牛津译林七年级上册第一单元知识点讲解(DOC 8页).doc

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1、牛津译林七年级上册第一单元知识点讲解Unit 1 This is me!1. They are introducing themselves to each other. 同学们正在相互做自我介绍。 introduce oneself :介绍某人自己。把某人介绍给某人用“introduce to让我介绍一个新同学给你们。Let me _ a new classmate _ you. 你愿意给我们做个自我介绍吗?Would you like _ us? each other 相互,互相我们应该互相帮助,互相学习。We should _ and _. 还能构成短语onethe other, 即“一

2、个另一个”.我有两叔叔,一个在中国,另一个在美国。I have two uncles. One is in China, the other one is in America.2. Welcome to Beijing Sunshine Secondary School!“欢迎去某地”可以用welcome to来表达。如: Welcome to our country, Jack. 当在地点副词前要省略介词to,如:Welcome back home.欢迎回家。另外Youre welcome.可以表达“不用谢”,“欢迎下次光顾” ,“欢迎你”的意思。Ill come to your home

3、town. Youre welcome. 此时表示“欢迎你”。Thank you for your help. Youre welcome. 此时表示“不用谢”。The President welcomed his friend to his home.You are always welcome at my house.3. Hes very clever at Maths. 他擅长数学。be clever at (doing) sth.擅长(做)某事, 同义短语还有be good at ,do well in.因此这句话还可说为_.或_.再如:The boy is clever at pl

4、aying football.= The boy _.= The boy _.那男孩足球踢得好。4. Hes in the school basketball team. Im in the Reading Club. “be in + 团队组织”可理解为be a member of.即:Hes in the school basketball team._.Im in the Reading Club. = _.5. You can call me Simon.你可以叫我西蒙。call在此句中意思为“称呼,叫”,常用 call sb./sth. sb./sth.称某人为某人,称某物为某物。D

5、ont call him “a thin monkey.” 不要叫他“瘦猴”。call还有“电话”、“打电话”之意。Dont forget to call me.(call 动词,打电话) Can you give me a call? (call 名词,电话)6. Im quite tall and slim. 我很高,很苗条。quite: 作为表示程度的副词, “相当,十分,非常”, 相当于very。还可构成短语quite a,后面可修饰人或物。如:这支篮球队相当好。This basketball team is _. 他是一个非常乐于助人的男孩。He is quite_. 7.I wea

6、r football shoes when I play football. 当我踢足球的时候,我穿足球鞋。 when: 做疑问副词,何时;做连词,当的时候。这里的意思是后者。如:I dont know when he will arrive.(疑问副词)I go to school by bus when it rains. 当下雨的时候,我坐公共汽车上学。(连词)She was dancing with Mr Smith at a dancing hall when her husband entered it with a pretty girl.8.I take my dog for

7、a walk every day. 我每天带我的小狗去散步。go for a walk 去散步, have/ take a walk散步, take sb. for a walkwalk sb. 带某人去散步 如:你想和我们一起去散步吗?Would you like to _? 9. I talk to my classmates at lunchtime. 在午餐时间,我和同学交谈。talk: 说,讲;谈论,交谈。常用的短语有:talk to sb.= talk with sb.和交谈,talk about sth.= talk on sth. 谈论 关于talk to/with sb. a

8、bout sth.跟某人谈某事。如:我喜欢和新朋友谈我自己。I like _. talk作名词时,可以用于have a talk with sb. I want to _. 我想和她谈谈。10. Does Amy walk home after school? 埃米放学后步行回家吗? after school放学后,before school放学前。类似的有after class下课后, after supper晚饭后。walk home步行回家,可用go back home on foot 来表示。同时在这儿home当作副词用,所以不加to, 类似的还有 walk here/there, w

9、alk upstairs/downstairs上/下楼。若表示步行去某地,就要用 walk to Daniel often walks there with his friends.= Daniel often goes there on foot with his friends. She walks him every day. walk 后加某种动物,意思是:使走,使步行让我们遛马去。Lets walk the horse. 妈妈经常在早上遛狗。My mother often _ in the morning. 11. Does she take a bus? 她乘公共汽车吗?动词短语:

10、take a bus搭乘公共汽车, catch a bus 赶公共汽车, miss a bus错过汽车介词短语:go by bus, go on a bus。Simon doesnt take /catch a bus to school every day. = Simon doesnt go to school_ every day.Simon doesnt go to school _ every day.12. Here are some pictures of my family. 这儿有一些我家人的照片。此句为倒装句。Here 后面动词的单复数形式要由名词来定。这儿有你的一封信。H

11、ere_ a letter for you. 我们的公共汽车来了!Here _ our bus! There _ a picture and some maps of the world on the wall. some pictures of my family: 一些我家人的照片。这里的 of表示所属的, 是的东西,属于。如:the end of the story故事的结尾,the name of this plant植物的名称13. I usually go running for half an hour. 我经常去跑步,跑半个小时。go running: 去跑步,类似这样的结构还

12、有:go swimming去游泳; go shopping去购物; go fishing去钓鱼,go boating去划船, go walking去散步, go dancing去跳舞, go camping去野营等。在表示一段时间的前面要加介词for。如:她经常游泳游一个小时吗?Does she often _? 14. He played for the Changjiang Football Team.play for为而效力,为而战; “对抗”可表达为play againstThere will be a basketball match tomorrow. The Houston Ro

13、ckets will play against the Los Angeles Lakers.明天将有场篮球赛,休斯顿火箭队对抗洛山矶湖人队。15. You left your pencil box at home today. 今天你把铅笔盒遗留(忘记)在家了。leave这里指 “把落在家” ,不能用forget。如:他有时会把雨伞忘在汽车上。_. 不要把作业忘记在家。_16. Can I borrow your pen? 我能借你的钢笔吗?borrow借进,借来;短语borrowfrom从借来;“把借给” 则为lendto。Could you lend your badminton rac

14、ket to me? Can I borrow the badminton racket from you? 17. How do you say that in English?此句还有其他表示法:Whats that in English? in English指用英语,还可以有in Japanese/Chinese你会用英语讲故事吗?_? 18. If you dont know the answer to something 如果你不知道某些东西的答案the answer to the question 问题的答案;类似的结构还有:the key to the door 门上的钥匙。t

15、he guide to living in the states. 生活在美国的指南。19. At home, I enjoy talking on the phone with my friends.在家,我喜欢用电话和我的朋友聊天。on the phone表示通过“打电话”这个方式。我们还常用:on TV, on the Internet, on the radio, on the screen.20. I love playing computer games and looking for things on the Internet.look for 寻找,表达“找”的过程,等于 s

16、earch for;“找”的结果可用find表示。looking for things on the Internet=search for things the Internet。我一直在找我的笔,但没找到。I _ my pen all the time, but I cant _ it. 【典型例题】一、 单项选择题。例1. My father and mother were born _ Zhejiang but they dont _ there now.A. in; liveB. on, live inC. in; live inD. on; live答案:A例2.) Our sch

17、ool sports meeting will start _ the morning of next Saturday.A. onB. atC. inD. to答案:A例3. He often _ with his friends.A. play basketballB. plays basketballC. plays the basketballD. playing basketball答案:B例4. Do you like _ after supper every day?A. to walkingB. walkingC. walkD. to walk答案:B例5. You must

18、_ carefully when you are in class.A. hearB. hear ofC. listenD. listen to答案:C例6. My brother _ good at _.A. is; runingB. are; runningC. is; runningD. are; runing答案:C例7. Please give me two _ milk A. glassB. glass ofC. glassesD. glasses of答案:D例8. What do people in the office usually _?A. put onB. puts o

19、nC. wearD. wears答案:C例9. My glasses _ black.A. isB. areC. amD. be答案:B例10. The old man enjoys _ to Beijing Opera.A. listen B. listeningC. to listenD. listens答案:B例11. How are you today? - Im very _, thanks.A. goodB. wellC. niceD. ill答案:B例12. Come on, children. Help yourselves to some _ if you like.A. f

20、ish and chickenB. fishes and chickenC. fish and chickensD. fishes and chickens答案:A例13. The twins were born _ a Friday evening.A. inB. atC. onD. of答案:C例14. Its time _ lunch, _ go to the dining room.A. for; let weB. to; letsC. for; letsD. to; let答案:C例15. Could I _ your CD player, please?-Sorry,_ is br

21、oken.A. borrow; mineB. lend; myC. borrow; myD. lend; mine答案:A二、改错。请你在原句中划出每句中的一处错误并在横线处加以订正。例1. Millie doesnt goes to school on Saturdays. _答案:把 goes改成 go例2. If you dont know the answer of the question, you say: “Im sorry. I dont know.” _ 答案:把 of 改成 to例3. Millie likes reading and writes._ 答案:把 write

22、s改成 writing例4. Daniel often looks for things on the Internet._ 答案:把 looks改成 looks for例5. She enjoys talking in the phone with her friends._ 答案:把in 改成 on例6. Welcome back to home. _答案:把to 去掉例7. They know you very much, and like you very much. _答案:把第一个very much改成very well例8. Miss Liu is reading now. We

23、 must listen her.答案:在listen后加to【模拟试题】(答题时间:25分钟)1. Daniels father enjoys _tennis.A. playB. playsC. playingD. played2. -Kitty, you are a good dancer. -_.A. CertainlyB. Thank youC. Youre right D. No, Im not.3. Mother wants _the house. Could you _her, please?A. clean, helpB. clean, to helpC. to clean,

24、help D. to clean, to help4. I take my dog _a walk every day.A. toB. onC. forD. at5. There are _nice CDs in his bag.A. a lot ofB. a lots ofC. a lotD. much6. -Can I _your book?-Sorry, I am using it. I cant _it to you.A. lend, lendB. borrow, lendC. borrow, borrowD. lend, borrow7. Excuse me. _do you say

25、 that in English?A. HowB. WhatC. WhoD. When8. He goes to school by bus, but he walks _after school.A. to homeB. homeC. his homeD. the home 9. My birthday is _16th October.A. inB. atC. ofD. on10. What _Jack _every Saturday?A. does, doB. do, doesC. do, doD. does, does11. At the weekend Simon usually _

26、 for half an hour. A. go runningB. go to runC. goes runningD. goes to run12. He cannot speak Japanese, but he can _ it in English. A. speakB. sayC. tellD. talk13. My parents love me _. A. very goodB. very much.C. quite goodD. quite well14. He likes to _ things on the Internet. A. look forB. look afterC. look likeD. look down on15. I have two children, one is a boy, _ one is a girl. A. othersB. the otherC. the othersD. other【试题答案】1.C2. B3. C4. C5. A6. B7. A8. B9. D10. A11. C12. B13. B14. A15. B8 / 8


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