定冠词不定冠词练习题(DOC 15页).doc

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1、精品文档 定冠词不定冠词练习题 一.冠词填空:在下列句中空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处划。 1There is _ picture of _ elephant on _ wall 2This is _ useful bookIve read it for _ hour 3 _ elephant is much heavier than _ horse 4 _ doctor told him to take _ medicine three times _ day 5Lets go out for _ walk 6Its too hotOpen _ door,please 7There is

2、_ woman over there _ woman is Meimeis mother 8 _ sun rises in _ east 9 _ Changjiang River is _ longest river in _ China 10Are you going to do it _ second time? 12 _ Turners are living at the end of _ Turner Street 13He joined the army in _ spring of _ 1995 14 _ old man is _ teacherHe likes playing _

3、 basketball after _ supper 15After I had _ quick breakfast,I hurried to school 16Are _ sheep kept by _ farmers for producing _ wool and _ meat? 17They went to _ Peoples Park,but we both went to _ Peoples Cinema yesterday 18I often watch _ TV in _ evening 19 _ day of _ December0,199is Monday 20Tomorr

4、ow is _ Christmas Day and my father and I went to choose _ Christmas tree today 二.选择题。 1. -How about _Christmas evening party? -I should say it was _ success. A. a; a B. the; a C. a; / D. the; / 2. We have every reason to believe that _00Beijing Olympic Games will be _ success. A. /; aB. the; / C. t

5、he; aD. a; a 3. -Could you tell the way to _Johnsons, please? -sorry, we dont have _Johnson here in the village. A. the; the B. the; aC. /; theD. the; / 4. Have you heard _ news? The price of _ petrol is going up again! A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; / 6. I looked under_ bed and found _book I

6、 lost last week. A. the; aB. the; the C. /; the D. the; / 7. I often said _ teacher have _ very easy life. A. /; /B. /; a C. the; / D. the; a 8. -Id like _information about the management of your hotel, please. -Well, you could have _ word with the manager. He might be helpful. A. some; a B. an; som

7、e C. some; some D. an; a 9. Many people agree that _ knowledge of English is a must in _ international trade today. A. a; / B. the; anC. the; theD. /; the 10. -Have you seen _ pen? I left it here this morning. -Is it _ black one? I think I saw it. A. a; the B. the; the C. the; a D. a; a 11. Paper mo

8、ney was in _ use in China when Marco polo visited the county in _thirteenth century. A. the; / B. the; the C. /; theD. /; / 12. Most animals have little connection with _ animals of _ different kind unless they kill them for food. A. the; a B. /; a C. the; the D. /; the 15. Mr. Smith, theres a man a

9、t _ front door who says he has _ news for you of great importance. A. the; /B. the; theC. /; / D. /; the 16. I dont like talking on _ telephone. I prefer writing _ letters. A. a; theB. the; / C. the; the D. a; / 17-Has the little boy passed _P.E. test? -He has tried twice and the teacher will allow

10、him to have _ third try. A. the; / B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 18. Would you like_ knife and fork, or would you rather use _ chopsticks, air? A. the; the B. a; /C. /; theD. a; the 20. Now Ive been out of _ work for weeks, Ive joined the ranks of _ unemployed. A. the; / B. the; theC. /; the D. /;

11、 an 21. Everyone should learn from_ Lei Feng and try to be _Lei Feng. A. /; aB. /; /C. the; the D. /; the 22. Three years later, Tom was elected_ monitor of our class. A. a B. theC. / D. an 23. Alice is fond of playing_ piano while Mary is interested in listening to_music. A. /; the B. the; / C. the

12、; the D. /; / 24. Alexander Graham Bell invented _ telephone in 1876 A. / B. theC. one D.a 25. -Do you mean you know _boy? -No. I know _boy who looks like him A. a; aB. the; the C. the; aD. a; the 26. My summer job wasnt _ fun, but it was _real learning experience for me. A. a; a B. the; /C. /; a D.

13、 a; / 27. Lets go to _cinemathatll take your mind off the problem for _while. A. the; the B. the; aC. a; the D. a; a 28. I dont understand what the engineer means, but Ive got _ rough idea of oil painting. A. the; aB. /; theC. the; /D. a; the 29. This area experienced _heaviest rainfall in_ month of

14、 May. A. /; the B. a; theC. the; the D. the; a 30. We can never expect _ bluer sky unless we create _less polluted world. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; aD. the; the 31. I had decided to give it up, but on _ second thoughts, I decided to try _ third time. A. /; the B. /; a C. the; the D. the; a 32. I am

15、only a visitor to this city, so I dont know whether _ number of the car accidents is increasing or going down. A. anB. the C. a D. / 33. He came here by _ way of London, in_ way his health is much improved, but he is still not really well. A. a; aB. /; a C. the; the D. a; the 34. Jinan has inched _s

16、tep closer to a green National Games by taking_ series of measures. A. a; the B. the; aC. a; aD. a; / 35. When a giraffe has _drink, it has to stand with its front legs wide apart to reach _water. A. /; /B. a; theC. the; / D. /; the 冠词的用法练习题 1.There is a desk by the window. On_desk there is_exercise

17、 book. A.a; theB.the; theC.an; aD.the; an 2.There is_”h”in the word “honest.” A.aB.theC.anD.不填 3.They went to_Summer Palace yesterday and stayed there for_day. A.the; aB.the; theC.不填; aD.the; 不填 4.Its_pity you wont be back before I leave. A.theB.aC.anD.不填 5.Lincoln was elected_ President of _United

18、States in 1860. A.the; theB.不填; the C.a; 不填 D.不填; 不填 6.She is going to play_piano at the concert this evening. A.aB.anC.theD.不填 7.Most boys like playing_football. A.aB.anC.theD.不填 8.Lets go and watch the children play_chess. A.aB.anC.theD.不填 9._elephant is bigger than_ horse A.不填; 不填B.an; a C.An; a

19、D.The; a 10.Is Tom going to have_X-ray check? A.aB.anC.theD.不填 11.They have_rice for_lunch every day. A.不填; 不填 B.the; the C.the; a D.不填; the 12.We did_experiment last week. It was _useful one. A.the; the B.an; a C.an; the D.the; an 13.Beijing is one of_most beautiful cities in _world. A.a; the B.the

20、; 不填 C.the; the D.不填; the 14.February is_second month of the year A.aB.anC.不填D.the 15.-How did you go there? -We went there by_bus. A.aB.anC.theD.不填 16._Wangs come to see you tomorrow A.AB.AnC.TheD.不填 17.The students of Class One often read English early in_ morning. A.不填B.theC.anD.a 18.On the moon

21、its too hot in_day and too cold at_night. A.the; 不填B.the; the C.a; theD.a; 19.A spaceship flies at about eleven kilometres_second. A.aB.anC.theD.不填 20.The picture on_left is more beautiful than the one on _right. A.不填; 不填 B.the; the C.a; a D.an; an 21.The woman took the little girl by_hand. A.aB.anC

22、.theD.不填 22.Mr. Read patted him on_er. A.aB.anC.theD.不填 23.All the work had to be done by_hand when there were no modern machines. A.不填B.theC.anD.a 24.We should always think of_old and_sick. A.the; theB.an; a C.不填; 不填 D.the; a 25.May I have _look at the book? A.aB.anC.theD.不填 26.It took me_hour and_

23、half to finish the work. A.a; aB.an; anC.a; anD.an; a 27.She was in_hurry to work. A.不填B.aC.anD.the 28.My brother has an interest in drawing_horses. A.theB.anC.aD.不填 29.Sam is_man easy to get along with. A.不填B.theC.aD.an 30.Europe and America are separated by_ Atlantic Ocean. A.不填B.theC.aD.an 31.The

24、 largest landmass is usually divided into two “continents” along_Ural Mountains. A.不填B.theC.aD.an 32.There are only_few mistakes in your composition. Dont make_same ones again, please. A.a; theB.a; aC.the; theD.不填; 不填 33.Hey is fond of playing_piano while Alice is interested in listening to _ music.

25、 A.不填; .the B.the ; 不填 C.the; the D.不填; 不填 34.What_ we are having today! A.aB.theC.不填D.an 35.Tom met his old school friend on his way_home from China. A.aB.theC.不填D.an 36.Spring is_best season of the year. Autumn is_busy season. A.a; aB.the; theC.a; theD.the; a 37.Lets go and have_walk around_garden

26、. A.a; theB.the; theC.a; aD.the; a 38.Children usually go to_school at _age of six A.the; theB.a ; theC.不填; theD.a; a 39.At last we got to_place where Chairman Mao had once lived. A.aB.anC.不填D.the 40.Sam is_man to speak at the meeting tomorrow. A.不填B.theC.aD.an 41.Birds can fly high in_sky. A.不填B.th

27、eC.aD.an 42.Taiwan is_island, it is_largest island of China. A.a; theB.the; theC.an ; theD.an; a 43.It is cold in_winter. And_days are shorter. A.不填; theB.the; the C.the; 不填D.a; the 44.Were there is_will there is_way A.the; theB.a; a C.a; theD.the; a 45.The workers in that factory are paid by_hour.

28、A.aB.anC.theD.不填 46._Chinese are_hardworking . A.The; the B.不填; a C.不填; 不填 D.the; a 47.He bought_dictionary_last week. A.the; the B.a; 不填 C.a; the D.the; a 48.They always have_breakfast in the factory A.aB.anC.theD.不填 49.Tom is_8-year-old boy. A.aB.anC.theD.不填 50._sun rises in _rest. 定冠词练习之不定冠词练习 一、

29、请在横线上填上a或an: 1._ dog2._ dictionary 3._ student._ egg 5._ elephant6._ island 7._ university student ._ European country 9._ honest boy 10._ honorable deed 11.miss _ “m” 12._year plan 13_ unhappy boy 14._ umbrella 15._ orange 16._ hour 17._ green apple18._ long umbrella 19._ useful book20._ old bike 二

30、、用a,an填空: 1. This is _pear and that is _ apple. 2. Mary has _e-dictionary.She get it from her uncle. 3. Do you have _QQnumber? 4. This is_orange.It is _ small orange. 5. There is _“s”in the word “bus”. 6. There is _“h” and _ “u” in the word “hour”. 7. My teacher give me _useful book. 8. I have _ hour to do my homework. 9. Do you have _ umbrella. 10. 10, She wear _ uniform.2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 15 / 15


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