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1、六年级上学期英语期末测试卷时间: 60分钟满分: 100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二总分得分第一部分听力(30分)一、听录音,选择正确的图片。(5分)二、听录音,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。(5分)() 1. What does Mikes uncle do? He is a _. A. cookB. worker C. businessman() 2. John goes to school _. A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot() 3. Whats Sarahs hobby? _. A. Swimming B. Dancing C. Singing()

2、 4. Where is the bus stop? _. A. Go straight on, and you can see it on your rightB. Go straight on, and then turn rightC. Go straight on, and you can see it on your left() 5. Where is the pen pal from?He is from _. A. Australia B. the USA C. China三、听录音,选择恰当的答语。(10分)() 1. A. Its next to the hospital.

3、 B. Its big and new. C. You can go there on foot. () 2. A. He is a pilot. B. He likes drawing pictures. C. He is drawing pictures. () 3. A. She goes to school by bus. B. He goes to the park on foot. C. I go to work by car. () 4. A. By subway. B. This weekend. C. The scientist. () 5. A. Im going to t

4、he cinema. B. Hes a cleaner. C. I feel angry. 四、听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)() 1. Mike is a policeman. () 2. He goes to work by car. () 3. He likes drawing pictures on the weekend. () 4. Mike works in a supermarket. () 5. He is going to the bookstore this weekend. 第二部分笔试(70分)五、从栏中选出栏单词的汉语意思,将序号填入括号中。(10分) (

5、) 1. StraightA. 地铁() 2. TomorrowB. 担心() 3. TrainC. 成直线地() 4. WaitD. 右边() 5. LibraryE. 字典() 6. SubwayF. 脚() 7. DictionaryG. 图书馆() 8. WorryH. 明天() 9. FootI. 火车() 10. RightJ. 等待六、看图片,完成句子。(10分)1. The cinema is _ _ the hospital. 2. _ _ at the traffic lights. 3. My friend likes _ _. 4. I am going to buy

6、a _ _ tomorrow. 5. He is ill. He should _ _ _. 七、单项选择我最棒!(5分)() 1. What should you _ then?A. doB. doesC. doing() 2. Where does your pen pal live?_A. No, he lives in the country. B. He lives in the USA. C. He likes swimming. () 3. All of them are afraid _ the dog. A. atB. ofC. in() 4. My brother is _

7、 university student. He has _ art class every week. A. an; aB. an; anC. a; an() 5. _ can I go to Australia?You can go there by plane. A. WhatB. WhereC. How八、(N)用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Lets _ (play) basketball this weekend. 2. Mr Black _ (teach) us English. 3. The dog _ (chase) a rabbit now. 4. Jim work

8、s very hard and _ (stay) healthy. 5. Dont _ (draw) on the wall. 九、根据中文提示补全句子。(10分)1. You should _ _ _(做更多的锻炼). 2. They want to be_ _(工厂工人). 3. We _ _ _ _ _(将去爬山) tomorrow. 4. Do you like _ _(堆雪人)?5. My mother _ _(洗衣服) every day. 十、读一读,选择正确的答语。(5分)() 1. What do you want to be?() 2. Why are the mice b

9、ad?() 3. Whats wrong with your brother?() 4. How does Oliver feel?() 5. Do you want to be a teacher? A. Yes, I do. B. He feels angry. C. Because they hurt people. D. Hes ill. E. I want to be a pilot. 十一、阅读短文,回答下列问题。(10分)It is Saturday,Zhang Lei wants to go to the park with his friend, but he gets up

10、 late. He puts on his clothes quickly and doesnt have breakfast. He rides his bike very quickly. At the crossing,the red light is on,but he doesnt stop. A policeman stops him and says,“Please get off your bike. Didnt you see the red light?”“Yes, I did. But I didnt see you,” says Zhang Lei. 1. When d

11、oes Zhang Lei go to the park?_2. How does Zhang Lei go to the park?_3. What light is on at the crossing?_4. Does Zhang Lei see the red light?_5. Why doesnt he stop when he sees the red light?_十二、书面表达。(10分)你在网上新结识了一位叫Mary的笔友。请根据她发给你的有关信息,向你的同学作简要介绍。(不少于50词)_ _ _ _ _ 听力材料:一、1. M: I go to school on foo

12、t. 2. The cinema is near the bookstore. 3. My father is a police officer. He likes helping people. 4. M: Im going to go hiking tomorrow. 5. W: Im happy,because I am going to take a trip. 二、1. W: Hello,Mike!Whos he?M: Hes my uncle. W: What does your uncle do?M: Hes a worker. 2. W: How do you go to sc

13、hool,John?M: I go to school by bike. 3. M: Whats your hobby,Sarah?W: I like dancing. 4. M: Where is the bus stop?W: Go straight on,and you can see it on your left. 5. M: Is your pen pal from China?W: No,he isnt. He is from Australia. 三、1. Wheres the nature park?2. What does Lee do?3. How does Amy go

14、 to school?4. When are you going there?5. How do you feel?四、Mike is a head teacher. Hes tall and strong. He works in a university. He is very busy. He can speak English and Chinese. He goes to work by car. On the weekend,he likes drawing pictures. He is going to the supermarket with friends this wee

15、kend. 答案:一、1. B2. A3. B4. B5. B二、1. B2. B3. B4. C5. A三、1. A2. A3. A4. B5. C四、1. F2. T3. T4. F5. F五、1. C2. H3. I4. J5. G6. A7. E8. B9. F10. D六、1. next to2. Turn right3. drawing pictures4. comic book5. see a doctor七、1. A2. B点拨:Where对地点提问,其答语也应用地点来回答。3. B点拨:be afraid of“害怕”,固定搭配。4. C点拨:university以辅音音素开

16、头,冠词用a,art以元音音素开头,冠词用an。5. C八、1. play2. teaches3. is chasing 4. stays5. draw九、1. do more exercise2. factory workers3. are going to climb mountains4. making snowmen5. washes clothes十、1. E2. C3. D4. B5. A十一、1. On Saturday. 2. By bike. 3. The red light. 4. Yes,he does. 5. Because he doesnt see the poli

17、ceman. 十二、范文:Mary is my new pen pal. She is eleven years old. She is from Australia. She studies in Apple Tree School. She has big eyes. She is tall and thin. She likes reading books and listening to music. She also likes making friends. She often goes to school by school bus. She wants to be a sing

18、er one day. 可以说是对我们银行的大大小小的事情都能够做到知根知底,特别是我的工作业务水平方面,随着时间的推移,我的工作能力越来越高,这是得到了领导和同事多次赞扬的,但是我并没有骄傲和自满,我会继续努力的。我在银行的工作时出纳员,出纳员说白了就是做好每一笔经济业务的收付工作,保证合理、合法、正确性。编制现金和银行存款日报表。这些工作我一直以来做的都很好,我负责的账目从来没有出现过任何一点死账、坏账。自年初工作以来,在信用社领导的关心及全体同志的帮助下,我认真学习业务知识和业务技能,积极主动的履行工作职责,较好的完成了本年度的工作任务,在思想觉悟、业务素质、操作技能、优质服务等方面都有了一定的提高。现讲本年度的工作总结1、精诚团结,为提高经营效益尽心尽力。一年来,我与同事们能搞好团结,服从领导的安排,积极主动的做好其他工作,为全社经营目标的顺利完成而同心同德,尽心尽力。(1)勤勤恳恳的完成领导交办的其他任务,除做好本职工作外,我还按照领导的安排做好其他工作,如每天提前30分钟上班打扫卫生,把营业室的物品摆放整齐,使环境干净舒适,为客户创造一流的服务场所。从而确保各项任务的顺利完成。(2)千方百计拉存款,我经常利用业余时间走亲串朋动


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