江苏省苏州市高一(上)期末英语试卷(含答案)(DOC 25页).docx

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1、 高一(上)期末英语试卷 题号IIIIIIIVVVI总分得分一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. -MrsWhitedoesntbelievethatTomisabletopasstheexam,_?-ThatswhereIdisagree()A. doessheB. doesntsheC. isheD. isnthe2. -Isitpossibletoapplytherule_yourstudents?-YesItwillhaveapositiveeffect_them()A. for;onB. to;uponC. on;onD. to;for3. Atthattimewefel

2、tverygladbecauseourhomeworkhadbeencutdowntohalfits_amount()A. averageB. commonC. normalD. ordinary4. Whenitcomestothisproblemofmine,Ijustcant_whateveryonethinksofit()A. risklearningB. waittolearnC. helptolearnD. toleratelearning5. Youshouldntgiveupthecompetitionatthemoment_,youdbetterhaveatry;aftera

3、ll,youhavespentsomuchtimeonit()A. AnyhowB. SomehowC. HoweverD. Sometime6. LifelookslikeatravelWhatsimportantisnotthe_,butthesceneryonthewayandthemoodofseeingit()A. directionB. destinationC. donationD. decision7. -Alicehasbeenworkinglateintothenightthesedays-Oh,shewasoffschoolforamonth,soshehasalotto

4、_()A. speedupB. mixupC. makeupD. stepup8. FacebookfounderMarkZuckerbergandhiswifePriscillaChanhavewelcomedtheirfirstchild-ababygirlcalledMax-intotheworld,andusedherarrivalto_planstogiveawaymostoftheir$45billionfortune()A. changeB. makeC. considerD. announce9. Ithinkitagoodwaytobuildtheteamspiritwith

5、anactivity_allofuscanenjoyourselves()A. thatB. whichC. whereD. when10. -Itisreportedthattheydugoutalotoftreasureinthetombyesterday-Yes,it_undergroundformorethanonethousandyears()A. hasburiedB. hasbeenburiedC. hadbeenburiedD. hadburied11. Artandcultureshouldcareabouttheexistenceofhumanbeings;thatisto

6、say,thedevelopmentofartandcultureshouldbe_humanexistence()A. inchargeofB. incontrolofC. inharmonywithD. incommunicationwith12. Highschool,wherewehave_goodtimelivingtogether,is_timeofdiscovery,learningandhardwork()A. a;aB. a;theC. a;不填D. 不填;a13. Itissaidthatthedifficultproblem_theymetwithintheproject

7、_solved()A. what;wasB. that;hasbeenC. which;hasD. which;hadbeen14. -ImdyingtoimprovemygardeningskillsWhodoyouthinkcanhelpme,Joe?-MrGreenisthebestchoiceHewillprovidegardeningtipsfor_()A. greenhandsB. greenfingersC. greenthumbsD. greeneyes15. -Illcometovisityouat5pmtomorrow-ImsorryBythentheclasswillha

8、vefinished,butI_ameeting()A. amhavingB. hashadC. hasbeenhavingD. willbehaving二、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)AEvery kid wishes to be an adultDo you remember playing house as a child-pretending to be a grown-up like your parents?Did you imagine you were a doctor,a soldier or a teacher?At that time,anything se

9、emed more exciting than being young But now as grown-ups,some adults find they cannot leave childhood behindThey becomekidultsBeing a kidult has become a lifestyle choice among young people across Asia Some kidults collect toys they once played withHello Kitty,Garfield,and Snoopy have many adult fan

10、s around the worldIt is not unusual to see a 20-something woman with a big,Garfield-shaped cushion on her sofa or a Hello Kitty mobile phone accessory Other kidults still enjoy childrens stories and fairy talesFor example,the British publisher Bloomsbury even released an edition of the Harry Potter

11、novels with an adult coverThat way,no one else on the subway will know that an adult is actually reading a childrens book Kidults can be like vitamins to societyAdults who love their childhood most and hold on to pure,child-like emotion may be needed in such a rough and dry society,said Lee So-jung,

12、a professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies He added that kidult culture may fill the generation gap between adults and kidsIt could give children and their parents books,movies,and cartoon shows to enjoy together Tim Greenhalgh,an adviser in London explained that some kidults just refuse to

13、 grow upThey hold on to childhood because working life in a busy and stressful city frightens themKidults would like to forget their age and openly show their fear of society and adulthood So,they can escape from increasingly busy and stressful lives that are hard to deal with,Greenhalgh said16. Why

14、 does a kid wish to be an adult? _ A. Because he wants to be independentB. Because he doesnt want to be controlled by adultsC. Because he wants to experience the real worldD. Because he believes there will be more exciting life ahead17. What can we infer from the passage? _ A. Some kidults refuse to

15、 grow upB. Some kidults in Britain like reading on the subwayC. Some kidults think childhood is the best time of their lifeD. Some kidults want to escape from the busy and stressful life18. One of the advantages of the kidult culture is that _ A. it can make adults face the real social lifeB. it can

16、 make our society young and full of lifeC. it can increase the sales of childrens booksD. it can lead to harmonious relationship between adults and kids19. Which of the following is the best title for the article? _ A. Kids or Grown-upsB. Happy ChildhoodC. Fearful AdulthoodD. Kidult CultureBOn my wa

17、y to coaching basketball yesterday,I was listening to WGN,my favourite talk radio stationI could tell right away that there was something wrong by the serious mood of the speakerThere had been a plane crashTwo small planes crashed into each other over a northern suburb of ChicagoWhat made the story

18、hit was that Bob Collins,the morning show man for WGN,was the pilot of one of the planes and had been killedLater that night,as I made my 40-minute drive home,I listened as the station reminisced (缅怀) and paid admiration to a man who was loved by manyThey told story after story,describing him as the

19、 greatest friend and a man who had lived life to the fullestTrue love and affection poured in from all over the countryThe more I listened how this man had influenced those around him,the more discouraged I became I was discouraged because I wanted to know why we,as a culture,wait until somebody has

20、 passed away before we let them know how much we love themWhy do we wait until someone cant hear before we tell them how much they mean to us?Why do we wait until it is too late before we recall the good qualities of a person?Why do we build someone up after they have gone into eternity (不朽)?What go

21、od does it do then?We share memory after memory,as we laugh,cry,and think back about what was positive in a persons lifeYes,it does help us deal with the great sadness of losing someone who was special to usAnd yes,it does bring those who are closer togetherBut as we lovingly remember this person,ou

22、r words fall short of the ears that most needed to hear them Just once I would like to see a celebration of life,instead of a gathering of deathA celebration where stories are told,eyes mist over,laughter rings outI would like to see,as the speaker concludes his or her loving admiration,the person t

23、hey are honoring rising from their chair and giving them the biggest bear hug!Wouldnt that be something!The special person gets to hear the stories and come to the realization that they have made a difference on this earthAnd all this is done well before they leave their earthly bodies and go into e

24、ternityAnd when the unavoidable funeral (葬礼) finally comes,we can say goodbye with the knowledge that they knew exactly how people felt about them while they were here on earth I now have a stronger resolve (决心) to tell those around me how much they mean to meI am going to let my wife know just how

25、loved and appreciated she is,not only by my words,but also by my actionsI am going to play Batman with my four-year-old more often,and in the middle,I am going to steal into my sleeping babys bedroom,place my lips on his chubby cheek,and thank God for the bundle of joy he has brought into my lifeEac

26、h day I will make a point to tell both of my boys how much I love them,whether they are four or eighteen!From there,I am going to let family and friends know the huge influence they have had on my lifeAnd last but not least,I am going to let the high school players I coach know that I look forward t

27、o each and every minute that I get to spend with them in the gym Do you love someone?Then tell them!Has someone been an influence in your life?Then give them a call!Has someone made a difference in your life?Then write them a letter or send them an e-mail!Dont let another day go by without letting t

28、hat person knowThere is something special about a written letter that expresses feelings of love towards anotherI dont know about you,but I have letters and cards from people that I have saved for years,and from time to time,I get them out and reread themThey can turn an unpleasant day into one wher

29、e you realize just how blessed and loved you are Life is too short to leave kind words unsaidThe words you say,or the letters you write might just make all the difference in the world20. What was the author according to the passage? _ A. A pilotB. A school teacherC. A radio hostD. A basketball coach

30、21. Why did the author feel discouraged? _ A. Because Bob Collins diedB. Because he did not enjoy listening to the radio stationC. Because people praised Bob Collins after he died,not beforeD. Because the station reminisced and admired Bob Collins all day22. What would the author like to do? _ A. To

31、 see a celebration of lifeB. To keep emotion in the heartC. To share everything with people aroundD. To have a funeral before his death23. What atmosphere can you feel between the lines of this passage? _ A. DelightfulB. TouchingC. SadD. DistantCPhyllis Wheatley is regarded as Americas first black p

32、oetShe was born in Senegal,Africa in about 1753and brought to America at about the age of sevenJohn and Susannah Wheatley bought her for three pounds at a slave (奴隶) market in Boston in 1761Phyllis was soon accepted as one of the family,which included being raised and educated with the Wheatleys twi

33、n 15-year-old children,Mary and NathanielAt that time,most females,even from better families,could not read and write,but Mary was probably one of the best educated young women in BostonMary wanted to become a teacher,and in fact,it was Mary who decided to take charge of Phyllis Wheatleys educationP

34、hyllis soon showed her remarkable talentsAt the age of twelve she was reading the Greek and Latin classics At the age of thirteen,Phyllis wrote her first poemShe became a Boston sensation (引起轰动的人物) after she wrote a poem on the death of the preacher George Whitfield in 1770It became common to read P

35、hyllis Wheatleys poetry in polite societyMary had tried to interest publishers in Phyllis Wheatleys poems,but once they heard she was black they werent interested Then in 1773Phyllis went with Nathaniel,who was now a businessman,to LondonThirty-nine of her poems were published in London as Poems on

36、Various SubjectsIt was the first book published by a black AmericanIn 1775Phyllis wrote a poem about George Washington and sent it to himHe responded by praising her talents and inviting her to visit his headquartersAfter both of her benefactors (恩人) died in 1777and in 1778,Phyllis was freedShe marr

37、ied in 1778,moved away from Boston,and had three childrenBut after the unhappy marriage,she moved back to Boston,and died in poverty in 178324. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? _ A. Those days the black were looked down uponB. Phyllis read a lot of books when she was youn

38、gC. Phyllis didnt move away from Boston until she got marriedD. Phyllis Wheatleys first poem interested and excited the public25. Which is the correct order of Phyllis Wheatleys life according to the passage? _ aUS president sang high praise for her bPeople became curious about her poems cMary began

39、 to educate her dPhyllis was freed as a slave eShe served Nathaniel all the way to LondonA. a-c-e-d-bB. e-c-b-d-aC. c-b-e-a-dD. d-c-e-b-a26. Which statement about Phyllis is supported by the passage? _ A. She died youngB. She got a good school educationC. Her first poem was published in LondonD. She

40、 was regarded as a poet after being freedDOverweight seems to be a national troubleDiets,books on dieting,dieting organizations,and advice from doctors and health professionals do not seem to be enoughMillions of people have turned to dangerous drugs or harmful diets to starve off their hunger The m

41、eat industry and the fast-food restaurants have more to do with Americas weight problem than anything elseEach day we are filled with powerful TV and radio ads promoting (推介) the idea that its perfectly OK to have bacon and eggs for breakfast,hamburgers and French fries for lunch,and fried chicken a

42、nd French fries for supper Is there a healthy diet that people can use to lose weight and keep themselves slim and fit forever?There is indeedBut it requires removal of meat,fish,and milk products from the diet forever A healthy diet-and-exercise regimen (养生之道) is actually pretty simpleThat is to cu

43、t meat,fish,and milk products out of the picture completely (and I do mean completely) *Do not eat any meat,fish,eggs,or milk productsNo cheese,no ice cream,no pizza,and no butter *Eat only low-fat,and low-sugar foodsEat fruit (in reasonable amounts) for desserts *As much as possible,avoid drinks wi

44、th caffeine,such as coffee,tea,or cola *Use soya drinks instead of milkSoya drinks are high in protein and generally fairly low in fat *Eat cereals,grains,bread,and pasta in reasonable amounts (with no cheese,but always with high-protein foods) *Jog or fast-walk at least one mile per dayIf you are u

45、nused to this level of exercise,start with smaller distances and build up to a mile It has been known for years that it is possible to get all the protein we need from high-protein vegetarian foodsMany restaurants now serve vegetable-protein meals,such as veggie-burgers or refried bean tacos and bur

46、ritos; be sure to ask for them without cheese or sour cream!27. The underlined wordsstarve off their hungerin the first paragraph most probably mean _ A. satisfy their need of losing weightB. slow down the feeling of hungerC. make themselves feel hungryD. wish for being slim28. The meat industry and the fast-food restaurants have more to do with Americas weight problem because _ A. they convince people to eat more fo


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