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1、2020学年度下学期 九年级英语模拟试卷一、单项选择(本题共20分,每题1分)( ) 1. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?A. husband newspaper B. mall half C. kilometer only( ) 2.Which of the following words doesnt have the same sound as the underlined letter of the word “business”?A. butterfly B. lettuc

2、e C. minute( ) 3.Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others? A. Equator. B. Distance. C. Female.( ) 4. My friend Marcus is such a humorous and wise person that he can always think of a way to make everybody happy even when they get into _ embarrassing situations. A. a B. a

3、n C./( ) 5._ the end of World War II, the whole world has developed in a rapid way especially in information technology.A. Since B. At C. In( ) 6. -Why dont you put the watermelon in the fridge? It may have gone bad!-Keep _ cool, please. I did keep _ cool in the fridge and Ive just taken it out.A. y

4、ourself; its B. your; its C. your; it( ) 7. -What is the biggest challenge in your language learning? -I cant pronounce _ of the words that Im not familiar with fluently,especially those long ones. A. some B. anyC. all( ) 8. After so many years of learning, I realize one important thing. Only after

5、thinking a problem over _ remember it exactly for a long time. A. I can B. will I C. I should ( ) 9. Kangjian, _ from Shanghai, found it _ to avoid buying products made in China when he visited San Francisco.A. a 17-year-old boy, hardB. 17 years old, hardC.17-year-old, hardly( ) 10.In the story of C

6、hange, a goddess gave Hou Yi magic medicine to thank him for shooting down the nine suns. _ took this medicine could live forever. A. No matter who B. Anyone who C. Whenever ( ) 11. When you ask a stranger for _, polite expressions should _ in your question. You can start with “Could you please?” or

7、 “May I ask?”.A. direction, include B. directions, be included C. direct, be including ( ) 12.-Have you finished your school project?-Yeah, but it really took great effort, for there isnt much information _ online,so I have to do some surveys myself.A. educationalB. available C. enjoyable( ) 13.-No

8、one is stronger than the _ of nature. -Yeah, if we dont follow the rules of the ecosystem, we would live in a world with disasters(灾难) _ all the time.A. force, happened B. power, happen C. forces, happening( ) 14. Dont complain no one understands you. _ you have to do is to make the most of your tim

9、e and complete everything perfectly and then you will shine like a diamond.A. AllB. All what C. That ( ) 15. During the class meeting last week, we had a discussion about _. A. that we should improve our grades in a short timeB. whether the fast development of industry was good for the environmentC.

10、 what would we like to do first after graduation ( ) 16. -As I _ in line with other office workers, out came a loud sound enough to wake the dead. -That was terrible.A. have waited B. was waiting C. was waited( ) 17.-What can I do if my old friend thinks I am better _ with the new one. -You can ask

11、him to join you each time you hang out together so that he wont feel _.A. friend, brought outB. friends, left outC. friend, given out( ) 18. This organization are mainly teaching the public about “finning” and they have even asked governments to develop laws to stop the sale of shark fins. So its na

12、me may be _.A. CBA B. BBC C. WWF( ) 19. Sometimes we have different opinions with our parents. Once it happens, which of the following statements are the RIGHT things to do? Argue with them loudly and tell them youre right. Try to understand them and communicate with them. Explain your opinion clear

13、ly to them. Exchange your ideas and see if you can figure out a new one together. Accept their opinions and give up your own ones.A. B. C. ( ) 20. Marie wants to make three sandwiches for her family in the evening. But there is only enough cheese and 4 pieces of bread in her house. A sandwich needs

14、two pieces of bread, 0.1 kilos of lettuce and 0.5 kilos of chicken. Then how much she should spend at least in the supermarket in order to make their dinner?BreadLettuceChickenCheese$ 0.5/piece$ 2/kilo $ 4/kilo$ 5/bagA. $ 7.6B. $ 8.2 C. $ 3.2 二、完形填空(本题共20分,每题1分)Whether youre searching for a job or l

15、ooking for a new photo for graduation certificate(毕业证书),your portrait (肖像照) is always of great importance. A 21 photo may make you look unprofessional, and sends the message that you dont care about the person who will see it. With the enough practice and patience, youll be able to take a good 22 fo

16、r yourself.Shoot for a standard headshot (头像) with a 23 background.If youre shooting a professional headshot, choose a blank wall, shoot with bookshelves behind you, or 24 a simple cloth with only one color behind you. Avoid shooting business headshots with personal things or furniture in the backgr

17、ound. You dont want it to look like you took this at home, even if thats exactly what youre doing.Set your shot up next to a bright window and add lights as 25 .Shoot during the day and set up your shot in a bright, sunny room. Use your camera flash if more light are required. You can buy profession

18、al lights that 26 white light that will make you appear 27 .Shoot outdoor photos during the day with the sun behind the camera. Shoot during the day when the sun is out to get bright, natural lighting. Choose a place where you arent directly in front of the sun. Or your face wont be clear in the pic

19、ture. Remember not to shoot around 28 when the sun is high in the sky to avoid washing your image out in light.Continue taking photos until you have several to choose from.Once you have prepared everything well, continue taking photos until you achieve your goal. Shoot at 29 10 pictures to increase

20、the chance that at least 1 of your works is excellent! The more photos you take , the more likely it is that youll take something truly special for your use. At the same time, it can 30 a long time to choose through hundreds of photos! So youd better have a proper number of choices.Following the tip

21、s above, you can take your new photo better than ever before. More good methods will be introduced next time.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( ) 21. A. traditional B. terrible C. convenient ( ) 22.A. one B. it C. that( ) 23.A. colorful B. basic C. mixed( ) 24. A. hang B. stand C. connect( ) 25. A. needing B. to need C

22、. needed( ) 26. A. produce B. produces C. producing( ) 27. A. natural B. nature C. naturally( ) 28. A. morning B. night C. noon( ) 29. A. least B. most C. first( ) 30.A. take B. cost C. bring三、阅读理解(本题共20分,每题1分)(A)Word bank:coronavirus 新冠病毒 update 更新 confirmed 确诊的 global全球的case案例 symptoms 症状根据材料内容选择最

23、佳答案。( ) 31. How many cases are confirmed in China according to the information above?A. 662,541B. 74,971C. 81,394( ) 32. Which of the following is NOT a typical symptom of COVID-19?A. a serious coughB. a nosebleed C. a fever( ) 33. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information given?A.

24、 Washing your hands often with only water can stop the viruses spreading.B. Weve know how coronavirus spread from person to person.C. The name includes the number “2019” for the reason that the virus broke out in that year.( )34. In which month did the news come out?A. DecemberB. MarchC. January( )3

25、5. The facts above may probably come from _.A. a passage in a bookB. a diaryC. a webpage(B)One day when government officers were rebuilding a barn(粮仓), they found a mouse hole in a corner and used smoke to force the mice inside the hole to come out.A while later they saw mice running out, one after

26、another. Then, everyone thought that all the mice had come out. But just as they were about to start to clean up, they saw two mice getting out of the exit of the hole. After some hard tries, the mice finally got out. The strange thing was that after they came out of the hole, they did not run away

27、at once. It seemed that one was trying to bite (咬) the tail of the other. Everyone was puzzled, so they stepped closer to take a look. They realized that one of the mice was blind and could not see anything, and the other one was trying to allow the blind mouse to bite on his tail so he could pull t

28、he blind one with him to run away.After seeing what happened, everyone was speechless and lost in thought. During meal time, the group of officers sat down in a circle and started to talk about what happened to the two mice. One man said, “I think the relationship between those two mice was that of

29、emperor and minister.” Another man said: I think the relationship between those two mice was husband and wife. Then a third person said: I think the relationship between those two mice was that of mother and son. The others thought for a while, and felt this was more reasonable. At that moment, the

30、last man looked at other people, and asked: Why did those two mice have to have a certain relationship? Suddenly, the air froze. The group looked back at the him and all lowered their heads in shame, and did not dare to reply. In fact, the greatest love does not depend on benefit, friendship or bloo

31、d relationship. Instead, it is based on no relationship.( )36. All the mice was driven away together after the officers used smoke to force them out. ( )37. The last two mice were blind so they didnt run away at once.( )38. The officers made several guesses about the relationship between the two mic

32、e.( )39. The last man was right about the relationship between the two mice.( )40.The passage tells us that the greatest love comes from our heart instead of anyrelationship.(C)Trying to lose weight can be difficult, and while we all know exercise and diet are both basic needs, which one is more imp

33、ortant? If you had to choose, should you be hitting the gym, or eating salads? There are many ways you can burn a few hundred calories (卡路里): running for 20 minutes, an hour of swimming, or singing your favourite song 23 times. But the point is, it takes time to burn a lot of calories even with most

34、 tiring activity - not to mention the time spent on the way to the gym, and then back home to clean up.Now, compare this to the number of calories in a chocolate bar - which is often over 200 calories. You could either walk for about an hour to burn that 200 calories, or you could simply not eat tha

35、t chocolate bar. Which sounds easier to you? How about running for 30 minutes every day or cutting out those two cans of soda? Many physicians point out that there is a lot of high-sugar, high-fat, high-calorie foods we could cut from our diet, to see weight loss results more quickly. And studies al

36、so show that diet does actually play a bigger role in weight loss than exercise. A survey of 2000 children found that the level of physical activity was not the main reason for their weight. And a study of 3000 adults discovered that cutting down calories was connected to greater weight loss than ex

37、ercise alone.Of course, exercise has many health advantages besides weight loss, like slowing the aging process and improving mental health. But at the end of the day, if you expect to lose weight, youre likely to get more bang for your buck if you focus on your diet first.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( ) 41. The u

38、nderlined words “get more bang for your buck” most probably means_.A. 更加合算 B. 付出努力 C. 怦然心动( ) 42. From the third paragraph mainly tells us that _. A. there is a lot of high-sugar, high fat, high-calorie foods in our daily dietsB. exercise like walking plays an important part in keeping our bodies he

39、althyC. your diet has a greater influence on your weight loss than exercise( ) 43. The energy in a chocolate bar _.A. is as much as the energy we need for singing a song 23 timesB. may be burnt by walking for about half an hour C. should not be added to a diet when you want to lose weight( ) 44. Whi

40、ch of following is TRUE according to the passage?A. A survey of 3000 children found out that cutting down calories is more importantB. Exercise has many health advantages besides helping us lose weightC. In fact, exercise is not needed when we want to lose weight( ) 45. Which of the following would

41、you choose as the title of the passage?A. Exercise VS DietB. How To Lose WeightC. Different diets(D)Before there was the written word, there was the language of dance. Dance expresses love and hate, joy and sorrow, life and death, and everything else in between 46._ We dance from Florida to Alaska,

42、from north to south and sea to sea. We dance at weddings, birthdays, office parties and just to fill the time. “I like dancing.” says Lester Bridges, the owner of a dance club in Iowa. “I cant imagine doing anything else with my life.” Bridges runs dance classes for all ages. “Teaching dance is wond

43、erful. 47._ Its great to watch them. For many of them, its a way of meeting people and having a social life.” 48._ “I can tell you about one young couple,” says Bridges. “Theyre learning to do traditional dances. They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile. 49._.”So,do we dan

44、ce in order to make ourselves feel better, calmer, healthier? Andrea Hillier says, “Dance, like the pattern of a beating heart, is life. Even after all these years, I want to get better and better. 50._ I find it hard to stop! Dancing reminds me Im alive.根据短文内容,将下列方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺(每个选项只能用一次)A. So why do we dance?B. Dance in the U.S. is everywhere.C. My older students say it makes them feel young.D. I keep practicing even when I am really tired.E. Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.四、交际运用(本题共10分,每小题1分)( A) 从A-G 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。


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