关于剑桥少儿英语一级下册试题及答案(DOC 8页).doc

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1、少儿剑桥英语一级下册试卷(1)考试时间:90分钟 满分:120分Name(姓名): Score(得分):_(一) 听力部分(20分)一、听音判断,将你所听到的单词的序号填在题前括号内。(分)1. ( ) A. beach B. pea C. bean2. ( ) A. watch B. wash C. watches3. ( ) A. kite B. ride C. read4. ( ) A. please B. plane C. play5. ( ) A. woman B. women C. man6. ( ) A. lamp B. lemon C. lemonade7. ( ) A. sh

2、irt B. sock C. skirt8. ( ) A. basketball B. baseball C. badminton9. ( ) A. talk B. tell C. take10. ( ) A. wall B. water C. what 二听音根据问句选择相应的答语,并将其序号填在题前括号内。(10分)1. ( ) A. Im eight. B. Im a boy. C. Im singing.2. ( ) A. I like playing. B. I like playing basketball. C. I like mangoes.3. ( ) A. Shes sle

3、eping. B. Hes sleeping. C. The pen is yellow.4. ( ) A. There are four. B. There is a pen. C. They are green.5. ( ) A. Thank you! B. No, I dont. C. Yes, I can.(二)笔试部分(100分)三根据要求写单词:(10分)eat (现在分词) write (现在分词) tall (反义词) peach (复数) potato (复数)四听写单词:(分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 五 选择填空。(20分)( ) 1.

4、 Look! She is milk. A. drink B. drinking C. drinks( ) 2. I like table tennis. A. play B. playing C. go( ) 3. Your pen is red, mine is green. A. and B. to C. but( ) 4. How old is your father? .A. a boy B. Shes 35. C. Hes 35. ( ) 5. I a beautiful girl. A. is B. are C. am( ) 6. How many are there? Ther

5、e are three. A. girl B. book C. boys( ) 7. Do you like ? A. swim B. swiming C. swimming( ) 8. Today is Day, Ben gets up very early. A. Childrens B. Children C. childrens( ) 9. I sing, but I cant . A. can, sing B. can, dancing C. can, dance( ) 10. I four pencils. A. am B. have C. has( ) 11. Happy bir

6、thday, Peter! A. Thank you! B. Happy birthday! C. Thats OK.( ) 12. Do you like black? Yes, . A. I am B. I do C. I dont( ) 13. What is she ? She is reading a book. A. do B. doing c. does( ) 14. Dad! They my friends! A. is B. am C. are( ) 15. Its a nice day, it? A. Yes B. No C. isnt( ) 16. Can I ask y

7、ou a question? .A. Thats OK. B. Yes, please! C. Im sorry.( ) 17. What books do you like ? A. read B. reads C. reading( ) 18. How do you turtle? T-u-r-t-l-e. A. draw B. write C. spell( ) 19. What beautiful cake! A. an B. the C. a ( ) 20. Whos your favorite person? .A. Dog B. My mother C. Colour 六、 根据

8、句意及首字母填写单词。(10分)1. What w you like? I would like a burger.2. How are you? Im fine, thank y !3. She is my best f .4. Whats your favorite s ? I like playing badminton.5. There i a teacher in the classroom.七、连词成句。(10分)1. friend, your, whos, best ?2. they, kicking, a ball, are .3. what, Li Tong, is, doi

9、ng ?4. do, you, what colour, like ?5. can, she, fly, kite, a .八根据栏中句子,在栏中找出相应的答语。(10分) ( ) 1. Whats your name? A. Yes, I can. ( ) 2. What can you see? B. Its green. ( ) 3. Can you swim? C. My name is Tom. ( ) 4. Do they like bananas? D. He is 13. ( ) 5. How old is Peter? E. Yes, they do. ( ) 6. Whic

10、h colour do you like best? F. May is playing tennis. ( ) 7. Who is playing tennis? G. The girls are dancing. ( ) 8. What colour is the tree? H. I often watch TV. ( ) 9. What are the girls doing? I. I like purple best. ( )10. What do you often do on Childrens Day? J. I can see a bird.九阅读短文,选择正确的答案填入题

11、前括号内:(20分)AThis is a picture of Jims bedroom. It is not a nice room but its big. A football is under his chair. His desk is behind the door and its brown. We can see some books on the desk. His math books are in his school bag. The bag is on the wall. ( ) 1. Where is his football? Its .A. under the

12、chair B. on the chair C. behind the door ( ) 2. Whose bedroom is this? Its .A. Jims B. Toms C. Tims ( ) 3. What colour is his desk? Its .A. white B. yellow C. brown ( ) 4. Where are the math books? Theyre .A. under the picture B. in the classroom C. in the school bag( ) 5. Which one is TRUE (正确的)? .

13、A. Jims bedroom is small. B. Jims bedroom is big. C. Jims bedroom is nice. BHello! Im Mary. Im eleven years old. My last name is Grace. Im an English (英国) student. I have a Chinese (中国) teacher. Her name is Jiang Hong. Her telephone is 218-9176. My phone number is 766-3725. I like yellow, but I dont

14、 like blue.( ) 1. How old is Mary?A. 11 B. 12 C. 13( ) 2. Mary doesnt like_.A. blue B. yellow C. white ( ) 3. Whats Marys last name?A. Mary B. Grace C. I dont know( ) 4. Whats the telephone number of Marys teacher?A. 281-3725 B. 766-9176 C. 281-9176( ) 5. Is Mary a Chinese student?A. No, she isnt. B

15、. Yes, she is. C. Yes, it is.十用英文写一段话,简单地介绍你的朋友(姓名、年龄、五官以及爱好,不少于30单词)(10分) Look, this is my best friend. 少儿剑桥英语一级下册试卷答案(1)听力部分因为没有录音,请家长或老师自行充当播音员,让孩子选择正确答案。(一)听力部分一、1. bean 2. wash 3. ride 4. play 5. women 6. lamp 7. skirt 8. badminton 9. talk 10. wall二1. What are you doing? (C)2. What sports do yo

16、u like? (B)3. What colour is the pen? (C)4. How many books are there? (A)5. Can you play the piano? (C)(二)笔试部分三1. eat的现在分词是eaten (eat的过去式是ate)2. write的现在分词是written (write的过去式是wrote) 剑桥少儿英语一级不规则动词过去式及过去分词表见大家网topsage的剑桥少儿英语版块。3. tall的反义词是short 知识拓展:tall的近义词是high。tall跟high的区别是: 说人、动物、树木等有生命的东西,主要用tall

17、,不用high,eg. Tom is tall. / How tall is that tree?说一个不与地面接触的人和物的高时,用high,不用tall,比如人站在桌子上时、飞机飞在天上时,eg. He is standing high up on the desk. / The plane is flying high up in the sky. 指建筑物、山时一般用high,但用tall也不算错。 high可作副词,tall不能。 tall的反义词为short, high的反义词为low.4. peach的复数是peaches 5. potato的复数是potatoes 名词变复数的

18、规律1一般是在名词后面加上“s”,如dogdogs, bookbooks等。 2以s,sh,ch,x等结尾的词加“es”,如busbuses, watchwatches等,但fish比较特殊,它的复数形式可以是fish,也可以是fishes。3以辅音字母y结尾的词,变y为i再加es,如babybabies等;以元音字母y结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数,如monkeymonkeys,holidayholidays。 4以o 结尾的名词变复数时:a)加s的名词有:photophotos,pianopianos,radioradios,zoozoos b)加es的名词有:potatopotato

19、es,tomatotomatoes 5以f或fe结尾的名词变复数,去掉f或fe 再加ves的名词有:knifeknives,leafleaves, lifelives,thiefthieves。6. 剑桥少儿英语一级常见不规则名词的复数形式:footfeet, goosegeese, toothteeth, childchildren, manmen, womanwomen, sheepsheep, deerdeer, mousemice。四1. book 2. desk 3. women 4. piano 5. kitchen 6. rainbow 7. crocodile 8. sweep

20、 9. taste 10. difference五1. B (解析:现在进行时的结构是be动词+动词ing形式,本题的look提示动作正在进行)2. B (解析:“喜欢做”的英文表达是like doing sth. 或者like to do sth.)3. C (解析:题目的意思是“你的钢笔是红色的,我的是绿色的。”你我钢笔的颜色不同,因此不能用and“并且”,to不能连接两个句子,因此只能用but“但是”)4. C (解析:问年龄只能用数字回答,而爸爸又是男性,因此不能选B)5. C (解析:I am是固定搭配)6. C (解析:how many修饰可数名词,由后面的are可知,此处应该填可

21、数名词复数形式,故只有C正确)7. C (解析:由第二题的解析可知,此处只能选B或C,但是swim要加ing时,先要双写最后的字母w,故C正确)8. A (解析:儿童节的固定表达是“Childrens Day”,专有名词、人名、地名等首字母要大些,因此C项不入选)9. C (解析:can是情态动词,后面要跟动词原形,因此只有A或C可以入选,但是but表示转折,表示前后不一样,故只有C项正确)10. B (解析:I am表示“我是”,“我有”是I have)11. A (解析:别人祝你生日快乐,你应该是感谢别人,故A正确。如果碰巧对方和你 同一天生日,你也应该先谢谢人家,然后再说Happy bi

22、rthday to you too!)12. B (解析:回答“Do you?”的一般疑问句的句式是Yes, I do. 或No, I dont.)13. B (解析:由答语“她正在读书”可知问句是问“她正在干什么?”这说明问句也需要用现在进行时的时态:be动词+动词ing,故B正确)14. C (解析:be动词有五个:am, is, are, was, were。其中was和were用在过去时中。am与I是固定搭配,如果是过去时,用I was;当主语是单数时用is和was,如she is/was, Tom is/was;当主语是复数时用are/were,如they are/were, my

23、parents are/were)15. C (解析:反义疑问句的结构是:陈述句+一个简短的疑问句,中间用逗号隔开。两部分的人称时态保持一致;如果陈述部分是肯定式,那疑问部分就要用否定式,反之亦然。如They are nice, arent they? / Its not a nice day, is it?)16. B (解析:问句是说“我能问你一个问题吗?”为了表示礼貌,我们一般不会拒绝别人的请求,如果实在是忙,那也应该说“Im sorry, but”,这既是表示抱歉也同时说明拒绝他人的原因,故C项不入选。Thats OK.一般是回答别人表示谢意的时候用,不用在回答别人表示请求的时候,故选

24、B)17. C (解析:同第二题)18. C (解析:从答语我们可以看出,问句是要请别人拼写一个单词,故选C。draw意为“画画”,write意为“写”)19. C (解析:这是一个有what引导的感叹句,其句子结构是what+名词+主语+谓语,其中主语和谓语一般都省略;what后的名词可以被形容词修饰,如本题中的a beautiful cake,这个短语的中心词是cake,beautiful只是一个修饰它的形容词,拿掉beautiful也不影响这个短语的结构)20. B (解析:由问句中的person一词可知,我们肯定不能选dog,也不能选colour,因此只能选My mother) 六1.

25、 would,由答语中的“would like”可知。2. you 3. friend 4. sport,由答语中的badminton可知问句是问你最喜欢的体育运动是什么。5. is,考查there be句型,be动词的单复数形式与其后面的名词的数保持一致,故用is。七、(记得句子的首字母要大写)1. Whos your best friend?2. They are kicking a ball.3. What is Li Tong doing? 4. What colour do you like?5. She can fly a kite. 八1. C 2. J 3. A 4. E 5.

26、 D 6. I 7. F 8. B9. G 10. H九A.1. A (由短文中的“A football is under his chair”可知答案)2. A (由短文中的“This is a picture of Jims bedroom”可知答案)3. C (由短文中的“His desk is behind the door and its brown”可知答案)4. C (由短文中的“His math books are in his school bag”可知答案)5. B (由短文中的“It is not a nice room, but its big”可知答案)B. 1. A

27、 (由短文中的“Im eleven years old”可知答案)2. A (由短文中的“I like yellow, but I dont like blue”可知答案)3. B (由短文中的“My last name is Grace”可知答案)4. C (由短文中的“Her telephone is 218-9176”可知答案)5. A (由短文中的“Im an English student”可知答案)十(范文)Look, this is my best friend. Her name is Alice. Shes 12 years old. Shes very tall and s

28、hes the tallest girl in her class. She has two big eyes, a small nose and a smiling mouth. Many people say shes a beautiful girl. I think so too. But I like her dark hair the best. It looks so cool. I like playing tennis very much. She likes playing tennis too. So we often play tennis together after school.精品word,欢迎共阅


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