. unless D. when6. You will achieve great success, _ you have a dream and believe in it. (2012年黄浦区二模) A. after B. although C. until D. if7. I dont like western food. I seldom eat it _ I go to MacDonald wi

30、th my daughter. (2012年金山区二模)A. if B. when C. as D. unless8. We will have less and less space for parking we think of better ways. (2012年普陀区二模)A. since B. if C. because D. unless9. If we take a shower instead of a bath, more water _. (2012年青浦区二模)A) will save B) is saved C) will be saved D) saves10. M

31、r. Black and his wife lived a happy life _ they were very poor. (2012年青浦区二模)A) because B) though C) since D) or11. If it _ tomorrow, we will have a picnic in the park. (2012年杨浦区二模)A) dont rain B) didnt rain C) wont rain D) doesnt rain12. I wont believe the five-year-old boy can read so many words _

32、I have tested him myself. (2012年杨浦区二模)A) after B) when C) if D) until13. Some citizens begin to grow vegetables themselves _ they are worried about the safety of the food. (2012年徐汇区二模)A. if B. although C. until D. because14. _ Jeremy Lin has made himself known to the whole world for his talent in pl

33、aying basketball, he still stays very humble (谦虚). (2012年徐汇区二模)A. Because B. If C. Although D. Until15.I like summer best among the four seasons, _ I can enjoy the long summer vacation.A. but B. because C. so D. though16. Many students have to give up their hobbies _ they are busy with their studies

34、. (2012年浦东新区二模)A) although B) until C) because D) unless17.They _ about how to protect our earth when I entered. (2013年宝山区一模)A) will talk B) have talked C) are talking D) were talking18. You will be out of date _ you keep on studying from time to time. (2013年宝山区一模)A) if B) unlessC) becauseD) or19.Ja

35、ne doesnt want to go to the cinema tonight she has seen the film twice. (2013年崇明一模)A) unlessB) becauseC) untilD) before20. Mrs. Gaines _ in that housing estate since she came back to Shanghai in 2005. (2013年虹口一模)A) is livingB) had livedC) would live D) has lived 21. “If he has enough sleep, he _ wel

36、l soon.” the doctor said to Toms mother. (2013年虹口一模)A) is B) was C) will be D) has been 22. Youll never succeed you dont work hard. (2013年金山一模)A) ifB) untilC) unlessD) when23. You are not allowed to enter the exhibition _ you have a ticket. (2013年静安一模)A) ifB) whenC) unlessD) because24. We wont be ab

37、le to catch the bus _ we hurry up. (2013年浦东新区一模)A) if B) and C) then D) unless25. Joan says she wont buy a car _ she passes the driving test. (2013年普陀一模)A) unlessB) becauseC) since D) if26. _ you dont clean your teeth regularly, you will get toothache. (2013年松江一模) A) AlthoughB) IfC) UnlessD) Whether

38、27. The kids are taught to stay calm and go out of the building one by one _ there is a fire. (2013年徐汇一模) A) until B) because C) ifD) although28. You will end up in hospital _ you go on smoking like that. (2013年长宁一模)A) unless B) ifC) becauseD) until 二、句型转换1. We buy a special program in order to help

39、 the computer recognize our voice. (保持句意不变) (2013年静安一模)We buy a special program _ _ it can help the computer recognize our voice.2. He was very nervous. He couldnt go on with the job interview. (合并为一句) (2009年中考)He was _nervous _ go on with the job interview. 3. Im going to make an early start in ord

40、er not to miss the train. (保持句意基本不变) (2009年中考) Im going to make an early start _ _I wont miss the train. 4. Some girls in my company hardly have supper so that they can lose weight. (保持原句不变) (2012年虹口二模)Some girls in my company hardly have supper_ _ to lose weight.5. The boys stopped playing basketba

41、ll when it was dark.(保持句意基本不变) (2012年金山区二模) The boys _ stop playing basketball _ it was dark.6. Eva will sleep with the window open unless its really cold. (保持句意基本不变) (2012年闵行区二模)Eva will sleep with the window open _ it _ very cold.7. The bus was crowded. We had to wait for another. (合并为一句) (2012年青浦区二模)The bus was _ crowded _ we had to wait for another,8. You cant realize you


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