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1、2023年浙江省宁波市鄞州区中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完形填空I found one interesting topic on the Internet. It was like a moment from a science fiction movie. Under the _1_ “What would you do?”, you saw two hands. One was _2_ a red pill(药片) and the other was a blue one. If you took the red pill, you could _3_ your l

2、ife at the age of six with all the knowledge you have now. If you chose the blue pill, you got $10 million dollars. For me, I would choose the _4_ pill without thinking twice._5_ I were 6 years old again, knowing what I know now, I would walk across our old swinging bridge after school, run through

3、the front door, _6_ my mom and tell her just how much I love her. Then I would do the same with my grandma. I would even risk embarrassing my dad by _7_ of him when he got home from work. They are all in Heaven now and I _8_ miss them every day. Id try not to change any of my lifes _9_. I would also

4、 want my life to turn out like it is today. The only change I would make would be _10_ I felt inside. To relive my life with a heart full of love and to be _11_ from fear would have made every day a luck for me and a gift for Our Father in Heaven.Of course, there is no magic pill that will let me re

5、live the last 50 years of my life, but I will do my best to make the _12_ of my life full of love, laughter, kindness, joy and thankfulness. After all, that 6-year-old kid still lives _13_ me and I do have now all the knowledge I have got over this lifetime.Wish you will _14_ live your life with the

6、 heart of a child and the knowledge of the wise. Wish you will have _15_ to worry about and can share something important in your life, such as your love, your kindness, and your joy with the ones you care about.1AmovieBInternetCquestionDbook2AholdingBmakingCeatingDcollecting3AreflectBrestartCrecycl

7、eDrecall4AblackBwhiteCblueDred5AIfBAlthoughCWhenDUnless6AbelieveBkissCleaveDexamine7Amaking useBmaking sureCmaking funDmaking up8AalreadyBevenConlyDstill9AproblemsBfamiliesCchoicesDfriends10AhowBwhatCwhereDwhy11AdifferentBfreeCtiredDsafe12AwishBhopeCrestDbeginning13AinsideBagainstCthroughDoff14Aneve

8、rBonceCeverDalways15AnothingBsomethingCanythingDeverything二、阅读单选阅读下列短文,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。A big welcome to our new baby black rhino, Tau!Tou was born last month. He weighs 40 kg now. He hasnt got any horns at the moment. Theyre starting to grow.Black rhinos are huge. Theyre brown, grey or white.

9、They arent block! Theyve got two horns. Theyre the only animals with horns on their nose. They cant see very well, but theyve got a better sense of smell and hearing than many animals.Black rhinos live in the south of Africa, in the sovannah, in woods or near rivers. They eat in the morning and even

10、ing. At midday, when its hot, they like to lie in water or mud.Every baby rhino is important, because rhinos are in danger of extinction. 200 years ago there were about 1,000,000 rhinos in Africa. Now there are less than 5,000. Sadly, baby rhinos often die in the wild. Baby rhinos born in zoos are s

11、afe. Every baby means a better future for block rhinos.16What can you learn from the passage?ATau weighs 1,000 kg without any horns now.BRhinos can find food easily with good eyesight and smell.CBlack rhinos prefer to stay in wet places, especially in hot weather.DBlack rhinos are one of the large a

12、nimals which have horns on the noses.17Why does the writer list numbers in the last part?ATo explain rhinos have many babies.BTo call on more people to visit them.CTo show all rhinos should live in the wild.DTo tell why people keep baby rhinos in zoos.18On which website can we probably read this pas

13、sage?Awww. freedictionary. com/powerBwww. CDwww. Joe was a kind boy. Every Saturday he visited the old people in the old peoples home. Joe always looked forward to visiting the home because he had a special friend, Mrs. Pang there. He told her about his problems and she gave him advice. She also tol

14、d him funny stories which made him laugh. Joe liked Mrs. Pang very much.One day Joe was upset. “What has happened?” asked Mrs. Pang.“My cat died. It was old but I didnt even know it was sick before it died,” said Joe.“Im sorry to hear that. Are you OK? Tell me about your pet.”“I feel very sad. It al

15、ways came into my room before I went to sleep. It followed me everywhere after I came home. It was like a friend to me.”Mrs. Pang listened to him very carefully and told him, “It hurts when someone you love dies. But youll feel better after a while.” Joe was glad to have a friend like her.During the

16、 summer holidays, Joe went to America with his family. He could not visit Mrs. Pang for two weeks. When he went to the home again, the old people looked very sad because Mrs. Pang died. Then one of the nurses gave him a note.Dear Joe,Dont be sad. Youll feel better after a while. And youll enjoy maki

17、ng new friends. When one door closes, another one opens. Why dont you talk to Mr. Wong? Hes lonely and he needs a friend.With love from your special friend, Mrs. PangJoe was sad, but he went to talk to Mr. Wong. The old man was very happy to see him. They talked about Mrs. Pang. “Ill miss her a lot,

18、” said Joe.“So will I,” said Mr. Wong. Joe felt comforted after talking to Mr. Wong.After that, Joe visited Mr. Wong every week. They became very good friends.19Which word can best describe Mrs. Pang?AUpset.BBusy.CShy.DCaring.20How did Mrs. Pang help Joe when his cat died?ABy listening to him.BBy vi

19、siting him.CBy telling jokes to him.DBy sharing stories with him.21Why did Mrs. Pang leave a letter to Joe?AShe wanted to make Joe feel better.BShe wanted to say “thanks” to him.CShe wanted to make friends with Mr. Wong.DShe wanted Joe to remember her forever.22Which picture shows the end of the sto

20、ry?ABCDWhen it comes to having trouble falling asleep, people have their own special ways to solve it. Some depend on a glass of milk while others count sheep. Counting sheep is a mental (心理的) exercise used in some cultures to put you to sleep. But does counting sheep actually put a person to sleep?

21、In fact, to answer the question, the researchers at Oxford University recently found some people who had trouble falling asleep and monitored (检测) them as they tried one of three different ways. One of them was counting sheep.The study divided 41 insomniacs into three groups. One group was asked to

22、imagine beautiful and peaceful scenes like waterfalls when trying to fall asleep. Another group was asked to simply go about their daily life. The last group was asked to count imaginary sheep.Researchers found that those in the first group fell asleep about 20 minutes faster than they did on other,

23、 non-experimental nights, while insomniacs who had to count sheep took longer than usual. Although there were no scientific studies to support it, the researchers have their own reasons.First, the researchers believed that the act of imagining a peaceful scene requires more mental energy than keepin

24、g counting sheep. When people spend too much energy on mental imagination, it may make them more tired, which can help to sleep faster.Another reason was that the peaceful scene way may have simply been easier to continue because it is more interesting than keeping counting sheep.Researchers also sa

25、id that the act of counting sheep may also add to anxiety (焦虑) for someone, making falling asleep that more difficult. Though the sample size of the study was actually small, the results certainly still call this common sleep way into question.23What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 re

26、fer to?AThe sheep.BThe results.CThe researchers.DThe people with insomniacs.24How many reasons do scientists show that counting sheep may not help people fall asleep?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.25What is the writers attitude (态度) towards the way of counting sheep?ASupportive.BAgreeable.CDoubtful.DUncari

27、ng26Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?AHow Can We Sleep Faster?BWhat Do Researchers Do to Help Us Sleep?CDo You Like Counting Sheep?DDoes Counting Sheep Put a Person to Sleep?A bird diary is a record of all the birds you have seen. Heres how you can prepare information for

28、 your bird diary:*Find a quiet place where there are lots of birds. Birds like places where they can find food and water.*Sit in a place where you will stay quiet. Dont scare the birds with sudden movements or loud noises.*Make notes about the birds. Look at one bird at a time. What can you see? Wri

29、te about it in a small notebook. At home copy your notes up clearly into your bird diary.*Draw pictures of the birds. Do quick drawings in your notebook. You can also take photos of the birds. At home, copy the drawings into your bird diary. Put photos into your bird diary, too.Its easy to forget th

30、ings. Here are some questions you should ask yourself:*What color is the bird? Some birds have bright colors to attract (吸引) other birds. Some birds are the same color as the land they live on, so that enemies dont see them.*_? Some birds have wide powerful wings. Others have small wings that move q

31、uickly when they fly. You can stick feathers (羽毛) in your bird diary. Remember never to steal eggs from them.*What is the birds beak like? Birds with short beaks, like finches (雀类), eat seeds. Some birds, like hoopoes (戴胜鸟), have long sharp beaks to catch worms. Hawks and eagles (鹰) have strong beak

32、s. They eat meat.*What are the birds feet like? Can they catch the tree? Are they good for walking or swimming?Bird: The Bald Eagle(鹰)Place: Grand CanyonDate and Time: 5 p.m. August 5thWeather: warm and sunnyI saw a bald eagle. It had a white head and awhite neck and tail. Its body was about 100 cml

33、ong. It had large wings. Its beak was yellowand like a hook (钩). The number of bald eaglesis very small. It was trying to catch fish in theriver. I found this feather in the grass.A bird diary from Janet27Which of the following is TRUE about the preparation for the bird diary?AYou can play with bird

34、s.BYou should find a busy place to watch birds.CYou can take the camera.DYou should make notes only in the bird diary.28Which shows the meaning of the underlined word “beak” in Para. 9?29Which of the following questions can be put in the blank?AWhere do birds live?BWhat food do birds like?CWhat shap

35、e are the birds wings?DHow do birds catch food?30What information can you get from Janets bird diary? the looks of the birdthe place to catch the birdthe kind of the birdthe weatherthe birds activityABCD三、阅读匹配15是如何乘坐办理登机手续的流程图,请仔细阅读,将AF表述(其中有一项多余)分别填入15小题相应图中。1. _31_2. _32_3. _33_4. _34_5. _35_AYou

36、will receive your boarding pass (登机牌) from the clerk after you check in.BYou can buy your air ticket from a travel agent or a travel website.C Sometimes the flight may be put off because of very bad weather.DRemember, you can only get on the plane with a small handbag.E. Dont forget your passport be

37、fore you leave for the airport.F. After you check in, you can buy some duty free things.四、根据汉语提示填空36In autumn, the palace is full of yellow _ (叶子), dancing in the wind like fairies.37I cant remember _ (谁的) idea it was for us to meet again.38The government and the Communist Party of China always put

38、peoples lives _ (第一).39MOSS, the first Chat GPT, has got much attention _ (自从) it was first available on Feb 20th.40The homeless mans words _ (突然地) came back to her and she felt lucky to help him.41Five tired and unhappy men, in the coldest and _ (最空的) place on the earth, turned north.42The answer m

39、ust be that they have not _ (使连接) “falling down” with the word “failure”.43Several feet away, Chris was _ (拥抱) an old lady, crying happily.44We dont actually need it on _ (周二), but if it arrives by then, so much the better.45To serve passengers better, Liu taught _ (她自己) English and other kinds of k

40、nowledge.五、短文选词填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、正确。每词仅用一次(每空一词)。artspreadondifferentlythenIn the beautiful spring, there was a beautiful concert in Yinzhou._46_ the afternoon of March 5, the 10th Ningbo Culture and Arts Festival“the 2023 Spring” by the Riverbank Concert kicked off at the Riverbank Park of Do

41、ngqian Lake, Yinzhou District. An audio-visual feast (视听盛宴) to welcome the spring was performed by a lot of excellent _47_ and musicians with dramas, poems, dance and electronic music.From _48_ on, every year, there will be a festival like that at each Insect Awaken (which usually falls on around Ma

42、rch 6), which lies luck and _49_ spring to the rest of the city.It is learned that this art festival plans to carry out more than 3,000 key activities at all levels and in _50_ kinds. With a mix of tradition, modernity and popularity, this festival shows city specials, quality art and other colorful

43、 activities.六、短文综合填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式(最多限填三个单词)填空。People enjoy visiting museums. A lot of common museums show us _51_ people used to live a long time ago. _52_, there are other special kinds of museums in the world, too. Here are some facts about a few “unusual mus

44、eums”.The Hair MuseumA man in Turkey, turned a cave (洞穴) _53_ a museum of womens hair. There are more than 16,000 peoples hair there. Each has the information of the _54_ (woman) name and the date when it was cut. It started when the mans friend was moving away. She _55_ (give) him some hair to reme

45、mber her by. When he shared the story, many people also sent him _56_ (their).The Museum of Underwater Art_57_ (visit) this museum, you need to swim. In the ocean near Cancun, Mexico, there is a collection of statues (雕塑). This museum is inside the National Marine Park, and it shows people _58_ (man

46、y) than 400 statues. The British artist, Jason Taylor, wants the animals and plants in the ocean to become part of the artwork.The International UFO Museum and Research CenterMany people believe that a UFO landed in New Mexico, USA, in 1947, _59_ the center holds a UFO Festival at the museum every year, people can know more about the latest news on UFO. At the festival, experts from all _60_ the world come to


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