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1、选修一选修一Unit 1 People of Achievement Period 3 Learning about language在复合句中修饰限定名词或代词的句子。被定语从在复合句中修饰限定名词或代词的句子。被定语从句修饰的句修饰的_或或_叫先行词。定语从句一般放叫先行词。定语从句一般放在先行词的后面在先行词的后面,由由_或或_引导。引导。名词名词代词代词关系代词关系代词关系副词关系副词Revision:related conception先行词先行词关系词关系词定语从句定语从句关系代词关系代词关系副词关系副词 who,whom,which,that,whose,aswhere,when

2、,why先行词先行词在从句中所作成分在从句中所作成分关系关系代词代词人人主主who/that宾宾who/whom/that/省略省略定定whose(=of whom)物物主主that/which宾宾that/which/省略省略定定whose(=of which)先行词先行词在从句中所作成分在从句中所作成分关系关系副词副词时间名词时间名词时间状语时间状语when 地点名词地点名词地点状语地点状语where reason原因状语原因状语whyThe one merely knows the value of study is not so good as the one takes an int

3、erest in studying.The one takes an interest in studying is not so good as the one delights in studying.知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者the onewhowho merely knows the value of studyThe one is not so good as the one who takes an interest in studying.The classification of Attributive Clause The Restr

4、ictive Attributive Clause 限制性定语从句The Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause 非限制性定语从句限制性定语从句限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句形式上形式上意义上意义上作用上作用上翻译上翻译上关系词关系词无逗号无逗号有逗号有逗号去掉从句,主句意思不完整不明确去掉从句,主句意思不完整不明确 去掉从句,主句意思仍然完整清楚去掉从句,主句意思仍然完整清楚修饰限定修饰限定只修饰一个名词或代词只修饰一个名词或代词补充说明补充说明可修饰一个词,也可修饰整个句子可修饰一个词,也可修饰整个句子译为译为“的的”常译成与主句并列的句子常译

5、成与主句并列的句子作宾语时可省略作宾语时可省略关系词一般不可省略关系词一般不可省略不能用不能用that,why引导引导The differences【即学即练】判断下列句子哪些是限制性定语从句,哪些是非限制性定【即学即练】判断下列句子哪些是限制性定语从句,哪些是非限制性定语从句语从句People who take physical exercise live longer.His daughter,who is in Boston now,is coming home next week.Peter drove too fast,which was dangerous.He changed h

6、is mind,which made me very angry.Taobao is a website where you can buy what you want at a good price.限制性定语从句是限制性定语从句是_句,句,非限制性定语从句是非限制性定语从句是_句。句。Compare the two sentences in the same group and find out the differences between them.e.g.:(A)The old man has a son who is in the army.(B)The old man has a

7、 son,who is in the army.A中的从句是中的从句是_ 定语从句,作用:定语从句,作用:_.翻译:翻译:_.(隐含的意思:(隐含的意思:_).B中的从句是中的从句是_定语从句定语从句,作用:作用:_.翻译:翻译:_.(隐含的意思:(隐含的意思:_).非限制性非限制性补充说明补充说明限制性限制性修饰限定修饰限定这老人有一个儿子,他是个军人这老人有一个儿子,他是个军人他有一个当兵的儿子。他有一个当兵的儿子。他只有一个儿子他只有一个儿子他不止一个儿子他不止一个儿子 非限制性定语从句所指代的名词具有确非限制性定语从句所指代的名词具有确定性,因此定性,因此专有名词(人名、地名等)后常专

8、有名词(人名、地名等)后常用非限制性定语从句。用非限制性定语从句。Translate the following sentences.In the class,there are 36 students who are interested in pop music.In the class,there are 36 students,who are interested in pop music.这个班有这个班有36个喜欢流行音乐的学生。个喜欢流行音乐的学生。这个班有这个班有36个学生,他们都喜欢流行音乐。个学生,他们都喜欢流行音乐。In the class,there are 36 stu

9、dents,and they are interested in pop music.The boy,whom I talked with just now,won the first place.The boy won the first place,which made us very excited.非限制性定语从句的非限制性定语从句的先行词先行词可以可以是名词或代词,也可以是句子是名词或代词,也可以是句子限制性定语从句中,限制性定语从句中,as常用于下列句式常用于下列句式 such+名词名词+as+从句从句 像像一样的;像一样的;像之类之类 the same+名词名词+as+从句从句

10、和和同样的同样的e.g.:I have the same book as he has.We have found such materials as are used in their factory.as 在定语从句中作主语、宾语或者表语。在定语从句中作主语、宾语或者表语。1.These houses are sold at such a low price _ people expected.2.He is not the same man _ he was.asas1.as is known to all=as we all know 众所周知众所周知 2.as is said 正如所

11、说的正如所说的 3.as you can see=as can be seen 正如你所看见的正如你所看见的 4.as is reported 正如报道的正如报道的5.as is expected 正如预料的正如预料的 6.as is pointed out 正如指出的正如指出的 7.as a famous saying goes正如一句谚语所说正如一句谚语所说/俗话说俗话说8.as is mentioned above正如以上提到的正如以上提到的非限制性定语从句中,非限制性定语从句中,as常用于下列句式常用于下列句式e.g.:As is known to us all,Zhong Nansh

12、an is one of the greatest physicians in China.as,which引导非限制性定语从句的区别引导非限制性定语从句的区别aswhich指代指代引导的从句只能引导的从句只能指代整个指代整个主句的内容主句的内容引导的从句既可指代引导的从句既可指代整个主句的整个主句的内容内容,又可指代主句的又可指代主句的某一名词某一名词或代词或代词位置位置可位于可位于主句之前、之中主句之前、之中或之后或之后可位于主句可位于主句之中或之后之中或之后,不能位于主句之前不能位于主句之前意义意义“正如,就像正如,就像”“这,那这,那”功能功能起连接上下文的作用,表起连接上下文的作用,

13、表达说话人的观点、看法,达说话人的观点、看法,并指出主句内容的根据或并指出主句内容的根据或出处等出处等引导的从句引导的从句,在意义上相当于一在意义上相当于一个并列句个并列句【即学即练】完成句子(用即学即练】完成句子(用as/which填空)填空)正如大家所看到的那样,她工作一直很努力。正如大家所看到的那样,她工作一直很努力。She is always working hard,_ everyone can see.这本书很有教育意义,是我昨天买的。这本书很有教育意义,是我昨天买的。The book,_ I bought yesterday,is very instructive.她的诚实是大家

14、有目共睹的。她的诚实是大家有目共睹的。_ everyone can see,she is honest.=She is honest,_ everyone can see.众所周知,吸烟有害健康。众所周知,吸烟有害健康。_ we all know,smoking is harmful to ones health.汤姆突然病倒了,这让我们很伤心。汤姆突然病倒了,这让我们很伤心。Tom suddenly fell ill,_ made us very sad.aswhichAsasAswhich1.2016年天津卷年天津卷9 We will put off the picnic in the p

15、ark until next week,_ the weather may be better.A.when B.that C.where D.which 2.2016年全国年全国III卷卷 Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius(孔子孔子),_ lived from roughly 551 to 479 B.C.,influenced the development of chopsticks.A.where B.that C.who D./3.2015 北京北京24 Opposite is St.Pauls Ch

16、urch,_ you can hear some lovely music.A.where B.that C.who D./Choose the best answer1.2016 北京卷北京卷22 I live next door to a couple _ children often make a lot of noise.2.2016 江苏卷江苏卷23 Many young people,most of _ were well-educated,headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.3.2015 江苏江苏21 The numbe

17、r of smokers,_ is reported,has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.whosewhomasBlanks filling4.2015 重庆重庆14 He wrote many childrens books,nearly half of _ were published in the 1990s.5.2014天津卷天津卷12 English is a language shared by several diverse cultures,each of _ uses it differently.6.2014浙江卷浙江卷5

18、I dont become a serious climber until the fifth grade,_ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree.whichwhichwhenBlanks filling1.有一位获得诺贝尔奖的女性,她的名字屠呦呦。有一位获得诺贝尔奖的女性,她的名字屠呦呦。2.中国的美食非常美味,这个给外国游客印象很深。中国的美食非常美味,这个给外国游客印象很深。3.众所周知,中国的教育正在经历一个巨大的变革。众所周知,中国的教育正在经历一个巨大的变革。Translation There is a woman who is awarded the Noble Prize,whose name is Tu Youyou.Chinese cuisine is very delicious,which impress foreign visitors a lot.As is known to all,Chinese education is undergoing a great change.Thank You!


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