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1、小一年级下册数学期中测试卷班别_ 姓名_ 学号_ 成绩_一、计算(31分)。1.口算。(15分)178 = 113 = 20 + 5 = 6 + 20 - 6 =4 + 20 = 7 + 6 = 68 8 = 8 + 5 + 3 = 9010= 50 + 8 = 54 50= 75 5 30 =930 8= - 9 35 302、在里填上“”、“”或“=”。 (6分)18-9 8 18 79 60 677306 577 433 280 146 65603、按规律填数。(4分)90706030707278844、将下列各数按从大到小的顺序排列。(6分)28 49 100 65 70 85_二、填

2、空(33分)1、 2、百 十 个 ( )个十和( )个一 ( )里面有( )个十和( )一。合起来是( )。 3、(1)根据计数器先写出得数, 4、在计数器上先画出珠子,再比较大小。(3分) 再比较大小。(3分) 百 十 个百 十 个百 十 个百 十 个 ( ) ( ) 45 100 5、计算器从右边起第一位是( )位,第( )位是十位,三位是( )位。6、最大的两位数是( ),最大的一位数是( ),它们的差是( )。7、50里面有( )个十,10个一是( ),10个十是( )。8、46里面有( )个十和( )个一。9、个位上是2,十位上是8的数是( )。10、与70相邻的数是( )和( )。

3、11、比91小,比88大的数是( )和( )。12、一个两位数的个位上是9,十位上是5,这个数写作是( )读作是( )。13、选择合适的数填在圈里。(3分) 48 76 45 64 49 83 十位上是4的数 比50大的数 三、在正确答案下面画“”(4分)(1) 的价钱比30元少一些。 多少元?10元27元32元(2) 用同样长的小棒摆出1个长方形,最少要用多少根小棒? 8根6根4根四、数图形。(8分)这辆小火车里有( ),有( ),有( )个,有( )个 。五、看图列式计算。(8分) =( ) =( ) 3、 4、 =( ) =( )六、解决问题(16分)。1、我养了8条小金鱼,我养的和你同

4、样多。他们一共养了多少条小金鱼?()答:一共养了 条小金鱼。2、一共要种86棵树,还剩6棵没有种,已经种了多少棵树?()答:,已经种了 棵树。3、小伟有30本 ,小红有35本 ,小红比小伟多多少本?()答:小红比小伟多 本。4.学校乒乓球队有16人,足球队有13人,篮球队有7人。(1)乒乓球队和足球队一共有多少人? ()答:乒乓球队和足球队一共有 人。(2)请你再提出一个问题,并解答。 总结的注意事项1一定要实事求是,成绩不夸大,缺点不缩小,更不能弄虚作假。这是分析、得出教训的基础。2条理要清楚。总结是写给人看的,条理不清,人们就看不下去,即使看了也不知其所以然,这样就达不到总结的目的。3要剪

5、裁得体,详略适宜。材料有本质的,有现象的;有重要的,有次要的,写作时要去芜存精。总结中的问题要有主次、详略之分,该详的要详,该略的要略。总结的基本格式1、标题2、正文开头:概述情况,总体评价;提纲挈领,总括全文。主体:分析成绩缺憾,总结经验教训。结尾:分析问题,明确方向。3、落款署名,日期The summary of the note 1. We must seek truth from facts, our achievements are not exaggerated, our shortcomings are not reduced, and we must not resort to

6、 fraud. This is the basis for analysis and lessons learned. 2. Be well-organized. Summaries are written for people to see, disorganized, people can not look down, even if they do not know why, so it will not achieve the purpose of summing up. 3. To cut properly, the details are appropriate. Material

7、 having essence, having phenomenon; There are important, there are secondary, when writing to eliminate the essence. The problems in the summary should be divided into major and minor points. The details should be detailed and the outline should be omitted. Basic format of the summary 1, title 2, be

8、ginning of the body: overview, overall evaluation; Outline and summarize the full text. Main body: analyze the lack of achievement, summarize the experience and lessons. End: Analyze the problem and clarify the direction. 3, drop signature, date总结的注意事项1一定要实事求是,成绩不夸大,缺点不缩小,更不能弄虚作假。这是分析、得出教训的基础。2条理要清楚

9、。总结是写给人看的,条理不清,人们就看不下去,即使看了也不知其所以然,这样就达不到总结的目的。3要剪裁得体,详略适宜。材料有本质的,有现象的;有重要的,有次要的,写作时要去芜存精。总结中的问题要有主次、详略之分,该详的要详,该略的要略。总结的基本格式1、标题2、正文开头:概述情况,总体评价;提纲挈领,总括全文。主体:分析成绩缺憾,总结经验教训。结尾:分析问题,明确方向。3、落款署名,日期The summary of the note 1. We must seek truth from facts, our achievements are not exaggerated, our short

10、comings are not reduced, and we must not resort to fraud. This is the basis for analysis and lessons learned. 2. Be well-organized. Summaries are written for people to see, disorganized, people can not look down, even if they do not know why, so it will not achieve the purpose of summing up. 3. To c

11、ut properly, the details are appropriate. Material having essence, having phenomenon; There are important, there are secondary, when writing to eliminate the essence. The problems in the summary should be divided into major and minor points. The details should be detailed and the outline should be omitted. Basic format of the summary 1, title 2, beginning of the body: overview, overall evaluation; Outline and summarize the full text. Main body: analyze the lack of achievement, summarize the experience and lessons. End: Analyze the problem and clarify the direction. 3, drop signature, date


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