(三起)北师大版三下英语Unit 10 Colors-lesson 1 What color is it?-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:f0c7f).doc

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(三起)北师大版三下英语Unit 10 Colors-lesson 1 What color is it?-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:f0c7f).doc_第1页
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(三起)北师大版三下英语Unit 10 Colors-lesson 1 What color is it?-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:f0c7f).doc_第2页
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(三起)北师大版三下英语Unit 10 Colors-lesson 1 What color is it?-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:f0c7f).doc_第3页
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1、课课 题题 北师大版英语 Book3B Unit10 Lesson 1 执执 教教 教材教材 分析分析 本课是北师大版(三年级起始用)三年级下册第十单元的第一课时,主 要教学内容为配图故事、词汇学习和听力活动。故事语境是男孩和女孩分 别丢失了自己的小狗和小猫,到失物招领处寻找。Mocky作为失物招领处的 工作人员,热情地询问小猫和小狗的颜色和名称并记录下来,然后带着他 们去找Uncle Booky帮忙。在此语境中自然地呈现了本单元询问颜色的核心 句型What color ?和颜色词汇。其间,教师应引导学生观察图片,理解 lost (animal)的含义,进而更好地了解故事的语境。 教学教学 目

2、标目标 1能指认和说明颜色的名称:red, blue, green, yellow, black, brown, white; 2能够运用What color is.? Its . 询问和描述物品的颜色; 3能在插图和录音的帮助下,理解故事主要内容; 4能在教师帮助下,尝试进行故事复述,并进行对话表演。 教学教学 重难点重难点 1结合语境理解lost的含义; 2认读词汇:red, blue, green, yellow, black, brown, white; 3理解并正确朗读、复述故事及场景会话。 教学教学 准备准备 白板课件、色卡、奖励用彩色蜡笔,人物面具。 教教 学学 过过 程程 师生

3、活动师生活动 设计意图设计意图 Step1 Lead in Step1 Lead in (22) 1T: Today, we will talk about colors. (Show: Colors.) 2Show and read seven colors of the text. Step2 PreStep2 Pre- -readireading ng (1212 ) 1Listen to a chant: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? 2T: In this chant, we saw a bear, a bird, a duck,

4、a horse, a frog, a dog, a sheep, a goldfish, and a cat. Shows the picture in order: a bear, a bird, a duck, a horse, a frog, a dog, a sheep, a goldfish, and a cat. 3.T: What color is the (bear)? Recording Students answers, sequential shows the colors of the animals: a brown bear, a red bird, a yello

5、w duck, a blue horse, a green frog, a white dog, a black sheep. (当学生说错某种小动物在歌谣中的颜色时,教师适时灵活地引出: Can I help you?来帮助学生说出正确的颜色。) 4.Read the colors after the teacher. 直 入 主 题, 为故事顺 利阅读铺桥 搭路。 以 歌 谣 再引色彩词 汇, 魔法手指 操练词汇, 歌 谣串重点句 型, 最后以抢 答游戏反馈 新词新句掌 握情况, 扎实 而有效, 为故 事学习扫清 5.Play a game: Magic fingers. 6.Read t

6、he dialogue together. A: What color is it? B: Its (red). 7.Play a game: What color is it? 8.Elicits: I lost my (dog). (通过小动物的逐个消失,引出此句。) Step3 WStep3 Whilehile- -reading reading (1212 ) 1. The first reading. 1)T: In the story, there are a boy and a girl lost their pets, too. Please find what pets ha

7、d they lost? a. What pet had the boy lost? (A dog.) b. What pet had the girl lost? (A cat.) 2)T: Where have you found? 3)Shows picture 2. Have Students read it after the CAI. (把信息逐一录入到思维导图中。) 2. The second reading. 1)Read the story with some questions: What color is the boys dog? Whats his name? 2)

8、Answer the questions. (把信息逐一录入到思维导图中。) 3) Read picture3 after the CAI. 3. The third reading. Show the mind map. T: The girl lost her cat, too. What color is the girls cat? (black)Whats her name?(Kitty) (把信息逐一录入到思维导图中。) Step4 PostStep4 Post- -reading reading (5 5 ) 1. Retell the story by the mind map

9、. 2. Read the story together. Step5 Extension Step5 Extension (7 7 ) Set a scene: the lost and found. 1. T: There is a careless boy! He lost his ruler, a yellow ruler. Lets have a look. Watch the dialogue. 2. T: He is so careless. He lost lots of things. Can you act him to finding these things? Act

10、the dialogue. Step6 SummaryStep6 Summary and assessment.and assessment. (22) 1. Homework. 2. Color crayons. 学习障碍。 以 三 个 问题引导学 生三次学习 故事, 寻找答 案, 使学生的 进行充分地 信息输入和 输出, 有效培 养了学生的 听、 读、 说等 能力。 思 维 导 图引导学生 进行主线故 事复述, 清晰 明了。 情 景 设 置: 失物招领 处, 引导学生 利用主要句 型进行人机 对话, 有效拓 展学生的综 合语言运用 能力。 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit10 Lesson1 What color is it? red Can I help you? blue yellow I lost my black green What color is it? brown white Its


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