初三英语上期末复习知识梳理解读(DOC 12页).doc

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1、初三英语上期末复习知识梳理:基础知识:1. such as +动名词 例如: I have a lot of hobbies, such as playing football, playing basketball and so on.2. instead of 代替 例如:We have to study hard instead of having a rest.3. feel 的过去式felt, fall 的过去式fell, teach-taught, catch-caught, cost-cost, tell-told, talk-talked,mend-mended, lend-l

2、ent, write-writing, wrote, written, run-running, begin-beginning, lie-lying, listen-listening, snow-snowing, wait-waiting,4. 我和汤姆翻译成Tom and I5. 是我们的梦想成真译成 make our dream come true. (注意true 别写成ture6. 冠词 an orange orange, an English book, an egg, an apple, an American girl, an hour, a birthday cake, a

3、n evening party,a useful dictionary, a university, an important date,7. 做运动是非常重要的。译成Doing sports is very important.8. I think playing computer games is very cool.我认为玩电脑很爽。9. 请你给我带个口信好吗? Will you please take a message for me? 注意message 别写成massage.我可以留个口信吗? May I leave a message?我能给她带个口信吗? Can I give

4、a message to her?10. 有although 不能有but11. 未能做某事 fail to do sth.12. 描写身体健康用health 表示 。health 的比较级healthier13. 我希望你的身体会越来越健康。I hope you will be healthier and healthier.14. spend .doing sth. /spend.on sth./ pay for/ cost/It takes sb. st. to do sth.区别15. 越来越. 表达 -er and er (单音节);more and more +多音节的原形越来越美

5、丽 译成 more and more beautiful,越来越短 译成 shorter and shorter, 其他的还有 bigger and bigger, smaller and smaller越越 the +比较级, the +比较级the more, the better越多越好The more knowledge you get, the better you will be.知识越多你越优秀。16. 词语辨析 work out解决,解答,计算出 2leave out遗漏, 省略, 删去; 未顾及, 忽略3give out分发; 散发2. 公布; 宣布3. 耗尽; 用完4. 停

6、止起作用5. 停止运行;停止运转4keep out(使 留在外面2. 扣留; 保留, 留下.1only if表示 只有 ;if only则表示 如果就好了 。2 as for 1.至于; 关于 2. 至于,就. 方面说 too much+不可数名词, much too+形容词或者副词原形 例如much too difficult bring, fetch去取, take的区别 take a bus, by bus, ride a bike, by bike 我是坐公交车去的天津。 I went to Tianjin by bus. I took a bus to Tianjin. little

7、, a little, few, a few的区别 other, the other, another, others的区别 one after another, help each other, learn from each other, some.others, one the other through, although, though, tough, cross, across 例如:cross the road, walk across the road, walk through the street, go through the forest above, over, on

8、例如:above zero, fly over, go over, on the table lend, borrow, keep例如lend sth. to sb=lend sb. sth., borrow sth from ., keep the book for two weeks 点动词变成延续性动词 (点动词不能用在有时间限制的完成时里,点动词要变成延续性动词leave-be away, join-be, die-be dead, begin-be on, buy-have, lend/borrow-keepmake-be例如: I have kept this book for t

9、wo months. 我已经借了这本书两个月了。I have been friends for seven years. been to, been in, gone to get to, arrive in/ at, reach between, among in, on, atin spring, autumn, winter, summer/1980/ May/ March; in the evening, in the morning, at noon, at nightthe boy in a white shirt, hit him in the face,at home, at

10、the table, at lunch time, at 7 oclock, in surpriseon the morning of September 9th , 2003in the morning, on September 9th , 2003in the sun, He doesnt know what to do. / He doesnt know how to get to the Tiananmen Square. and, but, or, so hope to do, hope that+句子 Thanks to由于,多亏了; Thanks for doing sth.例

11、如Thank you for inviting me. That s right; Thats all right; All right; Thats OK. how long, how often, how soon, how many, how much, how old hang, hanged, hung, hang on since 3 days ago= for 3 days people, person There is going to a meeting this afternoon./ We are going to hold a meeting this afternoo

12、n. except 除. 之外, besides除了. 外,还有, expect期待,预计, exactly相当的 as well as, also, too, either, neither already, yet There s something wrong with/ Something is wrong with / Whats wrong with listen to/ hear/ see sb. do/ doing sth. for a long time, several times, two times= twice do well in/ do ones homework

13、/ do shopping sometimes 有时候, some times几次, some time某段时间, sometime某个时间例如:I hope to be an astronaut sometime in the future.我希望将来的某一时刻成为宇航员。 not at all, in all, above all, all of, all overI dont like painting at all.我一点也不喜欢画画。 get to, get in, get up, get out, get off, get on, be made of, be made from,

14、 be made in be used to doing习惯于做某事, used to do过去常常, be used for doing用于做. hear of= hear about听说, hear from收到来信, be worried about=worry about be angry with; agree with developed, developing keep fit=keep healthy; It fits me well. 很适合我。 a lot, a lot of, lots of 例如help a lot, thanks a lot, a lot of tom

15、atoes, lots of photos, never mind, not at all, youre welcome, it doesnt matter no more=notany more, no longer=not.any longer hundreds of, one hundred, thousands of, millions of, so that / too.to catch up with, keep up with, come up with, keep in touch with, set off, put off, take off, turn offdo wit

16、h, play with, be covered with, be full of, be filled with What are you going to cook for?=Why are you going to cook? try on, try out, have a try break the news公开发布新闻, break into闯入, break out爆发 have a 休息一下 be broken, send sb sth.=send sth. to sb. 寄给某人某物 send for a doctor派人去请医生 think of认为,think about考

17、虑 voice, sound, noise take a bath, take a look, take down, take care of, take away, take in, take out, take up on ones way home, way out, by the way, in this way stay up, give up, pick up, stand up, wake up, turn up, look up, look over, look down, look after, look for, look through, look at, look li

18、ke, look forward to, look out, fall down, fall ill, fall over, fall off, fall asleep, fall in love with every day, everyday 例如everyday English日常用语 Mary enjoys speaking Japanese every day. care for, depend on, think over, make sure, find out, give in, give out, give away, What happened? Whats happeni

19、ng? long before, soon after, even though, ever since, half an hour, two and half hours, a quarter=15 minutes, second秒, one and a half hours=an hour and a half family name, given name make good progress in; teach sb. to do sth; needn t do sth, need to do sth. be proud of, take the pride of 17. 主谓一致:T

20、he family are having supper now./ Tom s family is having supper now. The Greens are sitting under the tree. Not only Tom but also our friends have been to the Great Wall. Both Peter and Mike are League members. Neither Sally nor Bill has paid for dinner. There is a pen, two pencils and a ruler in hi

21、s pencil-box. Ten years has passed already. Either you or he went to see a film yesterday.18. 1 She is a twelve-year-old girl. 2 The girl named Betty is my sister.19. It s + adj for sb. to do sth. / Its adj of sb. to do sth.的区别20. find it +adj to do sth.例如:I find it difficult to practise playing the

22、 piano.21. 动名词归纳:stop doing, forget doing, be used to doing, remember doing, look forward to doing, mind doing, practisedoing, suggest doing, prefer doing to doing, like doing, enjoy doing, finish doing, keep doing, There are sb. doing sth., stop sb. from doing sth., be worth doing, can t help doing

23、, be busy doing, prevent sb. from doing sth., make a contribution to doing, keep sb. away from doing sth, avoid doing, be afraid of doing, feel like doing sth., What/How about doing, be interested in doing sth, go shopping, do some cleaning,22. 动词不定式 tell sb. to do sth, ask sb. to do sth, stop to do

24、, Youd better do, encourage to do, hope to do, would liketo do, want to do, make sb. do, get sb. to do, have sth. to do, Why not do, Will you please do sth., prefer to do rather than do, warn sb. to do sth, be allowed to do sth, be afraid to do sth.否定形式 tell sb. not to do sth. (not 是不变的)例如:My teache

25、r often tells me not to leave anything when I leave home.23. go home, leave school, come here, go there,24. With pleasure.= Its pleasure.很乐意。例如:Thank you for helping me a lot. -With pleasure./ Its pleasure.Could you pass me a glass of water, please?-With pleasure.25. one of +最高级,名词复数 例如: This is my

26、most important experiences in my life.26. 句子翻译: The people who ride in his bus seem to be happy, too.乘车的人们似乎也兴高采烈的。It s against the rules.它有悖规定的。 Can I ask a favor? China is a country with a large population.中国是个人口众多的国家。 What is the population in China? 中国有多少人? May I try a second time? 我可以再试一次吗?27.

27、much, a little, even, far的后面用形容词、副词的比较级。(句中有A or B; than 的用比较级易错拼写: safe-safer; cheap-cheaper; well, good-better; nice-nicer; modern-more modern; friendly-friendlier; careless,28. 形容词与副词的区别:例句:I am a good student. I study well. ; quick-quickly, slow-slowly, careful-carefully可作形容词:lovely, friendly, m

28、onthly, early,29. 构词法: friend-friendly-friendliness友谊、友善 beauty-beautify-beautiful-beautifully30. 翻译句子:1) Do you want a go?2) Have you taken your temperature?3) Help yourself to some fish.4) The wall is 3 meters high and 5 meters thick.5) Forget it.别提了。6)31. 一词多意:1)run 经营,跑 2 face面对, face to difficu

29、lties面对困难 3hand 手,帮助give sb. a hand10sentence 判刑,句子 11address 地址、演讲 12match 比赛、匹配、格子、火柴 13 draw画画、取钱14)interest 兴趣、利息 15 late晚的,新的 the latest new最新的消息 get up late起的晚 two minutes later两分钟后 16)drop 滴,扔 17 bank河岸,银行 18park 停车, 公园 19 order命令,点菜 20fire 火、解雇 21)fair 公平、市场 22 hard坚硬的、努力的、困难的 23rest 剩余的,休息

30、24 place地方、放置25ring 戒指、电话give sb. a ring给某人打个电话 26shot 投篮、闪光灯、照片32. 单词容易拼写错误的。 believe, receive, field, present, peasant, soldier, daughter, politely, illness, knowledge, percent,pretend, invite, invent, distance, thirty, thirsty, hungry, environment, experience, experiment, relaxed33. 名词所有格 Childre

31、n s Day, Teachers office, ten minutes walk34. 感叹句:What lovely weather!=How lovely the weather!35. 反意疑问句:hardly, little, few, never表示否定意思36. 倒装句 so +助动词+主语表示某人也如此; so+主语+助动词表示因此这人就这么做了。例如:You asked me to get to school early. So did I.你让我早点到学校。我也让你早点到。You asked me to get to school early. So I did. 你让我

32、早点到学校。我就这么做了。37. 宾语从句的语序:Tom asked what Mr Black was doing at this time yesterday?陈述语序38. feel/sound/notice/taste/smell/look后面用形容词. feel happy, smell nice, taste salty, make us excited, keep the roomclean, keep the door closed, get angry, get worse, look disappointed, seem unforgettable,能力提高试题:完型阅读中

33、的高频词: upset, confused, puzzled, present, purpose, happen to, by accident, be divided into, patient, positive, celebrate, achieve, boring, sad, cry, according to, balance, detective story, disable, fright阅读篇: 注意细节。 main idea, the purpose of the passage, all, almost, every, nearly, hardly, some, most

34、of, only等词。 多做猜词、判断推理、主旨大意试题阅读并回答问题:1 时间、地点前写介词2 选择疑问句3 What will life be like in the future?用形容词来回答4 What do you think of .? =How do you like .? 用形容词来回答,比如 faster, safer, nicer , difficult, different,necessary, impossible, easy, modern, fashionable, lovely, friendly, instructive5 What s the writers purpose?书面表达:总原则:审题并且点要全。每个点为一个段落。句子要完整。一般情况是谈感想及做法。注意you, your的区别。话题:环保、志愿者、班规、景点、人物介绍、活动介绍、健康、喜欢的书、电影或者照片


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