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1、精品资料Unit4 试题一、选择填空(10分) (1) Must I finish the work before five oclock? No, you_. A. neednt B. mustnt C. have to D. had to (2) Theres _ work to do. A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too (3) Do you _ get up early in the morning? A. have B. has C. have to D. has to(4) Can you _ TV after schoo

2、l? A. watching B. watched C. watch D. be watch(5) There was a party _ the night of August, 10th. A. on B. in C. at D. to (6) Please _ down for a while, you are too tired. A. lie B. lies C. lying D. lay (7) I hear her _ in the next room. A. is singing B. to sing C. sings D. singing (8) He saw the chi

3、ldren _ in the park. A. play B. is playing C. to play D. plays (9) Whats the weather _? A. like B. likes C. looks D. looks like(10) What is she _? A. like B. looks C. likes D. looks like 二、完形填空Museums are often full of interesting and beautiful things, but in most museums you can only 11 the things

4、there. You cant touch them. This isnt very 12 for most of us. People want to touch things. They want to use them and 13 them. That is 14 we learn about things. If we are interested in something, we learn about it 15 . If we are bored with something, we dont learn it very quickly. But some museums ar

5、e 16 . For example, at the Boston Childrens Museum, young people can use computers and 17 modern machines. They can also 18 and play games there. In this kind of museum, children can have a (an) 19 time. They can 20 a lot in this museum. (11) A. buy B. look at C. find D. borrow (12) A. sad B. intere

6、sting C. happy D. comfort (13) A. have B. make C. play with D. speak to (14) A. when B. where C. what D. how (15) A. more difficultly B. more easily C. more interestingD. more slowly (16) A. differentB. difficult C. good D. the same (17) A. these B. few C. other D. another (18) A. see movies B. make

7、 moviesC. listen the radio D. watching TV (19) A. boringB. ordinary C. safe D. enjoyable (20) A. speak B. wear C. eat D. learn 三、阅读理解ATom is a little boy, and he is only seven years old. One day he went to the cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He bought a ticket and then went in. But

8、after two or three minutes he came out, bought a second ticket and went in again. After a few minutes he came out again and bought a third ticket. Two or three minutes later, he came out and asked for another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asked him, Why do you buy so many tickets? How m

9、any friends do you meet? Tom answered, No, I have no friend here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears(撕) my ticket to pieces. (1) Tom wanted to buy _ when the girl asked him. A. the second ticket B. the third ticket C. the fourth ticket D. the fifth ticket (2) The big boy stopped Tom

10、 at the door because_. A. it was the big boys job B. the big boy didnt like Tom C. the big boy didnt know Tom D. Tom didnt buy tickets at all (3) The big boy was _at the cinema. A. a bookseller B. a policeman C. a shopkeeper D. a worker (4) From the story we know_.A. the little boy had a lot of mone

11、y B. the little boy knew nothing about the cinema C. the big boy wasnt friendly to Tom D. the girl wanted to get more money (5) Which of the following is Not true in the passage? A. Tom bought the tickets for himself. B. Tom didnt go to the cinema before. C. Tom was too young to make friends. D. Tom

12、 had no friend at the cinema. BBefore you go into a supermarket, get a trolley. Trolleys are usually outside the entrance (/k. El) to the supermarket. If you dont want to buy many things, get a basket. Baskets are usually in the supermarket. Push your trolley around the supermarket. Take what you wa

13、nt to buy and put it into your trolley. You can buy almost everything you want in the supermarket. You can buy fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, bread and cakes, household cleaners, ice cream, wine, and magazines. When you have everything you want, take your trolley to the checkout and pay for th

14、em. (6) What is the best title for this reading? A. At the Supermarket. B. At the Bookstore. C. At the Cinema. D. At the Museum. (7) What does “trolley” mean in Chinese? A.篮子 B. 账单 C. 手推车 D. 电车 (8) Why do we need a trolley? A. We dont want to buy many things. B. We have many things to buy. C. We can

15、 play with it. D. we want to have a car. (9) When you have everything you want, where do you go next? A. To the entrance. B. To the aisle. C. To the bookstore. D. To the checkout. (10) What things are NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Meat, bread, and vegetables. B. Fruit, ice cream, and wine. C. Fis

16、h, cakes, and household cleaners. D. Ships, trains, and cars. CIn the United States, many people are heavy. Some people say, “Its not my fault. Its the fast food restaurants fault. The sizes of the food there are too big and theres too much fat in the food.” They even took some of the restaurants to

17、 court (法庭). Its easy to eat too much at a fast food restaurant. You can order just one hamburger, but most food is ordered as a “meal”, such as a hamburger, French fries, and a large soda. In many fast food restaurants, if you pay one dollar more, you can “super-size” your meal and get large fries

18、and an extra- large soda. Much of the food has a lot of salt, sugar or fat. People are becoming used to large meals. Fast food restaurants are fighting back. They say, “We are selling the food that people want. There is other food on our menu, such as salads and some other low-calorie (低卡路里) food. I

19、ts our business to sell cheap, fast, and delicious food. What you eat and how much you eat is your business.” What do you think?(11) Who took some of the restaurant to court? A. Some people who are heavy in the United States. B. Some people who are thin in the United States. C. Some people who have

20、no jobs in the United States. D. Some people who are sad in the United States. (12) Why did the people take the restaurants to court7? A. Their food is cheap. B. Their food is too small. C. Their food is not delicious. D. Their food is in large size and has too much fat. (13) In many fast food resta

21、urants, if you pay one dollar more, you can _.A. get a toy B. “super-size” your meal C. get another hamburger D. get more sugar (14) _ have a lot of salt, sugar, or fat. A. Hamburgers and salads B. Hamburgers and French fries C. Salads and French fries D. Soda and salads (15) Which of the following

22、is NOT right? A. Its easy to eat too much at a fast food restaurant. B. Most food is ordered as a meal in fast food restaurants. C. Fast food restaurants think people can choose salads and some other low-calorie food. D. People have to pay a dollar more if they buy salads in the fast food restaurant

23、.DPablo Picasso is one of the most famous painters of the twentieth century. He was born on October 25, 1881, in Malaga, Spain. He was the son of an art teacher. At an early age, Picasso showed great talent in drawing and painting. He was not interested in school, so he opened his own art studio whe

24、n he was 16 years old. When Picasso was a young man, he visited Pairs, France. He fell in love with the city and moved there in 1904. Picasso painted the city, his neighbors, and everyday life in Pads. Picasso went through many periods as a painter. His Blue Period lasted from 1901 to 1904. Picasso

25、used a lot of blue and gray during this time. The people in the paintings were long and thin and unhappy. His Rose Period lasted from 1904 to 1906 because he was happy at this time. His paintings were more colorful and he used a lot of rose and pink in his art. One of Picassos most famous paintings

26、is Guernica. There was a civil war in Spain in 1936. Bombs (炸弹) fell on the city of Guernica and many men, women, and children died. Picasso was sad and angry. Guernica is a painting against war. The only colors in the painting are black, gray and white. Picasso, the master of modern art, died in Fr

27、ance on April 8, 1973. (16) How old was Picasso when he died? A. He was 92 years old. B. He was 82 years old. C. He was 81 years old. D. He was 73 years old. (17) What city did he move to? A. Malaga B. London C. Paris D. Berlin (18) When was his Blue Period? A. From 1901 to 1904. B. From 1881 to 189

28、7. C. From 1904 to 1906. D. From 1936 to 1940. (19) How did he feel during his Rose Period? A. Unhappy. B. Sad.C. Happy. D. Blue. (20) Why did he paint Guernica? A. Because he was happier. B. Because he hated the war and Guernica is a painting against the war. C. Because he was a painter. D. Because

29、 he liked black, gray and white. 四、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. We cant _ (arrive) late for class. 2. The sign reads No _ (talk)! 3. You have to _ (wear) school clothes today. 4. Dont _ (run) in the hallways. 5. Look! The two boys _ (fight). 五、写作。 你班上给你们制定了那些规定呢?请以此为话题,写一篇70词左右的作文。 参考答案一、(1)-(5)ABCCA (6)-(10) A

30、DAAA 二、(11)-(15)BBCDB (16)-(20 )ACADD 三、(1)-(5) CADBC (6)-(10) ACBDD (11)-(15) ADBBD (16)-(20) ACACB 四、1. arrive 2. talking 3. wear 4. run 5. are fighting 五、One possible version:Im not happy. There are too many rules in our class. We have to wear uniforms. We cant arrive late for class. We have to listen to the teachers. We cant eat in the classrooms or run in the hallways. We cant listen to music in the classroom. We have to clean our classroom. Then we have to do our homework. So I never have any fun.


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