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1、高三英语改错专项练习 答案及解析1 When you are traveling abroad, it is importance to follow1. _ the customs of the country where you are visiting. If you are invited 2. _ to a home in Britain, here is some advices. As soon as you are invited, 3. _ it is good manners to refuse or accept an invitation, either by 4. _

2、 writing or by telephoning. When you go to the party, it is polite 5. _ to arrive at on time. It is good manners to shake hands with your 6. _ host and any guest. You can take a present if you like, 7. _ possible a bottle of wine, a box of chocolates or some flowers. 8. _ However, it was not bad man

3、ners to take nothing. It is not polite9. _ to stay too late before the other guests have gone. Of course, 10. _ it is good manners to write or telephone a day or two later to thank your host. 答案与简析 1. importanceimportant。属句型It is+adj. + to do sth.。 2. where which / that或去掉where。先行词在定语从句中作宾语。 3. advi

4、cesadvice。advice 为不可数名词。4. an the。此处的请柬是特指。5. 本行无错。6. 去掉at。arrive 后没宾语。7. guest前加other。表与其他客人握手。8. possiblepossibly。修饰take。 9. wasis。时态一致。10. beforeafter。根据上下文,此处表达其他客人走后。 2 Know what to do in case of fire is important. 1. _ If the fire broke out, what would you do? First, you 2. _ should warn every

5、one in the house about the dangerous. 3. _ Dont panic(惊慌)or start shouting. Be calmly and 4. _ act fast. Second, you and all the others should go out of 5. _ the house. Dont stopped to take anything with you. Once 6. _ you are out of the house, stay out. Do not come back 7. _ for any reason. Finally

6、, before you are out of the house, 8. _ call the fire department. Do not try to put out of the fire 9. _ yourself. That can very dangerous. 10. _ 答案与简析 1. KnowKnowing。动名词短语作主语。2. thea。此处fire 属泛指。3. dangerousdanger。名词作介词宾语。4. calmlycalm。用形容词作表语。5. 本行无错。6. stoppedstop。这是祈使句的否定式,动词应该用原形。7. comego。从上下文语

7、义可知。 8. beforewhen或after。9. 去掉of。put out 是及物动词短语。10. can后加be。缺谓语动词。 3 Drawing a picture is the simplest way of put an idea down1. _ on paper. This is where man began to write six thousand 2. _ years ago. The written words we now use came down to us 3. _ during a long period time. They were developed

8、 from the picture 4. _ writing. Except the Chinese, the American Indians also developed 5. _ the ways of writing in pictures. So simple pictures 6. _ could not express mans ideas freely. People need a better way 7. _ to express themselves. Thus the written words invented. After that 8. _ man invente

9、d papers to write their words on. The invention 9. _ of the paper has great changed mens life. 10. _ 答案与简析 1. putputting。介词后用动名词作宾语。2. wherehow。应是人类如何开始.。 3. 本行无错。 4. time前加of。a long period of time意为很长一段时间。5. ExceptBesides。后面的also提示,应表包括后者在内。6. SoBut。逻辑错误。7. needneeded。时态一致。8. invented前加were。应用被动式。9

10、. papers paper。paper为不可数名词。10. greatgreatly。修饰动词。 4 Now Im getting on quite good. Everybody 1. _ here are kind to me, but there are times when I 2. _ think of home and feel sadly. Then I turn the 3. _ radio on and listened to programs from home in my 4. _ own language. I sometimes get little tired 5

11、. _ of the English cooking. Once a week I go to Soho. 6. _ It is a part of London that there are all sorts 7. _ of restaurants, French, Italian, Greek, Spanish, 8. _ India, and Chinese. So when Im tired of the 9. _ cooking, I go to one of the Soho restaurant. 10. _ 答案与简析 1. goodwell。修饰动词。2. areis。主谓

12、一致。3. sadlysad。feel 为系动词。4. listened listen。时态一致。5. little前加a。get a little tired of意为有点厌倦。6. 去掉the。 7. thatwhere。where 引导定语从句,在从句中作状语。8. 本行无错。9. IndiaIndian。用词对称性。10. restaurantrestaurants。 one of 后的名词应用复数。 5 When I get to the garage, I managed to have a 1. _ quickly look at the car before the sales

13、man came 2. _ out of his office. Although it seemed to in a very 3. _ good condition and was worth about 1,000, but the 4. _ garage asking$1,400 for it. When the salesman 5. _ came out, I arranged to buy a car right away. The 6. _ salesman and I got in and they drove off. I liked 7. _ the car immedi

14、ately and I decided to testing it, 8. _ but, of course, I didnt talk this to the salesman. 9. _ Instead, I pretended not to like the car very much. 10. _ 答案与简析 1. getgot。时态一致。2. quicklyquick。形容词修饰名词。3. in前加be。缺谓语。4. 去掉but。连词重复。5. askingasked。作谓语。6. athe。定冠词表特指。7. theywe。逻辑错误。 8. testingtest。decide t

15、o do sth.。9. talksay, tell或talk 后加about。10. 本行无错。 6 Two ladies stopped at a restaurant to have a lunch. 1. _ They ordered their lunch, and asked two bottles of a 2. _ well-known soft drink while they waiting. The 3. _ bottles were made of green glass, but they each 4. _ poured themselves a glass. Th

16、ey were talking and drinking. 5. _ When one of them finished the first glass and poured other, 6. _ she noticed everything in the bottom of the bottle, but 7. _ couldnt make out where it was. She tried to get it out 8. _ and finally succeed. It was a dead mouse. They both fainted(昏倒) 9. _ and had to

17、 be taken to hospital, and got thousand 10. _ of dollars after they sued(起诉)the soft drink company. 答案与简析 1. 去掉lunch前的 a。泛指一日三餐的名词前不用冠词。2. asked后加for。ask for 意为索要,此处指点菜。3. waiting前加were或去掉they。4. butand。逻辑错误。5. 本行无错。6. otheranother。泛指另一个。7. everythingsomething。语义错误。8. wherewhat。在宾语从句中作表语。9. succeeds

18、ucceeded。时态错误。10. thousandthousands。thousands of 意为数千。 7 At the end of the 19th century, a Frenchman goes 1. _ to England to learn English. He entered hotel room in 2. _ London and spent all his times memorizing a dictionary. 3. _ After he learned from all the words in the dictionary, he 4. _ went i

19、nto the city talk to the people. But he could not 5. _ made himself understood. So he went back to his room 6. _ and spent much more days memorizing a grammar 7. _ book. He learned all the rules and going out again to talk, 8. _ but he was still unable to communicate. Great discouraged, 9. _ he pack

20、ed his suitcase and went home to France. 10. _ 答案与简析 1. goeswent。时态错误。2. 在hotel前加a。指某一旅馆的房间。3. timestime。此处的time意为时间,为不可数名词。4. 去掉from。learn在此处为及物动词 5. 在talk前加to。不定式表目的。6. mademake。时态错误。7. muchmany。修饰可数名词。8. goingwent。作谓语动词。9. GreatGreatly。修饰动词。10. 本行无错。 8 Dear Li Li, I havent seen you, my pen friend

21、, for a long time. I missed 1. _ you badly. I hope everything are OK with you. I learn that 2. _ you would come to Shanghai for a visit for the summer holiday. 3. _ Youre welcome to Shanghai. Shanghai is the beautiful city 4. _ with a long history. There are many beautiful sight bere, 5. _ such as t

22、he Bund, the Yu Garden, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, 6. _ the People Square, the Shanghai Zoo and so on. 7. _ They are very worth visiting. Please phone me when 8. _ you arrive in Shanghai. Ill meet with you at the airport. 9. _ Ill show you around in Shanghai when you arrive. 10. _ 答案与简析 1. missed

23、miss。指现在的心理状态。2. areis。主谓一致。3. wouldwill。时态一致。4. thea。指某一个美丽的城市。5. sightsights。6. 本行无错。7. PeoplePeoples。用所有格。8. verywell。worth前用well 修饰。9. 去掉with。meet 为及物动词。10. 去掉in。 show sb. around a place是固定词组。 9 For about half century, scientists have been making 1. _ better and better computers. Now a computer

24、could do a 2. _ lot of everyday jobs wonderful. It is widely used 3. _ in hospitals, factories and banks. Many computer scientist 4. _ are now thinking of making the computer to think like 5. _ a man. Under the help of a person, a computer can draw 6. _ pictures, write music, talking with people, tr

25、anslate 7. _ languages and so on. Perhaps computers will one day 8. _ really think and feel. Do you think that people will afraid 9. _ before they find that the computer is too clever to serve the people?10. _ 答案与简析 1. 在century或half前加a。half a century或a half century意为半个世纪。2. couldcan。全文时态一致。3. wonder

26、fulwonderfully。修饰动词。4. scientistscientists。many后的名词应该用复数。 5. 去掉to。make sb. do sth.。6. UnderWith。with the help of sb.意为在某人的帮助下。7. talkingtalk。句子结构的对称性。8. 本行无错。9. 在will后加be。缺谓语动词。10. beforewhen或after。逻辑错误。 10 There have being a lot of changes since World War II. But 1. _ perhaps a biggest change is th

27、e telephone. People no longer write 2. _ letters for one another. They pick up the telephone. Every house 3. _ has at least two, sometimes three, four and five telephones. Every 4. _ office has many telephones. There have more telephones than 5. _ people in American. My little house has three teleph

28、ones. 6. _ In the morning the first thing that wakes me is my telephone ring. 7. _ Long distance telephone calls are very cheap before seven oclock 8. _ in the morning. So that my friend in Boston telephones me to say9. _ Good morning. If you never have to write a letter, you simple 10. _ take up th

29、e telephone and say what you want to say. 答案与简析 1. beingbeen。been与 have一起构成完成时态。2. athe。形容词最高级前需加定冠词。 3. for to。给某人写信用write to sb。 4. andor。此处表示选择关系。5. haveare。本句是there be句型。6. AmericanAmerica。America 是表示国家的名词。 7. 在 me后加 up。wake sb. up 意为叫醒某人。8. 本行无错。9. 去掉that。本句中的so表因果关系,起承上启下的作用,意为因此;所以。10. simple

30、simply。simply是副词,修饰动词时要用副词。 11 Wall Street is a famous street in the New York City. 1. _ It got its name of the wooden wall that used to stand 2. _ which the street now runs. The wall was built in the 3. _ 1600s. New York was then a Dutch city set up by 4. _ people come from Holland in Europe. It wa

31、s called 5. _ New Amsterdam. The America Indians were not always 6. _ friends of the Dutch, so were the English. So the Dutch 7. _ built the wall in order that protect their town. The wall 8. _ has gone, but Wall Street reminds the people in New York 9. _ for the Dutch who settled down there. It is

32、the hub of banking and finance. 10. _ 答案与简析 1. 去掉the。New York City是专有名词,不加冠词。2. offrom。表示来源。3. whichwhere。where引导状语从句。4. 本行无错。5. comecoming或去掉come。此处用现在分词或介词短语作定语。6. AmericaAmerican。American是形容词,作定语。7. sonor / neither。nor / neither用于句中表示前面否定的内容也适合后面的人或事。8. thatto。表示以便;为了时,in order to后面接动词原形,in order

33、 that后跟目的状语从句。 9. has is。gone是形容词,作表语。10. forof。 remind sb. of sth.意为使某人想起某事。 12 Dear Tom and Kate, I am writing to invite you both for my 18th birthday party on 1. _ Saturday, December 4th. I am having a meal in a restaurant with a little 2. _ friends and then a party at my house. I would love you

34、both to come3. _ whether you can. If you need a place to stay for the night, you can 4. _ sleep on the floor in our sitting room but please take a sleeping bag! 5. _ The meal is at a Italian restaurant called Milan House. 6. _ We will be there at 7:30 p.m. There is a train leaves London 7. _ at 5 p.

35、m. and it arrives Cambridge at 6:45 p.m. 8. _ I hope this letter finds you good and that you can come! 9. _ I look forward to hear from you soon. 10. _ Love, Pattis 答案与简析 1. forto。invite sb. to意为邀请某人去.。 2. littlefew。修饰后面的可数名词friend要用a few; a little修饰不可数名词。3. 本行无错。4. whetherif。条件状语从句用if引导。5. takebrin

36、g。该句意为 带来, 应用bring;take意为带走。6. aan。以元音音素开头的词前面用an。7. leavesleaving。现在分词作定语,修饰train。 8. arrive后加in。9. goodwell。well是形容词,本句意为:我希望你接到信时身体健康/心情愉快,能来参加我的生日晚会。 10. hearhearing。 look forward to doing sth.意为 期待、盼望。 13 Why are cars widely use in America? There are three 1. _ reasons. I think, the first of al

37、l, the country is very large and 2. _ Americans enjoy make trips here and there. With cars they 3. _ can go everywhere. The second reason is that trains has 4. _ never been as common in the US than they are in other 5. _ parts of the world. Whats more, Americans have to spend 6. _ a lot of money tra

38、vels by plane. The third reason is 7. _ the most important one. Americans dont like wait for 8. _ buses or trains and even planes. They like cars because 9. _ they want to travel fast at some time. 10. _ 答案与简析 1. useused。are used构成被动语态。2. 去掉第一个the。first of all意为 首先。3. makemaking。enjoy一般跟doing作宾语。4.

39、hashave。谓语have应与主语trains保持一致。5. thanas。as.as.表示同级比较。 6. 本行无错。 7. travelstraveling。spend.doing.意为 花费时间 / 金钱做某事。8. waitwaiting或wait前加to。 like doing / to do sth.意为 喜欢做某事。 9. andor。 or常用于否定句中表并列。10. someany。at any time意为 在任何时候。 14 My father speaks very well English, but he knows little Japanese. 1. _ He

40、 went to Tokyo in November 11 for a meeting. The meeting 2. _ over a week later. The next morning he went to a park 3. _ and then do some shopping. At noon, he was very 4. _ much hungry. He went to the nearest restaurant and 5. _ sat down at a table. A man came up to him and asked that 6. _ he neede

41、d. He said he liked noodles,chicken and 7. _ some fishes. He spoke to the man in English 8. _ and the man couldnt understand him. My father had 9. _ to write some Chinese words for the food and got them. 10. _ 答案与简析 1. wellgood。 修饰名词English应用形容词good。 2. inon。在某月某日用介词on。3. over前加was。over意为 结束,其前面应该有动

42、词be。4. dodid。该句为and 连接的并列结构,did 和went应对等。 5. 去掉 much。much不能修饰原级形容词hungry。6. thatwhat。 what 在宾语从句中作needed的宾语,且有词义, that是从属连词,无词义。7. 本行无错。 8. fishes fish。鱼肉为不可数名词,fishes指各种不同的鱼。 9. andbut。根据行文逻辑,此处应为转折关系。10. themit。it指代前面的名词food。 15 Many children have a birthday cake with candle on their Birthday. In

43、some countries, like England and 1. _ Scotland, there is another custom, too. There are people spank (打)2. _ or hit the child in his / her birthday. This may hurt a little, 3. _ and they say it is very lucky for the child. The child must never 4. _ cry. The custom says that if you cry, you cry all y

44、ear. 5. _ The reason for birthday spanks is to make the bad spirits go 6. _ away. The hard you spank, the better it is. In Belgium, 7. _ another country in Europe, the custom is a little difference. 8. _ There a parent goes into the child room early in the 9. _ morning with a needle. As soon as the child woke up, 10. _ the parent pricks(刺) the child with the needle. This is for good luck. 答案与简析 1. candlecandles。蛋糕上往往


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