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3、下列构词法:vwork worker drive drivervcare careful use usefulvsun sunny cloud cloudyvAmerica American China Chinesevquick quickly happy happilyvinterestinteresting v能够根据上下文判断合成词的词义和词类。能够根据上下文判断合成词的词义和词类。classroom classroomv(14)根据上下文正确判断常见兼类词(如:)根据上下文正确判断常见兼类词(如:right、play、back)和多义词(如:和多义词(如:call、poor、part

4、y)的基本词义及其在不同语境中)的基本词义及其在不同语境中的用法。的用法。v(15)掌握常见的同义词和反义词,(如:)掌握常见的同义词和反义词,(如:quick和和 fast,young和和old)以及常见近义词、词组的用法和区别。)以及常见近义词、词组的用法和区别。vI.写出下列表示“者”的名词:v 例:actactorv1.examine 2.art3.build 4.chemistryv5.conduct 6.dance 7.design 8.begv9.dive 10.invent11.translate 12.physicsv13.lead 14.liberate15.employ

5、16.pianov17.prison 18.sail 19.serve20.discoverv21.technique 22.win 23.visit24.operateI.1.examiner(examinee)2.artist 3.builder4.chemist 5.conductor6.dance7.designer8.beggar 9.diver10.inventor11.translator12.physicist 13.leader14.liberator15.employer,employee 16.pianist 17.prisoner18.sailor19.servant

6、20.discoverer21.technician22.winner23.Visitor 24.operator25.librarianv写出下列表示“国家的人”的名词:v 例:ChinaChinesev 1.Japan2.Russia3.America 4.Canadav5.Germany6.Egyptv 7.France8.England9.Italy 10.Africav11.Greece12.Europev 13.Sweden14.Australia15.Switzerlandv 将下列表示器具的名词译成汉语:v puterv 4.harvester5.typewriter6.rec

7、orderv 7.rubber8.washer 9.tractorv 10.calculator 11.translator12.openerv 13.fighter14.bomber15.rulerv 16.sensor17.memory18.saucerv 19.receiver20.motor1.锅炉2.扬声器3.计算机4.收割机 5.打字机6.录音机7.橡皮8.洗衣机 9.拖拉机10.计算器11.翻译机12.开具 13.战斗机14.轰炸机15.尺16.传感器 17.贮存器18.线碟19.接收机20.发动机IV.v将下列各句括号内的词转换成适当的词性填入空格:v 1.I quite ap

8、prectiate his _ to do experiments.(able)v 2.He is good at grammar,but poor in _.(pronounce)v 3.Hans tried hard,but wasnt able to give a clear _.(explain)v 4.The river is dangerous to _ in.(bath)v 5.“Here we are!”he shouted in a _ voice.(cheer)v 6.Facing the south,the room was _warm.(comfort)v 7.Thou

9、gh _,the lady doesnt feel very happy.(wealth)v 8.Such cold weather is _ for October.(usual)v 9.After a great deal of _,we decided to buy the secondhand car.(think)v 10.Young mothers should be taught how to raise their babies in a _ way.(science)1.ability2.pronunciation3.explanation4.bathe fortably7.

10、wealthy8.unusual 9.thought10.scientificv11.Everyone wants to succeed,but not everyone knows that there is a long road to _.(succeed)v 12.To her _,business has been good in the first two months.(satisfy)v 13.I hope you will be _ to your teachers.(respect)v 14.We heard the air hostesss _ as soon as we

11、 got on the plane.(announce)v 15.Father was fast _,so we all walked quietly.(sleep)v 16.I owe you an _for my rudeness last night.apologize)v 17.Not all the scientists understood the _ of the Theory of Relativity at first.(singificant)v19.Dr Albert came to give us a lecture at our _.(invite)v 20.The

12、brain needs a _ supply of blood.(continue)11.success12.satisfaction 13.respectful14.announcement 15.asleep16.apology 17.significance19.invitation20.continuousv21.The repeated _ didnt discourage them.(fail)v 22.On his _ at the town,he sent his wife a telegram.(arrive)v 23.Owen is going to sell that p

13、ile of _ books and magazines.(use)v 24.The truck moved _ slowly without touching the posts on either side.(back)v 25.Planting trees and flowers will help _ the city.(beauty)v 26.She chose a job as a typist,but I dont think it is a wise _.(choose)v 27.I wonder why Diana has always been _ in doing eve

14、rything.(luck)v 28.Can you _ the report to about five hundred words?(short)v 29.Once one has formed the habit of working,he will find all work is _.(please)v 30.It is _ that the man can stay under water for such a long time.(believe)21.failures22.arrival23.useless24.backward(s)25.beautify26.choice27

15、.lucky28.shorten 29.pleasant30.unbelievablevIV.在下列单词前加前缀使得到一个意义相反的词:v 1.kind 2.orderly3.sensev 4.perfect 5.regular 6.legalv 7.expensive8.polite9.agreev 10.value 11.wrap12.honestv 13.convenient14.dress15.patientv 16.dependent17.formal18.advantagev 19.fortunate20.active1.unkind2.disorderly3.nonsense4.

16、imperfect 5.irregular6.illegal7.inexpensive8.impolite 9.disagree10.devalue11.unwrap12.dishonest 13.inconvenient14.undress15.impatient16.independent 17.informal18.disadvantage 19.unfortunate20.inactive 1.a little/a few/little/few 用作形容词:(1)few和little作形容词时,few要与后面的复数可数名词连用,little则修饰后面的不可数名词。如:few frien

17、ds,little water.(2)a few和a little表示肯定的意思,是“几个,一点。”few和little表示否定的意思,“很少,几乎没有。”例如:There is only a _ water in the bottle.I have _ good friends there.(我没有几个好朋友在那)a little和little也可以用作副词,a little表示“有点”,little表示“很少”。如:she slept very little last night.昨天晚上她没睡多少觉。Can you speak Japanese?Yes,but _.v1“Can you

18、speak Japanese?”“Only _.”A.little B.a littleC.fewD.a fewv v2.I have _ apples than you,but _ are better than yours.v A.few;myB.few;minev C.fewer;myD.fewer;minev3.Do you have _ children,Mr.Green?v A.muchB.any C.someD.fewv4.Can I talk to you for a minute,Brian?Sure,I have _ time.v A.a fewB.little C.few

19、D.a little 2.borrow,lend,keep.borrow是从别人那里“借来”东西,对主物来说是借进来,常与介词“from”连用,表示从某处借某物。如:May I borrow your ruler,please?Yesterday I _ some magazines from the readingroom.lend是将东西“借给”别人,对主语来说是“借出”,常与介词“to”连用,表示借给某人,也可以有两个宾语。如:Could you lend me your dictionary,please?Sorry.I have _ it to Li Lei.(I have lent

20、 Li Lei my dictionary.)keep意为“保存,保持”若要表达将某物借一段时间,既不能用borrow,也不可用lend,这两个词都属非延续性动词,后面不能跟段时间,这时则需要用keep来表示。如:How long may I _ the book?You may keep it for two weeks.I want to _ this book for a month.A.borrow B.keepC.lendD.get“How long can I _ the books?”“Two weeks.”A.borrowB.lendC.getD.keepHe _ a stor

21、y-book from Li Ping yesterday.A.kept B.borrowed C.lent D.carried.I must return the camera to Li Lei.I _ it for two weeks.A.keep B.borrowed C.have keptD.have lent carry,take,bring take是指将某物或某人从这里“带到”或“拿到”某处。如:Could you help me _ it to my office?His parents _ him to the Great wall last Sunday.bring与ta

22、ke相反,是将某物或某人从别处“带来”或“拿来”。如:Youd better finish the work today,and _it tomorrow.Could you bring me your photo when you come here tomorrow?carry是指随身携带(背着、扛着、提着、抱着),不表明来去的方向。如:The woman _ her baby on her bag.The box is too heavy for me to carry.v4.find,look for与find outv find的意思是“发现,找到”,说明找的结果。look for是

23、“寻找”,强调找的动作,find out是经过调查,一番周折“发现,查明(真相)”。v 如:I looked for my key everywhere where but I couldnt find it.v Joan became angry when Mary found out her secrets.v look,see,read,watchv 从意义上来区分,look(at)是“看”指动作,see是“看见”强调结果。v watch是“注视,观看”,习惯与TV,match连用,read是“阅读,看”常与文字材料搭配,如:book,newspaper等。v 例:Please _at

24、the blackboad carefully when you are in class.v It was very dark in the room.We could _ nothing.v When her mother got home,she was _ TV.v Im going to _ the football game tomorrow.v My father often _ newspapers after supper.v look有时也作名词。如:have a look.v She took another look at herself in the mirror.6

25、.speak,say,talk,tell speak,say和talk都含有“说、讲、说话”的意思。但在用法是有区别的。(1)speak常常用来指人们对语言的掌握和使用,不强调说话的内容。例:She can speak several languages.Tom,I want to speak to you.(2)say一般用作及物动词,着重指说话的内容,而且后面常常带有直接或间接引语。如:Did he say anything?He said he would fly to Paris next month.“I like English very much.”she said.v(3)ta

26、lk一般为不及物动词,着重指连续地说话或与人交谈。v 如:What is the teacher doing?She is talking with the students parents.v “Ill talk to your father about your health.”the doctor said.v talk有时也可用作名词。表示“讲话,演讲,报告”。v 如:Tomorrow our headmaster will give us a talk.v (4)tell的意思是“告诉,讲述,吩咐”经常作及物动词,后面常跟双宾语直接宾语和间接宾语。v 如:Im sorry.I for

27、got to tell you about it.v My grandma often told me stories when I was little girl.(“讲故事”要用tell)cost,pay,spend (1)cost作动词用时,意思是“值钱;价值为,花费”只能以sth(物)作主语。不能以人作主语,也不能用于被动语态。如:I like this dress,but it costs too much.This pencilbox cost me ten yuan.不能说I cost ten yuan for this pencilbox.也不能说I was cost ten

28、yuan for this pencilbox.但却可以说I paid ten yuan for this pencilbox.或者还可以说I spent ten yuan on this pencilbox.(2)pay作动词时,意思是“付款”或“支付”可以有被动语态。如Im afraid(that)if youve e lost it,you must pay for it.I havent paid the seller yet.The doctor was paid 500 dollars for the operation.(3)spend只能作动词用,意思是花费(钱、时间)。渡(时

29、光、假期)She spent a lot of money on clothes.(=she spent a lot of money in buying clothes.)I went back to my home town to spend my holidays last summer.Half his money was spent for medicine.注意:It takes sb.some time to do sth.(某人做某事花费时间)该句型只能表达“花费时间”而不能用于“花费金钱”。如:It takes him two hours to do his homework

30、 every day.(He spends two hourson hiseworkin doing his hevery dayhomomework不能说It took him five yuan to buy these apples.而应该说He spent five yuan on these apples.或者说He paid five yuan for these apples.还可说These apples cost(him)five yuan.8.wish和hope的区别 (1)wish可做名词和动词。当名词时,意思是“祝愿、愿望、希望”。如:My wish is to be

31、a scientist.Please give my best wishes to your parents.(2)wish做动词时,是“希望、想要”的意思。例:I wish to be the best.(3)wish与hope在用法上的区别:wish sbto do sthwish to do sth.例:I wish you to help him.我希望你能帮助他。I wish to help him.我希望能帮助他。hope to do sthhope that.例:I hope to help him.我希望能帮助他。I hope(that)you can help him.我希望

32、你能帮助他。9.other、another、the other,others和和the others other意思是意思是“其他的、别的、另外的其他的、别的、另外的”,可以做形容词用,在句子中作定语。,可以做形容词用,在句子中作定语。在一般情况下,在一般情况下,other常常修饰复数可数名词,如果修饰单数名词,就要用常常修饰复数可数名词,如果修饰单数名词,就要用another或或the other.只有在其他词辅助下,只有在其他词辅助下,other才能修饰单数可数名词,如:才能修饰单数可数名词,如:(1)I dont know if other students will be intere

33、sted in this story.(2)Ill come some other day.(我改日来我改日来)Herry is taller than any other member in his family.another意思是意思是“另一个另一个”。既可以用作形容词,在句子作定语。又可代名词,。既可以用作形容词,在句子作定语。又可代名词,代替单数名词。例如:代替单数名词。例如:(1)The boy has finished his apple.Please give him another(one)。(2)I can see another ship in the picture.t

34、he other意思是意思是“另一个另一个”。常与。常与one搭配构成搭配构成“onethe other”句型。句型。(1)I have two sisters.One is a doctor.the other is college student.(2)He had a book in one hand,and a ball in the other.others意思是“其他的人或物,”作代词用泛指“另外的人或物”。常与some搭配构成“someothers”句型。例如:(1)Some students like painting,other like music.(2)This is t

35、oo large.Show me some others,please.(3)Dont lend it to others.the others意思是表示特指某范围内的“其他的人或物”。如:(1)A few of those in white are doctors,the others are nurses.(2)We got home by 5 oclock,but the others didnt get back until 7 oclock.注意:在用这些不定代词时,another和the other,others和the others之间的关系不能混淆。another一般是指余下的

36、人或物中的任何一个。而the other是指两个人或物中余下的那个。others指除去某些人或物后余下的另外 一些人或物,而the others指除去某些人或物后余下的所有其他一些人或物。另外,这些不定代词还与其他一些词有搭配关系,如any other(任何其他的),every other(每隔),the other day(几天前),the other night(不久前的某晚),someothers(一些另一些),somethe others(一些其余的),each other(one another互相)one or other(或者这个,或者那个),some or other(某一)等

37、。10.alone与lonely alone与lonely意义相近,表示“独自一人”的状态,而lonely则表示“孤单,寂寞”的情绪。(1)alone作形容词时,只作表语。如:He will be alone from now on.(2)alone 也可作副词,修饰动词。如:She was sitting in the bed alone when we went to see her.(3)lonely一般只作形容词用。如:Robert is a very lonely traveller.1.Where is my pen?I cant _ it.A.find B.find out C.

38、look for D.look at 2.Will you please _ the book here?A.take B.carry C.bring D.find 3.It _ me half an hour to finish my homework yesterday.A.took B.spent C.used D.paid 4.I _ an hour on my homework yesterday evening.A.took B.spent C.used D.paid v5.She _ three yuan for the pen.v A.spent B.used C.took D

39、.paidv 6.When you go there,please _ the basket to her.v A.bring B.take C.put D.carryv 7._ away his dirty shirt and _ me the clean one.v A.Take,bring B.Bring,take v C.Carry,take D.Take,carryv 8.He _ a story-book from Li Ping yesterday.v A.kept B.borrowed C.lent D.carried v9.“How long may I _ the book

40、?”“For two weeks”v A.keep B.lend C.borrow D.returnv 10.Mary is _ a cake now.A.doing B.making C.do D.makev 11.Can you _ it in English?A.say B.speak C.tell D.talkv 12.My father often _ newspapers after supper.v A.watches B.reads C.looks D.sees v13.Its warm here.Youd better _ your coat.v A.take out B.t

41、urn on C.take off D.openv 14.Its very cold.Will you please _ the window?v A.close B.turn on C.turn off D.openv 15.He _ a coat and went out quickly.v A.put on B.wore C.puts on D.wearsv 16.Id _ to go shopping this afternoon.v A.liked B.better C.enjoy D.like v17.English is _ by many people.v A.talked B

42、.told C.spoken D.saidv 18.Dont talk any more._ me carefully.v A.Hear B.Hear to C.Listen D.Listen tov 19.When she _ the good news,she was very glad.v A.heard B.listened to C.listened D.heard fromv 20.Please speak a little louder.I cant _ you.v A.hear B.hear of C.listen to D.listenv 21.Can you _ Japan

43、ese?v A.say B.speak C.tell D.talkv 22.When they came in,we were _ the accident.v A.telling about B.talking about v C.saying about D.speaking to v 23.Could you _ me your pen,please?v A.borrow B.keep C.return D.lendv 24.Its very cold today.Youd better _ your coat.v A.put up B.put down C.put on D.put a

44、wayv 25.It was too hot last night.I couldnt _.v A.go to bed B.go to sleep C.go to the bed D.asleepv 26.When did they _ Beijing?v A.arrive B.arrive at C.reach to D.arrive inv 27.The visitors _ here two hours ago.v A.arrived in B.got to C.arrived at D.reachedv 28.The teacher asked us to _ the word in

45、the dictionary.v A.look up B.look at C.looking for D.looking up v29.“What are you doing?”Im _ my lost pen.v A.finding B.looking at C.looking for D.looking upv 30.Its too noisy.Could you _ the radio a little,please?v A.turn to B.turn off C.turn down D.turn upv 31.There are thirty-eight students in th

46、e class.Eighteen of them are girls and _ are boys.v A.some others B.the others C.the other D.otherv 32.In our class,there are twenty-five boys.Mike is English.All _ boys are Chinese.v A.other B.the other C.others D.anotherv 33.I dont like the blue shirt.Would you please give me _ one?v A.other B.oth

47、ers C.the other D.another v 34.There are many kinds of horses on the farm.What _ things can you see?v A.other B.others C.the other D.anotherv 35.You may keep the book for a week,but you mustnt lend it to _.v A.other B.others C.the other D.the othersv 36.He has two basketballs.One is new,and _ is old

48、.v A.others B.the others C.other D.the other v1.home,familyv(1)Her is near our school.v(2)He is from a workers .v2.in front of,in the front of v(1)There is a big tree the house.v(2)There is a teachers desk the classroom.v3.some,anyv(1)There arent books on the desk.v(2)Will you give me chalk?v All ri

49、ght.v4.and,orv(1)I have a brother a sister.v(2)The clock has no feet legs.v5.ones,ones onev(1)Lucy has a blue pencil and Lily has a red .v(2)Those shoes are smaller.I want larger .v(3)must do duty.v6.all,bothv(1)Her parents are teachers.v(2)Twenty boys came at eight oclock.v7.another,the otherv(1)He

50、 has two sisters,One is a teacher,is a nurse.v(2)Where are students?v(3)Please give me orange.v8.the others,others v(1)Lei Feng was always ready to help .v(2)Some are carrying water,are watering the trees.v(3)Forty students in our class are boys,are girls.v9.Listen to,hearv(1)We are him.v(2)Im glad


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