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1、牛津译林版九下U2知识点总结梳理Unit 2 Great people2.1 Comic strip& Welcome to the unit【知识点精讲】1Who do you think is the greatest person in history, Eddie? do you think在句中作插入语,意为“你认为”,它后面的部分常用陈述语序。插入语一般是对一句话作适当的附加解释,若将其去掉,对整个句子并无多大影响。若把插入语提到句子的前面,它就会成为主要部分,而原来的主要部分则成为一个从句。例如:你认为她什么时候会回来?When do you think she will be

2、back? (do you think为插入语)Do you think when she will be back? (do you think为主句)【拓展】1)一般疑问句形式的插人语用于特殊疑问句中时,常放在疑问词之后。What do you think is needed to make a movie or a play?你认为制作电影或戏剧需要什么?In what ways do you think she is successful? 你认为她是用什么方法成功的?2)如果疑问词后是一个完整的句子,则疑问词后的句子仍用陈述语序,不用疑问语序。When do you think he

3、 will be back? 你认为他什么时候会回来?How much do you think she paid? 你认为她付了多少钱?2 Ive never heard of him. hear of =hear about 听说hear from 收到的来信Did you hear of/about Hua Chenyu from Super Boy? I hear of/about the news the day before yesterday. 【拓展】 hear表示“听到、听说”,强调听的结果,listen则表示“听”,强调听的动作。类似的还有:look“看”,see“看到”;

4、look for“寻找”,find“找到”。I listened carefully but I couldnt hear what he said. hear sb. doing sth.“听到某人正在做某事”Can you hear the girl singing in the next room? hear sb. do sth.“听到某人做某事的全过程”Parents heard the teacher scold their son for half an hour.3 Hes an inventor. He invented my favourite food. invent作动

5、词,意为“发明、创造”,其名词形式为inventor“发明者”和invention“发明物”。Can you tell me who invented the telephone?He always tried to invent something new.4 Italian, one of the first Europeans to discover America.the first (one) to do sth.“第一个做某事的人”。动词不定式常用作定语修饰序数词或者序数词修饰的名词。Li Ming is always the first one to get to the cla

6、ssroom.Jim is the first boy to get it.5 South African,a fighter for the rights of black Africans all his life南非人,一位终生为非洲黑人权利而奋斗的战士1) South African 名词,“南非人”。South African形容词,“南非的”。“南非”South Africa。Three South Africans visited our school yesterday.昨天三位南非人参观了我们的学校。She is a South African girl. 她是个南非女孩。一

7、些表示国家或地区的名词,可加后缀-(a)n,构成形容词/名词,“的/人”Africa非洲African非洲的;非洲人Italy 意大利ltalian意大利的;意大利人Europe欧洲European欧洲的;欧洲人Russia 俄罗斯Russian俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人2) fighter可数名词,“战士”。动词fight加后缀-er构成。He was a fighter for racial equality. 他是一个为种族平等而奋斗的战士。Doctor Bethune is a great international fighter.白求恩大夫是个伟大的国际战士。fight不及物动词,“与.作

8、斗争”。常与介词against或with连用。They fought against the enemy fiercely.他们猛烈地还击敌人。She was always fighting with her neighbors about the fence.她和她的邻居总是为了栅栏的事争吵。fight及物动词,“战斗;反对”,可直接跟宾语。They fought their enemies bravely.他们勇敢杀敌。We must band together to fight the common enemy.我们必须联合起来,对抗我们共同的敌人。2.2 Reading【知识点精讲】1

9、 He became interested in flying when he took his first Tight at the age of six.become/be interested in “对.感兴趣”,=“take/have an interest in”.He became interested in music when he was a baby.当他还是婴儿时,他就(开始)对音乐感兴趣。I am interested in writing English novels. 我对写英文小说感兴趣。The foreigners took/had a great inter

10、est in the culture of China.外国人对中国的丈化很感兴趣。interested形容词“感兴趣的”,作表语,主语是人be interested in(doing)I am interested in English.我对英语有感兴趣。He is interested in playing football.他对踢球感兴趣。interesting形容词 “有趣的”,作表语或定语,主语是物The book is very interesting.这本书很有趣。That is an interested film.那是一部有趣的电影。interest名词“兴趣”作主宾语tak

11、e/have interest in 对.感兴趣His main interests are reading and playing the piano.他主要的兴趣是读书和钢琴。He has an interest in American school life.他对美国学校生活感兴趣。2 Armstrong joined the navy in 1949 and served as a pilot for three years. join+组织/团体,表示“加入到某个组织中并成为其中一员”。He joined the army in 1990.Nowadays more and more

12、 people join the swimming club to build their bodies. join+sb. (in sth.)表示“加入到某些人当中去”。Would you like to join us in the computer game? join in表示参加某种活动,相当于take part in。College students join in many activities after class.3 He flew over 1,100 hours and tested all types of aircraft.all types of“各种类型的;形形

13、色色的”。In China,all types of schools are training students self-regulated learning ability.在中国,各种类型的学校都在培养学生的自主学习能力。He likes all types of music. 他喜欢风格不同的音乐。4 He and David Scott managed to join two spacecraft together for the first time in space. manage to do sth.“设法做成某事”,指经过努力达到了目的,强调结果。Lily managed t

14、o get the driving licence and she was very happy.莉莉成功拿到了驾照,她很高兴。Do you think you can manage to get us some tickets?你看能想办法给我们弄几张票吗?5 However, on their way back to the Earth, the spacecraft began spinning out of control. 1)on ones way back to.“在某人返回的途中”。on ones way to.“在某人去的路上”。此结构中,to为介词,其后接副词时,应省略介词

15、to。Lets wait a few minutes.Hes on his way back home.咱们等几分钟,他正在回家的路上。On my way to the supermarket,I met my best friend.在我去超市的路上,我遇到了我最好的朋友。2)control用作名词或者动词,意为“控制”,常用的词组有beyond control“难以控制”,in control of“处于控制地位”,out of control“失去控制的”,under control“被控制”Sorry, it is beyond my control.The football fans

16、 have got out of control.6 Armstrong received the order to cut the flight short.1) order 意为“命令”,可以用作名词或者动词。If you make any more noise Ill order you out of the room.【拓展】order 名词或者动词,意为“订单,订货”。This is an order for five hundred bags.order 名词,意为“次序,顺序”。Please put them in the right order.2) cut.short “缩短

17、”。Well have to cut our visit short,as we have to get back before dark.我们必须缩短访问时间,因为天黑前还得赶回去。Ill cut the long story short. 我会把这个长故事缩短。【拓展】cut(.)short的其他用法:剪短I would like a change,maybe have my hair cut short.我想作一番改变,或许把头发剪短。It doesnt suit you to have your hair cut short. 你不适合剪短发。突然停止;中断Their conversa

18、tion was cut short by the telephone ring.他们的谈话被电话铃声打断了。He was about to go on talking when his mother cut him short.他正要继续讲下去,这时他妈妈打断了他。7 He successfully brought the spacecraft down into the western Pacific Ocean.bring down“(使飞机)降落”,是“动词十副词”短语,代词作宾语,应放在bring和down之间。The pilot managed to bring down the

19、plane safely.飞行员成功地使飞机安全降落。The pilot brought the plane down gently. 飞行员使飞机徐徐降落。【拓展】bring down的其他用法:减少(价格);使跌落Sellers at last agreed to bring down the prices by 5%.卖方最终同意以降低5%的价格出售。How much do you think you could bring the price down?你认为你能降价多少?打垮;击败 Even the failure did not bring him down. 甚至失败也没有打垮他

20、。The bad news of my friends accident really brought me down.我朋友出事的坏消息使我感到很沮丧。8 On 20July 1969,Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.the first one to do sth.“第一个做某事的人”。Amy is always the first one to get to school. 埃米总是第一个到校。Yang Liwei is the first man to step out onto space by spacecraft

21、 in China杨利伟是中国第一位乘宇宙飞船进入太空的人。9 Together with Buzz Aldrin, he landed the spacecraft Apollo on the Moon.1) with作介词,with sb意为“和谁在一起”,与后面的某人构成介词短语,在句中作伴随状语,不影响谓语动词的形式。Jim lives with his grandmother.Bill, with his parents goes to the cinema every weekend.【拓展】 “主谓一致”有一类连接词,其后的谓语动词要与连接词前一部分的主语保持一致。此类连接词有t

22、ogether with,with,along with,as well as,besides,like,without,except(but),including等。Tracy,like many girls,loves dancing.特蕾西像很多女孩一样,喜欢跳舞。No one except(but)me knows about this news.除了我,没有人知道这个消息。All the students,including Tom,are leaving.所有的学生,包括汤姆都要走了。还有另一类连接词,句中的谓语动词要与靠近的主语保持一致。此类接词有or,either.or.,ne

23、ither.nor.not only.but also.等。Neither you nor I am wrong.你和我都没错。Not only the students but also the teacher wishes for a holiday.不仅是学生,就连老师也期盼一个假期。2) land可作及物动词,也作不及物动词,.land及物动词,“使上岸,使登陆,使到达”。The pilot landed the plane. 飞行员将飞机着陆。The ship landed the goods in Shanghai. 船在上海卸贷。land不及物动词,“靠岸,登陆,登岸,到达”。T

24、he spaceship landed safely. 宇宙飞船安全着陆了。The plane will land in five minutes. 飞机将在5分钟后着陆。10 They collected Moon rocks to take back to the Earth for further research.further是far的比较级,far的比较级有两种形式,即farther和further,farther表示具体的距离上“更远、较远”;further除了表示距离上“更远”以外,还可以表示抽象意义上“更进一步”。例如:He walks a little further.Ji

25、m can jump farther than his brother.Many students send their children to foreign countries for further study.11 He was the pride of the whole world.pride表示“骄傲”,take pride in“对感到骄傲”,相当于be proud of。The man is proud of his past achievements.=The man takes pride in his past achievements.12 a piece of pa

26、per that shows you are allowed to do something一张证明你被允许做某事的纸be allowed to do sth.“被允许做某事”。主动形式是allow sb.to do sth.,“允许某人做某事”。The villagers didnt allow them to do this.村民们不允许他们这样做。Students should be allowed to choose their own clothes.学生们应该被允许选择他们自己的衣服。2.3 Grammar【知识点精讲】1 I am working on a history pro

27、ject this week.work on“致力于;从事”。The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching outer space.科学家们仍在致力于发明到达外太空的新办法。He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.近一年多来,他一直在写一部新小说。work on其他用法:继续工作;不断工作The director worked on in the office until ten oclock last night.主任昨晚在办公室

28、工作到十点。Theyll work on till sunset. 他们将继续工作,直到日落。对发生影响;对起作用The doctor told him that this kind of medicine may work on him.医生告诉他这种药对他可能有效。2 I am leaving for Shanghai tonight.“leave for+地点” “动身去某地”。Im leaving for Dalian tomorrow. 我打算明天动身去大连。They left for Beijing yesterday. 昨天他们动身去北京了。“leave+地点+for+另一地点”

29、 “离开某地前往另一个地方”。He left Paris for London yesterday. 他昨天离开巴黎去伦救了。leave “遗留,遗赠”,后可接双宾语,leave sb.sth.“留给某人某物”。 其间接语sb.可转换为介词to的宾语,leave sth.to sb.She left her daughter one million dollars.=She left one million dollars to her daughter. 她遗留给女儿100万美元。leave接复合宾语,“使处于状态”。其复合宾语中的补语可以由形容词、介词(短语)、名词等来充当。Leave t

30、he door open.让门开着。Leave the books in the classroom.把书留在教室里。leave“忘了带;丢下”,其后可接地点状语。Ive left my bag on the bus.我把包忘在公共汽车上了。leave名词,意为“假期”。a six-week leave 一个6周的假期 ask for leave请假3 Many modern inventions have made a great difference in our lie.make a great difference“产生很大的影响”。make a difference to“对产影响”

31、。to是介词,其后可接名词、代词或动名词。One false step will make a great difference.(谚)失之毫屋,谬以千里。Education can make a big difference to the quality of a persons life.教育对一个人的生活质量有很大影响。The accident has made a great difference to his life.这次事故对他的人生产生了重大影响。It makes no difference to me. 这对我没什么影响。4 In the past, people washe

32、d their clothes by hand.by hand表示“用手、手工的”。This coat is made by hand.Do you know the Great Wall was made by hand?【拓展】hand的相关短语give sb. a hand帮助某人hand in hand手拉手on the one (other) hand 一方面(另一方面)shake hands (with) (与)握手hand in 上交hand out 分发【语法精讲】初中常用的动词时态1.动词时态结构。(1)一般现在时:主语+be动词(am/is/are)/动词原形/动词的第三人

33、称单数形式+其他。(2)一般过去时:主语+动词的过去式+其他。(3)现在进行时:主语+am/is/are+动词的现在分词+其他。(4)过去进行时:主语+was/were+动词的现在分词+其他。(5)一般将来时:主语+shall/will/be going to+动词原形+其他。(6)现在完成时:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词+其他。2.时态标志词。时态标志词一般现在时often,usually,sometimes,every day,once a week,on Sundays等一般过去时yesterday,three days ago,last night/week,just now

34、等现在进行时now,at this time,at the moment,these days等过去进行时at that time,at this time yesterday等一般将来时tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,next week/month等现在完成时already,just,yet,ever,never,in the past three years,over the years,since+时间点/一般过去时的句子,for+时间段等注意:以下几种情况多用一般现在时。(1)在if,unless等引导的条件状语从句或when,until,as soon

35、 as等引导的时间状语从句中,当主句是一般将来时,从句通常用一般现在时表示将来。例如:Well have a sports meeting if it doesnt rain next Saturday.如果下周六不下雨,我们将举行运动会。(2)当宾语从句陈述的是客观真理时,不管主句是何种时态,从句都要用一般现在时。例如:My mother told me that the Sun rises in the east.我的妈妈告诉我太阳从东方升起。3.非延续性动词和延续性动词在现在完成时中的应用。(1)若句中出现时间段,则必须使用延续性动词。例如:Her lovely dog has been

36、 dead for 10 days.她那只可爱的狗死了已经有10天了。(2)常见的非延续性动词与延续性动词之间的转化。非延续性动词延续性动词非延续性动词延续性动词begin/startbe oncome/gobe in/atdiebe deadleavebe awaybuyhavebecomebeget marriedbe marriedborrowkeep2.4 Integrated skills &Study skills【知识点精讲】1 Help Millie complete her notes with as much information as you can.用尽可能多的信息帮

37、助米莉完成她的笔记。as. sb.can/could=as.as possible “尽可能.地”。Some people think the government should spend as much money as they can to explore other planets.一些人认为政府应该尽可能多地花钱去探索其他星球。I speak English as much as possible every day.=I speak English as much as I can everyday.我每天尽可能多地讲英语。as much time as possible=as

38、much time as you can 尽可能多的时间as soon as possible=as soon as you can尽快地as often as possible=as often as you can尽可能经常地as quickly as possible=as quickly as you can尽快地2 moved to Parismove不及物动词,“迁移,搬家”,后接地点名词作宾语时,需带介词1o,表示“搬到”,move“移动”。Dont move,or youll be in danger! 不要动,否则你会有危险!My family moved to Beijin

39、g two years ago. 两年前我全家搬到了北京。move及物动词,“移动;搬动”。Move the chair to the desk,please. 请把椅子移到桌子那里。We moved house last week. 我们上星期搬家了。move及物动词,“感动,打动”。His speech moved the audience to tears. 他的演讲让听众感动得意泪。3 married a French scientist called Pierre Curie in 1895marry既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,“娶;结婚;嫁”。常见用法小结:marry to

40、sb.“嫁给某人”(主语是女性)。She has been married to the man for 20 years.她嫁给这个男人20年了。Lily,marry to me,OK?莉莉,嫁给我,好吗?marry sb.“嫁给某人,与某人结婚”(主语是男是女皆可)。Mr White is going to marry an actress.怀特先生将与一个女演员结婚。John married Mary last week.上周约翰和马丽结婚了。marry sb.to sb.意为“(父母把女儿)嫁给某人”或“(父母为儿子)娶媳妇”。She married her daughter to a

41、 business man.她把女儿嫁给了一位商人。He wants to marry his son to a rich woman.他想为儿子娶个有钱的女人。get married “结婚”。get maried to sb.“与某人结婚”。Have you got married?你结婚了吗?He wants to get married to a teacher.他想和一位老师结婚。4 It was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time. unknown作形容词,意为“未知的、不出名的

42、”,反义词是known“出名的”,常见的短语有be unknown to意为“对是未知的”。The unknown world is full of amazing things.Its greater part is unknown to me.5 She also pushed for the use of X-ray machines, which are now widely used in hospitals. widely 表示抽象意义上的“宽”,意为“广泛地,普遍地”。English is widely used in the world.wide此处用作副词,意为“充分地”,表

43、示实际意义上的“宽”。That man died with his eyes open wide.wide还可用作形容词,意为“宽广的,宽阔的;宽的”。Our classroom is 10 metres long and 8 metres wide.6 .Greetings such as Hi and Hello are informal language.诸如“嗨”和“你好”等问候语是非正式用语。such as“例如,诸如此类的”,相当于like或for example,用于举例,若后接动词,通常用动名词形式。I have a lot of hobbies,such as reading

44、 and singing.我有很多爱好,比如读书和唱歌。1 know four languages,such as Japanese and English.我懂四种语言,如日语和英语。【拓展】such as与for examplesuch as用来列举整体之中的部分同类人或事物,such as之前一般用逗号和主句隔开,之后没有退号,直接加名词或名词性短语。Some classmates of mine,such as Lucy,Li Mei,are very generous.我的一些同学,如意西、李梅,都是很谦慨的人。for example常列举整体之中的一个,在句子中多用作插入语,位置可

45、以在句首、句中或句末,用退号与句子其他部分隔开。Noise,for example,is a kind of pollution as well.嗓音,打个比方,也是一种污染。7 Its said that its a lot of trouble being Harry Potter, esp.when youre a 78-yr-old man and happen to share the name of a world-famous boy with magic powers.It is said that. “据说.It is said that is will snow tomor

46、row. 据说明天会下雪。Its said that quite a few boys in your school like playing football.据说你们学校有不少男生喜欢踢足球。【拓展】类似“It is said that.”的句式:It is believed that.据说据信.It is believed that our team will win the match我们相信我们队会赢得这场比赛的胜利。It is believed that the couple have left the country.据说那对夫妇已离开了这个国家。It is known that.众所周知,人们认为It is known that he is honest.众所周知,他是个老实人。It is known that her father is an expert.人们认为地父亲是一位专家。It is reported that.据报道.It is reported that many new houses are being built at present


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