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1、高考资源网(),您身边的高考专家Unit 2 Crossing limitsI单元教学目标技能目标Skill Goals 0 Talk about exploring the world1 Practise judging situations and making decisions2 Review the predicate3 Write a persuasive essayII目标语言功 能 句 式Expressions to judge situations and make decisions:a. Expressions used to judge situations:1. Fr

2、om my understanding, I find it possible that2. In my opinion, nobody has the right to3. For the sake of, I believe4. In respect for, we should5. Everything has two sides, but I 6. By no means should we sacrifice peoples life in the name of scienceb. Expressions used to make decisions:1. Its hard to

3、decide however, 2. Take everything into consideration, I 3. In spite of, I still believe4. I am likely to think because5. My choice will be词 汇1. 四会词汇evaluate, various, key, origin, equip, puzzle, wealthy, Asian, African, ambassador, wander, motherland, existence, accurate, navy, treasure, command, r

4、oyal, embassy, zebra, volunteer, radium, dam, suggest, accomplish, sickness, unable, sacred, refer, aircraft, arise, evidence, chairman, praise2. 认读词汇Christopher Columbus, endeavor, Marco Polo, spice, Ceylon, Arab, westernmost, Roman, empire, rhinoceros, horn, Shanga, awareness, fleet, symbolic, sum

5、, horizon, navigation, Korea, the Himalayas, Sherpa, Tibet, honesty, dedication, ideal, technological 3. 词组in the name of, in exchange for, set sail, in return, bring up, apart from, refer to, run out 4. 重点词汇various, key, wealthy, accurate, wander, suggest, accomplish, arise, praise 语 法Review the Pr

6、edicate:1. A team of scientists discovers an important ancient grave near the village of native people. 2. I was reading a book about Marco Polo when you called.3. We can send robots equipped with cameras and other tools to do observations for us.4. The world map was a great puzzle to people of earl

7、y civilizations.5. A small bronze statue of lion has been found in the Swahili town of Shanga.重 点 句 子1. Trade and curiosity have often formed the foundation for mankinds greatest endeavor. 2. The Arabic contacts to the African coast led to the next meeting between black people and a Chinese.3. The c

8、ontacts between China and Africa over the centuries had led to the awareness of each others existence, but still no accurate maps of the countries around the Indian Ocean existed.4. In the years between 1405 and 1433, seven large treasure fleets sailed westwards on voyages of trade and exploration.5

9、. The fleet made several expeditions before the exploration was stopped, probably for economic reasons.III.教材分析与教材重组1 教材分析本单元的话题是Crossing limits,话题涉及的历史和地理知识庞杂,给学生理解文章带来了较大难度。Pre-reading, Reading和Post-reading部分涉及了许多背景知识,这会给学生精读文章带来障碍。Warming Up, Listening和Integrating Skills部分涉及到Exploration话题的空间跨度很大,

10、因此解决好中外、过去和现在Exploration的关系可以促进学生理解话题跨越极限。Speaking和Writing以判断和劝诱为主题,旨在通过理解和学习话题,发展学生理解观点和形成自主判断,促进学生的自主决策能力。11 WARMING UP 以位中外航海家的图片为引线,引出了本单元人物和话题。个任务设计层层深入,首先由人物事迹逐渐导向单元话题Exploration。最后一个任务把话题引向具体的单元话题的目标语言。12 LISTENING包括Pre-listening, While-listening和Post-listening三个部分。Pre-listening的目的是培养学生听前预测的能

11、力,这就使得听的过程目的性很强。Post-listening的两个任务设计各有侧重,任务强调对听力内容的整体理解,任务则侧重对话题思想的理解,重在培养学生解决问题的能力。整体上来看,Listening的设计旨在培养学生预测、选择、判断和深层加工信息的能力。13 SPEAKING 部分包括三个Situations。三个Situations都是以科学发现和探测为主题,提出问题情境,旨在培养学生对问题情境的判断能力和运用语言解决问题的能力。问题的情境设计具有思辨性特征,学习者只有对问题情境的深刻理解,才能做出准确的判断,在此基础上形成决策。14 READING部分包括Pre-reading, Rea

12、ding 和Post-reading三个部分。 Pre-reading以Silk Road为主题,输入背景知识,促进学生对Reading的深刻理解。Reading讲述了海上丝绸之路开辟的背景、发展和繁荣,文章的后半部分重点记叙了郑和下西洋的过程和意义。Reading的主题内容明确,此主题是培养学生民族自豪感的好材料。Reading的语言材料不难,但是由于文章所记叙的内容时间跨度很大,关系略显复杂,学生不易把握文章的结构。教学中处理好背景知识输入和读懂文章整体结构的任务设计,就基本可以很好地完成教学任务。Post-reading是对Reading内容的熟练和主题的拓展,最后一个任务升华了主题。这

13、些任务设计都要求学生跨越段落寻找信息,因此教学设计中要适当补充和重新设计Tasks,以使得大多数学生都能读透文章。15 LANGUAGE STUDY 分词汇和语法两部分。其中,Word study的前两个练习序列性很强,两个练习设计注重词性拓展和运用。任务中基本涉及到本单元重点词汇和常见词汇,但是对学生而言,仅依靠这样两个任务设计是不能够达到熟练的目的,因此应该适当的在Homework或者Integrating Skills部分运用恰当的任务设计来达到使学生能够熟练运用这些词汇的目标。Word Study的第三个练习训练学生在语境中运用词汇的能力,材料内容补充了本单元话题的背景知识。Word

14、Study基本上呈现出了本单元的重点词汇,任务形式以训练为载体,强调了语言知识的运用能力,因此教学中要细处理。Grammar 则分成两个Parts. Part 1要求学生要学会识别和判断Predicate;Part强调了Predicate在语篇中的运用。由于是复习内容,所以两个Task的内容设计显得简单,可以适当补充一些Tasks来强化学生在写作过程中准确运用Predicate的能力。16 INTEGRATING SKILLS分为2部分:Reading 和Writing。Reading记叙了中外Pioneers爬越珠穆朗玛峰的过程,文章的语言内容不难,不会对学生构成整体的阅读障碍,但文章中涉及

15、到的一些细节知识需要学生细读才能准确把握,因此可利用本篇阅读材料重点培养学生细节理解能力。阅读材料后的四个任务设计都是围绕细节理解展开,任务设计采用口头回答和Paraphrasing的形式,目的是训练学生的口头表达能力。Writing部分的内容以阅读材料为背景,以爬山是否应该带氧气为主题形成讨论,分为两种观点。题目设计同前面Speaking话题相同,训练学生的思维辨析能力,提高其运用笔头形式表达观点的能力。写作要求学生要拓展话题,了解更多的Mountain-climbing事实或实例来支持观点。因此写好文章的关键重在于事例和事实的采集、整理和分析。17 Tips的主题内容是阅读指导,指导学生对

16、于不同文体和主题的阅读材料要选用不同的阅读方法。阅读策略训练一直都是阅读指导的重点,因此可选用报刊选载、小说和科技说明文来指导学生利用Tips的建议阅读,强化阅读策略训练。18 Checkpoint 2是本单元语言知识的反馈和强化。分为谓语形式和单元话题词汇与句式复习两个部分,此项内容可以作为反馈练习来强化单元知识。2 教材重组21 教材的Warming Up和Listening两部分内容相关性很大,Warming Up的材料不仅可以导出单元话题,而且可以利用Warming Up的内容为Listening铺垫必要的语言准备。Workbook部分的Listening practice可以被用来补

17、充更多的单元信息和训练学生的听力能力。因此可以整合这3部分内容,上一节听力课。22 Speaking的内容以Exploration为题,重在培养学生运用思维辨析、判断和决策的能力,组织语言材料的难度较大。但可以借助Warming Up的内容和听力材料为辅助材料,运用Mind-Map教学策略来帮助学生收集材料,降低难度,上一节口语课。23 Pre-reading, Reading和Post-Reading三个教学环节序列性很强,互为补充。Integrating Skills的Talking部分同教材Reading部分内容有很大相关性,整合这4个环节,可以设计一节文化背景输入阅读读后反思读后讨论的

18、流线形精读课。24 LANGUAGE STUDY重在语言知识复习和强化,教学中通过合理设计任务,分类组合,设计一节以语言训练为载体的语言知识学习课。25 INTEGRATING SKILLS 的Reading的内容相对简单,但是在单元教学中作用很大。其内容不仅是对单元话题的拓展,也是对后面写作内容的铺垫。通过精处理,拓展话题理解,训练语言知识,就可以起到承前启后的作用。26 INTEGRATING SKILLS 部分的写作设计是对单元话题的总结。语言的输出方式以Essay载体,以单元主题为话题,既呼应了SPEAKING,又升华了主题。27 Work book 的Integrating Skil

19、ls分为Reading和Writing两部分内容,Reading的内容同教材部分Reading的内容的文章结构有相似之处,都是对历史事件和历史人物的记叙和评价;Writing以Essay writing 为主题,呼应教材Speaking和Writing部分。因此可以这两部分为载体,上一节综合实践课来强化本单元读写技能的实践运用。3 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用7课时教完)1st Period Listening2nd Period Speaking3rd Period Reading4th Period Language study5th Period Extensi

20、ve reading6th Period Writing7th Period Integrating skillsIV.分课时教案The First Period ListeningTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言 重点词汇和短语explore, exploration, discover, discovery, face risks, face challenges, modern means, equipment2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to learn that exploring in

21、the past and present are quite different.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Enable students to learn how to compare between the past and present exploring. Teaching important points 教学重点Enable students to fully understand the “problem-solution” part in Warming Up and Listening materials.Teaching difficul

22、t points 教学难点By training listening strategies of prediction and doing shorthand, enable students to form a good habit of listening.Teaching methods 教学方法1. Team work learning2. Task-based learningTeaching aids 教具准备A projector and some slidesTeaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I Revision (Give read

23、ing materials before class)T: First, lets check your homework to see how well you have prepared for the class. Now please do the quiz.Quiz: 1. Who was the first person that mapped the Indian coast?2. Who was the first person that discovered the “New World”?3. Why did Abel Tasman sail along the coast

24、 of Australia and many islands in the Pacific Ocean?4. What was James Cooks purpose of his voyage?Key: Zheng HeColumbusTasman was to answer questions about the nature of the geography of Pacific Ocean regions during his exploration.Cook was chosen by the Royal Society of London to undertake a scient

25、ific journey to Tahiti to observe and document the event as the planet Venus passed between the earth and the sun. His secret task was to find new landmasses in the south.Step Warming Up Task one: World map explorationT: Look at the map and tell me how many continents there are in the world. What ar

26、e they?Show a world map through slide.S: There are seven continents in the world. They are Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, North America, South America and Antarctic. T: Observe the map carefully and find their separate positions. Tell me which ocean separates Asia from Oceania, and which separates E

27、urope from America. Then tell me which oceans we have to cross if we take the shortest route from China to the east coast of Africa by sea.S: The Pacific Ocean separates Asia from Oceania and the Atlantic Ocean separates Europe from America. We have to cross the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.Ta

28、sk two: Discuss and answerT: Work in pairs and discuss the following question? Question: What were the dangers and challenges that explorers had to face in the past while exploring the world? You can find answers in your reference handout or recall them from your memory.S: There were a lot of danger

29、s that made their exploration difficult. First, they had to struggle against big storms, icebergs and great rocks that lie unnoticed in the sea. Second, they may easily get ill without fresh vegetables on board. Third, they had to fight against pirates and unfriendly natives.Task three: List words a

30、nd expressionsT: Since we have known a lot about exploration at sea, now please recall the words and expressions we just used in talking about exploration. You can also think out these words and expression by using mind-map strategy.Students recall the words by using mind-map strategy and make the f

31、ollowing list.ItemLanguageWords with the meaning exploration and discoveryMake a discovery, expedition, explore the unknown, explorationPurposes and experiences in the course of an expeditionDo scientific research, map the coast, find a new landmass, discover an island, hit a rock, meet with storms,

32、 fight against the natives, land, hide in a harborTransport and communicationset out for, set sail for, on board, by sea, on deck, by radio, by flag language, by telephone Step III Pre-listening Task one: PredictionT: Now we are going to hear an interview between a reporter and a professor about exp

33、loring in the past and at present. Before listening, please think what sort of questions the reporter will ask and list at least three questions.S: He may ask the following three questions. 1. What communicating tools did they use in the past? 2. How did they store enough fresh water? 3. How did the

34、y deal with sickness in the course of exploration in the past?T: If the reporter raises the above questions, what examples will the professor give to answer the questions?S: He may give an example of a great explorer and explain the questions.Task two: Question and answerT: What modern means can exp

35、lorers make use of today?S: They can send messages by radio and take pictures with advanced cameras in space travel. They can also use robots and other advanced equipment to accomplish some dangerous tasks.Step IV While-ListeningTask one: Listen for the first time and fill in the chartT: In the tape

36、 you are going to hear the differences of communication and transport used in the past and at present. Listen to the tape and fill the chart of exercise 2 on page 11. Students listen and do the exercise.Task two: Do shorthand T: Listen to the tape for the second time and fill in the chart below. Bef

37、ore that you had better read the questions of exercise 3 carefully.Students listen to the tape and do shorthand.Risks in the pastSolutions for modern explorers having no mapSimilarities between the past expeditions and trips to MarsStep V Post-listeningTask one: DiscussionT: Exploration means advanc

38、ement. It was Armstrongs first step on the moon that enables people to know what the real moon is like. Meanwhile, explorations are not without dangers and challenges. Recall your early experiences or choose one topic from the teachers list to discuss what dangers or difficulties you may have in the

39、 course of exploration. Work in groups of four and list all the possible dangers or difficulties. After that, please find out possible solutions to the problems. Teachers list:SituationsExploring an uninhabited (无人居住的) islandGoing through a caveDiscover a special plantStudents discuss in groups and

40、try to find out possible solutions.S: Take exploring an uninhabited island as an example, we may meet the following dangers and difficulties and we have found out possible solutions to them, as is shown in the below.Dangers and difficultiesSolutionsWe may meet with big waves on the voyage Prepare a

41、boat strong enough and listen to weather forecast before handWe may get lost in the islandTake a compass and make marks along the wayWe may find it difficult to make mealsPrepare enough food and fresh water and take some matchesWe may be attacked by the snakesPrepare a safe sleeping bag and some med

42、icinesStep Listening practiceTask one: Choose the best answersT: Listen to the tape for the first time and do exercise 2 on page 153.Students go through the requirement before listening and listen to get the answers.Task two: Listen and answer questionsT: Listen to the tape for the second time and d

43、o exercise 3 on page 153.Students go through the requirement before listening and find answers to the questions.Step VII HomeworkTask one: Use the following words to make short phrases (eg: evaluateevaluate the situation)Words and expressions: evaluate, various, make a decision, in the name of, solv

44、e the energy problem, be rich in, take possession of, damage, disturb, availableTask two: Interview some of your classmates and find out if they would like to take part in “A Trip to an Uninhabited Small Island”. Then write a small passage showing different opinions and their reasons. At the end of

45、the passage, you should express your own reason and opinion.Sample key:Yesterday I made a survey among my classmates to see if they would like to take part in a trip to an uninhabited island. Their opinions are divided.About 60% of the students agree to take apart in the exploration. Some believe th

46、at exploration will build up their courage. Some girls think the exploration will make their experience richer. And most students are curious about it and take it a good chance to test their ability of independence.About 40% of students disagree with the idea. The main reason is that it is too dangerous. The rest of the students take no interest in such activities.From my point of view, I think life means to experience. And we can be more independent only when we take a positive attitude towards everything. Therefore, I will take part in it.14欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。


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