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1崇明区 2022 学年第二学期高三第二次模拟考试英语(考试时间 120 分钟,满分 140 分。请将答案填涂在答题纸上。请将答案填涂在答题纸上。)I.Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the endof each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and thequestions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it,readthe four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the questionyou have heard.1.A.In a library.B.At an airport.C.In a hotel.D.At a travel agency.2.A.He will watch the ceremony online.B.He isnt interested in the ceremony.C.He has already recovered from the flu.D.He wont be able to attend the ceremony.3.A.He works as an artist.B.He sells paint supplies.C.He owns an oil company.D.He works in an art museum.4.A.Find out who her audience will be.B.Watch him give his presentation.C.Practice her presentation in front of him.D.Try not to think about her audience.5.A.Hell be late for the party.B.The soccer practice will end later than usual.C.Hell miss the soccer practice.D.The soccer practice will take place after theparty.6.A.Katie doesnt have a new roommate.B.Katiedidntgivereasonsforherunhappiness.C.The woman doesnt believe in the man.D.The man doesnt think Katie is reallyunhappy.7.A.Their career plans.B.Their dream universities.C.Their favourite teachers.D.Their attitudes to different jobs.8.A.He arrived at the theater late.B.The production isnt to his taste.C.He left his watch in the theater.D.The production isnt long enough.9.A.The thesis proposal is unacceptable.B.He has returned the thesis proposal already.C.He hasnt read the thesis proposal yet.D.The woman didnt submit the thesis proposal.10.A.Which lecture the man wants to attend.B.Whether the man keeps money in the bank.C.Where the man learned about the lecture.D.Whether the man has brought that newspaper.Section BDirections:In Section B,you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation,and youwill be asked several questions on each of them.The passages and the conversation will be readtwice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,read the fourpossible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you haveheard.2Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A.Working from home has its benefits.B.Workplace friendships are easy to develop.C.Young people favour remote employment.D.Workingremotelylimitsworkplacefriendships.12.A.Financial support.B.Emotional comfort.C.Frontline services.D.Educational resources.13.A.Workplace friendships help to avoid disagreements at work.B.Workplace friendships motivate employees to work longer hours.C.Workplace friendships contribute to efficiency and security at work.D.Workplace friendships encourage employers to interact with customers.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14.A.Inequality still exist globally.B.Pollution is severe in wealthy countries.C.The rich pollute the world more.D.Governments are responsible for pollution.15.A.52%.B.8.5%.C.10%.D.15%.16.A.By expecting a positive return from companies.B.By greenlighting companiesbusiness practices.C.By facilitating more investment in the stock market.D.By forcing companies to stop using traditional fuels.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17.A.The mans dream career.B.The womans request for a salary increase.C.The mans working experience.D.The womans contribution to her company.18.A.Hell probably get a promotion.B.He thinks it too exhausting.C.Hell work for his vice president.D.He considers it demanding.19.A.She isnt productive enough.B.Her promotion is already on the way.C.She doesnt have the courage.D.Her salary is quite fair for her position.20.A.Regard the company as a charity.B.Stop her plan to buy a new car.C.Stress her familys need for money.D.Display her value to the company.II.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent andgrammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form ofthe given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.TeaArtIts common to see people in coffee bars create coffee art,butits a whole different ballgame doing the same thing with tea.Han3Zheming has managed to perfect the skill,creating tea art in cups,or dian cha in Chinese,(21)_ used to be a ritual during the Song Dynasty.Over the past six years,the 40-year-old Shanghai resident(22)_(use)tea and spoons tocreate nearly 200 patterns based on ancient paintings.“Its like(23)_(add)bells and whistlesto tea,giving people a stronger sense of occasion,so drinking tea is more fun,”Han says.Its alsohis intention to bring the old ritual back to modern life and have more people(24)_(appreciate)its charm.Dian cha enhances the taste of tea,Han says.“It is similar to the foam(泡沫)on top of a cup of coffee,except(25)_ it is made of tea rather than milk.”Chinese tea culture started to enjoy popularity during the Tang Dynasty and boomedthroughout the Song Dynasty,(26)_ tea became a necessity for almost everyone,from noblesand scholars to common people,just like other essential items,such as rice,oil and salt,assuggested by Song politician and thinker Wang Anshi.Different from the method of making tea during the Tang period,in the Song Dynasty,thepopular way of having tea was through dian cha.The process begins with hot water being pouredover fine(27)_(powder)tea creating a mixture.Then more hot water is added slowly(28)_ the tea is constantly beaten by hand with a bamboo stick.It is believed that this methodlater spread to other parts of East Asia,including Japan,where similarities(29)_ be seen inthe way matcha(抹茶)is prepared today.This action of pouring hot water is called dian;hence the name dian cha(30)_(list)asan intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产)of Runzhou district,Zhenjiang city,Jiangsuprovince,in 2019.Section BDirections:After reading the passage below,fill in each blank with a proper word given in thebox.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.A.applicationsB.connectionsC.emotionsD.identifyE.interveneF.notificationsG.sacredH.sharedI.specializeJ.stressedK.technologicalAnimal CommunicationMany pet owners long to talk with their animals.After all,if pets were able to talk,peoplecould take care of them more easily and have closer emotional31to them,so a number ofcompanies are working on devices and apps that could translate what animals say.One such app is called MeowTalk.Using voice recognition software,this app recognizesdifferent sounds a cat makes and offers English translations of them.For example,one type ofsound might mean“feed me”while another could be translated“let me outside.”The app can usemachine learning to assess its translations and improve at recognizing one particular cats voice.Inotherwords,itcan32in understanding your cat in particular.This is important because cats do not all have a(n)33language,but individual cats frequently use particular sounds to mean certain things.In the future,MeowTalk could connect to a smart collar that would hear the cat meow andplay the translation out loud.Perhaps if the cat is outside and needs to be let in,it could evensend344to the owners phone.For dogs,a Japanese company called Inupathy has developed a harness(保护带)with aheart rate monitor and an app.The heart rate monitor is used to assess a dogs35.This ispossible because,like humans,dogs heart rates go up when they are excited or36.Theharness also has a light that turns red when the dog is excited,but when the dog is relaxed,thelight is blue.The most obvious use of this technology is to help pet owners37with and provide fortheir pets better.The more owners know about their pets,the easier it is to meet their needs.There are other38of technology that help us understand animals.For example,somesheep farmers are using artificial intelligence to scan and determine if they are in pain,whichhelps them find out sick animals.As a result,they can39more quickly to treat the animal.Anyone who interacts regularly with animals could benefit from understanding their animalsbetter.Thus these40developments might transform the way we interact with the creaturesaround us.III.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Its long been known that sugary drinks help people pack on unwanted kilograms.But newresearch suggests that41drinks and even 100%fruit juice might raise your risk for somecancers.The study couldnt prove cause and effect,but it found that drinking as little as 90-120mlof sugary drinks each day was42to an 18%rise in overall risk for cancer.The new study was led by Mathilde Touvier,research director at the University of Paris.Herteam collected data on more than 100,000 French men and women,average age 42,who took partin a national43.The participants answered questions about how much of 3,300 different foods and drinksthey consumed each day,and were44for up to nine years.The study uncovered links between the consumption of sugary drinks and the risk of cancer45,and for breast cancer specifically.The investigators found no association between sugarydrinks and prostate or colon cancers(前列腺或结肠癌),but the authors stressed that too fewpeople in the study developed these cancers to make this finding46.The research47no links between diet sodas(无糖汽水)and cancer,although more study is needed to confirm that,the authors noted.The connection between sugary drinks and cancer remained the same even after the team48for age,sex,educational level,family history of cancer,smoking and physical activity,theresearchers said.So,why the49?According to Touviers team,high-calorie drinks may raise cancer riskbecause sugar helps build body fat,in addition to raising blood sugar levels and inflammation(发炎)all of which are risk50for cancer.Its also possible that chemicals found in these5drinks might play a part in51cancer risk,the researchers theorized.A group representing the drinks industry said sugary drinks can still be a part of the52diet,however.In a statement,the American Beverage Association said:“Its important for peopleto know that all drinks either with sugar or without are53to consume as part of abalanced diet.Americas leading drinks companies are working together to support consumersefforts to54the sugar they consume from our drinks by providing more choices with lesssugar or zero sugar,smaller package sizes and clear calorie information right up front.”Samantha Heller is a senior clinical nutritionist at NYU Langone Medical Center in NewYork City.She said she wasnt55by the findings.She noted that,for decades,these drinkshave been linked with diseases such as heart disease.On the other hand,“most of us should bedrinking more water than we do,”Heller said.41.A.icedB.mineralC.bottledD.sweetened42.A.tiedB.devotedC.reducedD.limited43.A.gameB.studyC.ceremonyD.examination44.A.checkedB.cagedC.occupiedD.followed45.A.in generalB.without exceptionC.on the contraryD.by accident46.A.unreliableB.unexpectedC.authoritativeD.original47.A.uncoveredB.anticipatedC.establishedD.hid48.A.huntedB.adjustedC.preparedD.mounted49.A.researchB.similarityC.connectionD.impact50.A.behaviorsB.assessmentsC.perceptionsD.factors51.A.explainingB.increasingC.preventingD.predicting52.A.localB.nutritionalC.averageD.conventional53.A.safeB.impossibleC.exceptionalD.effective54.A.neutralizeB.digestC.removeD.reduce55.A.annoyedB.surprisedC.embarrassedD.delightedSection BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions orunfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose theone that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)I was putting on my boots just now in what the novelists call“a brown study.”There was nourgent reason for putting on my boots.I was not going out,and my slippers were much morecomfortable.But something had to be done.I wanted a subject for an article.Now if you areaccustomed to writing articles for a living,you will know that sometimes the difficulty is notwriting the article,but choosing a subject.It is not poverty you suffer from,but anembarrassment of riches.But what has this to do with putting on my boots?It is a reasonable question and I will tellyou.For an hour I had paced my room in my slippers in search of a subject.I had looked out ofthe window over the sunlit valley,and watched the smoke of a distant train disappearing towards6the west.I had sharpened every pencil I had on me with great care.But the more I sharpened mypencils,the more anxious I grew about the theme for an article.It was at this moment that I remembered my boots.The act of bending my body changed thecurrent of the blood.You saw things in a new light.So I fetched my boots and sat down to putthem on.The thing worked like a charm.For in my preoccupied condition I picked up my right bootfirst.Then mechanically I put it down and seized the left boot.And then the fact flashed on methat all my life I had been putting on my left boot first.If you had asked me five minutes beforewhich boot I put on first,I should have said that there was no first about it;yet now I found I wasin a habit so fixed that the attempt to put on my right boot first affected me.The thing couldnt bedone.And then came into my mind that fascinating book of Samuel Butlers on Life and Habit.Yes,certainly,here was a subject that would“go.”I took out a pencil,seized some writing paper,and sat down to write on“The Force of Habit.”56.By“It is not poverty you suffer from,but an embarrassment of riches.”in paragraph 1,theauthor means _.A.some subjects are too complicated or embarrassing to write onB.poverty is no longer a problem nowadays,but embarrassment isC.poor people dont encounter as many embarrassments as the richD.therere so many subjects that its hard to decide which to choose57.Why did the author sharpen his pencils with great care?A.To help himself promote thinking.B.To draw what he saw out of the window.C.To write his article more smoothly.D.To relieve himself of anxiety about writing.58.Putting on the boots helped the author _.A.get rid of his fixed habitB.lower his blood pressureC.see things from a new angleD.free his preoccupied mind59.The passage is mainly about the authors _.A.personal attitude towards habitsB.daily routines as a professional writerC.writing process of a special articleD.decision making on the theme for an article(B)HOW WE HELPwelldoing.org is an independent therapy(治疗)directory and information resource for people whowant to enhance their health and wellbeing.Our aim is to help you find professional experts to supportyou,whatever the issues you or your family are dealing with in your life righ
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