新译林版牛津英语9A-全册要点总结(期末复习)(DOC 18页).doc

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1、 新译林版牛津英语9A 全册要点总结(期末复习)9A Unit 1 Know yourself一、重点短语序号页码汉语英语16吃光eat up26看一看have/take a look36和某人分享某物share sth. with sb.47使保持井然有序keepin order57炫耀show off67想出(主意);追上,赶上come up with77整天all day long88搜索; 寻找search for98放弃give up108一天又一天day after day118或者或者eitheror128落后fall behind138接受新挑战take on new chal

2、lenges148任何时候any time159与连接,连接connect to/with169注意pay attention to179不但而且not onlybut also189事实上in fact199把.投入到devoteto2016把分成divideinto2118同意(某人的)看法agree with sb.二、经典句子1. He keeps all her things in good order. (P7) 她把她所有的东西弄得井井有条。2. Neither my parents nor I think I can make a good accountant. (P7) 我

3、和我父母亲都认为我不能成为一名好的会计员。3. Wu Wei, the young artist, has impressed the whole country with his creative work. (P8) 他的富有创造力的作品给全国人民留下深刻的印象。4. All of us know that its necessary to pay attention to every detail. (P9) 我们都知道有必要注意每个细节。5. Carelessness will be a disease not only to ourselves but also to patient

4、s. (P9) 粗心不但对我们自己而且对病人来说会是一种疾病。三、单元语法【并列句】两个或两个以上的简单句用并列连词连在一起构成的句子,叫做并列句,其基本结构是“简单句+并列连词+简单句”。并列连词有:and, but, or, so等。各并列分句中的简单句相互之间没有从属关系,只是平行并列的关系。 表并列关系:由and, both.and, not only.but (also), neither.nor等连接。 表转折关系:与but, while (然而),等连接。 表选择关系:由or, either.or., not.but.等连接。 表因果关系:与so, therefore (因此)等

5、连接。 【小试牛刀】根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1) 我弟弟虽然年纪小,但却懂很多。My brother is young, _.2) 他又高又瘦。 He is _.3) 你是骑自行车上班还是坐公交车上班?Do you go to work _? 4) 她生病了,所以没有去上学。 She was ill, _.5) 她和我都擅长英语。_ good at English.6) 伦敦和纽约都存在交通问题。_ traffic problems.四、知识点归纳1. Life is like a race. You either take the lead or fall behind. (P8) 人生

6、就像一场赛跑,你要么领先, 要么落后。句中的eitheror(“或者或者”)连接两个并列的句子,其否定结构为neithernor(“既不也不”), 这两个句型若连接两个并列的主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,这就是我们通常说的“就近原则”。另外,not onlybut also(“不但而且”)连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词也要遵循“就近原则”。1) 汤姆和杰克都通过考试。_ passed the exam.2) 要么你要么他错拿了我的伞。 _ taken my umbrella by mistake.3) 不仅学生们,还有李老师在学校吃午饭。_ lunch at scho

7、ol.2. As a doctor, you cant too careful. (P9) 作为一名医生,再怎么仔细也不为过。 句中的cannottoo是常用表达, 意思是“无论怎样也不为过,越越好”。1) 这部电影值得大加称赞。 You_ praise the film _ much. 2) 孩子永远不会嫌玩具多。 A kid can _ have _ many toys.3. It is you who shape your life and your future. (P16) 你的生活和你的未来都掌握在你的手中。 句子“It is +被强调部分+who/that+原句其他部分”是一种强

8、调句型,用于加强语气。 1) 我们得到的光线和热都来自于太阳。_ that we get light and heat.2) It was last night _ I see the comet. A. the time B. when C. that D. which3) It is ten years _ Miss Green returned to Canada. A. that B. when C. since D. as五、经典题库() 1. Its everyones duty to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign (光盘行动).Sure.

9、We should try to _ all the food that weve ordered.A. give upB. eat upC. turn upD. show up ( ) 2. Does Mary want to be a teacher in the future?No. Neither her parents nor she _ can make a good teacher.A. think B. have thought C. thinks D. thought( ) 3. Must I turn off the gas after cooking?Of course,

10、 you can never be _ careful with that.A. so B. such C. enough D. too () 4. None of the shoes in the shop are the right size. They are_ too big_ too small.A. both; andB. neither; norC. either; orD. not only; but also9A Unit 2 Colours一、重点短语序号页码汉语英语122感到放松feel relaxed222使某人感到开心make sb. feel happy322影响某

11、人情绪influence ones moods423使振作起来cheer up523提醒某人有关某事remind sb. of sth.623希望得到某物,希望做某事hope for sth.723妒忌的,眼红的green with envy823使某事费劲have difficulty (in) doing sth926适合于be suitable for1027代替,而不是instead of1130宁愿,更喜欢would rather1231穿蓝色衣服be (dressed) in blue1331在过去in the past1431怀着的希望in the hope of / in th

12、e hope that二、经典句子1. It brings peace to our mind and body. (P22) 他给我们的身心带来和平。2. If you require strength in either body or mind, red may be of some help to you. (P23)如果你想要在身体或精神上有力量,红色可能对你有帮助。3. This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision. (P23)当你作出决定有困难时,这个可能有帮助。4. In many places,

13、baby boys are dressed in blue and baby girls in pink. (P31)在许多地方,男孩穿蓝色衣服,女孩穿粉红的衣服。5. People dressed baby boys in blue in the hope that boys would be protected. (P31)人们给男宝宝穿上蓝色是希望男孩们能得到保护。三、单元语法【宾语从句】一个句子用来作另一个句子的一个成分,如主语、表语、定语等,叫从句,用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句。宾语从句可以用连词that,连接代词who,whom,what,which;连接副词 how,when,whe

14、re以及if和whether引起。1. 由that引导的宾语从句that在宾语从句中不作句子的任何成分,仅起连接作用,而且没有意义。Everyone knows that he is a good student. 大家都知道他是一名好学生。2. 由if或whether引导的宾语从句if或whether在宾语从句中不作句子的任何成分,表示疑问,意思是“是否” We dont know whether he will come or not. 我们不知道他会来还是不来。 I am interested in whether hell go abroad. 我对他是否去国外很感兴趣。【小试牛刀】将

15、下列句子合并为含有宾语从句的主从复合句。1) He will finish the task in two days. He said. .2) Have you ever been to Beijing? My cousin asked me. .3) Mars has two moons. The teacher told the students. .4) Does it take very long to travel from Earth to Mars? Do you know. _ .5) Will Lucy come tomorrow or will she not come?

16、 I am wondering. .四、知识点归纳1. Theres nothing wrong with pink. (P20) 粉色没什么不好。句型there is something/nothing wrong with something意思是“某物有/没有问题”。我的电脑出了些问题,它不工作了。There is my computer. It doesnt work.2. And Im not sure if blue looks good on you. (P20) 而且我不确定你穿蓝色是否好看。 句型something looks good on somebody意思是“某物穿在

17、某人身上好看”; 句型somebody looks good in something 意思是“某人穿某物好看”。1) 红色穿在基蒂身上好看。 Kitty. 2) 基蒂穿红色好看。 Kitty .3. Colors can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy. (总结make的用法,尤其注意被动语态中的用法)1) 这消息让他开心。 The news .2) 科学家正在努力工作使得这个梦想成真。 Scientists are working hard to .3) 工人们被迫一天工作十六小时。 T

18、he workers sixteen hours a day.4. Wearing red can also makes it easier to take action. (P23) 穿红色也更容易采取行动。 句中wearing red是个动名词作主语,应视为单数,相应的谓语动词也要用单数形式。1) 在阳光下看书对我们的眼睛有害。 bad for our health. 2) 早晨读英语是很有帮助的。 _ very useful.3) 穿蓝色服装或睡着蓝色的房间里有益于我们的身心。_ or _ room _ good for the mind and body.五、经典题库( ) 1. Wh

19、at did Mr. Wu say just now?He said that water _ice at the temperature of zero degree centigrade.A. had becomeB. became C. becomes D. will become( ) 2. Mike did badly in the English exam. He is feeling_ now.A. blue B. green C. brown D. white( ) 3. Do you believe_ man can live on Mars in the future?It

20、s hard to say. Scientists are still not sure_ we can grow plants on Mars.A. if; thatB. whether; ifC.that; thatD. that; whether( ) 4. My mother asked me_ I was going to speak at the meeting and I said “Yes”.A. whatB. whenC. whyD. whether9A Unit 3 Teenage problems一、重点短语序号页码汉语英语134多运动exercise more / do

21、 more exercise234少吃eat less (food)335使某人受不了drive sb mad436处理,对付deal with536熬夜stay up636对感到难过(或遗憾)feel bad abput sth736值得(做某事)be worth (doing sth.)836梦想;想象dream of/about936收到的来信hear from sb.=get/receive a letter from sb.1037陷入麻烦get into trouble1137对某人严格要求be strict with sb1237待在户外;(晚上)不回家stay out1339算

22、出;解决work out1439根据according to1543嘲笑laugh at1644复习;回顾go over1744不客气dont mention it1846把秘而不宣keep sth to yourself1947与同龄的be of sbs age二、经典句子1. I have no choice but to do it. (P36) 我只好做,别无选择。2. I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework. (P36)我经常在怀疑花这么多时间做作业是否值得。3. I hardly hav

23、e any spare time for my hobbies. (P36) 我几乎没有闲暇时间留给兴趣爱好。4. My parents do not allow me to play outside after 6 p.m. (P37) 我父母不允许我晚上六点后在外面玩。5. I wonder how I can achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies. (P37)我想知道我如何能在学习和兴趣中达到平衡。三、单元语法1. 宾语从句:由疑问词引导的宾语从句疑问词作引导词有连接代词(who, whom, what, which

24、)和连接副词(how,when,where)它们在宾语从句中作一相应的句子成分,并且有一定和含义。He wondered how the pyramids were built. 他想知道金字塔是如何建造的。2. 如何“建议”Lets do sth. Why dont you/we do sth? Why not do sth? Shall we do sth?We/You should do sth. Youd better/Wed better do sth. What/How about doing sth?【小试牛刀】1. 将下列句子合并为含有宾语从句的主从复合句。1) Whats w

25、rong with the robot? I didnt know. .2) Where did Mr Jiang buy the robot? Id like to know. .3) How does the robot wash the dishes? I wonder. .2. 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。1) Lets _ (walk) along the road for a short time, OK?2) -Shall we go and _ ( see) the animals? -All right.3) Why not _ (try) going by boat f

26、or a change?4) What about _ (go) shopping with me tomorrow afternoon?四、知识点归纳1. The TV is always on at my home. (P35) 我家电视总是开着。 句中的on是副词,意思是“处于工作状态中;在进行着”,另外“on+名词(由动词转变而来)”表示一个正在进行的动作。1) 电影已开演十分钟了。 The film _ for ten minutes.2) 他在哪儿?他在访问加拿大。Where is he? He _ a visit to Canada。3) 他们要度假两周。 They _ for

27、two weeks .2. I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework. (P36)我经常在怀疑花这么多时间做作业是否值得。 短语be worth (doing) something 意思是“值得”,后面接动名词(动词-ing)或名词。 1) 颐和园值得一游。 The Summer Palace is _.2) 这本书很值得一读。The book is _.3. I am crazy about football. (P37) 我的对足球很痴迷。 表示喜欢有几种表达:like, love, be fon

28、d of, be crazy about等。1) Andy喜欢打篮球。Andy basketball. 2) Simon痴迷于打电脑游戏。Simon computer games. 3) Amy热爱跳舞。Amy .4. I need someone to share my worries with. (P40) 我需要有人来分担我的烦恼。 注意这里的动词不定式短语to share my worries with是后置定语,与前面的someone形成动宾关系,因此其后的with不可省略。如果不定式限定的名词是time,place,way等,不定式后面的介词习惯上可以省略。 1) 这个大型购物中心

29、是与朋友相聚和娱乐的好地方。The mall is a good place _.2) 我没有搭档一起练习英语。I have no partners _.五、经典题库( ) 1. We can invite Mr. Smith to the party next Saturday. _? Ill call him at once.A. Why not B. What C. What for D. How( ) 2. Little Mary often feel lonely because he has no friends _.A. to play B. play C. playing wi

30、th D. to play with( ) 3. Whats wrong, Simon? I have a problem, and I dont know _it.A. what to do B. how to do C. how to deal withD. what to deal with( ) 4. Could you tell me _? A. who can help us organize the show B. how long you have bought the car C. what was your favourite subject D. how many stu

31、dents are there in your class( ) 5. Excuse me, could you tell me _? Yes. Its about twenty minutes walk. A. how long it takes to go to the park B. how far it is from here to the park C. how does it take to go to the park D. how far is it from here to the park 9A Unit 4 Growing up一、重点短语序号页码汉语英语148挂在心上

32、;惦念on ones mind249一就.as soon as349大量,许多a great deal (of)450参加选拔(或试演)try out for sth550泄气,灰心lose heart650改变主意change ones mind750继续做某事(接着做另一件事)go on to do sth851成功地做某事succeed in doing sth951注意,觉察take notice of1056参加(活动)take part in1157爆发break out1257死于die of/from1358为生命安全担忧in fear of ones life1460令某人惊

33、奇的是to ones surprise二、经典句子1. While attending junior high school, Spud tried out for the school team. (P50) 进入初中期间,斯巴德参加了学校队的选拔。2. As a result, he succeeded in getting a scholarship. (P51) 结果他成功获得了奖学金。3. Her father had her diary published in 1947. (P57) 1947年,她父亲使她的日记出版了。4. My father is in his fifties

34、. (P60) 我父亲五十多岁。5. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death. (P60)让我惊讶的是,他已决定死后捐献遗体供医学研究。三、单元语法时间状语从句时间状语从句的引导词所表示的意思不尽相同, 要注意把握不同的时间状语从句的引导词所表示的不同时间关系, 以及它在具体句子中对应的对应时态、 语态等问题。1. before, after, when, while, as主句(动作在先)+before+从句(动作在后)主句(动作在后)+before+从句(动

35、作在先)主句(短动作)+when/as+从句(短动作)主句(长动作)+when/as+从句(短动作)主句(长动作)+while+从句(长动作)主句(短动作)+while/as/when+从句(长动作)2. since, till, until主句(长动作)+till/until+从句(短动作) 主句(短动作+否定)+till/until+从句(短动作)主句(长动作)+since+从句(短动作) 主句(长动作)+since+从句(长动作-结束起算)3. as soon as, wheneverIll call you as soon as I finish my homework. 我一完成作业

36、,就给你打电话。I go to the theatre whenever I get the chance. 一有机会我就去看戏。Whenever (it is) possible, he goes to see her. 只要有可能,他就去看她。【小试牛刀】根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1) 当Millie在看电视的时候,Eddie正在睡觉。 Millie TV, Eddie was sleeping.2) 昨天我做完作业后才睡觉。I to bed I finished my homework yesterday.3) 自从他来到我们学校,他学习就非常努力。 He has studied ver

37、y hard .4) 当Millie看电视的时候,Andy打开了门。 Millie TV, Andy opened the door. 5) 当Millie坐在沙发上的时候,Andy走进了教室。 Millie down on the sofa, Andy came into the classroom.6) 她一听到这个消息就流出了眼泪.是先听到的消息。She burst into tears _.7) 以前他一有空闲时间就和我们讲他过去的事。He used to tell us about his past _ time to spare.四、知识点归纳1. -Whats on your m

38、ind, Eddie? -Im worried. Growing up is hard! (P48) 在想啥呢,埃迪?我很忧虑。长大真艰难啊! 短语on ones mind意思是“(有事)挂上心上;烦恼”。别打扰他了。他烦心事够多了。 Dont bother him. Hes got a lot _ .2. He was very smallmuch smaller than the other kids at school. (P50)他很矮比学校里的其他孩子要矮不少。 比较级前可以加much,a little,quite,even等副词表示程度或加强比较。 1) 上海比我的家乡大多了。 S

39、hanghai is _.2) 他训练更加刻苦,终于使教练改变了看法。He practiced _ and got the coach to change his mind.3. Her father had her diary published in 1947. (P57) 1947年,她父亲使她的日记出版了。这里have something done的意思是“使、让某事被完成”。1) 我上周六理了发。I _ last Saturday. 2) 昨天我请人把我的电脑修理了。I _ yesterday.4. My father is in his fifties. (P60) 我父亲五十多岁。 表示整十的数词后加s变成复数,用在“in ones + 数词复数”短语中,表示“某人年龄处于某段时间”;表示整十的数词后加s变成复数,用在“in the+ 数词复数”短语中,表示“在某个年代”。 1


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