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1、选择性必修第一册 Unit 4 Body LanguagePart A 重点词汇1. vary vi. (根据情况)变化;改变用法:vary between.and.由.到.情况不等vary from.to.由.到.情况不等vary with 随.而变动转化: various adj. 不同的;各种各样的 varied adj. 形形色色的 variety n.多样性 variable adj.多变的2. witness vt. 当场看到;目击;见证 n. 目击者;证人用法:be a witness to sth. 看见(某事发生);为.提供证据 bear/give witness to st

2、h 为. .作证,证明3. employ vt. 使用;应用; 雇用转化: employer n.雇主 employee n.雇员 employment n.就业 unemployment n.失业用法:employ sb. as 雇佣某人为.employ sb. to do 雇佣某人做某事be employed in (doing) sth. 从事于,忙于(做)某事4. approve vi. 赞成;同意 vt.批准;通过用法:approve of . 赞成. . ,同意. .approve of (sb./sb.s) doing sth. 赞成/同意(某人)做某事近义:表达(不)同意的其他

3、用法转化: approval n. U赞成;同意 U,C批准,认可 disapprove vi.不赞成,反对5. differ vi. 相异;不同于用法:differ from . 不同于.differ in . 在.方面不同differ with sb. (about/over/on sth) 与某人意见相左转化: difference n. 差异,差别;(意见上的)分歧 different adj. 不同的,有区别的6. favour vt. 较喜欢;选择;有利于 n. 帮助,恩惠;赞同,支持用法:do sb. a favour 帮某人的忙 ask sb. a favour = ask a

4、 favour of sb. 请求某人帮忙 in favour of 赞成,支持7. incident n. 发生的事情;严重事件; 冲突8. bend vt.&vi.(bent, bent)(使)弯曲;倾斜;偏向用法:bend the truth 扭曲事理;歪曲事实bend ones mind/efforts to sth. 致力于某事;专心致志9. clarify vt. 使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清10. tendency n. 趋势;倾向转化: tend vt.往往会 vi.趋向 vi.&vt.照管;护理用法:a tendency (for sb./sth.) to do .a tende

5、ncy to/towards . . .的倾向/11. occupy vt.占据;占用转化: occupation n. occupied adj.用法:occupy oneself (in) doing sth. 忙于做某事= occupy oneself with/in sth.12. stare vi.盯着看;凝视 n.漠视用法:stare at sb.stare sb. up and down13. anxiety n.U焦虑,忧虑;C担心,害怕用法:anxiety about/over 对. .的焦虑/忧虑 with anxiety 焦虑地 anxiety to do sth. 做某

6、事的渴望* anxiety for sth. 对某物的渴望*转化:anxious adj. 担心;渴望 anxiously 焦虑地;渴望地14. ashamed adj. 羞耻,惭愧 (只能作表语,不能作定语)用法:be ashamed of . 因.而感到羞愧be ashamed that . 对.感到羞愧be ashamed to do sth. 因感到羞愧/难为情而不愿做某事辨析:shame n.U 羞耻,惭愧;single.让人遗憾的事15. bother vi.&vt. 费心;麻烦;因. .操心 n. 麻烦;不便用法: bother doing sth./to do sth. 费心做

7、某事bother about/to do sth. 为某事费心/花费时间或精力it bothers sb. to do sth./that 做某事/做.使某人烦恼bother sb. (about/with sth.) 为某事打扰某人16. conflict n.&v. 矛盾;冲突用法:in conflict with sb. (over sth.) (在某事上)与某人相冲突/有争执/不一致come into conflict with sb. 与某人发生冲突/争执conflict with 与.冲突,抵触17. adjust vt.调整;调节 vt.&vi.适应;(使)习惯用法:adjust

8、 . to. 调整.以适应.adjust to (doing) sth. 习惯/适应(做)某事adjust oneself to sth. 使自己适应某事转化:adjustment n.Part B 重点短语1. by contrast 相比之下2. by comparison 与相比较3. look into 窥视;调查;过问4. make inferences 推断;推论5. break down 消除; 分解; 打破6. straighten up 直起来,挺直;整理,收拾整齐7. in other words 换句话说;也就是说8. at work 有某种影响;起某种作用9. call

9、 on 短暂访问(某人);号召;请求,邀请Part C 重点句型1. In countries like France and Russia, people may kiss their friends on the cheek when they meet. 在法国和俄罗斯等国家,朋友见面时可能会亲吻脸颊。【析】“及物动词 + sb. + prep. + the + 表示身体部位的名词结构1 ) head, nose, back, shoulder, forehead 前用on;2 ) face, eye, chest, stomach, mouth 前用in;3 ) 四肢前,wrist 等

10、关节部位或衣物某处前用 by;4 ) 本结构中身体部位前必须用 the.2. Students were angry afraid our experiencing anxiety may have their arms crossed in front of their guests and their legs closed or crossed like their garden their bodies.那些生气,害怕或正处于焦虑的学生可能会双臂交叉放在胸前,双腿并拢或交叉,好像是在保护他们的身体一样。【析】have sth. done. 结构1) 该结构中过去分词作宾语补足语,表示被

11、动的含义; 宾语sth.与done之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系。2) 该结构意思是 “使某事被做”,可能是主语自己做,也可能是让别人做(此时have可用get替换)。3)有时还可以表示 “遭遇经历某种不幸的事情” (该事情违背主语的意愿)。Part D 课标词汇、短语1 interaction n.交流;相互影响2 appropriate adj.合适的;恰当的3 demonstrate vt. 表现;表达;说明;证明4 gesture n. 姿势;姿态5 identical adj.相同的6 interpret vt.把理解(解释)为 vi.&vt. 口译7 cheek n.面颊;脸颊8 bow

12、 vi.鞠躬;点头 vt.低(头)9 barrier n. 隔阂;障碍10 fake adj. 假装的;假的;冒充的11 angern. 愤怒;怒气 vt.使生气;激怒12 reliable adj.可靠的;可信赖的13 trial n.审判;试验;试用14 slightadj. 轻微的;略微的;细小的15 slightly adv. 略微;稍微16 twin adj. 挛生儿之一;双胞胎之一17 assessment n. 评价;评定 assess vt.评估;评价18 internal adj. 内部的;里面的19 pose n.故作姿态;(为画像、拍照等摆的)姿势;摆好姿势20 reve

13、al 揭示;显示;露出21 educator教师;教育工作者;教育家22 lower 把放低;降低;减少adj.下面的;下方的;较小的23 imply 意味;暗示24 barely v.几乎不;勉强才能;刚刚25 ceiling n.天花板;上限26 perceive w.察觉;看待:理解27 distinguish vt.&vi. 区分;辨别28 chest n.胸部;胸膛29 embarrassed adj.难堪的;尴尬的30 merely adv.只是;仅仅;只不过31 call on (短暂地)访问;要求(某人讲话等);正式邀请32 weep vi. & vi.哭泣;流泪33 inqu

14、ire (= enquire)vi. & vt 询问;打听34 ultimately adv. 最终;最后35 react v.(对)起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应36 component n. 组成部分;零件37. tone n.语气;腔调;口吻Part E 单元语法 非谓语动词 ving 形式作宾语 作动词的宾语1. 有些动词后只接 v-ing 形式作宾语,常用的有:2. 有些动词既可后接doing 也可接to do 作宾语。(1) stop to do sth. 停下来做某事mean to do sth.想要做某事stop doing sth. 停止做某事mean doing st

15、h 意味着做某事try to do sth. 努力/企图做某事cant help doing禁不住做某事try doing sth. 试着做某事 cant help to do不能帮助做某事(2) remember/ forget/ regretdoing/ having done sth. 表示动作已经发生to do sth. 表示动作将要发生(3) need; want; require(需要); deservedoingto be done如:The car needs repairing =The car needs to be repaired.这辆车需要修理。1)We need _

16、 friends. (have)My hair needs_ / _ (cut)2) He has been working hard. So he deserves _ _ (win) the game.3) 这个计划值得考虑。(用三种方式表达) _ _4) 我真后悔没赶上那次报告会。_ _5) 我遗憾地告诉你我不能接受你的建议。 _ 6) -Let me tell you something about the journalists-Dont you remember (tell) me the story yesterday?KEYS1) to have; cutting/to be

17、cut; 2) to win 3)The plan deserves considering/ to be considered/ consideration. 4) I regret missing the report. 5) I regret to say I cant take your advice. 6) telling 作介词的宾语常考的to 为介词的动词短语有:get/be used/accustomed to devote oneself to contribute tostick to lead torefer toget close toreply toon the wa

18、y to be equal to settle down to in addition towhen it comes to get down toput an end toon the way to be equal to settle down to in addition towhen it comes to get down toput an end tolook forward toturn torespond to belong to prefertodo harm/good/damage to object topay attention to1) Have you ever d

19、reamed of there_ (be) such a good chance for further education abroad? 2) *我向你道歉, 刚才对你那样生气。 _ 3) 同学们脸上没有笑容,相反都做了怪脸。(instead) 4) 这位老人已经习惯住在乡下。 _ KEYS1) being 2) I apologize to you for being so angry with you. 3) Instead of smiling, each of them made a face. 4) The old man has got used to living in the countryside.


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