现在进行时的基本用法及练习题(DOC 7页).docx

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现在进行时的基本用法及练习题(DOC 7页).docx_第1页
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现在进行时的基本用法及练习题(DOC 7页).docx_第5页
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1、现在进行时的基本用法一 定义:(1)现在进行时表示此时此刻正在发生的动作。 如:we are having English now. 我们正在上英语课。(2) 现在进行时表示现阶段正在发生的动作。 如:we are studying for a test these days. 这些天来我们一直在复习备考。 (3)现在进行时与always,forever(永远),constantly(不断地)continually(频繁地)等连用,表示赞赏或厌恶等感情色彩。 如: Im always losing my books.我总丢书。(生气)He is always helping others. W

2、e all love him.他总是乐于助人,我们大家都喜欢他。(赞赏)(He is constantly talking to me.他不停地跟我讲话。(厌烦)二 谓语构成及变化规则(观察例子进行总结)如:I am running with my parents now. Look! Bob is swimming in the river. Its 9:00. They are having (1) .结合以上例子分析:现在进行时谓语部分为:be(am/is/are)+现在分词(动词-ing)(2) 动词有原形变为现在分词的基本规则: A.一般情况,在动词原形后直接加-ing. 如:wat

3、ch- watching,$ go- going, walk- walking, do- doing, fly- flying. B.以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去掉e,再加-ing.如:take- taking. make- making,drive- driving, leave-leaving C.以“辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母”的结构且中间的元音字母发的不是字母表上的音时即重读闭音节结构,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-ing。如:run-running, plan-planning,set-setting,put-putting, cut-cutting,shop-shopping,s

4、wim-swimming,stop-stopping,sit-siting. 例外情况:visit-visiting, follow-following,slow(延缓)-slowing D.少数以ie结尾的动词变ie为y,再加-ing. 如:die-dying,lie-lying, tie-tying.三 时间状语(标志词)now, look或listen这些提示动词,或its 9:00等提示性时间。结合句子来理解这些时间状语(标志词)They are having music now. 他们现在正在上音乐课。Listen!Tom is singing in the classroom.听!

5、 Tom正在教室里唱歌。Look ! They are playing basketball in the gym(体育馆).看!他们正在体育馆里打篮球。Its 9:00. We are watching TV. 现在是9点钟,我们正在看电视。四 句型。常考的四类句型为:肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句。句型较易掌握,理解例句即可。-They are watching TV now.(肯定句)They are not watching TV now.(否定句)Are they watching TV now (一般疑问句)Yes, they are/No, they arent.What

6、 are they doing(特殊疑问句)练习题一 单项选择。1. My brother and I playing the computer games. 2. 3. -Whats your father doing - . A. He sings B. He often watches TV. C. He will come back. D. He is watching TV.4. - they the piano -No, they arent.A. Does ,play B. Do , playC. Are ,play D. Are,playing5. !6. - Excuse m

7、e, where is Lily -Oh, she the basketball game on the playground(操场). watching7. - he English at 6:30 every morning -Yes,but now he music. A. Do ,read,learn, B. Is,reading,is learning C. Does,read,is learning* Where are your friends -Look! They over there. talking7. My sister songs every morning. Lis

8、ten! She in her room. ,sings ,singing singing,sings ,is singing8. -Maria,dont play the guitar. I my homework. -Oh,sorry. doing 二 ?三 写出下列动词的现在分词形式。1. write-writing 5. use-using leaving 13. play-playing 17. take-taking 三 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I am doing(do) my homework at home now.2. 3. Look ! The cat is run

9、ning(run) up the tree.4. Listen ! The birds(鸟)are singing(sing)in the sky(天空).5. Its six oclock. We are having(have) dinner at home.6. Look at the ducks(鸭子). They are swimming(swim) in the river.7. - Does(do) he often get up early Yes, he does. He is reading(read)English now.8. He likes singing/to s

10、ing(sing). He always sings(sing) in the morning. Listen! He is singing(sing) in his bedroom.9. )10. Listen! Who is crying(cry) We must find it.三 完成句子。1. 看!Tom正在等公交车。( wait for 等待) Look !Tom is waiting for the bus.2. 我们正在谈论我们的新老师。(talk about) We are talking about our new teacher.3. 他的爸爸正在看报纸。(read ne

11、wspapers) His father is reading newspapers.4. .5. 有些人在看书,有些人在听音乐。(listen to)Some people are reading books, and some people are listening to music.6. 他们正在给孩子们照相。(take photos)They are taking photos of the children.7. 看!树下每个人玩得都很开心。(have a good time)Look! Everyone is having a good time under the tree.8. 孩子们在雪地里开心地堆雪人。(have fun doing sth)Children are having fun making a snowman in the snow.9. Jim在滑冰,Mike在拍照。(skate, take photos)Jim is skating and Mike is taking photos.


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