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1、牛津译林版7A Unit5 单元测试卷(包含答案) 无听力20192020学年秋-7A Unit5 单元测试卷(满分:100分)一、单项填空(每小题1分,共10分) ( )1.Who is boy in a red cap?He is Tom. He is on holiday in China. A. the;/ B. the;the C. a;a D. a;/( )2.If you dont give me a treat some candy, I will play a trick you. A. as;on B. of ; to C. of ; on D. as;to( )3.Thi

2、s story seems ,All of the students want to listen to it again. A. bright B. sad C. happy D. interesting( )4.My family always a party the evening my sons birthday. A. have;in; of B. has;in; in C. have; on; of D. has;at;at( )5. the students are in the playground, and the others are in the library. A.

3、Four hundreds B. Four hundred C. Hundreds of D. Four hundred of( )6.Which festival comes last in the year? A. Halloween. B. Christmas. C. The Mid-Autumn Festival. D. The Dragon Boat Festival.( )7.The Chinese people here always have a party the Chinese New Year. A. celebrate B. to celebrate C. celebr

4、ating D. celebrates( )8.Thank you for me ready for the party. A. help; get B. helping;getting C. helping;get D. help;getting( )9.Would you like milk? Thats enough. I dont want to drink more. A. some;some B. any; some C. some;any D. any;any( )10. do you like Chinese New Year so much?Because I can get

5、 red packets. A. Why B. What C. How D. Which二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Do you like eating chocolate? Would you like to eat free chocolate and get 1 for it? A company(公司) wants to pay you to eat 2 all day. Mondelez International is 3 a chocolate taster(试吃者). The company needs someoneto try the new chocolate

6、and tell them if its tasty. The taster is going to eat their new chocolate and 4 ideas and thoughts. So just saying delicious or hmm,hmm is not 5 . The job sounds too 6 to be true. This may be the best and 7 job in the world,but at the same time you may get 8 easily. The job needs seven and a half 9

7、 a week between Tuesdays and Thursdays. To apply(申请)for the 10 ,visit the Mondelez website. Apply now and enjoy the delicious chocolate.( )1.A. money B. food C. time D. meat( )2.A. food B. chocolate C. drinks D. meat( )3.A, looking for B. waiting for C. looking at D. asking for( )4.A. get B. give C.

8、 buy D. hear( )5. A. enough B. easy C. hard D. possible( )6.A. bad B. good C. boring D. hard( )7.A. hardest B. longest C. sweetest D. shortest( )8.A. fat B. thin C. strong D. slim( )9.A. seconds B. minutes C. hours D. days( )10.A. present B. book C. chocolate D. job三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共24分)A People in Amer

9、ica celebrate Mothers Day. The first Mothers Day was in 1913 in America. Its also a holiday in some other countries like Denmark(丹麦) and Italy(意大利). Its on the second Sunday in May. Its a day to thank mothers. On that day mothers usually get flowers and cards. On the cards,children like writing Than

10、ks,Mum,To the best mother in the world,Happy Mothers Day and so on. Children also give presents to their mothers and some children go out and try to do something nice for their mothers.( )1 .Mothers Day is on . A. the second Saturday in June B. the first Sunday in May C. the second Sunday in May D.

11、the first Saturday in May( )2 .Mothers usually receive flowers and cards from . A. their mothers B. their fathers C. their children D. their friendsB These days, most people in the UK and the US wear informal(非正式的)clothes. But sometimes it is important to wear the right thing. Many British people do

12、nt think about clothes very much. When they go out to enjoy themselves,they can wear almost anything. At theatres,cinemas and concerts you can put on anything you like:from beautiful suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. Anything goes,but you should look clean and tidy. But in the UK,as well as i

13、n the US,men in offices usualy wear suits and ties and women wear dresses or skirts (not trousers). Doctors and business people always wear quite formal clothes. And in some hotels and restaurants,men have to wear ties and women have to wear tidy dresses. In many ways,Americans are less formal than

14、British people, but they are more careful with their clothes. At home,or on holiday,most Americans wear informal or sports clothes. But when they go out in the evening,they like to look nice. In good hotels and restaurants,men have to wear jackets and ties,and women have to wear pretty clothes. It i

15、s difficult to say exactly(确切地)what people wear in the UK and the US, because everyone is different. If you are not sure what to wear,watch what other people do and then do the same. Youll feel good if you dont look too different from everyone else.( )1 .At concerts British people . A. should wear s

16、weaters B. can wear anything they like C. should wear suits and ties D. have to wear sports clothes( )2 .Women in the UK and the US have to wear tidy dresses when they are . A. at a cinema B. meeting friends at home C. at a party D. having dinner in some top restaurants( )3 .What does the passage ma

17、inly tell us? A. Women cant wear trousers in offices. B. We should wear differently because everyone is different C. What British and American people wear now. D. British people are more careful with their clothes than American people.C If you are a Harry Potter fan, you should go to the London Zoo;

18、if you think you are a wizard or witch(巫师),you should really go to the London Zoo. At the zoo,you can see the real scene of the first Harry Potter film and test yourself to see whether you have magic power(魔力)or not. The London Zoo opened in 1828. It had the first childrens zoo, the first reptile(爬虫

19、)house, the first public aquarium(水族馆)and the first insect(昆虫)house. Today,the magical zoo is home to more than 12,000 animals,including Asian lions and South bears. There is a lot to do, plenty to see and much to learn. You can see jellyfish(水母)in the aquarium; you can watch penguins queue along th

20、e pool to jump into the water; you can try talking to snakes in the reptile house just like Harry Potter! Now the zoo is trying to replace cages with enclosures(圈地)and is creating a natural environment for the animals and giving a more real experience to visitors. For example,in 2007,it opened the n

21、ew Gorilla Kingdom to the public. So if you are an animal lover, you should go to the London Zoo,too.( )1 .How long has the London Zoo been open? A. About 83 years. B. About 191 years. C. About 283 years. D. About 383 year.( )2 .Where can you try talking to snakes just like Harry Potter? A. In the i

22、nsect house. B. In the public aquarium. C. In the first childrens zoo. D. In the reptile house.( )3 .What cant you do in the London Zoo? A. You can see the real scene of the first Harry Potter film. B. You can test yourself to see whether you have magic power. C. You can make yourself a witch. D. Yo

23、u can see many kinds of animals.D Growing up in England,the best thing for my classmates and I was reading stories. Among them,The Ugly Duckling (丑小鸭)was a popular one. The story of The Ugly Duckling describes a poor young bird. All the ducks laugh at him for his ugly looks-he is small and grey. Fee

24、ling sad,he runs away from home. Along the way,he meets wild ducks and hens,but he cant find a good friend. After lots of sadness and difficulty, the poor duckling looks down into a pond. He is shocked by his reflection(倒影)in the water. He finds that he has grown up to be a beautiful swan. This chil

25、drens fairy tale has been beloved for years. Its even been made into a musical and a Disney movie. Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen wrote it in 1843. The story teaches us many valuable lessons. For example, we should not judge(评价)a person by his or her looks. It is inner beauty that makes a per

26、son special. The storys message is well-known around the world. Today, we use the phrase ugly duckling to describe something ugly that ends up becoming beautiful.( )1 .All the ducks laugh at the ugly duckling because . A. he cant swim as well as the other ducks B. he sounds different from other duck

27、s C. he has an ugly looks D. he is afraid to be around others( )2 .The ugly duckling runs away from home because he feels . A. sad B. angry C. worried D. surprised( )3 .The writer of the fairy tale is from . A. Denmark B. England C. France D. America( )4 .The lesson we can learn from the story is th

28、at . A. we shouldnt judge a book by its cover B. we should be nice to our friends C. looks are very important to some people D. never believe what you see四、信息还原(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余。Millie:Hello, Peter. Youre at home.Peter:Yes. Please come in.Millie: 1 Peter:Oh,no. Its too col

29、d outside. I dont want to go out. 2 Millie:Dont stay at home. Its good to exercise on the cold day.Peter:Youre right. 3 Millie:Would you like to play tennis?Peter:Sorry, I cant play it.Millie: 4 Peter: I think its boring(无聊的).Millie: 5 Peter: Let me think. Oh,I can only play football.Millie: OK. Let

30、s play it.A. Then whats your favourite sport?B. I dont like the cold weather.C. What about running?D. I dont know how to play.E. Shall we go out to do some sportsF. What do you like to do?G. But what sport can we do?1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 五、词汇检测(每小题1分,共10分)根据下列句中所给汉语或通过上下文,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只填一词。1. Can you te

31、ll me Timmys (祖父母)names?2. Its easy to answer some of the teachers (问题).3.People like making (饺子)on Chinese New Year.4. Which of the (收音机)is more popular with people?5. I like the Mid-Autumn Festival, (因为)I like moon cakes.6.The policeman opens the bag but he finds nothing .7.We all think our dreams

32、 can come .8.We often get new clothes for the children in poor areas.9.We get packets from our grandparents,parents,uncles and aunts.10.If they dont give us a ,we will play tricks on them.六、句子翻译(每小题3分,共15分)1.他的爷爷擅长制作橘灯。 2.每年中秋节,家人们都会聚在一起享受美食。 3.他通常得到什么作为他的生日礼物? 4.那个红头发的女孩经常捉弄她的同学们。 5. 我们有关于世界各地不同节日的

33、演出。 七、阅读表达(共3小题,第1题1分,第2题2分,第3题3分,共6分) In China, most students go to school by bike or by bus. If the school is not far, they usually walk to school every day. Few students are late for class. But things are different in other countries. In many Western countries, students live far from their school

34、s and they have different ways to get to school. Many students go to school by car. If there is an underground system(系统)in the city, they can go by underground(地铁).In some countries, there are double-deckers. The double-decker has two floors and it can carry more people. So some students can take a

35、 double-decker to school. Scooters踏板车)are popular with students in some Western countries. If you dont need to take a bus to school,you can go by scooter. It makes your trip more interesting and exciting. In some cold countries, such as Finland and Iceland,it often snows. The students in towns may t

36、ake a bus,but the students in villages far from the school have to go by sledge(雪橇)because there is snow everywhere. It takes a little longer. Sometimes,the students may be late for school. If it snows heavily, the students have to teach themselves at home.1 .In China,if the students live near the s

37、chool,how do they usually go to school every day? 2 .In some Western countries,which way to go to school is more interesting and exciting? 3 .Why do some students in Iceland go to school by sledge? 八、书面表达(共20分) Sandy的班上来了一位英国同学,Sandy想向新同学介绍学校生活和中国的春节,但她觉得自己英语不够好,请你帮助Sandy完成这篇短文。学校苏州阳光中学师生友好,乐于助人校园周边

38、前面有新开的大型购物中心学校生活午餐在学校吃,有很多课外俱乐部中国春节2019年的春节是2月5日注意:1.词数60左右。 2.短文需包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺。 参考答案一、 单项选择1-5 ACDCD 6-10 BBCCA二、 完型填空1-5 ABABA 6-10 BCACD三、 阅读理解1-2 CC1-3 BDC1-3 BDC1-4 CAAA四、 信息还原EBGCA五、 词汇检测1. grandparents 2. questions 3. dumplings 4. radios 5. because6. inside 7. true 8. ready 9.

39、red 10. treat六、 句子翻译1. His grandpa is good at making lanterns out of oranges.2. Family members get together and enjoy/to enjoy the delicious food every Mid-Autumn Festival.3. What does he usually get as his birthday presents?4. The girl with red hair often plays a trick on her classmates5. We have shows about different festivals around the world.七、 阅读表达1. On foot. They walk to school every day.2. By scooter.3. Because there is snow everywhere.八、 书面表达略7 / 7


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