牛津译林八年级英语上册Unit8知识点总结归纳(DOC 6页).doc

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1、牛津译林八年级英语上册Unit8知识点总结归纳牛津译林8AUnit8同步知识点讲解及练习【知识梳理】1.Didntyouheartherain? 难道你没听到雨声吗?是否定疑问句,意为“难道.不/没有吗?否定疑问句的回答形式同肯定疑问句,且一定要根据事实回答,事实是肯定的就用yes,反之就用no。Eg: 1.-Dont youlikeEnglish?-_.Ilikeitverymuch.2. -Cantyouswim? -_.Iwilllearntoswimthisyear.Keys:Yes, I do.; No, I cant.2.wake up 醒来如果人称代词作宾语,人称代词要放在wak

2、e与up之间;若名词作宾语,名词可放于wake与up之间,也可放于up之后。3.Whowillmopupthewaterif I gohomewithout you?mop(mopped,mopped,mopping)mopup 擦干,抹去 如果其宾语是人称代词,人称代词要放在mop与up之间。例如:mopupthefloor 把地拖干净 mop it up把它擦干净up adv.,此处意为“完全地,彻底地”,用在某些动词之后,表示完结、用完、清除干净。use up用光,用尽eatup吃光4.lose final 输掉决赛lose v.丢失;(过去式:lost) lost adj.丢失的fin

3、al. n. 决赛 adj. 最后的lose ones life 丢了性命;be lost= get lost 迷路的lose the match 输了比赛;Eg:每年,数百万人在自然灾害中丧生。Every year, millions of people_.Keys:lose lives in natural disasters5.thousands of意为“成千上万”,后接复数名词thousand 前有数字,不加s,不加of; 没有数字,要加s,加ofhundred, million, billion用法和thousand一样Eg:1.There are over three_worke

4、rs in this factory, and_of young people want to work in it.A.thousand;thousand B.thousands;thousands C.thousand;thousands D.thousands;thousand 2._students went to the university to listen to the_ speech. A.Thousand of;120-minutesB.Thousands of;120-minutesC. Two thousands: 120- minutesD. Two thousand

5、; 120-minuteKeys:C;D6.washaway冲走如果人称代词作宾语,人称代词要放在wash与away之间;若名词作宾语,名词可放于wash与away之间,也可放于away之后。7.hear of/about 听说hear 听见(强调结果) listen to 去听(强调动作)sound 听起来,系动词 hear from 收到某人的来信8.a slight shake 轻微的晃动shake n.摇动;v.摇动shake hands with sb. 和某人握手shake ones head 摇头9.in fear 处于恐惧当中Eg:1. 一丝恐掠过我的脑海,但是我没有停下来。_

6、my mind, but I did not stop. 2.Did you hear the shouts_the boy?Yes.When I arrived there,I found the boy looking at a snake_fear.A.from;in B.at;with C.from;with D.in;in Keys: A moment of fear went through(掠过);A10.Someranoutofthebuilding.Itriedmybestto runouttoo,but Icouldnot.runout of 从.里跑出去, runout

7、跑出去,有没有of取决于后面有没有地点runout还可意为“用完,用光,runoutof意为“把.用完”tryonesbest todo sth.= doonesbesttodosth意为“尽某人最大努力做某事”11.in all directions 四面八方 = in every directiondirection n.方向direct v.执导/ adj.直接的; Eg:1.When the PE lesson was over, the students ran away in all_(direct).2.在听见枪声之后,鸟儿们四处飞窜。(两种)(1)After the gunsh

8、ot(枪声), the birds were flying_ _ _.(2)After the gunshot(枪声), the birds were flying_ _ _.3.Usually birds have a good sense of_(direct) when they fly to the North.Keys:directions; in every direction/in all directions;direction;12.fall down, fall off, fall overfall down掉落,落下,后接宾语要加fromfall off掉下,后面可以直接

9、加宾语fall over跌倒,绊倒,后面不接宾语13.Itwasdarkandsilentaroundme.silentadj. 寂静的,沉默的. keepsilent“保持沉默”silence n.,安静,沉默14.Icouldnotseeanythingatall.notatall 一点也不.“Notatall”也可单独用,用于交际用语中,意为“别客气;不用谢”,是回答道谢的客套话。-Thankyouforrepairingmybike.谢谢你为我修自行车。-Notatall不客气。15.and l didnotknowifanyoneelse wasnearme.If如果主将从现、主情从

10、现、主祈从现是否时态根据具体的语境判定Eg:1.When he comes, if I _(have) a meeting, ask him to wait a minute.2.Tim wants to know if the Class 3 students _ hiking tomorrow.Yes,but if it_, theyll visit the museum instead.A.go;will rain B.go;rains C.will go;rains D.will go;will rain3.I dont know if he_. If he _ tomorrow, I

11、ll call you.A. will come; comesB. comes; will comeC. will come; will come D. comes; comesKeys:am having; C;A16.I feltnervousandmyheartwasbeatingfast.nervous adj. 紧张不安的be nervous about 对感到不安17.trapped adj.困住的trap v. 使陷入困境be trapped 被动结构;被困Eg:I_in a black and dark place when the earthquake_.A.was trap

12、ped;stopped B.trapped;was stopped C.was trapping;stopped D.trapped;was stopped Keys:A;18.“Imtrapped,”Isaidtomyself.saytooneself 对自己说,自言自语,心里想19.Amomentoffearwentthroughmymind.amomentoffear 一阵恐惧, amoment of. 一阵.over,across,through 用法区别:over跨过,越过。表示从物体上方越过across穿过。从物体表面穿过through穿过。从物体内部空间穿过Eg:1.Dont d

13、rive so fast! We must slow down when we drive_the tunnel.A.past B.across C.over D.through 2.Nobody knows whats going_ his mind. He doesnt say anything.A.across B. through C. around D.aboveKeys:D;B;20.calm down 冷静keep calm 保持冷静 Wearing white can help people _ when they feel stressed.A calm down B wri

14、te down C. break down D. turn downEg:你最好在考试前让自己冷静下来。_before taking exams.Keys:A;Youd better let yourself calm down21.I was still alive.living; aliveliving【adj】活的;做表语+前置定语alive【adj】活着的;做表语+后置定语 stay alive 保持活着的 The man alive is my old teacher.22.sleep, sleepy, asleepsleepn./v.睡眠;睡觉sleepyadj.困倦的,瞌睡的as

15、leepadj.睡着的 be asleep: 睡着的;fall asleep: 入睡Eg:1.The TV programme was so boring that I almost fell_(sleep) last night.2.How lucky he is! He is the only person to stay_(live) in the traffic accident.3.They told themselves that they must stay strong enough to_on.A.alive B.living C.live D.to living 4.Is

16、the baby sleeping? -Yes. She fell _ (sleep) an hour ago when she was very _ (sleep).Keys:asleep;alive;C;sleepy;23.shout v.呼喊; n.呼喊;(可数)shout/call for help 呼救shout at sb. 朝某人叫骂,多指生气等非善意的对某人吼叫shout to sb. 朝某人叫喊,多指因距离远而不得不叫喊24.pull oneself slowly in the dark 在黑暗中向前慢慢移动身体Eg:幸好有足够的空间让我在黑暗中慢慢爬行。Luckily, t

17、here was_.Keys:enough space for me to move slowly in the dark25.本单元有关代词位置汇总:(1)代词必须放中间:wake up 叫醒; wash away 冲走; move away 移开;mop up 擦干净; 注意:mop双写(2)代词不能放中间:get on/off 上车/下车;Eg:1.你能帮我移开那些掉下来的砖块吗?Can you_those fallen bricks?2.There is water all over the kitchen. Youd better_right away.A.to mop up it

18、B.to mop it up C.mop it up D.mop up it3.It is reported that the sweater _ a lot of things, such as houses, cars and so on when the tsunami came.A.put away B. threw away C. washed away D. took awayKeys:help me move away;C;C;26.onthesideoftheroad 在路边onboth sides of the road 在路两边”,也可说成on each sideofthe

19、road,但不能用onallsidesoftheroad或oneverysideoftheroad。27.break down=be broken 抛锚 (注:break过去式:broke)break out 爆发brake into 闯入 breakin打断,插嘴Eg:由于低温我爸爸的车坏了。My dads car_.Keys: broke down because of the low temperature28.as as possible=as as sb can/ could 尽可能as soon/careful as possible=as soon /careful as sb

20、can/ could 尽可能快/小心;Eg:1.We should drive as_ as _.A.careful;possible B.carefully;possible C.careful;can D.carefully;can2.The baby stops _ as soon as he _his mother coming into the room .A.to cry, sees B.crying, will see C.crying, sees D.to cry, will seeKeys:B;C;29.cover 用法: v.覆盖 n.封面;庇护所词组:cover sth

21、with sth 用某物来覆盖某物be covered with sth 某物被某物覆盖着Eg:1.汤姆决定用湿毛巾捂住口鼻。Tom decided _.2.The winter comes, it is _ snow everywhere, and the big tree is _ deep white snow now.A. full will, covered withB. fill with, covered inC. full of, covered inD. fill to, covered with3.第二天早上风刮的很大,很多人用围巾遮住了脸。The next morning

22、, the wind _ that many people _.Keys:to cover his mouth and nose with wet towels;C;was blowing so hard/covered their faces with scarves;30.复习:keep/stop/prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某水stay/keep away from sb 远离某人protect. from/against.保护.不受伤害protectv. 保护,防御,防护,其名词形式为protectionkeep.safefrom. 使.安全,免于受到.的侵袭或危害Eg:1.We should try our best to stop the air pollution_ (live) a healthy life.2.Its important to keep yourself_(safe)during a trip.Keys:to live;safe 6 / 6


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