新人教版七年级上册英语预备篇测试题附答案(DOC 7页).docx

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1、新人教版七年级上册英语预备篇测试题附答案.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( )1.下列字母的小写形式占上中下三格的是_。AY BX CJ DT( )2.下列选项中全是元音字母的一组是_。Ag w k Bu i e Co s a Dl u v( )3.下列字母笔顺标注有误的是_。A B C D( )4.下列选项中含有相同元音音素的一组字母是_。ABAD BENC CPGL DMNF( )5.下列英语缩写与意思相符的一项是_。ABBC (美国)全国篮球协会BUFO 不明飞行物新 课 标 第 一 网CTV激光唱片DM(尤指服装的尺码)小号的( )6.This is _ orange._ oran

2、ge is yellow.Aa;A Ban;AnCa;The Dan;The( )7.How _ you?I _ fine,thank you.Ais;am Bare;amCis;am Dare;is( )8.Good morning!_!AGood morning BFineCThanks DHi( )9.What color is snow (雪)?Its _.Awhite BblackCblue Dgreen( )10.Whats this _ English?Its a quilt.Afor Bat Cin Dto( )11.Spell it,please. _. AIts Helen

3、 B.Im Helen CHELEN DHelen ( )12.Whats that?_ is a black pen.AThat BIt CThis DI( )13.Good morning._ you Cindy? Yes,I_. AIs;am BAre;am CAm;is DAre;is ( )14._ is your pen?Its_.AWhat;blueBWhat color;blueCWhat;blue colorDWhat color;blue color( )15._?Its an apple.AWhat color is itBIs it an orangeCHow are

4、youDWhats this in English.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Grace:Good morning,Cindy!Cindy:Good _16_,Grace!Grace:_17_ are you?Cindy:Fine,_18_Grace:Whats this _19_ English?Cindy:Its a(n) _20_Grace:Please _21_ it.Cindy:ORANGE,orange.Grace:_22_ is it?Cindy:Its _23_And whats that in English?Grace:It _24_ a jacket.Cindy:

5、_25_Grace:Youre welcome (不客气)( )16.A.evening BmorningCafternoon Dnight( )17.A.How BWhatCWho DWhere新 课 标 第 一 网( )18.A.OK BgoodCfine Dthanks( )19.A.to BonCin Dat( )20.A.jacket BorangeCruler Dkey( )21.A.say BseeCspell Dplease( )22.A.How BHowsCWhats DWhat color( )23.A.blue BorangeCwhite Dpurple( )24.A.i

6、s BamCare D/( )25.A.Hello BIm fineCThank you DIts red.阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)AGood morning,everyone. Im Grace. Im a girl. Im 14 years old (岁)Look!This is my quilt. Its a nice quilt.What color is it?Its yellow and red. And whats this in English?Its a jacket. Its an orange jacket. Thats a ruler.The ruler is

7、 blue.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。( )26.It is _ now.Amorning Bafternoonw W w . x K b 1.c o MCevening Dnight( )27.Grace is _ years old.A12 B13 C14 D15( )28.The quilt is _.Ared ByellowCyellow and orange Dyellow and red( )29.The jacket is _.Ayellow BorangeCred Dblue( )30.The ruler is _.Ablue BbrownCpurple DblackB今天

8、是开学的日子,第一天上学的同学们都准备了些什么物品呢?看一下他们的书包就知道了。This is Alice.Whats in Alices (艾丽斯的) schoolbag?A yellow penA blue rulerA green cupAn orange This is Cindy.Whats in Cindys schoolbag? A purple penA red cup A key A CD This is Frank.Whats in Franks schoolbag? A green jacket A black pen An English book A map 根据表格

9、内容,选择正确的答案。( )31.Alices pen is_. Ayellow Bblue Cred Dpurple ( )32.You can see a _ in Cindys schoolbag. Aruler B.jacket Cmap Dkey( )33._ has (有) a map. AFrank B.Cindy CAlice D.Eric( )34.Everyone (每个人) has a_. Abook Bpen CCD D.cup ( )35._ are green. AAlices cup and Franks map BCindys pen and Franks ja

10、cket CAlices cup and Franks jacket DCindys key and Alices ruler.词汇运用。(每小题1分,共10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。36Helen _ (是)fine.37The _ (直尺)is green.38Good _ (晚上),Frank.39I can say it in _ (英语)40That is a _ (褐色的)cup.B)用方框中所给的单词填空。what,purple,fine,my,spell41How are you? Im _,thanks.42_ is that? Its a quilt.43Can

11、you _ it? Yes.MAP.44What color is it? Its _45This is _ ruler.That is Bobs.按要求完成下面的句子。(每小题2分,共10分)46Im Grace.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ Grace?47That jacket is purple(对画线部分提问)_ _ is that jacket?48This is a_black_pen(对画线部分提问)_ _?49That quilt is red.(改为同义句)That is _ _ quilt.50white,is,key,it,a (连词成句) .补全对话。(每小题2分,共10

12、分)根据对话情境,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话(有两项多余)。A:Good afternoon!B:_51_A:Im Bob. And you?B:_52_w W w . x K b 1.c o MA:How do you spell it?B:_53_A:Whats this?B:_54_A:What color is it?B:_55_ Its a yellow map. AIts a map.BGood afternoon!CHow are you?DGRACE.EIts yellow.FIts X.GIm Grace.51_ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._ . 任务型阅读。(

13、每小题2分,共10分)Mr.Smith:Good afternoon,class (同学们)! Students:Good afternoon,teacher (老师)! Mr.Smith:Look at the picture (图片),please.Whats_this_in_English,Bob?_Bob:Sorry,I dont know.Mr.Smith:Frank,whats this? Frank:Its a key.Jenny:No,its a ruler. Mr.Smith:Can you spell it,Jenny? Jenny:RULER,ruler.Mr.Smith

14、:Very good! And what color is it,Eric? Eric:_ Its a blue ruler.根据对话内容,完成下列任务。任务一:判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。( )56.Its morning now.( )57.Mr.Smith is a teacher.任务二:把画线句子翻译成汉语。58_任务三:根据对话内容,在空白处填入合适的句子。59_任务四:回答问题。60Whats in the picture? _.书面表达。(15分)星期天下午,埃里克和格雷斯在教学楼走廊里相遇,走廊的墙上挂着一幅地图。请根据情境,将他们的对话写出来,不少于6句。Grace:_

15、Eric:_Grace:_Eric:_Grace:_Eric:_Grace:_Eric:_Grace:_ Test for Starter Units 13.15 CBBDB 610 DBAAC 1115 CBBBD.1620 BADCB 2125 CDBAC.2630 ACDBA 3135 ADABC.A)36.is 37.ruler 38.evening 39.English 40.brownB)41.fine 42.What 43.spell 44.purple 45.my.46.Are you 47.What color 48.Whats this 49.a red50It is a

16、white key.5155 BGDAE.56.F 57.T 58.鲍勃,这个用英语怎么说? 59.Its blue.60A blue ruler.One possible version:Grace:Good afternoon,Eric!Eric:Good afternoon,Grace!Grace:Whats that in English?Eric:Its a map.Grace:A map?Please spell it.Eric:OK.MAP,map.Grace:What color is it?Eric:Its yellow,blue and green.Grace:Thanks./Thank you.


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