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1、牛津译林英语7B Unit 5知识点梳理Welcome to the unit1. Amazing things. 令人惊奇的东西。amazing/ amazed an amazing thing feel amazedexciting/ excited interesting/ interested-ed 结尾的形容词一般指“人”;-ing 结尾的形容词一般指“物”。be amazed at.对好奇We are amazed at the amazing things.我们对奇妙的东西好奇。be amazed to do sth 2. aUFO ausual book一本平常的书/an um

2、brella anunusual book一本不寻常的书2. come on加油,得了吧试试吧;行啊;来吧表示请求、鼓励、劝说、挑战对方等快点用来催促别人动作快点加油用于体育体育竞赛等场合鼓励队员Come on! Dont cry like a child Come on, or we will be late. 4. one 代词- ones(pl.)5. look at its bright lights light blue a light bag moonlight6. fun/ interesting facts in fact have fun fun - funny tell f

3、unny jokes .7. fish鱼 (单复同形).eg. My father caughtafishin the river yesterday.我的爸爸昨天在河里抓了一条鱼。.Fishsleep with their eyes open.鱼睁着眼睛睡觉。 fish鱼肉(不可数)8.with+ n. + adj.withtheir eyesopen/closed眼睛睁着/ 眼睛闭着I like to sleep with the window closed.我喜欢关着窗户睡觉。9. Our eyes are the same size from birth, but our nose a

4、nd ears never stop growing. 我们的眼睛从出生时就是相同的大小,但是鼻子和耳朵从不会停止生长。(1) birth名词,为“出生,诞生”。at birth在出生时;give birth to生(小孩),产生;by birth 生来,天生 frombirth自出生以来 birth - born . eg. I was born on 27 May, 1978.拓展birth的派生词有:birthday名词,意为“生日”;birthplace名词,意为“诞生地”(2) stop doing sth.停止做某事,指停止正在做的事情。stop动词,表示“停止,停下”拓展stop

5、 to do sth. 表示停下来去做某事”,指停下手中正在做的事情去做另外一件事情。(3) same 同一的,相同的 前面一般带有冠词the,其后的名词用单数。thesamesize同样的尺寸. Thesameto you.你也是。 Thank you all thesame.同样感谢你。.thesameas和相同be different from和不同10. The Sun is about 1,300,000 timeslargerthanthe Earth.太阳大约比地球大1300000倍。(1) times名词,意为“复(用于比较)倍”,常用于进行比较的固定句型中。拓展times作名

6、词,还可表示“时代”提醒time一词多义 次、次数, 可数名词;时间,不可数名词,不能用many,few或a few修饰,而用much,little或a little修饰be +比较级+than times larger than= as big as I amolderthan you.我比你年长。I am3 yearsolder than you.我比你大三岁。(2) earth名词,意为“地球”,一般和the连用,可以大写或小写,但单独使用时一定要大写。固定短语on (the) Earth在地球上, 究竟 12. There are no bones in the back of ele

7、phants feet only fat.fat 不可数名词 脂肪、肥肉 形容词 肥胖的 同义词 heavy 反义词 thin no= not any lose fat(n.) fat (adj.) foodThere arenobones. = Therearentanybones.没有骨头。Thereisnowater in the bottle. = Thereisntany water in the bottle.瓶子里没有水。Thereisnothingwrong with the computer. = Thereisntanythingwrongwith the computer

8、. 电脑没有坏。13.Do you know any fun facts about the world, Amy? Amy,你知道一些有关于世界的有趣事实吗?fact名词,表示“事实”,复数为facts14. back的用法in the back of the elephantsfeet(n.)在大象的脚背上at the back of(n.)在的后面- in the front ofgive the book back to the library(adv.)将这本书还给图书馆go back home(adv.)回家call me back(adv.)给我回电话the back wall(

9、adj.)后墙15.Isnt that amazing?(反问句)难道那不是很奇妙吗?Reading1. as usual “照例;像往常一样”,an unusual thing 副词usuallyusual形容词,意为“通常的,平常的” 反义词为unusual2. Suddenly, they heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree.突然,他们听见来自树后灌木丛中的耳语声。suddenly副词,意为“突然”,可在句首或句中作状语,但在句首时,通常要用逗号隔开拓展suddenly的形容词为sudden(突然的;出乎意料的)听 hear 强

10、调听到的结果或内容 listen 强调听的过程 后面一般接to sound 听起来,系动词 + adjsound, noise, voice, whisper3. They turned around but saw nothing.他们环顾四周但是什么也没看见。turn around转身 turn on/ off/ up/ down/ into/ left/ right4. They sawnothing. = They didntseeanything.5. reply to / answer me repliedreply为动词,意为“答复,回答”,固定短语reply to(答复.),相

11、当于answer。做名词,不做答复6.“Thats strange,” the two girls were very afraid.Strange adj 奇怪的,陌生的 对某人/某物感到陌生 Stranger陌生人 be afraid of sth.be afraid ofdoingsth.=be afraidto dosth.7. leave the park quickly/ fast快速离开公园 left(1) leave sp.离开某地;leave(.)for sp.动身去某地(2) quickly副词,意为“迅速地,飞快地”,反义词为slowly(缓慢地),形容词为quick(快

12、的,迅速的)8. on their wayhomeadv.在他们回家的路上. on the waytotheirhomesn.在去他们家的路上 one ones way (to) the way to do sth. in this way9.What happened?怎么了?What happened to you ?happen 发生 同义词 take place happen强调偶然发生 take place为有步骤、有目的、有计划的发生sth+ happen+地点/时间 某地/某时发生了某事sth+happen to + sb某人出了某事(常指不好事发生在某人身上)sb. + hap

13、pen to do sth 某人碰巧做某事 10.be locked (adj.) lock (v.) the door with a key11. tell sb sth.eg. tell him everything告诉他一切tell sb about sth tell me allaboutit告诉我有关它的一切tell sb (not)todosth.tell usnot to talkin class告诉我们课上不要讲话12.fit (v.) any of the doors keep fit (adj.) fit me very well13.put the key into th

14、e door = use a key to open the door = open the door with a key14 wonder= want to knowWonder aabout.表示“对.感到疑惑,对.感到新奇”15 look for= search for= hunt for 固定短语search sp./sb.表示“搜查某地/搜某人的身”;search sp. for sb./sth.表示“到某处搜寻某人/某物”,相当于look for sb./sth. in/at/on sp.固定短语search for sb./sth.搜寻/ 搜索某人/某物,相当于look for

15、 16“Here it is,” Andy said to himself.“在这里”Andy自言自语道。 Here it is. Here comes the bus.Here we are.我们到了。Here they are.他们在这儿。Here you are.给你。.Herearethe dogs.这些狗在这里。 say to oneself动词短语,意为“自言自语”think to oneself“暗自思量,心中想”say hello/ goodbye to sb. 17 find a little cat in the bushes18. When it miaowed, it

16、sounded like a whisper.soundlike听起来像19.It was very weak.它很虚弱weak反义词为strong(强壮的,强的);同音词为week(星期,周)固定短语be weak in/at表示“在.方面差或弱”,反义短语:20.pickupthelittle cat pick up the cat/ rubbish/ sb. on ones way topick out 精心挑选出,分辨出come to visit me go to find you 21. be surprisedat对吃惊.be surprisedtodo惊讶地做be surpris

17、ed that 提醒surprised的名词为surprise,意为“惊奇;惊讶”,to ones surprise使某人惊讶的是 in surprise惊奇地 22.laterthat day那天晚些的时候 一段时间+later”,表示“.(一段时间)以后”,多用于一般过去时23. We run away quickly. run away 逃离 , 跑开 run away from 从.中逃离17 Andy gave the little cat to Amy.give后面接双宾语 给某人某物 give sth to sb=give sb to sth 22.takethe little

18、cattothe animal center带那只小猫到动物中心去Grammar1. 一般过去式 不规则动词表P106-107一般过去时主要表示过去某时发生的动作或情况。结构是“主语+动词的过去式” 可以从以下几个方面来理解:(1)、过去某个时间所发生的动作或存在的状态,句中有明确的表示过去的时间状语如: yesterday(昨天), last night(昨晚), last week(上个星期), four days ago(四天前), in 2002(在2002年), just now(刚才), the day before yesterday(前天)等。表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或情况

19、。e.g. I bought a new shirt yesterday. He was a worker two years ago.(2)、过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作。.eg. When I was a child,I often playedwith fire. Li Lei always walked to school last term.(3)、谈到已故人的情况时多用过去时。.eg. Lu Xun was a great writer.(4)、有些发生时间 不是很清楚的情况,实际是过去发生的,也应用过去时态。What did you say?2this morning今早

20、.this afternoon/ evening今天下午/晚上 Igotup at 6:30 this morning.Iwill goto see a film this evening.yesterdayevening / last night昨晚/昨夜3.gettothe museum到达博物馆4.takea lot of photos拍很多照片5. comebackto school回到学校6. tell me all about it告诉我有关它的一切. tell sb.aboutsth.告诉某人有关某事. tell sb. (not)todosth.告诉某人(不要)做某事7.The

21、 little monkey is11centimeterstall.这只小猴子11 厘米高。= It isan11-centimeter-tallmonkey.它是一只11厘米高的猴子8. what else = what other things别的什么9. learn/know about了解10. some strange birdslikedodos一些像渡渡鸟一样的奇怪的鸟注意:dodo - dodos(pl.)11. liveonthe earth生活在地球上12. a long time ago很久以前Integrated skills1. it is = its它是. its

22、它的 . eg.in its long neck2. little / a little+不可数名词. little 表示否定a little表示肯定. eg. There islittlejuice in the fridge. Go and buy some.Thereisa littlejuice in the fridge. We dont need to buy any. few/ a few+ 可数名词. few 表示否定a few 表示肯定. eg. I knewfewpeople in the party, so I left quickly.3.eat nothing for

23、 months数月不吃东西4. in cold winter在寒冷的冬天5. live in dry places生活在干燥的地方6. without意为“没有”,是介词with(带有)的反义词,其后可接名词、代词或动名词形式。without与其宾语一起具有条件状语从句的作用,相当于if there is no/not. Camels can livewithoutwaterfor a long time. without + 代词(宾格). eg. They went to the parkwithoutmelast week. without + 动词(doing). I went to

24、schoolwithout(eating/having) breakfast this morning.7. smell thingswell很好地闻东西8. Thank sb. for (doing) sth. thank you foryourhelp.=. Thank you forhelpingme.9.knowmoreabout更多地了解.knowa lot/ a little/ nothing/ everythingabout10. be surprisedto do吃惊地做.be surprisedat对感到吃惊11. needto do.needsth.needsb. to d

25、o12. 宾语补足语.keepour houseclean保持我们的屋子干净.makemehappy使我开心.keep +adj.eg. keepfit保持健康13. notany more = no more不再.eg. I am no more a child. = I am not a child any more.Idont like playing computer gamesany more. = I like playing computer games no more.14. hear of = hear about听说. eg. Do you hear of the youn

26、g man? . hear from sb. = get a letter from sb.收到某人的来信. eg. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. 我盼望着很快收到你的来信。15. travel around over 80 countries周游80多个国家. travel around环游. travelled / travelling /traveler16. the other day前几天anther day另一天,改天,相当于one more day。three other days另外三天17. write with

27、 one hand and draw with the other用一只手写字,另一只手画画. write with one hand = use one hand to write用一只手写字one . the other.表示“(同一范围中)一个.另一个.”,其中the other表示两者中的另一个,the为特指,起限定作用拓展(1)one.the others.表示“(同一范围)一个.另一些全部.”(2) some. the others.表示“一些.另一些全部.”18. at the same time同时. the same to you你也是. Thank you all the

28、same.同样谢谢你. the same as和一样19.learn about= know about了解20. draw 3-D pictures with chalk用粉笔画三维图画 drew(过去式)Study skills1. stay at home呆在家里2. just a minute ago就在一会儿前3. show a lot of amazing things in the world展现了世界上的许多奇妙的事情4. Let me come with you then.那时让我和你们一起来吧。Task1. get its name from a man calledgot

29、. get sth from.从.得到某物 a man called Sandwich = a man named Sandwich一个名叫Sandwich 的男子love eating sandwiches very much play cards with sbsandwich - sandwiches(pl.)2. stop for meals = stop to have meals停下来(去)吃饭3. be enough for a tin of dog food = be enough to buy a tin of dog food足够买一听狗食4.put meat betwee

30、n two pieces of bread将肉放在两片面包之间a bag of a kilo of a packet of a bottle of 5. become popular变得受欢迎、变得流行. be popular with / among sb.受到的欢迎. popular songs流行歌曲6. all over the world全世界,指的是整个世界; around the world全世界,指的是在整个世界范围内;in the world在世界上7. by 1935截至1935年8. be in use (n.) 投入使用、运营 use (v.)to doThe scho

31、ol are in use for 30 years.这所学校已经投入使用30年了。9. 120 km per hour每小时120 公里per hour 每小时 per week每星期 每周 per cent 百分之,百分数10. Now most (of the) families have at least one TV.at least至少 .at most至多11. asas(“”部分为形容词原级)和一样 eg. You are as tall as me.你和我一样高。Yourbag is as big as mine.你的包和我的一样大。.as large as和一样大12.No

32、w TVs can beas large as 152 inches.现在电视机大到152英寸。 I am not as (so) hard-working as her. Inches, feet, miles13. a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things有着许多奇妙东西的精彩的世界= full of.a house with a big garden一幢带花园的房子.a man with a pair of galsses一个戴一副眼镜的男人14. this kind of food这种食物.all kinds of各种各样的.different kinds of不同种类的15. ask for要求/要.eg. You can ask for help when you are in danger.当你有危险时,你可以求救。.ask sb. for向某人要某物.eg. He often asks his father for money.他经常向他的爸爸要钱。16. Isntthatamazing?(反问句)难道那不是很奇妙吗?5


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