最新历年全国高考英语完形填空试题汇总及答案(DOC 61页).doc

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1、最新历年全国高考英语完形填空试题汇总及答案一、高中英语完形填空1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 Its been five years since I came to America. The year before I arrived, every weekend I was woken up by Spring River in the Flower Moon Night, 1 by my mother on a zheng. My mom was always enchanted(着迷)by the beauty of Chi

2、nese traditional music 2 she never had the chance to learn a(n) 3 . In 2009, she got a zheng from a friend and has been playing and 4 ever since. Sometimes when I miss her, I search for the songs she used to play on the Internet. I 5 expected to hear them here in Boston. Earlier this year, as I 6 a

3、new apartment, I met Zhantao Lin, the director of the Boston Chinese Musicians Association. At Lins house, I heard the 7 of the erhu. Lin later 8 me to his music team and I heard the rehearse(排练)for a 9 this year. It was beautiful and powerful it 10 brought me back to my hometown in China. 11 is als

4、o part of Lins daily routine. Besides performing, he passed on his love of the erhu to his 12 . I went to one of Lins classes and met 9-year-old London Turk. I asked him 13 he chose to learn the erhu. Its much 14 to learn than the violin, he said. Perhaps Turk hasnt really started to 15 the beauty o

5、f the erhu, but his mother has always loved the instrument. There are so many beautiful things in Chinese 16 : the music, the language, and the art. So we just try our best to let him have a 17 to explore it, she said. I 18 my mom for giving me a chance to immerse(使沉浸)myself in the Chinese musical w

6、orld. The music makes me feel relaxed. It can also 19 me of my homesickness. If you listen to one piece, you will 20 its uniqueness, power, and beauty.1. A. directedB. writtenC. playedD. invented2. A. andB. butC. orD. so3. A. tradeB. instrumentC. languageD. trick4. A. respondingB. inspectingC. prete

7、ndingD. performing5. A. neverB. stillC. alreadyD. only6. A. looked afterB. looked atC. looked upD. looked for7. A. storyB. nameC. soundD. cry8. A. introducedB. recommendedC. guidedD. followed9. A. competitionB. performanceC. gameD. conference10. A. suddenlyB. recentlyC. nearlyD. secretly11. A. Readi

8、ngB. ComposingC. TeachingD. Exercising12. A. workmatesB. friendsC. parentsD. students13. A. howB. whereC. whenD. why14. A. longerB. easierC. saferD. smarter15. A. considerB. ignoreC. appreciateD. expect16. A. cultureB. economyC. literatureD. medicine17. A. placeB. chanceC. dutyD. desire18. A. forgiv

9、eB. blameC. begD. thank19. A. remindB. informC. cureD. warn20. A. experienceB. ensureC. expressD. explain【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)B;(4)D;(5)A;(6)D;(7)C;(8)A;(9)B;(10)A;(11)C;(12)D;(13)D;(14)B;(15)C;(16)A;(17)B;(18)D;(19)C;(20)A; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者受到妈妈的影响非常喜欢中国古典音乐,在波士顿他看到一个小男孩因为妈妈想让他探索中国文化之美而学习二胡,由此作者感谢妈妈

10、让他有机会沉浸于中国音乐的世界。 (1)考查动词。句意:我来的前一年,每个周末都会被妈妈在古筝上弹奏的“春江花月夜”吵醒。A. directed“指导”;B. written“写”;C. played“弹奏”; D. invented“发明”。“Spring River in the Flower Moon Night”是一曲音乐,故用弹奏符合逻辑,且下文的“she got a zheng from a friend and has been playing”也有暗示,play是原词复现,故选C。 (2)考查连词。句意:我妈妈被中国传统音乐的美迷住了,但是她没有机会学乐器。A. and“和,并

11、且”;B. but“但是”;C. or“或者”;D. so“因此”。结合句意可知前后两部分为转折意义,应用but连接,故选B。 (3)考查名词。句意:我妈妈被中国传统音乐的美迷住了,但是她没有机会学乐器。A. trade“交易”;B. instrument“乐器”;C. language“语言”;D. trick“把戏”。根据下文的“In 2009, she got a zheng from a friend”可知作者的妈妈得到了一个古筝,故此处用“乐器”符合语境,故选B。 (4)考查动词。句意:2009年,妈妈的朋友送了她一架古筝,自那时起她就一直弹奏和表演。A. responding“回答

12、”;B. inspecting“检查”;C. pretending“假装”; D. performing“表演”。根据下文的“I search for the songs she used to play on the Internet.”可知作者可以在网络上找到妈妈的音乐视频,故推测他的妈妈参加过古筝弹奏表演,故选D。 (5)考查副词。句意:我从来没有想到在波士顿能听到这些曲子。A. never“绝不”;B. still“仍然”;C. already“已经”;D. only“仅仅”。根据上下文可知作者妈妈演奏的是中国的传统音乐,而作者身在波士顿,故推测他从来没有想到会在外国听到中国传统曲子,

13、故选A。 (6)考查动词短语。句意:今年初,当我寻找新公寓时,我遇到了林战涛,他是波士顿中国音乐家协会的总监。A. looked after“照顾”;B. looked at“看着”;C. looked up“查阅”;D. looked for“寻找”。结合上下文可知此处是指作者准备搬家,故用寻找新公寓符合语境,故选D。 (7)考查名词。句意:在他家里我听到了二胡的声音。A. story“故事”;B. name“名字”;C. sound“声音”;D. cry“哭”。联系实际,二胡是一种乐器,故推测作者听到二胡演奏的声音,故选C。 (8)考查动词。句意:后来他给我介绍他的乐团,我听了为今年表演而

14、准备的一次排练。A. introduced“介绍”;B. recommended“推荐”;C. guided“指导”;D. followed“跟随”。根据上下文此处是指林战涛带作者去看他们的乐团,用“介绍”符合语境,故选A。 (9)考查名词。句意:后来他给我介绍他的乐团,我听了为今年表演而准备的一次排练。A. competition“竞争”;B. performance“表演”;C. game“游戏,比赛”;D. conference“会议”。根据下文的“Besides performing, he passed on his love of the erhu”可知林站涛他们会进行表演,故此处

15、用“表演”符合语境,故选B。 (10)考查副词。句意:曲子美而充满力量,突然它把我带回了中国的故乡。A. suddenly“突然地”;B. recently“最近”;C. nearly“几乎”;D. secretly“秘密地”。根据上文的“I _5_ expected to hear them here in Boston.”可知作者从没想过音乐会让他想到故乡,故此处用“突然地”符合语境,故选A。 (11)考查动词。句意:教书也是林战涛日常的一部分。A. Reading“阅读”;B. Composing“作曲”;C. Teaching“ 教书”;D. Exercising“锻炼”。根据下文的“

16、I went to one of Lins classes and met 9-year-old London Turk”可知作者去了林战涛所教的班级,故此处用“教书”符合逻辑,故选C。 (12)考查名词。句意:除了表演,他把对二胡的喜爱传递给他的学生。A. workmates“同事”;B. friends“朋友”;C. parents“父母”;D. students“学生”。根据下文的“I went to one of Lins classes and met 9-year-old London Turk”可知林战涛在教书,故此处用“学生”符合逻辑,选D。 (13)考查宾语从句。句意:我问他

17、为什么会选择学习二胡。A. how“如何”;B. where“什么地方”;C. when“什么时间”;D. why“为什么”。根据下文的“Its much _14_ to learn than the violin,”可知该学生回答的是学二胡的原因,故此处用“为什么”符合逻辑,故选D。 (14)考查形容词。句意:他说:“学二胡比学小提琴容易得多。”A. longer“更长的”;B. easier“更容易的”;C. safer“更安全的”;D. smarter“更聪明的”。联系上下文可知,Turk才9岁,他目前还没有了解到二胡的美妙,故推测他学二胡是因为学习起来比小提琴容易,故选B。 (15)考

18、查动词。句意:或许,Turk还没有真正开始欣赏二胡的美妙,但是他的妈妈喜欢这种乐器。A. consider“考虑”;B. ignore“忽略”; C. appreciate“欣赏”;D. expect“期待”。根据下文的“but his mother has always loved the instrument.”可知Turk的妈妈喜欢二胡,且前后句是转折关系,故此处用“欣赏”符合语境,appreciate和love是同义词复现,故选C。 (16)考查名词。句意:中国文化有很多美丽的东西,例如音乐,语言和艺术。A. culture“文化”;B. economy“经济”;C. literatu

19、re“文学”;D. medicine“药物”。the music, the language, and the art属于文化,故选A。 (17)考查名词。句意:因此我们尽最大努力让他有机会可以探索它的美。A. place“地点”;B. chance“机会”;C. duty“职责”;D. desire“渴望”。此处是指Turk的妈妈提供机会让他学习二胡,一次作为探索中国文化之美的方式之一,且下文的“my mom for giving me a chance to immerse”也有暗示,chance是原词复现,故选B。 (18)考查动词。句意:我很感谢妈妈给我提供可以沉浸在中国音乐世界的机会

20、。A. forgive“原谅”;B. blame“责备”;C. beg“祈求”;D. thank“感谢”。根据下文的“The music makes me feel relaxed.”可知音乐让作者放松,故此处应选择带褒义感情色彩的词,故选D。 (19)考查动词。句意:它也能够治愈我的思乡之情。A. remind“提醒”;B. inform“告知”;C. cure“治愈”;D. warn“警告”。根据上文的“The music makes me feel relaxed.”可知音乐让作者放松,且和本句为递进关系,故此处用“治愈”符合语境,故选C。 (20)考查动词。句意:如果你听一首曲子,你就

21、会体验到它的独特,能量和美。A. experience“体验”;B. ensure“确保”;C. express“表达”;D. explain“解释”。此处是指听音乐可以体验音乐里所表达的东西,故选A。 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,连词,宾语从句,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2完形填空 A man, aged 26, whose ability to walk was threatened after a car accident in his teens, comp

22、leted a 200-mile cycle across Baffin Island in the Arctic. It took him eight days to complete the 1 . This man was Ben Rockett, from Taunton, England. He battled 2 temperatures of minus 27 and wound up to 100 knots to raise more than $1,000 for the charity Action for Children. Ben had to cycle in 3

23、conditions, but was helped with a(n) 4 designed bike. He spent months 5 for the challenge with David Hempleman-Adams, who was the first person to reach the geographic and magnetic North and South Poles. Ben said, Ive always loved to cycle in 6 places and this was an amazing experience. When I first

24、arrived, it was nearly minus 30, but the wind was the most 7 thing -it was extremely strong and made 8 on the bike extremely difficult.” He 9 , Any part of the skin that wasnt covered ran the 10 of getting frostbite (冻疮). I had to cycle with my face covered and I wasnt able to 11 any clothing for mo

25、re than a minute at the most. I 12 had to keep changing the distribution of weight on my bike to stop it from 13 into the deep snow! Despite the great risk involved, he remained optimistic about his surroundings saying, “The 14 was breathtaking and impressive. My 15 part was cycling on top of a rive

26、r that was frozen 16 . It was so clear that it was like hovering (盘旋) above the ground! Ben decided to 17 his Arctic adventure after completing a PhD at the University of Bath, where he studied the 18 of long-term foster care placements (寄养安排) on children and carers. It was then that he knew about t

27、he 19 of Action for Children, and wanted to 20 money and raise awareness about the charity.1. A. projectB. surveyC. challengeD. connection2. A. onB. againstC. withD. at3. A. toughB. specificC. actualD. present4. A. officiallyB. speciallyC. comfortablyD. recently5. A. pushingB. applyingC. preparingD.

28、 searching6. A. unusualB. publicC. properD. unknown7. A. surprisingB. worryingC. disappointingD. tiring8. A. sleepingB. standingC. balancingD. resting9. A. advertisedB. reportedC. announcedD. added10. A. expenseB. centerC. startD. risk11. A. removeB. changeC. wearD. buy12. A. againB. alsoC. evenD. t

29、hus13. A. bumpingB. skiingC. springingD. sinking14. A. displayB. sceneryC. floodD. fantasy15. A. bitterB. valuableC. favouriteD. abnormal16. A. shutB. mixedC. blackD. solid17. A. take upB. take overC. take downD. take in18. A. regulationsB. agreementsC. effectsD. advantages19. A. progressB. ordinanc

30、eC. automationD. work20. A. collectB. saveC. investD. make【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)A;(4)B;(5)C;(6)A;(7)B;(8)C;(9)D;(10)D;(11)A;(12)B;(13)D;(14)B;(15)C;(16)D;(17)A;(18)C;(19)D;(20)A; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,一位叫做Ben Rockett的男子通过骑自行车北极挑战,意识到应该为孩子们做点事了,他想收集钱,提高慈善意识。 (1)考查名词。A. project“项目”;B. survey“调查”;C. challenge“挑

31、战”;D. connection“连接”。完成这次挑战花费了他八天时间。故选C。 (2)考查介词。A. on“在表面”;B. against“反对”;C. with“借助,和”;D. at“在”。他对抗零下27度的温度。故选B。 (3)考查形容词。A. tough“艰难的”;B. specific“特别的”;C. actual“真实的”;D. present“目前的”。根据上文:要对抗零下27度,可知处于困难的状况。故选A。 (4)考查副词。A. officially“官方地”;B. specially“特别地,专门的”;C. comfortably“舒适地”;D. recently“最近”。

32、但是有专门的自行车帮忙。故选B。 (5)考查动词。A. pushing“推”;B. applying“申请”;C. preparing“准备”;D. searching“搜索”。他花了数月为这次挑战做准备。故选C。 (6)考查形容词。A. unusual“不同寻常的”;B. public“公共的”;C. proper“合适的”;D. unknown“未知的”。我总是喜欢在不寻常的地方骑自行车,这是一次令人惊讶的挑战。故选A。 (7)考查形容词。A. surprising“令人惊讶的”;B. worrying“令人担心的”;C. disappointing“令人失望的”;D. tiring“累人

33、的”。当我到达时几乎是零下30度,但风是最令人担忧的。故选B。 (8)考查动词。A. sleeping“睡觉”;B. standing“站立”;C. balancing“平衡”;D. resting“休息”。但风是最令人担忧的,风极其大,很难掌握自行车的平衡。故选C。 (9)考查动词。A. advertised“登广告”;B. reported“报道”;C. announced“宣布”;D. added“添加,补充”。他补充道。故选D。 (10)考查名词。A. expense“花费”;B. center“中心”;C. start“开始”;D. risk“冒险”。没有被覆盖的任何皮肤经历着变成冻

34、疮的冒险。故选D。 (11)考查动词。A. remove“移动”;B. change“改变”;C. wear“穿”;D. buy“买”。我必须盖着脸骑自行车,我移开遮脸的东西最多不能超过一分多钟。故选A。 (12)考查副词。A. again“再”;B. also“也”;C. even“甚至”;D. thus“因此”。我也必须持续改变自行车上重量的分配,以免陷在深雪里。故选B。 (13)考查动词。A. bumping“碰撞”;B. skiing“滑雪”;C. springing“弹起”;D. sinking“沉没,沉陷”。我也必须持续改变自行车上重量的分配,以免陷在深雪里。故选D。 (14)考查

35、名词。A. display“展示”;B. scenery“风景”;C. flood“洪水”;D. fantasy“幻想”。景色是令人激动和印象深刻的。故选B。 (15)考查形容词。A. bitter“苦的”;B. valuable“有价值的”;C. favourite“最爱的”;D. abnormal“不正常的”。我最喜欢的时候是在冻结的河上骑车。故选C。 (16)考查形容词。A. shut“关闭的”;B. mixed“混合的”;C. black“黑色的”;D. solid“固体的”。也就是水结冰成固体。故选D。 (17)考查动词短语。A. take up“拿起,从事”;B. take ove

36、r“接管”;C. take down“记下”;D. take in“领会”。Ben决定在英国巴斯大学完成博士之后从事他的北极冒险。故选A。 (18)考查名词。A. regulations“条例”;B. agreements“协议”;C. effects“效果”;D. advantages“优点”。在英国巴斯大学他研究长期寄养安排对孩子和守护者的影响。故选C。 (19)考查名词。A. progress“进步”;B. ordinance“条例”;C. automation“自动化”;D. work“工作”。是那时他才知道要为孩子做实际工作。故选D。 (20)考查动词。A. collect“收集”;

37、B. save“拯救”;C. invest“投资”;D. make“制造”。他想筹钱,提高慈善意识。故选A。 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,介词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。3阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入的空白处的最佳选项。 The day that I will always remember is when I ran my first 10km.While putting my toe on the starting

38、1 , I felt my heart drop to my stomach. However, I would 2 my heart, because in running, when you run out of your 3 , you just run with your heart. That day the 4 was cool and fresh, and my courage had 5 . The race was about to start. Bang! The 6 of the starting gun ran into the air. I took off runn

39、ing, 7 like the wind. I knew it would be a really great 8 for me. In the first four miles, I felt like a cheetah (猎豹). I felt 9 and forceful in my pace. Then came the fifth mile. My legs 10 like jelly(果冻), and I could feel fire burning in my lungs, “keep 11 !” the thought ran through my head. Now wa

40、s the time I had to run with my 12 . I had to win although I didnt know whether I would 13 it. My body really wanted to 14 , but my heart told me not to. I think its the 15 thing about running. The real run starts when you want to 16 . I saw the finishing line and I felt like an Olympic 17 who was a

41、bout to win the race. I had 18 been happier, and felt proud too when I had my 19 put around my neck. As the saying goes, “Running is the greatest metaphor (比喻) for life, 20 you get out of it what you put into it.”1. A. pointB. signC. courseD. line2. A. needB. checkC. breakD. know3. A. knowledgeB. ab

42、ilityC. energyD. money4. A. situationB. sceneryC. airD. sunlight5. A. shown offB. made outC. got throughD. set in6. A. soundB. powerC. actionD. result7. A. carefullyB. gentlyC. fastD. freely8. A. mistakeB. challengeC. troubleD. success9. A. nervousB. seriousC. strongD. heavy10. A. lookedB. tastedC.

43、feltD. smelt11. A. growingB. goingC. talkingD. resting12. A. heartB. feetC. legsD. body13. A. expectB. seeC. acceptD. make14. A. take offB. give upC. stay outD. turn back15. A. firstB. importantC. terribleD. easy16. A. stopB. jumpC. turnD. improve17. A. coachB. volunteerC. supporterD. runner18. A. s

44、ometimesB. everC. alwaysD. never19. A. metalB. modelC. medalD. license20. A. ifB. becauseC. unlessD. though【答案】(1)D;(2)A;(3)C;(4)C;(5)D;(6)A;(7)C;(8)B;(9)C;(10)C;(11)B;(12)A;(13)D;(14)B;(15)B;(16)A;(17)D;(18)D;(19)C;(20)B; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者参加十公里赛跑的经历。那天天气很好,比赛前期,作者像一只猎豹一样奔跑。后来在五英里的时候作者开始觉得很累,但是这是最艰难的时候,作者坚持了下来,最终赢得了比赛。(1)考查名词。point“要点”;sign“符号”;course“科目”;line“排”。作者说他第一次参加了10公里的长跑比赛。由前文可知,作者在长跑即将开始的时候他的脚尖应该放在起跑线上。the starting line,固定短语,“起跑线”故选D。(2)考查动词。need“需要”;check“检查”;break“打破”;know“知道”。作者打趣地说,尽管如此,他需要心,因为“you just run with your heart”。fe


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