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1、第八讲第八讲汉译英技巧指南汉译英技巧指南v一、怎样才能译出地道的英语v二、汉译英表达五戒v三、汉译英主干及信息重心的确立一、怎样才能译出地道的英语v汉译英的四个路标:1、从句法自由到句法严谨2、从内涵逻辑到外显逻辑3、从动态到静态4、从主动到被动(一)译文必须符合英语的句法套式(一)译文必须符合英语的句法套式v汉语句子形式自由。许多情况下句子无主语,句子的其他语法要素可以呈现多样的排列方式。讲究音韵,朗朗上口。v英语句子讲究语法要素(主语、谓语)的到位和完整性。三种轴心框架:主谓宾 主系表 there bev汉译英时,往往要进行信息调整和结构整合,译成英语的“形合”句式,即:外形完整,结构严谨

2、,主要的语法要素不能缺失,善于把各种修饰关系和逻辑关系用关联词表达出来。v英译汉时,句法主要是“分”;汉译英时,句法主要是“合”。例:在四川省的西部,有一美妙的去处。她背依岷山主峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转,流水潺潺。这就是松潘县的黄龙。译1:In the west part of Sichuan Province,there is a beautiful scenic spot.It is beneath Xuebaoding the main peak of Minshan Mountains.The forests are lush green;the flowers are

3、fragrant;the birds are singing;and the streams are bubbling.This is Huang Long(Yellow Dragon)of Songpan County.译2:Situated in Songpan County in the western part of Sichuan Province of China is Huang Long(Yellow Dragon)scenic spot.Standing against Xuebaoding the main peak of Minshan Mountains,the bea

4、utiful spot is a must for tourists who will be attracted by its lush green forests,fragrant flowers,murmuring streams,lovely birds and many other kinds of natural charm.(二)译文必须有逻辑性,且要表达自然(二)译文必须有逻辑性,且要表达自然v汉语的各种逻辑关系多呈隐蔽式,较少使用关联词。英语的各种逻辑关系(时间、假设、因果、转折、比较等等)多呈彰显式,以关联词作为明显标志。因此,汉译英时,应适当、自然地补加关联词。例:平日,工

5、作太忙,或交际太繁,你难得能与古今中外的智者交谈。而今,你可凝视屏息,侧耳倾听,精心阅读,令学识渐长;你还可以依随自己的爱好,去干任何一件感兴趣的事情。静听音乐,挥毫作画,“收拾”残局,甚至,翻阅影集,遥思亲人。这些无不是人生一乐!At other times you may be so occupied with your work or social intercourse that you barely have time for books.Now you can concentrate upon reading the wise of all times and all lands

6、so as to absorb their brilliant ideas and extend your horizon.Or you can do what ever you are interested in such as finding entertainment in listening to music,in drawing pictures or playing Chinese chess.If you are in the mood,you may well open an album and let the photos bring back memories of you

7、r dear ones now far away.All these are really pleasure in life,arent they?(三)译文必须符合英语的惯用法(三)译文必须符合英语的惯用法v有些译文从语法角度看似乎是对的,但英语国家的读者读起来会觉得费解,其原因在于译文不符合英语的习惯表达。v Chinglish 例:我吃不惯这种食品。原译:Im not accustomed to this food.改译:This food doesnt agree with me.1、要符合英语某些特色组句思维方式1)在某些句式中,英美人喜欢把“客观信息”或个人情感置于句首,把感受者或

8、接受者放在句子的次要地位(如宾语等)。汉语则先说感受者或接受者(一般为“人”),后叙述信息,次序正好与英语相反。例1.好几个星期以来,我又气又恨,一直感到十分苦恼,而在激烈的感情挣扎过后倍感疲惫。Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle.例2.她简直说不出话来。Words failed her.例3.我猛然想起有一个重要的约会。It suddenly occurred to me that I ha

9、d an important engagement.v英语的这些特色句式涉及到的动词主要有:occur/happen,dawn on/upon,fail,lead,leave,come over,depriveof,remindof,prey on,etc.2)英语有些句子主要在主句的谓语动词上否定,而不在宾语从句或表目的、原因等状语上进行否定,汉语往往相反。例1.我们认为这一地区的环保工作做得还不够好。原译:We think that environmental protection in this area is not satisfactory.改译:We dont think that

10、 environmental protection in this area is satisfactory.例2.人们来到武当山,其目的可不都是一样的。原译:People come to Mount Wudang not with one and the same purpose.改译:People do not come to Mount Wudang with one and the same purpose.2、汉语和英语在同一意思的表达上使用的词语或方式往往不对应。必须把汉语的表达用词或方式变为英语的用词或方式,不然就会译成“中式英语”。例1.同时,市场自身的弱点和消极方面也会反映到

11、人们的精神生活中来。Meanwhile,the weak point and negative factors involved in market operation will find expression in peoples cultural life.分析:spiritual life容易使人联想到宗教问题。精神产品 精神鼓励 intellectual product moral encouragement 精神食粮 精神创伤 nourishment for the mind emotional trauma 精神文明 non-material civilization/cultur

12、al and intellectual civilization例2.本公司养不起白吃饭的人。原译:This firm cannot afford to feed persons who have free meals.改译:This firm cannot afford to carry passengers.例3.文学源于生活又高于生活。原译:Literature comes from life and is higher than life.改译:Literature comes from life and is beyond life.3、汉语是“动态”语言,善于使用动词组成话语式的散

13、句;英语是“静态”语言,动词使用得很少。英语的名词(特别是一些含有动作的抽象名词)、介词、形容词、副词、独立主格与核心动词相配合,可以构成信息量大而又十分简洁的语势。汉译英时,应尽力向英语的这种语势靠近。例1:王先生的家临近他的办公地点,要是下个雪什么的,他上下班可就方便多了。The vicinity of Mr.Wangs home to his office building is an advantage in bad weather.例2:这些项目具有技术起点高、经济效益好、市场潜力大、发展后劲足等特点,能够使投资者获得可观的效益。With a solid technical basi

14、s,sound economic efficiency,great market potential and bright prospective,these projects will secure good economic results for the investors.4、汉语重写意,修辞华丽,善于渲染、夸饰,十分讲究排比韵律。英语重写实,修辞手段相对而言比较单一,特别强调逻辑性和文字简洁。汉译英时,应注意对汉语的过度修饰进行“减肥”和“降调”处理。有些重复的文字,不合逻辑的表达等,可以酌情不译。例1:这个年轻歌星很快红遍长城内外,大江南北。The young singer soo

15、n became popular across the country.例2:医生对那个胖男人说:“迈开你的腿,管好你的嘴。”The doctor said to the fat man,“Exercise more and eat less.”例3:南国滨海城市珠海近几年教育得到了长足的发展,成为广东省第二个教育大市。它成立了大学园区,从全国各地引进了九所著名大学到珠海办学,在校大学生已达十万之众,绿水常映学子身影,青山时闻朗朗书声。Zhuhai,a South-China seashore city in Guangdong Province,has now become the prov

16、inces second educationally strong city.Its remarkable achievements in developing education in recent years are defined by the establishment of a university park in which nine famous universities from other parts of the country have their programs extended in the picturesque place with an enrollment

17、totaling about 0.1 million students so far.5、汉语有些词语比较笼统,表意模糊,见长于“意象”;英语词语则追求意义准确、明晰。英译时应突破汉语重直觉、重表象的思维模式,寻求词语的确切含义。例1:烟囱通风不好,所以火不旺。There is not much draught up the chimney;thats why the fire doesnt burn well.例2:我校目前尚未设博士点。Our university hasnt yet had any doctoral programs.例3:我们相信用不了多久我们的产品就会走向世界。We

18、believe that it will not be long before our products are internationally recognized/find their way into international market/go global.v“语境词”:汉语有些词语的含义会因语境而发生微妙的变化。应结合上下文译出其隐含的准确意义。例:新生大部分不好意思多问问题。Most freshmen are bashful about asking questions.天有点要下雨的意思。It looks like rain.他这个人可真有意思!Hes a character

19、!我没有要改变主意的意思。I have no idea of changing my mind.他对你有意思。He is attracted to you.够意思!不过,我的意思你还是收下,不要不好意思。Really kind you are!But I insist that you accept my little gift.Dont feel embarrassed.Exercisesv试将下面一段中文译为英文。桂林位于广西壮族自治区的东北方,被誉为中国最美的地方,是大多数外国游客不可错过的景点。有句俗话说:“桂林山水甲天下!”桂林形状各异的石灰岩塔和水晶般清澈的江水经常成为中国画的描绘

20、对象,各种溶洞更是为她的美丽增加了几分诱惑。the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 石灰岩塔 limestone towers 溶洞 natural caves;carst cavesExercises 桂林位于广西壮族自治区的东北方,被誉为中国最美的地方,是大多数外国游客不可错过的景点。有句俗话说:“桂林山水甲天下!”桂林形状各异的石灰岩塔和水晶般清澈的江水经常成为中国画的描绘对象,各种溶洞更是为她的美丽增加了几分诱惑。Situated in the northeast corner of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regi

21、on,Guilin is hailed by many as the most beautiful place in China.So it is one of the must-see destinations for most foreign tourists.According to a popular Chinese saying,“The charm of Guilins scenery is unmatched elsewhere.”Its limestone towers in all shapes and crystal-clear waters are often portr

22、ayed in Chinese artworks.Besides,many natural caves make the sight ever more fascinating.二、汉译英表达五戒(一)力戒虚假对等v汉语的许多词汇所要传达的信息具有潜在性和隐蔽性,有深层含义、言外之意、语用意义或比喻意义。v汉译英时,在不少情况下必须避免机械对译,力戒只译外形而不译其真实含义。尤其是一些独特的“文化词汇”或浓彩喻饰。例1:久仰大名,如雷贯耳。原译:I have long looked up to your great name with admiration and it goes into m

23、y ears like a deafening thunder.改译:I feel highly honored to meet you.例2:班上的好人好事应该受到表扬。原译:Good persons and good deeds in the class should be praised.改译:Good deeds and their doers in the class should be praised.v汉语的某些抽象名词喜用范围词或定性词,如“问题”“情况”“现象”等,译成英语时经常要省略或作变通处理,避免虚假对应。例1:他要讲经济问题和国际形势问题。He is going to

24、 speak on the economy and the international situation.例2:没有群众条件,就不能进行任何群众性的改革工作。Without popular support,no reform of mass characteristics should be attempted.(二)力戒搭配不当v英语词语不少都是有固定搭配的,但不少译者往往受汉语影响而乱点“鸳鸯谱”,造成语言错误。例:完成任务 to finish a task to fulfill/complete/accomplish a task 违背他的意图 to violate his inten

25、tion to go against his intention 交通拥挤 the traffic is crowded the traffic is busy/heavy 我们有过这样的经验 We had the experience that It was our experience that(三)力戒“角度单一”v汉译英时,如果从一个角度译不通顺,可以换另外的角度。思路开阔,方法灵活。比如,词类可变换,语态可变换,肯定与否定可变换,词序及叙事方式也可变换。例1:努力实现从扩大规模数量为主向提高质量效益为主的转变。Efforts should be made to shift prior

26、ity of expanding scale and quantity to improving quality and efficiency.祈使句陈述句;主动被动 名词“转变”动词;动词“实现”省略例2:中国国际贸易促进委员会天津分会自1963年成立以来,开展了大量的、卓有成效的对外经济贸易促进工作,深得海内外各届同仁的赞扬。Since its founding in 1963,Tianjin Sub-council of CCPIT has been achieving remarkable success in promoting the international economic

27、relations and trade,thus winning the widespread acclaim from the economic and trade circles both at home and abroad.例3:如果您不嫌寒舍简陋,我们非常欢迎您来住。If you can make shift with the scanty accommodations of my house,youll be most heartily welcome.(make do with)(四)力戒用词重复v用词重复是汉译英的一个大忌。后果是造成译文缺乏文采,让人觉得单调乏味。v汉译英时,

28、如在一段中多次提到一件事或一件东西,不能反复使用同一个词,要注重用词变化,变换说法。v包括名词、动词、形容词及副词。例:中国科学院首批宣布了17个研究实验室和研究所对国内外开放。我们认为,这一措施对促进国内外科技人员和学术思想的交流,对于加强国内外科研机构和科学家之间的联系,都是十分必要的。The Chinese Academy of Sciences has announced the first batch of 17 laboratories and institutes opening up nationally and internationally.We are of the op

29、inion that this is an imperative measure adopted to facilitate the exchanges of scientific personnel and academic ideas nationwide and overseas,and to strengthen the academic ties between the institutions and scientists both at home and abroad.(五)力戒意义空缺v汉语中有很多简化和浓缩的词汇,以及反映中国文化独特色彩的词汇,译成英语时往往要加词解释,以补

30、偿其中的“意义空缺”。例1:此间传媒呼吁台湾当局采取积极步骤,实行“三通”,进而实现祖国统一。Mass media here call on Taiwan authorities to take immediate positive steps towards realizing the link of trade,travel and post between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and the peaceful reunification of the motherland.例2:这所大学实行定向招生。Students are admit

31、ted to this university to be trained for pre-determined employers.例3:据报导,当地警方将深入开展“严打”斗争和专项治理。It is reported that the local police will further their crackdown on all criminal activities and launch special campaigns to fight the crime and social evils that the public detest most.Exercisesv改译以下句子。1.现

32、在进口小汽车的价位不高,一般人也能买得起。原译:Now the price of an imported car is so inexpensive that even a common person can afford to buy one.(注意搭配问题)2.特区是个窗口,是技术的窗口,管理的窗口,知识的窗口,也是对外政策的窗口。原译:The special zone is a window.It is a window for technology,management and knowledge.It is also a window for foreign policy.(注意意义

33、空缺)3.不是我不买你的面子,实在是这事儿不好办。原译:It is not I do not buy your face,indeed this matter is hard to do.(注意虚假对等、角度单一)Exercisesv改译以下句子。1.现在进口小汽车的价位不高,一般人也能买得起。原译:Now the price of an imported car is so inexpensive that even a common person can afford to buy one.改译:Now the price of an imported car is so low that

34、 even a common person can afford to buy one.2.特区是个窗口,是技术的窗口,管理的窗口,知识的窗口,也是对外政策的窗口。原译:The special zone is a window.It is a window for technology,management and knowledge.It is also a window for foreign policy.改译:The special economic zone serves as a window opening up to the outside world a window thr

35、ough which sophisticated technology,advanced managerial expertise and up-to-date knowledge are brought in from abroad and Chinas external policies disseminated.3.不是我不买你的面子,实在是这事儿不好办。原译:It is not I do not buy your face,indeed this matter is hard to do.改译:Id be happy to do you a favor,but theres reall

36、y nothing I can do about it.三、汉译英主干及信息重心的确立(一)正确确立单句主干(一)正确确立单句主干 1.主语的确立主语的确立 1)汉语的主语非常灵活,几乎可以由各种类型的)汉语的主语非常灵活,几乎可以由各种类型的词汇和语言单位来担任;词汇和语言单位来担任;英语主语的语法要求非常严格,一般只能由名英语主语的语法要求非常严格,一般只能由名词、代词或具有名词语法功能的语言单位(动词不词、代词或具有名词语法功能的语言单位(动词不定式、动名词、名词性从句等)来充当。定式、动名词、名词性从句等)来充当。汉译英时,主语确立首先考虑它是否符合英语汉译英时,主语确立首先考虑它是否

37、符合英语组句和英语主语角色的逻辑。许多情况下,汉英主组句和英语主语角色的逻辑。许多情况下,汉英主语不能语不能“对等对等”照译。照译。v例:那个地方/1000万元/调查研究/细心/巧干/这种方法/找王教授/人人都动手而不是坐而论道 能解决这个问题。We(You;One)can solve this problem/This problem can be solved at that place.with ten million yuan.through investigation and study.if with care.by working ingeniously.(in)this way

38、.with the help from Professor Wang.when(if)all bear a hand instead of indulging in empty talk.2)汉语句子中,主语有时很隐蔽。而且很多主语)汉语句子中,主语有时很隐蔽。而且很多主语不能直接作为译文的主语。译者必须悉心体察,逐不能直接作为译文的主语。译者必须悉心体察,逐步缩小视点,找出符合英美人思维方式的主语。步缩小视点,找出符合英美人思维方式的主语。例1:不孝有三,无后为大。Of the three kinds of the filial impiety of a son,the most serio

39、us is to have no hair to carry on the family line.例2:在历史上,由于长江不断改道,武汉地区形成了众多的湖泊。The constant change of the course of the Changjiang River in history helped form a great many lakes in the areas around Wuhan a city in central China.例3:北京地区由于近些年加强了植树造林,在一些地方飞来了稀有的鸟类。译1:The expansion of woods in some pl

40、aces around Beijing these years attracts quite a few rare birds.译2:Quite a few rare birds come to settle down in some places around Beijing thanks to the expansion of woods there these years.例4:世纪交替,千年更迭,人类社会的发展正在揭开新的篇章。The turn of the century has opened a new chapter in the development of human soc

41、iety.3)中国人喜欢以)中国人喜欢以“人人”为句子的主语;英美人常为句子的主语;英美人常以物和具体的事实做主语(以物和具体的事实做主语(“无灵无灵”主语),人则主语),人则退到次要位置。汉译英确立主语,有时要体现出英退到次要位置。汉译英确立主语,有时要体现出英美人的这种思维方式。美人的这种思维方式。例1:我看确实像这么回事。It certainly seems so to me.例2:你做这件事不费吹灰之力。It is very easy for you to do such a thing.例3:我一时记不起他的名字了。His name just escaped me/my memory

42、.4)汉译英确立主语时要注意语态变化。汉语中的)汉译英确立主语时要注意语态变化。汉语中的某些主动式可译为英语程式化的被动结构。某些主动式可译为英语程式化的被动结构。如:“众所周知”,“大家一致认为”,“人们普遍认为”,“有人建议”,“人们预测”,“有消息说”,“报导说”等 一般译为“It is(was)+动词过去分词+that从句”例:人们普遍认为英国人都很保守。It is generally believed/universally acknowledged that the British are conservative.5)如果汉语句子中主语是地点(个别情况下是时)如果汉语句子中主语是

43、地点(个别情况下是时间),谓语动词是状态动词或间),谓语动词是状态动词或“有有”、“出现出现”、“发生发生”等词,译成英语时多半使用等词,译成英语时多半使用“There be”句型,一般会把汉语句子中的宾语变成译文的主语。句型,一般会把汉语句子中的宾语变成译文的主语。例1:这部小说里看来没有更为有趣的东西了。There appears to be nothing more interesting in this novel.例2:北京近几年发生了重大变化。There have been great changes in Beijing these years.6)汉语无主句较多,译成英语时,绝

44、大部分要增)汉语无主句较多,译成英语时,绝大部分要增加主语。加主语。a.汉语含有号召、要求、规定等意味的无主句,有汉语含有号召、要求、规定等意味的无主句,有时可译成祈使句,有的则应补出主语。时可译成祈使句,有的则应补出主语。例1:您的票!Show your ticket please!(Your ticket please!)例2:为建设一个伟大的社会主义祖国而奋斗!Strive to build a great socialist country!例3:要警惕右和左的影响,特别是左的根深蒂固的影响。Its necessary/important/imperative to be on gua

45、rd against the influence of both the Right and the Left deviations,particularly against the deep-rooted Left influence.b.汉语叙事或叙理的无主句,译时都应补加主语。汉语叙事或叙理的无主句,译时都应补加主语。翻译叙理的无主句,一般有三种选择:译成被动句;翻译叙理的无主句,一般有三种选择:译成被动句;译成译成“It is (for sb.)to do”结构;补加主语结构;补加主语“we,one,you,a person,people”例1:认识落后,才能去改变落后;学习先进,才有

46、可能赶超先进。Backwardness must be perceived before it can be changed.A person must learn from the advanced before he can catch up and surpass them.例2:不入虎穴,焉得虎子?If one does not enter the tigers den,how can he get tigers cub?例3:很容易看出来那位作家是个生手,刚从事写作。Its not difficult to see that the writer is a novice at his

47、 job.例4:还看不出他能挑得起这副担子。Nothing suggests that he will be equal to such a task.c.在上文已作交待的情况下,汉语句子多省略主语,在上文已作交待的情况下,汉语句子多省略主语,而英译时在许多情况下则需补上。而英译时在许多情况下则需补上。例:层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星。(朱自清:荷塘月色)The leaves were dotted in between the layers with white flowers,some blooming grac

48、efully;others,as if bashfully,still in bud.They were like bright pearls or stars in an azure sky.d.汉语还有不少无主句内含隐蔽性很强的汉语还有不少无主句内含隐蔽性很强的“意合意合”主语,翻译时应潜心挖掘。主语,翻译时应潜心挖掘。例:新世纪大厦由一幢22层楼、两幢9层楼和地下停车场组成。从高层远眺,海景、帆影、大桥尽收眼底。The New Century Tower consists of one 22-story building,two 9-story buildings and undergr

49、ounds parking lots.Residents on the higher floors can enjoy the view of the sea,boats and the bridge.也可用“The higher floors overlook”结构。2.谓语的确立谓语的确立 汉语的谓语具有开放性,几乎所有的此类和各种语言单位都可以充当谓语。此外,汉语的谓语可以横排式地连用几个动词。如:北京 大。在中国的北部。民风淳朴。让前来参观的人流连忘返。许多外国人也说好。英语的谓语只能由动词担任,多数情况下只由一个主要动词担任,其他的动词往往以非谓语形态出现,或者以介词、形容词或名词形

50、式出现。v翻译汉语的谓语时要注意两种情况:1)汉语谓语如是名词、数词、形容词、介词短语,译成英语时必须在这些词之前加上系动词(be,seem,look,appear,feel,smell,sound等)。如:北京大地方。Beijing is a big city.这小伙帅。This young man looks(is)handsome.2)汉语的连动式谓语译成英语时,只能保留一个主要动词(少数并列动词除外),而把其他动词译为名词、介词短语或者不定式、分词等。例:总统明天准备乘坐专机前往上海参观。The president prepares to go to Shanghai by his s


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