小学英语总复习资料完整版(DOC 14页).docx

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1、小学期间重要词汇:学习用品(school?things):pen钢笔pencil铅笔?pencil-box铅笔盒?ruler尺子?book书?bag包 schoolbag书包?eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡笔comic?book漫画书?postcard明信片?newspaper报纸?storybook故事书?notebook笔记本?Chinese?book语文书?English?book英语书?math?book数学书?magazine杂志?dictionary词典?人体(body):foot脚?head头?face脸?hair头发?nose鼻子?mouth嘴?eye眼睛?ear耳朵?a

2、rm手臂?hand手?finger手指?leg腿?tail尾巴?颜色(colours):red红?blue蓝?yellow黄?green绿?white白?black黑?pink粉红?purple紫orange橙brown棕?动物(animals):cat猫?dog狗?pig猪?duck鸭?rabbit兔?horse马?elephant大象?ant蚂蚁?fish鱼?bird鸟?snake蛇?mouse老鼠(mice 复数)?monkey猴?panda熊猫?bear熊?lion狮子?tiger老虎?fox狐狸?zebra斑马?deer鹿?giraffe长颈鹿?goose鹅?hen母鸡?turkey

3、火鸡?lamb小羊?sheep绵羊?goat山羊?cow奶牛?人物(people):friend朋友?boy男孩?girl女孩?mother(mum)母亲?father(dad)父亲?sister姐妹?brother兄弟?uncle叔叔;舅舅?aunt姑姑 man男人?woman女人?Mr.先生?Miss小姐?lady女士;小姐?parents父母?grandparents祖父母?grandma/grandmother(外)祖母?grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父?cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹?son儿子?daughter女儿?baby婴儿?kid小孩?classmat

4、e同学?pen?pal笔友?tourist旅行者?people人物?robot机器人?职业(jobs):teacher教师?student学生?doctor医生?nurse护士?cook 厨师 driver司机?farmer农民?singer歌唱家?writer作家?actor男演员?actress女演员?artist画家?TV?reporter电视台记者?engineer工程师?cleaner清洁工?basketball?player篮球运动员?factory worker 工厂工人 postman 邮递员 businessman 商人 post officer 警察 fisherman 渔

5、民 scientist 科学家 pilot 飞行员 coach 教练食品,饮料(food?&?drink):rice米饭?bread面包?beef牛肉?milk牛奶?water水?egg蛋?fish鱼?tofu豆腐?cake蛋糕?hot?dog热狗?hamburger汉堡包?French?fries炸薯条?cookie曲奇?biscuit饼干?jam果酱?noodles面条?meat肉?chicken鸡肉?pork猪肉?mutton羊肉?vegetable蔬菜?salad沙拉?sandwich 三明治soup汤?ice冰?ice cream冰淇淋?Coke可乐?juice果汁?tea茶?cof


7、s袜子?shoes鞋子?sweater毛衣?coat上衣?shorts短裤?hat(有沿的)帽子?cap便帽?sunglasses太阳镜?tie领带scarf围巾gloves手套 umbrella 雨伞 cloth布?交通工具(vehicles):bike自行车?bus公共汽车?train火车?boat小船?ship轮船car小汽车?taxi出租车?plane飞机?subway地铁?on foot 步行?杂物(other?things):?window窗户?door门?desk课桌?chair椅子?bed床?computer计算机?blackboard黑板?fan风扇?light灯?teach

8、ers?desk讲台?picture图画;照片?wall墙壁?floor地板?football/soccer足球?phone电话?sofa沙发?fridge冰箱?table桌子?TV电视?key钥匙?photo照片?plate 盘子bowl碗?knife刀?fork叉?spoon勺子?chopsticks筷子?gift礼物?toy玩具?key 钥匙 map地图?ball球?balloon气球?kite风筝?box盒子?umbrella伞?violin小提琴?menu菜单?e-mail电子邮件?traffic?light交通灯?money钱?medicine药?地点(locations):hom

9、e家?room房间?bedroom卧室?bathroom卫生间?living?room起居室?kitchen厨房?classroom教室?school学校?park公园?library图书馆?post?office邮局?police?office警察局?hospital医院?cinema电影院?bookstore书店?farm农场?zoo动物园?garden花园?study书房?playground操场?dining hall 食堂,饭厅?teachers?office教师办公室?library图书馆?gym体育馆?bathroom卫生间?art?room绘画教室?computer?room计

10、算机教室?music?room音乐教室?TV?room电视机房?company公司?factory工厂?pet?shop宠物商店?nature?park自然公园?theme?park主题公园?science?museum科学博物馆?the?Great?Wall长城?supermarket超市 restaurant餐馆?bank银行?country国家?village乡村?city城市?hometown家乡?bus?stop公交车站?课程(classes):?Chinese class语文?math class数学?PE class体育课?English class英语课?music class

11、 音乐课 art class 美术课国家,城市(countries?&?cities):?China中国?America/USA美国?UK联合王国?England英国?Canada加拿大?Australia澳大利亚?New?York纽约?London伦敦?Sydney悉尼?Moscow莫斯科?气象天气(weather):?cold寒冷的?warm温暖的?cool凉爽的 hot 热的?snowy下雪的?sunny晴朗的?rainy下雨的?windy有风的?cloudy多云的?weather?report天气预报?景物(nature):?river河流?lake湖泊?forest森林?road公路

12、?house房子?bridge桥?building建筑物?rain雨?cloud云?sun太阳?mountain山 hill 小山?sky天空?rainbow彩虹?wind风?air空气?moon月亮?植物(plants):?flower花?grass草?tree树?plant植物?rose玫瑰?leaf叶子?星期(week):?Monday星期一?Tuesday星期二?Wednesday星期三?Thursday星期四?Friday星期五?Saturday星期六?Sunday星期天?weekend周末?月份(months):?Jan.?(January)一月?Feb.(February)二月?

13、Mar.(March)三月?April四月?May五月?June六月?July七月?Aug.(August)八月?Sept.(September)九月?Oct.(October)十月?Nov.(November)十一月Dec.(December)十二月?季节(seasons):?spring春?summer夏?fall/autumn秋?winter冬?方位(directions):?south南?north北?east东?west西?turn left(at)?左边? turn right(at)右边?go straight 直走患病(illness):?have?a?fever发烧?hurt


15、ix一百三十六?first第一?second第二?third第三?fourth第四?fifth第五?eighth第八?ninth第九?twelfth第十二?twentieth第二十?thirtieth第三十?形容词(adj.):?big大的?small小的?long长的?tall高的?short短的;矮的?young年轻的?old旧的;老的?strong健壮的?friendly 有好的thin瘦的?fat胖的 active积极活跃的?quiet安静的?nice好看的?kind和蔼亲切的 polite 有礼貌的 hard-working 工作努力的 shy 害羞的?strict严格的?cleve

16、r聪明的?funny滑稽可笑的?tasty好吃的?sweet甜的?salty咸的?sour酸的?fresh新鲜的 hot 辣的 delicious 美味的favourite最喜爱的?clean干净的?tired疲劳的?angry生气的 happy高兴的?sad忧愁的?good好的?fine好的?great很好的?heavy?重的?new新的?happy快乐的?right对的?hungry饥饿的?thirsty 渴的cute逗人喜爱的?little小的?lovely可爱的?beautiful漂亮的?colourful色彩鲜艳的?pretty漂亮的?cheap便宜的?expensive昂贵的?ju

17、icy多汁的?tender嫩的?healthy健康的?ill有病的?helpful有帮助的?high高的?easy简单的?proud骄傲的?taller更高的?shorter更矮的?stronger更强壮的?older年龄更大的?younger更年轻的?bigger更大的?heavier更重的?longer更长的?thinner更瘦的?smaller更小的?better更好的(good 和well 的比较急?higher更高的?介词(prep.):?in在里?on在上;在时候?under在下面?near在的旁边?behind在后边?next?to与相邻?over在上面?in?front?of在

18、前面?above 在上面 between 在中间 beside 在旁边 动词(v.):get(gets, got) up 起床 go(goes, went) to school去上学 go home 回家 go to bed 上床睡觉 wash( washes, washed)my clothes 洗我的衣服 watch( watches, watched)TV 看电视 do(does, did) homework 做作业 read(reads, read) books 看书 play( plays, played)踢足球 play basketball 打篮球 play ping-pong

19、打乒乓球 play badmiton 打羽毛球 play the pipa 弹琵琶 do kungfu 练功夫 draw(draws, drew) cartoons 画漫画 cook(cooks, cooked)烹饪 swim( swims, swam) go swimming 游泳 speak(speaks, spoke) English 说英语 eat(eats, ate) breakfast 吃早饭 have(has, had)class 上课 play sports 进行体育运动 do morning exercises 做早操 eat dinner 吃晚饭 clean(cleans,

20、 cleaned) my room 打扫我的房间 go for a walk 散步 go shopping 去购物 take(takes, took) a dancing class 上舞蹈课 go on a picnic 去野餐 pick(picks, picked) apples 摘苹果 make(makes, made) a snowman 堆雪人 turn(turns, turned) left 向左转 turn right 向右转 slow down 慢下来 stop(stops, stopped) 停下 visit(visits, visited) my grandparents

21、拜访我的外祖父母 see(sees, saw) a film 看电影 take a trip 去旅行 go to the supermarket 去超市cook Chineses food 做中国菜 study(studies, studied) Chinese 学习中文 do word puzzles 猜字谜 go hiking 去远足see a doctor 看医生 do more exercise 做更多的锻炼 wear(wears, wore) warm clothes 穿厚点 take a deep breath 深呼吸 count to ten 数到十 stay(stays, st

22、ayed) at home 待在家 have a cold 感冒 sleep(sleeps, slept) 睡觉 go camping 野营 go fishing 去钓鱼 ride(rides, rode) a horse 骑马 hurt(hurts, hurt) my foot 伤了脚 take pictures 照相 buy(buys, bought) gifts 买礼物 go cycling 骑自行车 ice-skate = go ice-skating =go skating 滑冰小学期间重要句型特殊疑问句Where are you from? 你是哪里人? Im from the U

23、K. 我是英国人。Where is my pencil box? 我的铅笔盒在哪? Its in your desk. 在你的桌子里。Where is it? 它在哪? Its near the window. 就在窗户旁边。 Where are the keys? 钥匙在哪? Where is the teachers office? 教师的办公室在哪里? Its on the second floor. 它在二楼。Where is the museum shop? 博物馆商店在哪里? Its near the door. 在大门附近。Where are you going? 你们打算去哪?

24、 Were going to the cinema. 我们打算去电影院。Where does he work? 他在哪工作? He works at sea. 他在海上工作。Where did you go? 你去了哪里? Whos that man? 那位男士是谁? Hes my father. 他是我的爸爸。Whos he? 他是谁?Whose coat is this? 这是谁的外套? Its mine. 它是我的。Whose pants are those? 那条裤子是谁的? They are your fathers. 它们是你爸爸的。Whose is it? 这是谁的? Its Z

25、hang Pengs. 是张鹏的。Whats your/his name? 你叫什么名字? My/His names John. 我叫约翰。Whats this/that? 这/那是什么? Its a duck. 它是只鸭子。 What are these/those? 这些/那些是什么? Theyre tomatoes.Whats in your schoolbag? 你的书包里有什么? What colour is it? 什么颜色的? Its blue and white. 是蓝白色的。Whats for dinner? 晚餐吃什么?What would you like? 你想吃什么?

26、 Id like (I would like)some soup and bread. 我想要汤和面包。 What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么? A sandwich, please. 请给我一个三明治。 What would you like to drink? 你想喝什么? Id like some water. 我想喝点水。Whats your favourite food? 你最喜欢吃什么食物? Noodles. Theyre delicious. 面条。面条很好吃。Whats your aunts job? 你婶婶做什么工作? Shes a nurse.

27、 她是为护士。What tiime is it? 几点了? Its 6 oclock. 六点了。Whats the weather like in New York?纽约天气怎么样? Its rainy. 是下雨天。What are they doing? 他们在干什么? Theyre eating lunch. 他们在吃午饭。Whats the little monkey doing? 那只小猴子在干什么? Its playing with its mother. 它在和妈妈玩耍。 Whats he like? 他什么样? Hes kind. 他很和蔼。What do you have on

28、 Thursdays? 星期四你有什么课? I have math, English, and music. What can you do for the party, children? 孩子们,你们能为联欢会做什么呢?I can sing English songs. 我会唱英语歌。What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天打算做什么? Im going to have an art lesson. 我要上美术课。What are Peters hobbies? 彼得有什么爱好? He likes reading stories. 他喜欢读故事。What

29、 does he do? 他是做什么的? Hes a businessman. 他是商人。Whats wrong(with+某人)? (某人)怎么了? Your father is ill. 你爸爸病了。What did you do last weekend? 你上周末干了什么? What happened? 怎么了?How are you? 你好吗? Im fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。How old are you? 你几岁了? Im six years old. 我六岁了。How many plates? (你要)几个盘子? How many kites do yo

30、u see? 你看见了多少只风筝? How many crayons do you have? 你有多少只蜡笔?How many people are there in your family, Chen Jie? 你家有几口人,陈洁?My family has six people. 我家有6口人。How do you like this skirt? 这条短裙你觉得怎么样? Its very pretty. 它很漂亮。How much is this skirt? 这条短裙多少钱? Its $89. 它89美元。How do you come to school? 你怎么来学校的? Usu

31、ally, I come on foot. 通常我走路来。How does he go to work? 他怎么上班? He goes to work by bike. 他骑自行车上班。How tall are you? 你多高? Im 1.65 meters. 我身高1.65米。How heavy are you? 你多重? Im 48kilograms. 我体重48公斤。How was your weekend? 你周末过得怎么样? It was good, thank you. 很好,谢谢。How did you go there? 你们怎么去的? We went there by pl

32、ane. 我们坐飞机去的。How do you know that? 你怎么知道的?When is the party? 聚会在什么时候? Its in April. 在4月。When is the trip this year? 今年的秋游在什么时候? Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall. 在10月。 我们将去长城。When is April Fools Day? 愚人节是哪天? Its on April 1st. 它在4月1日。When is your birthday? 你的生日是哪天? My birthday is on April 4t

33、h .When are you going? 你们什么时候去?When do you finish class in the morning? 你们上午的课几点结束? We finish class at 1 oclock. 我们1点钟结束上午的课。Which season do you like best? = Whats your favourite season? 你最喜欢的季节是什么?Winter.= I like winter. =I like winter best. = winter is my favourite season. Why? 为什么? Because I like

34、 summer vacation. 因为我喜欢暑假。一般疑问句Is she your mother? 她是你的妈妈吗? Yes, she is. 是的,她是。 No, she isnt. 不,她不是。Is it in your bag? 在你的包里吗? No, it isnt. 不,没有在我包里。 Is she in the living room? 她在客厅里吗? No, she isnt. 不,她不在。 Is this the teachers office? 这是教师办公室吗? No, it isnt. The teachers office is next to the library

35、. 不,不是。教师办公室挨着图书馆。Is that the computer room? 那是计算机房吗? Is it cold? 天冷吗? No, it isnt. 不,不冷。Is he young? 他年轻吗? No, he isnt. 不,他不年轻。Is he drinking water? 它在喝水吗? No, he isnt. Hes eating. 不是。它在吃东西。Is there a river in the forest, Miss White? 怀特小姐,森林里有河吗? No, there isnt. 不,森林里没有河。Are there any tall building

36、s in the nature park? 自然公园里有高楼吗?No, there arent. 不,自然公园里没有高楼。Are they on the table? 它们在桌子上吗? No, they arent. Theyre in the door. 不,不在。它们在门上。Are these carrots? 这些是胡萝卜吗? Yes, they are. 是的。Are they hens? 它们是母鸡吗? No, they arent. Theyre ducks. 不,不是。它们是鸭子。Are these yours? 这(双鞋)是你的吗? No, they arent. 不,不是。A

37、re these all ours? 这些都是我们的吗?Can I have some water, please? 请给我些水好吗?Can I go outside now? 现在我能出去吗? Yes, you can. / No, you cant. 可以/不可以。Can I try them on? 我能试试吗? Can you do any kung fu, Jhon? 约翰,你会武术吗? Yes, I can. 是的,我会武术。Could you see stars at night? 在晚上你可以看到星星吗? Yes, I could. 可以。Would you like a kn

38、ife and fork? 你想要刀和叉吗? Yes, please. Do you like oranges? 你喜欢橙子吗? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。Do you have a library? 你们有一个图书馆吗? Yes, we do. 是的,有。Do you often read books in the park? 你经常在这个公园里看书吗? No, I dont. 不, 我不经常在这里看书。Does he live in Sydney? 他住在悉尼吗? No, he doesnt. 不,他没有。Does he like doi

39、ng word puzzles and go hiking? 他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗?Yes, he does. 是的,他喜欢。Did you do anything else? 你还做了其他什么事吗? Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. 是的,我到扫了房间,还洗了衣服。Did you see a film? 你看电影了吗?No, I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept. 没有,我感冒了。整个周末都待在家睡觉。Did you go to Turpan? 你们去吐鲁番了吗? Y

40、es, we did./ No, we didnt. 是的,我们去了。/ 不,我们没去。陈述句Its so tall! 它好高啊! Come here, children! 到这里来,孩子们!I have a ruler/ an eraser. 我有一把尺子/ 一块橡皮。It has a long nose. 它有长鼻子。 It has small eyes and big ears. 它有小眼睛和大耳朵。We have a new classroom. 我们有间新教室。He has glasses and his shoes are blue. 他戴眼镜,穿蓝色的鞋子。My family h

41、as six people. 我家有6口人。I can use chopsticks. 我会用筷子。Its time for breakfast/English class. 是时候吃早饭了/上英语课了。Its time to go home/get up. 是时候回家/起床了。Its cold outside. 外面冷。 Its rainy. 是下雨天。 Its 26 degrees. 是26度。There is a big bed. (这里)有一张大床。There are so meny pictures here. 这里有这么多幅画。There was no library in my

42、old school. 我以前的学校没有图书馆。There were no computers or Internet in my time. 我那时候没有电脑也没有网络。The yellow picture is mine. 那副黄颜色的画是我的。In the USA people on bikes must wear one. 在美国骑自行车的人必须戴(头盔 a helmet)。I must pay attention to the traffic nights. 我必须注意交通信号灯。We are going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. 我

43、们要到人民公园去画画。They are afraid of him. 它们害怕它。The cat is angry with them. 这只猫很生它们的气。He should see a doctor this morning. 他今天早上应该去看医生。Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。Its taller that both of us together. 它比我俩加起来还高。I want to buy the new film magazine. 我想买期新的电影杂志。Before, I was quiet. Now

44、, Im very active in class. 以前,我很安静。现在我在课堂上很活跃。I was short, so I couldnt ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling every day.我以前个子小,自行车骑不好。现在我天天骑车。I dont like grapes. 我不欢葡萄。Me, neither. 我也不喜欢。(祈使句)Look at me! 看我!Have a good time! 玩开心点儿!Have some bread. 吃点面包吧。Talk quietly. 小声讲话。Keep your desk clean. 保持桌面整洁

45、。Open it and see! 打开看看!Tell us about your school, please. 请给我们讲讲您的学校吧。Lets go home! 我们回家吧!Honey, lets buy some fruit. 宝贝儿, 我们买点水果吧。Lets go to school! 我们一起回家吧!Lets make a puppet! (让)我们一起做个木偶吧!Lets go and see! 我们去看看吧!Lets clean the classroom! 我们打扫教室吧!Let me clean the windows. 我来擦窗户。Dont go at rhe red

46、light! 别闯红灯!Dont be sad. 别伤心。Sounds great! 听起来不错!Silly me! 我真傻!时间名词前所用介词的速记歌年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行。 遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in。 要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行。 午夜黄昏须用at,黎明用它也不错。 at也用时分前,说“差”可要用上to, 说“过”只可使用past,多说多练牢牢记, 莫让岁月空蹉跎。小学英语语法复习要点一、名词复数规则1一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds2以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus

47、-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes,watch-watches3以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries4以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives5不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-micechild-childrenfoot-feet,.tooth-teethfish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese二、一般现在时一般现在时基本用法介绍 【No. 1】一般现在时的功能1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。3.表示客观现实。如:The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。一般现在时的构成1. be动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。如:I am a boy.我是一个男孩。2.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。如:


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