牛津译林版英语8A-Unit7-Seasons单元综合测试卷含答案(DOC 9页).doc

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1、8A Unit 7 Seasons单元综合测试卷 Class_ Name_一、听力测试(10%)A)根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案。( )1. How did Peter get home last night? A. One foot. B. By bus. C. By taxi.( )2. Where is Pauls sister? A. At school. B. In the park. C. In the hospital.( )3. What season is it now? A. Autumn. B. Winter. C. Spring.( )4. Why is Henry

2、 unhappy? A. Because he cant find his football. B. Because he broke his neighbours window. C. Because nobody wants to play football with him.( ) 5. What does the man advise the girl to do before exams? A. To listen to music. B. To do more exercises. C. To talk with her teacher.B)根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案,( )

3、6. Where is Lily going? A. To her school. B. To the City Library. C. To the park.( )7. What will David do tomorrow?A. He will go to Shanghai. B. He will visit his grandma. C. He will visit his mother.C)根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表( ) 8. A. Snowy B. Rainy C. Fine( ) 9. A. Cloudy B. Sunny C. Windy( )10.

4、 A. -3C3 B. 013 C. 614二、单项拼写(10%)1. He_ (扔) his ticket somewhere yesterday and now he cant find it.2. My grandfather always_ (咳嗽) at midnight. He should go to see the doctor.3. The woman kept_ (打电话) her son but no one answered.4. The_ (突发) illness took his life last year.5. She set the books_ (在之上)

5、the desk and went out.6. Its good to be back on_ (陆地) after the long flight.7. Its a good day! Theres not a_ (云) in the sky.8. -What will the_ be like tomorrow?-Itll be sunny.9. -I looked for you_, but I didnt find you.-Sorry. I was next door because Mrs Li asked me for help.10. -I hate_ days. I fee

6、l uncomfortable in a raincoat.-Oh, but dont you think it is romantic (浪漫) to walk in such weather?三、单项填空(15%)( ) 1. -What_ cold weather it is in Harbin! -Yes. We have_ unusual time because we live in a hot place. A. /; a B a; a C. /; an D. a; an( ) 2. - Hes already back from the trip, _? _. And he i

7、s now playing with his little son happily at home. A. hasnt he; Yes B. isnt he; No C. isnt he; Yes D. wasnt he; No( ) 3. When you see trees moving, it means it is_. A. snowy B. windy C. sunny D. foggy( ) 4. They painted the walls white. The underlined c划线的) part is_. A. P B. DO C. IO D. OC( ) 5. Las

8、t winter, the snowstorm_ my hometown and the snow_ everything. A. hits; covers B. hit; covered C. covered; got D. covers; hit( ) 6. -_? -Its sunny. A. the temperature B. Whats the weather C. Whats the weather like D. How is the weather like( ) 7. -_ is the temperature tomorrow? -I think it will be m

9、uch A. How; lower B. What; higher C. What; low D. How; high( ) 8. The price of vegetables_ a little last week. A. low B. dropped C. fell D. fell down( ) 9. Listen! Did you hear the_ shouts? The match must be exciting. A. excite B. exciting C. more exciting D. excited( )10. Dont give up. Its only_ ha

10、rd. Im sure you can work it out. A. a lot B. much too C. very much D. a bit( )11. -Where are your children? -I had no idea. But when I left home this morning, I saw them_ a football in the yard. A. are kicking B. were kicking C. kick D. kicking( )12. Its time for supper. But we want to finish_ crops

11、 first. A. to harvest B. harvesting C. harvested D. harvest( )13. Jack seems_ than you_ ready for the exams. A. busy; to get B. much busier; getting C. busier; to get D. more busier; getting( )14. The number of trees in our city is getting_. This makes our city much greener. A. more and moreB. large

12、r and larger C. less and less D. higher and higher( )15. -Shall we go shopping now? -Sorry. Its not the right_. Im too tired. A. way B. weather C. place D. moment .四、动词填空 (10%)1. Look! How hard it_ (snow) outside!2. You must try your best to stop him_ (make) the same mistake again.3._ (keep) the doo

13、r closed and it will be warm here.4. She decided to offer as much money as she can_ (help) the poor.5. The first question of the four was really difficult, but the rest_ (be) quite easy.6. Mr Wu told us that the sun_ (rise) from the east.7. The teacher advised us_ (not leave) rubbish on the grass.8.

14、 They_ (not win) this game and they all felt sad.9. Please write down what I say, or (否则) you_ (forget) the important points.10. Would you please_ (stay) here for a while? Mum is coming.五、完形填空(10%)You may think there is only sand in the desert (沙漠), 1 it is not true. In the desert, as we know, there

15、 is only a little rain, but it is not enough for most plants. Still we can see some plants 2 in the desert. There is 3 in some places in the desert. We 4 these places oasis (绿洲). In the oasis, there are villages and towns. People grow 5 kinds of crops in the fields there. People 6 live outside the o

16、asis. They have camels, sheep and other animals. These animals live on. the desert plants and do not need 7 water. The 8 are useful to the desert people in many ways. They eat the meat and drink the milk of animals. They use the camels for carrying water, food, tents and something else. The people o

17、f the desert have to keep moving from place to place. They must always look 9 grass or desert plants for animals. When there is no more food for their animals, they move to 10 place. The desert people are friendly. No man in the desert would ever refuse (拒绝) to help the people in trouble.( ) 1. A. a

18、nd B. but C. or D. so( ) 2. A. live B. to live C. lives D. lived( ) 3. A. stones B. plants C. wood D. water( ) 4. A. say B. tell C. call D. find( ) 5. A. every B. all C. a D. one( ) 6. A. also B. too C. otherwise D. still( ) 7. A. a little B. few C. much D. any( ) 8. A. water B. plants C. crops D. a

19、nimals( ) 9. A. at B. for C. up D. after( )10. A. other B. the other C. the others D. another六、阅读理解(20%)(A) In the summer after Maggie Doyne graduated (毕业) from high school. She decided to spend a year traveling around the world before she started college. However, the journey changed her life and s

20、he also changed the world. In 2006, Doyne took a trip through the Himalaya Mountains (喜马拉雅山). Because Doyne grew up comfortably, she was shocked(震惊) to see so many homeless kids living in the streets. So she used her savings of $ 5,000 to buy a piece of land in the village of Surkhet and build the k

21、ids a home, the Kopila Valley Childrens Home. The Kopila Valley Childrens Home opened in 2008. Doyne cares for 26 kids at the home at present. The children at the home learn basic skills such as cooking and other housework, And she has helped more than 700 0ther homeless kids find families. Do Somet

22、hing did something for Doyne. On June 1st, 2009, the organization (组织) gave Doyne $ 100,000 as the 2009 Do Something Award. In a tearful(含泪的) talk, Doyne gave some money to a young girl who lived in the home but recently passed away from cancer (癌症). She also made a plan to build a school with the m

23、oney she just won.( ) 1. Doyne was shocked because she found that _. A. many children liked living in the streets B. many children lost their parents and had to live in other families C. many children were in poor families D. many children lost their parents and had no place to live( ) 2. What did D

24、oyne spend her savings doing? A. Helping the kids who left their homes go back home. B. Building a home for the homeless kids. C. Sending homeless kids to school. D. Building a school for the poor kids.( ) 3. The underlined phrase passed away means _. A. left B. reached C. died D. ran( ) 4. Why did

25、the passage say Maggie changed the world? A. She traveled around the world. B. She helped children who lost their homes a lot. C. She saw many children living in the streets. D. She helped 700 homeless kids find families.( ) 5. Which of the following can tell the main idea of the passage best? A. A

26、girl who left high school in 2006. B. A girl who travelled around the world. C. A girl who helped homeless kids a lot. D. A girl who helped other girls in 2009.(B) A young woman was driving through the lonely countryside. It was dark and rainy. Suddenly she saw an old woman by the side of the road,

27、holding up her hand as if she wanted a lift(搭车). I cant leave her out in such weather, the young woman said to herself. She stopped her car and opened the door. Do you want a lift? she asked. The old woman nodded and climbed into the car. After a while, she talked with the old woman. But the 01d wom

28、an didnt say anything. The old woman only nodded or shook head. She tried again. “Bad weather for the time of the year,” she said. The old woman nodded. Then the young woman noticed that the old womans hands, which were large and hairy(多毛的)Suddenly she realized(意识到)that“she”was a man! She stopped th

29、e car“I cant see out of the rear screen(后视镜),”she said.“Would you please help me clean it?” “The old woman” nodded and opened the door. As soon as “she” was out of the door, the young woman drove off as fast as she could. When she got to the next vi11age,she stopped. She noticed “the old man” left “

30、her” handbag behind. She picked it up and opened it. Inside was a gun(枪)( ) 6.When the young woman talked with “her”, “the old woman” only nodded or shook “her” head because “she” _. A. didnt want the young woman to hear her voice B. didnt want to trouble the young woman any more C. was so tired tha

31、t “she” didnt want to talk with her D. was worried that the young woman saw her hands( )7.When the young woman found something strange, she _ A. drove away as fast as possible B. thought of an idea C. went on driving as usual D. drove her car to a Village( ) 8.The young woman asked “the old woman to

32、 clean the rear screen in order to _.Asee more clearly Bdrive fast and well Cmake“her”speak Dthrow“her”out ( ) 9.From the story we can see that the young woman was Akind and clever Bbeautiful and bright Cf001ish(愚蠢的)and shy Dstrong and helpful( )10.What do you think the old woman was? A. A policeman

33、. B. A basketball player. C. A robber(强盗) D. A poor villager.七、完成句子(10%)1明天温度将会降至0以下。_2冬天是打雪仗的最好季节。_3什么都不穿,你不仅看起来酷,感觉也很酷!_4今天最高温度可能会到28度左右。_5我不得不说得再大声点因为风正刮得厉害。_八、书面表达(15%) 假如你是电台主持人,准备播送天气预报,请根据以下要点,写一篇80词左右的文稿。文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 要点:1明天南方大部分城市将是晴天,万里无云。人们可在城市周边进行一次短途旅行。广州温度将达26度,有点热,最好戴上墨镜(sunglasses

34、)。 2气温在北方稍低,长春明天将有暴风雨。气温在15度左右。大雨可能会引发多种问题。人们开车应缓慢并小心。小孩应待在室内而不是出去玩。Good evening, everyone! Welcome to listen to the weather report!_参考答案一.听力测试 1. W: Peter, how did you get home last night? M: It was windy, so I took a bus home 2. W: How is your sister today, Paul? M: She still feels bad today, so s

35、he went to hospital. 3. W: What terrible weather we are having! Its too cold, isnt it? M: Yes, it is. It is already at the end of December-the coldest days in a year. 4. W: You look unhappy. What happened to you, Henry? M: I broke my neighbours window when I played football. 5. W: Im always nervous

36、before exams. I really dont know what to do. M: Listen to some soft music and you will feel better.(1-5 BCBBA)B)根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案W: Hello, David.M: Hello, Lily, Where are you going?W: Im going to the City Library.M: It is 7:30 am. now. Is the library open at this time? I know it usually opens at 8 oc

37、lock in the morning on weekdays.W: Yes. Today is Saturday. It is open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. What are you doing?M:I am cleaning my car. I have to visit my grandmother tomorrow.W:I have to go. Bye!M: Bye!C)根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表 Good evening! Here is the weather report for the next twenty-four hou

38、rs. Most of the north of China will have a cold day with a lot of snow. In the south it will be fine, but at night it will be rainy. Beijing will have snow. The temperature will be from -3 to 3C. Hangzhou will be sunny, and the temperature is from 6to 14(6-10 BBABA)二. 1. threw 2. coughs 3. ringing/c

39、alling 4. sudden 5. upon/on 6. land 7. cloud 8. weather 9. everywhere 10. rainy三. 1-5 CCBDB 6-10 CABDD 11-15 DBBBD四. 1. is snowing 2. making 3. Keep 4. to help 5. were 6. rises 7. not to leave 8. didnt win 9. will forget 10. stay五. 1-5 BADCB 6-10 ACDBD六. 1-5 DBCBC 6-10 ABDAC七. 1. The temperature wil

40、l drop below 0 tomorrow. 2. Winter is the best season to have snowball fights. 3. You will not only look cool but also feel cool with nothing on! 4. The highest temperature may be around 28 degrees today. 5. I had to speak louder because the wind was blowing hard.八. Good evening, everyone! Welcome to listen to the weather report! Most cities in the south will be sunny tomorrow. There will not be a cloud in the sky. People can have a short trip around the city. The


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