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1、精品文档重点短语1. experiment with sth. 用某物实验2. experiment on sth. 对某物进行实验3. carry outperformconduct an experiment 做实验domake 4. make a breakthrough 取得重大突破(进展)5. convert A into/to B 把A转换成B6. take the place of = replace 取代,代替7. in place of 取代,代替(介词短语)8. instead of 代替,而不是(介词短语)9. a quantity of + 不可数名词,谓语动词用单数1

2、0. quantities of+可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数quantities of+不可数名词,谓语动词用复数11. bring up 抚育;教养,呕吐,提出(话题等)12. bring down 降低bring about 导致,引起bring back 归还;恢复;回想bring in 赚(钱);带进;传入13. search for 寻找14. search sb/sp 搜查某人或某地15. in search of 寻求/寻找16. as a result of 由于.的结果as a result 因此,结果17. owing to thanks to 由于due to beca

3、use of 18. the key to 的关键the answer to the question 问题的答案notes to the text 课文注释an end to the meeting 会议的结束the entrance to the building 大厦的入口19. export sth to 出口某物到20. the second most important 第二重要的21. be interested in 对感兴趣22. graduate from. 从.(地方)毕业23. escape from (out of)+sp. 从某地逃脱;逃走escape from r

4、eality 逃避现实24. have a narrow escape 九死一生25. a fire escape 紧急出口;安全门26. clear up (天气)放晴;整理;收拾27. be known for 因.而出名/闻名be known an 以而知名,著称be known to 为所知28. earn ones living 谋生 = make a living get/gain a living 谋生比较:live/lead alife 过着.的生活29. come to power 掌权;执政30. take power 取得政权in power 当权,执政out of on

5、es power 不能胜任,力所不及= beyond ones power31. It is possible that. 可能 32. Its certain that. 一定.=sb/sth is certain to do Its certain that youll succeed. = ?33. Its likely that 可能.=sb/sth is likely to do Its likely that he is doing his homework. = ?34. It seems that 好像=sb/sth seems to do It seems that he k

6、nows the secret. =? 35. at war 在交战中36. be diagnosed with 被诊断出, 患有37. become the voice of 成为的代言人38. partly because of 一部分因为单词精研1 .supportvt.& n支撑;扶持;拥护;维持;赡养;忍受(教材P32)The research was supported by the government.这项研究得到了政府的赞助。归纳拓展support ones family 养家糊口supporting lady/man (戏剧中的)女配角/男配角in support of 支

7、持(2011高考陕西卷).his parents needed him to help support the family.他父母需要他帮助养活家人。He was weak with hunger,so I had to support him.他饿得没有力气,我得搀着他。We all speak in support of a ban on drunken driving.我们都支持禁止酒后驾驶。2 .quantityn量;数量;大量(教材P33)A yield refers to quantity (eg of food)产量指的是数量(例如食物的)。(牛津P1620)Its cheap

8、er to buy goods in quantity.大宗购物比较便宜。It is worthwhile to spend a quantity of money in bringing up children.在教育孩子方面花许多钱是值得的。A quantity of money has been spent in bringing up his children.Quantities of money have been spent in bringing up his children.他在教育孩子方面花了许多钱。3 .escapevi.逃脱,避开,溜走vt.逃避,避免;被忘掉;情不自

9、禁地发出;被忘记;未被注意n逃,逃亡,逃跑(教材P39)The Chinese discovered that the gas escaping from the tube could lift it into the air.中国人发现从管中逸出的气体能够把它推到空中。一言辨异You may avoid all known sources of contagion,yet not easily escape infection.人们可以避开所有已知的接触传染病源,却难以摆脱非接触传染.归纳拓展【注意】escape后常接v.ing形式作宾语。There is no way to escape

10、doing the task.没有方法逃避这项工作。(牛津P676)She managed to escape from the burning car.她设法从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来。(2011高考山东卷)The root of the problem,as with many addictions,is the desire to escape from emotional difficulties such as stress,anxiety andrelationship problems.这个问题的根源在于渴望摆脱诸如压力、紧张和人际关系困难这样的情感困难。(朗文P632)Theres

11、 no escaping the fact that she did actually lie to you.不可否认的是,她的确对你撒了谎。4 .clearvt.使清澈;使清楚;扫清vi.变清澈;(天)变晴;(烟雾)消散adj.清澈的;晴;清晰的;畅通的(教材P39)When the smoke cleared Wan Hu and his chair had disappeared.当烟雾散去后,万户和他的椅子都不见了。(2011高考安徽卷)They should be very clear about what happens to their bodies when they drin

12、k or smoke.他们应该清楚当他们吸烟喝酒时,他们的身体有什么变化。He made it clear that he would resign.他明确表示他要辞职。After supper,my younger brother often helps mother clear away the dishes.晚饭后,小弟经常帮母亲收拾碟子。5.graduate n毕业生;vi.毕业(1)graduate from 从某所学校毕业graduate in 毕业于(某专业)(2)graduation n毕业6.convert v转变;改变信仰;使改恶从善;兑换;占用n皈依宗教者,改变信仰者Br

13、itain converted to a decimal currency system in 1971.精讲拓展:conversion n转变,变换convert into 改装成convert sb. from.to把某人由改变为a firm convert to the belief that坚决信仰的人Natural gas can be used to power cars by_their engines.Aconverting BConvicting Ctransferring Dtransmitting答案与解析:A通过改变发动机。 7.judgement n(1)审判;看法;

14、(2)意见,看法;(3)判断力,见识,眼力精讲拓展:make a judgement of对做出判断my judgement is that.我的意见是in ones judgement以某人看来a good judge of art善于鉴别艺术的人pass judgement on sb.对某人作出判决a man of judgement有见识的人judge.by/from.从判断/判定误区警示:judging from.“据判断”,是一习语,不能用judged from。朗文在线:The judgement was given in favour of the accused.判决被告为无

15、罪。My judgement is that the plan is good.我的意见是该计划很好。He showed excellent judgement in choosing the wine.他在择酒方面显示出卓越的判断力。_from the past performances, he is not likely to do very well in his exams.AJudging BJudged CConsidered DConsidering答案与解析:A假如把from去掉就可选D项。8.Conclude vt/vi 结束;推断出及物动词 vt. 1. 结束(+by/wi

16、th)We concluded our meeting at 9 oclock. 我们九点钟结束了会议。 2. 推断出,断定WY+thatWhat can you conclude from these observations? 你从这些观察中能得出什么结论? 3. (最后)决定(为)+to-v+thatHe concluded that he would wait a little longer. 他决定再等一会儿。 He concluded to quit on pay day. 不及物动词 vi. 结束,终了(+with)The meeting concluded after two

17、hours. conclusion n.得出结论 : draw/reach a conclusion arrive at a conclusion 总而言之 in conclusion to conclude辨析:include/conclude/excludeexclude 及物动词 vt. 拒绝接纳;把.排除在外;不包括(+from)The club excluded women from membership. 该俱乐部拒绝妇女入会。9.analyse/analyze vt. 分析This book teaches you how to analyse what is causing t

18、he stress in your life.n. analysis 分析;分解;解析CU nlsis eg. In the last analysis, the responsibility for this failure must lie with the chief engineer. 追根究底,失败的责任在于总工程师。 I was very much pleased by your analysis of the situation. 我非常满意你对形势的分析。复数形式: analyses :nlsiz 10. infect 及物动词 vt. (+with)1). 【医】传染;侵染;

19、感染The flu virus infected almost the entire class.The entire class were almost infected with the flu virus. 全班几乎人人都染上了流行性感冒病毒。 2). 使受影响;感染The captains courage infected his men. 船长的勇气感染了他的船员。 3). 污染The air is infected with noisome gases. 空气受到了有害气体的污染。 4). 腐蚀;使腐化n. Infection 1). 传染;侵染UAre you sure ther

20、e is no danger of infection now? 你敢不敢肯定现在已经没有传染的危险了? 2). 传染病C Ear infections are common in pre-school children 3). 影响;感染UHe suffered from a lung infection. 他肺部受到了感染。 Adj. Infectious1). 传染的;传染性的an infectious disease 传染病 2). 有感染力的,易传播的an infectious grin 有感染力的笑 Their enthusiasm was infectious. 他们的热情有感染

21、力。11. expert 英音:eksp:t 美音:kspt 名词 n. C 专家;能手;熟练者(+at/in/on)She is an expert in training animals. 她是驯兽专家。= specialist 形容词 a. 熟练的,老练的;有经验的(+at/in/on)He became an expert language teacher. She is expert at making cheap, but stylish clothes expertly adv. 熟练地;讲演丰富地He operated the machine expertly.inexpert

22、 无经验的 expertness n. 熟练12. attend vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加1)照顾;护理; Mr. Smith attended her in the hospital. There was no one to attend him but Tina.2)出席;参加 The meeting will be attended by finance ministers from many countries. They attended college together at the University of Pennsylvania.Theteacherwasdisapp

23、ointedtofindthatnotmanystudentshad_hislecture. A.joinedB.attendedC.joinedinD.tookpartinattend是正式用语,及物动词,指参加会议,婚礼,葬礼,典礼;去上课,上学,听报告等。句子的主语只是去听,去看,自己不一定起积极作用。 join有两个用法:(1)指加入某个党派,团体组织等,成为其成员之一,意为:“参军、入团、入党”等。如:When did your brother join the army? 你哥哥什么时候参军的?(2)和某人一道做某事,其结构为:join sb. in (doing) sth.,根据

24、上下文,in (doing) sth. 也可以省去。如:Will you join us in the discussion? 你参加我们的讨论吗?join in多指参加小规模的活动如“球赛、游戏”等,常用于日常口语。 take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。如: Well take part in social practice during the summer vacation. Lincoln took an active part in polities and was strongly against slavery. P

25、articipate in =take part in 正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。 go in for 从事,参加;爱好enter for 报名参加 Our team has entered for the competition. attend vi. attend to 照顾;接待;料理;处理If you attend to something, you deal with it. If you attend to someone who is hurt or injured, you care for them.Eg.The staff will helpfu

26、lly attend to your needs. The main thing is to attend to the injured. Are you being attended to? (商店用语)注:注意,倾听;致力 She didnt attend to what I was saying. 她并不注意听我所说的话短语精释1.bring in请来,带进;引进;赚钱;收割庄稼;逮捕(教材P33)Researchers were brought in from all over China.从中国各地请来研究人员。bring about 引起;产生;带来;导致bring back 带回

27、;拿回;使回忆起;使恢复bring forth 使产生bring forward 提出;提议;把提前bring on 引起;导致;使发展(或前进);提出供讨论Could I just bring in some members of the audience to get their views?我可以邀请一些观众来听取他们的意见吗?They have brought in some advanced equipment.他们引进了一些先进设备。Farmers in the south have also brought in good crops.南方的农民也获得好收成。e to power

28、掌权;执政(教材P37)Albert Einstein left Germany when Hitler came to power and went to work in the US.阿尔伯特爱因斯坦在希特勒掌权时离开了德国去美国工作。in power 当权have/hold power over sth. 对有控制权beyond ones power 不能胜任,力所不能及out of/outside sb.s power to do sth. 做某事超出某人的能力put.into power 使执政;上台fall into ones power 落入某人的控制中within ones p

29、ower 有能力;力所能及Do you know when the first Chinese empress came to power?你知道中国第一位女皇帝是什么时候上台执政的吗?She has a lot of power over the people in her team.她对队里的人有很大的影响力。Its beyond/not within my power to help you.我是爱莫能助。The government in power is devoted to the improvement of education.这一届政府致力于提高教育。Who do you t

30、hink will take_office next month and become_president of the USA, George W. Bush or John Kerry?Aa; the B/; the Cthe; / D/; a答案与解析:Btake office“执政”,为习语,the president of the USA表示职务,作表语。注意作宾补时,这类概念中的名词前用冠词。 3.ricegrowing adj.种植水稻的这是由名词现在分词构成的复合形容词精讲拓展:复合形容词是指由两个或两个以上的词构成的形容词。复合形容词还有以下几种构成方式:名词形容词。例如:d


32、工作的,farreaching深远的副词过去分词。例如:wellinformed消息灵通的,widespread遍布的,大面积的,wellknown著名的由短语构成的形容词。例如:hardtoplease难以取悦的,lifeanddeath生死存亡的,happygolucky无忧无虑的,outandout彻头彻尾的,facetoface面对面的注意:要注意非谓语动词与所修饰名词的逻辑关系。4.throw into投入;(使)陷入The explosion threw the people into confusion.精讲拓展:throw light on/upon sth.阐明某事;使某事显

33、得清楚throw sth./oneself at sb./sth.冲向某人/某物,向扔throw over放弃throw about抛撒,散(财),浪费(金钱)throw away抛弃,把(机会等)丢掉throw back把丢回;拖延throw off匆匆脱掉衣服;扔掉,摆脱掉throw up举起,抛起;呕吐5.well done干得好,真棒(用于赞扬某人做事做得好)精讲拓展:well played干得好(well done)welldone adj.(尤指肉等食物)熟透的,煮透的go well成功(与计划或期望的一样)done好,行,成交(用于表示同意并接受某交易的条件)be done上当,

34、受骗误区警示:well done强调赞扬某人做得好,而done是强调成交。朗文在线:You paid 50 for that! You were done, mate!你买那东西竟然花了50英镑!你上当了,老兄!I was really pleased that the concert had gone so well.音乐会办得如此成功,我真高兴。命题方向:well done常与congratulations, all right等放于一起以辨析题的形式在交际用语中考查。The answer is that Stephen Hawking discovered the radiation._

35、AWell done! BCongratulations! CCelebrations! DAll right!答案与解析:A交际语境考查,对别人工作/答语的赞扬,“你真棒!”6. Put forward come up with/bring up/put up/bring forward1) 提出He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting. 2) 他在会上提出了一个很好的建议。2) 把.向前拨You ought to put your watch forward ten minutes. 你应该把表朝前拨快十分钟。联想:put a

36、way/put aside/put off/put down/put on/put out/put up等The theory was laughed at when it was first _ (2010 南京质检)Put forward Put aside Put off Put downWere trying to put _aside_ a few hundred dollars monthly for emergency.Put the books _away_ after using them.The meeting has been put _off_ till next we

37、ek.We can put _up_ at a hotel tonight.I dont know how you put _up with_ their constant quarreling.She always put _down_ her boyfriend, but he didnt seem to mind.(奚落) 句型精析1. (教材P39)Or was he carried miles into space, becoming the worlds first astronaut?还是他被带到了数英里之外的太空,成了世界上第一位宇航员?【点津】 becoming the wo

38、rlds first astronaut是现在分词短语,在此处作结果状语。现在分词短语作结果状语,只能放在主句后面。Her parents died, leaving her a lot of debts.她的父母去世了,给她留下很多债务。It rained heavily, causing severe flooding in that country.大雨滂沱,造成了那个国家洪水泛滥。【注意】现在分词和动词不定式作结果状语的区别(1)现在分词作结果状语通常表示一个自然而然的、意料之中的结果。例如:(2)Many trees had been blown down by the high w

39、inds,blocking roads.许多树被狂风刮倒,堵住了道路。(3)不定式作结果状语表示一个出乎意料的结果。其前常加only以强调这一意外结果。例如:(4)I rushed to the school,only to find it was Sunday.我跑到学校,结果却发现那天是星期天。2. (教材P39)The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket moving in a straight direction.这些管子被捆在一根长棍子上,这根棍子有助于让火箭保持笔直的方向前进。【点津】ke

40、ep sb./sth. doing sth. 表示“使一直做某事”。keep 后面可以跟复合结构,即宾语与宾语补足语。作宾语补足语的可以是介词短语、v.ing 形式、过去分词、形容词、副词等。该句式中keep为使役动词,该句式意为“使继续处于某种状态”。(1)keep宾语(名词或代词)形容词。(2)keep宾语(名词或代词)副词。(3)keep宾语(名词或代词)名词。(4)keep宾语(名词或代词)现在分词,其中宾语与宾语补足语之间是逻辑上的主动关系。(5)keep宾语(名词或代词)过去分词,其中宾语与宾语补足语之间是逻辑上的被动关系。(6)keep宾语(名词或代词)介词短语。The news

41、 that my father was admitted to a hospital kept me sad.我父亲住院的消息使我很伤心。He kept all the lights on when he went out.他出去时把所有的灯都开着。Please keep me a place in the queue.请在队里给我留个位置。Im sorry to keep you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。He will never keep a job half done.他从来都不会让工作半途而废。典型句式1.the key to (doing) sth.(做)某事的关键;的钥

42、匙He thought that the key to feeding people(养活世人的关键)was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.2.a way to do sth./of doing sth.做的方法/方式by doing sth. 通过做某事He thought there was only one way to do this(做这件事的一种方法) by crossing different species of rice plant(通过使不同种类的水稻杂交),and then he could produc

43、e a new plant which could give a higher yield than either of the original plants.3.v.ing 形式作方式状语Moving in a wheelchair and speaking through a special computer(靠轮椅来移动并且通过特殊的电脑说话),he has become the voice of science.4.keep sb./sth. doing sth. 使一直做某事The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped_ keep the rocket moving in a straight direction(使火箭直直地前进)5.it is po


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