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1、2021人教版PEP英语六年级下册期中测试卷及答案Class Name Score Listening Part 听力部分(共四大题,计40分)一、听录音,选择你听到的句子中所包含的那个单词。每小题读两遍。(共5小题,计10分) ( )1、A、bus B、subway C、bike D、car( )2、A、ten B、then C、turn D、left( )3、A、artist B、actress C、teacher D、actor( )4、A、teaches B、teacher C、teach D、mother( )5、A、come B、could C、cloud D、vapour二、听录

2、音,选择正确的图片。每小题读两遍。(共5小题,计10分)( )1、A、 B、( )2、A、 B、( )3、A、 B、( )4、A、 B、( )5、A、 B、三、听录音根据你所听到的内容填空。每小题读两遍。(共10空,计10分)Dear Linlin,I am to have a new pen pal. I live in . I like playing the violin and . My mother is an . She likes collecting . My father is a . He likes . Tell me something about you. Whats

3、 your ? Your new friendJiang Yu四、听短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。每小题读两遍(共5小题,计10分)( )1、Mike is going to visit his grandparents.( )2、Mikes uncle is an accountant in a factory.( )3、Mikes uncle goes to work on foot.( )4、Mikes aunt is a nurse.( )5、Mikes brother is a university student.Writing Part 笔试部分(共五大题,计60分)五、选

4、出每组单词画线部分发音不同的选项。(共5小题,计10分)( )1、A. peak B. bread C. beach D. team( )2、A. get B. west C. seven D. she( )3、A. use B. must C. thumb D. hungry( )4、A. water B. class C. ask D. banana( )5、A. cook B. good C. foot D. broom六、看图,将句子补充完整。(10分) 1、Plant the seeds in the 2、My mother is a 3、Lin Da goes to school

5、by 4、 Where does the come from?It comes from the 5、He likes 6、The park is next to the 7、My father works in a 8、She goes to work by 9、Im going to be an 七、选择填空,将正确答案的字母序号填在题前括号内(共10小题,计10分)( )1、he TV every night.A. watchB. watchesC. is watching( )2、she is going her homework this evening.A. to doB. doe

6、sC. do( )3、 whats your hobby? I like A. divesB. making kitesC. collect leaves( )4、 means“Stop”.Yellow means“ ”A. Green, GoB. Red, WaitC. Green, Wait( )5、You can get there the No.6 bus.A. byB. inC. takes( )6、What your father do, Lucy?He is a teacher. A. doB. isC. does( )7、The sun shines and the becom

7、es vapour.A. waterB. rainC. cloud( )8、If you want to buy some pears, you can go to the .A. bankB. fruit shopC. pet shop( )9、Im going to the piano tomorrow afternoon.A. playingB. playedC. play( )10、My pen pal lives Beijing.A. inB. onC. at八、找出下列句子正确的答句,并将其字母序号填在题前的括号内。(共10小题,计20分)( )1、How do you go to

8、 school?A、Its next to the hospital.( )2、What does she do?B、I get up at 7:20.( )3、Where is the cinema, please?C、Because I can plant trees.( )4、When do you get up?D、Ten Yuan.( )5、Why do you like spring?E、I go to school on foot.( )6、How much is the book?F、He likes dancing.( )7、What are you going to do

9、tomorrow?G、She is a doctor. ( )8、Whats your hobby?H、I like reading books.( )9、What does Mike like?I、No, there isnt.( )10、Is there a cinema near here?J、Im going to go hiking.九、连词成句。(共5小题,计5分)1、going, the, Im, in, plant, to, seeds, garden (.)_2、train, I, Beijing, sometimes, go, by, to, (.)_3、shoe, he,

10、 a, company, works, in, (.)_ 4、he, making, like, does, kites, ( ? )_5、does, mother, your, what, do, ( ? )_十、选词,用其正确形式填空。(共5小题,计10分)watch go work get haveMy mother lives in China. she is a doctor. She in a big hospital. Every day she_ up at 6:30.She breakfast at 8:30. After breakfast she to work by b

11、us. She usually goes home at 5:30. After dinner, she often TV and reads books. At 10:30 she goes to bed.十一、完形填空。(10分)It is Sunday morning. Jack and his father 1 in a big bus. There are 2 people in it. Some of 3 come from America and some 4 England or Canada. They are all friends. They are going to t

12、he Summer Palace(颐和园). There are two 5 in the bus. One is a man. He is a driver. Now he 6 the bus. The other is a young girl. She 7 Englishwell. She is now talking 8 the Summer Palace. The other people are all listening 9 her. They like the Summer Palace. They want 10 it very much.( )1、 A. amB. isC.

13、 are( )2、 A. manyB. muchC. a lot( )3、 A. theyB. themC. their( )4、 A. come fromB. is formC. are from( )5、 A. chinaB. ChineseC. England( )6、 A. driveB. drivesC. is driving( )7、 A. talksB. saysC. speaks( )8、 A. aboutB. withC. to ( )9、 A. withB. toC. for( )10、A. to lookB. seeingC. to see十二、阅读短文,回答问题。(共5

14、小题,计10分) HobbiesEveryone has his hobby. My hobby is collecting coins(币).I like the coins from different countries. I have many coins now. My friend Sam likes collecting stamps. He has a lot of stamps. There are animal stamps, plant stamps, city stamps and so on(等等). I like his animal stamps best. Pe

15、ter and Jim dont like collecting things. Peter likes swimming. He is a good swimmer. Jim likes skating. He skates every day. Whats your hobby?1、Whats the writers(作者的) hobby?_2、What does Sam like?_3、Does Jim like collecting things?_4、Is peter a good swimmer?_5、Who likes skating?_ 听力部分录音原文及答案一、听录音,选择你

16、听到的句子中所包含的那个单词。每小题读两遍(共5小题,计10分)1、I go to the science museum by bus. 2、Turn right at the traffic lights.3、My mother is an artist.4、My father teaches math.5、The water becomes vapour.二、听录音,选择正确的图片。每小题读两遍(共5小题,计10分)1、 How do you go to the park? I go there by bike.2、 What does your father do? He is an a

17、ctor.3、 Where are you going? Im going to the bookstore.4、 Does your pen pal live in Shanghai? No,she doesnt. She lives in Beijng.5、 What did you do last weekend? I rowed a boat last weekend.三、听录音根据你所听到的内容填空。每小题读两遍(共10空,计10分)Dear LinlinI am happy to have a new pen pal. I live in England. I like swimm

18、ing, playing the violin and making kites. My mother is an artist. She likes collecting stamps. My father is a policeman. He likes diving. Tell me something about you. Whats your hobby?Your new friend Jiang Yu 四、听短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。每小题读两遍(共5小题,计10分)Mike is a student. He studies in a school near his ho

19、me. Tomorrow is Saturday. He is going to visit his uncles family with his parents. They are going there by bus. Mikes uncle is an accountant in a bookstore. He often goes to work on foot because the bookstore is near. Mikes aunt works in a hospital. Shes a doctor. Mike has a brother. His brother is

20、a university student. He is going to be a policeman. 听力部分答案一、答案:1、A 2、C 3、A 4、A 5、D二、答案:1、A 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、B三、答案依次为:happy, England, swimming, making, kites, artist, stamps, policeman, diving, hobby四、答案:1、F2、F 3、T4、F 5、T笔试部分答案五、选出每组单词画线部分发音不同的选项。(共5小题,计10分)1、B2、D3、A4、A5、D六、看图,将句子补充完整。(10分) 1、soil 2、cl

21、eaner 3、bike 4、rain, clouds5、diving6、hospital 7、cinema 8、car9、artist七、选择填空,将正确答案的字母序号填在题前括号内(共10小题,计10分)1、B2、A3、B4、B5、A6、C7、A8、B9、C10、A八、找出下列句子正确的答句,并将其字母序号填在题前的括号内。(共10小题,计20分)1、E2、G3、A4、B5、C6、D7、J8、H9、F10、I九、连词成句。(共5小题,计5分)1、Im going to plant seeds in the garden.2、I sometimes go to Beijing by trai

22、n.3、He works in a shoe company.4、Does he like making kites?5、what does your mother do? 十、选词,用其正确形式填空。(共5小题,计10分)works, gets, has, goes, watches十一、完形填空。(10分)1、C2、A3、B4、C5、B6、C7、C8、A9、B10、C十二、阅读短文,回答问题。(共5小题,计10分)1、The writers (His) hobby is collecting coins.2、Sam (He) likes collecting stamps.3、Yes, h

23、e is.4、No, he doesnt.5、Jim (likes skating). 附: 小学英语学些什么和怎么学 很多家长们在自己的孩子开始了小学阶段的学习之后,发现自家孩子的英语能力并没有自己想象的那么出色。小学英语学些什么?这个问题出现在大部分家长们的脑子里。家长们很好奇小学英语学些什么,也很好奇小学英语应该怎么去学。那么下面介绍下小学英语学些什么以及小学英语的学习方法。1.小学英语学些什么? 首先小学英语学些什么?小学除了教会了孩子们一些基本单词之外,也在语法方面进行了较为浅层的教育,比如简单句、疑问句、否定句、进行时、过去式、一般时、形容词、名词变化等,这些英语知识都是在小学阶段

24、会接触到的,只不过是进行一个浅层的教育,深入的教育将在初中后,是为了给孩子初高中的英语语法学习打下基础。所以在小学的英语教学中主要是进行一些简单的英语教学,主要为了培养孩子对学习英语的兴趣,在这个阶段家长不应给孩子太多的压力,以致于让孩子产生厌学的情绪,使以后的教育能够更为顺利的开展。2.趣味学习 其次家长在这个阶段也要给孩子进行一些趣味学习,让孩子对学习英语更加感兴趣。比如玩英语游戏或者日常的情景演练。表演是学习语言的有效途径,孩子在小时候就有很强的表现欲望,家长要抓住孩子在这一阶段的特点,给孩子提供更多的表演机会,也可以一起跟孩子进行日常的情景对话,比如餐厅点菜、问路、询价等等,也可以让孩子在家中学习时,适时的让孩子学唱一些英语歌曲,这样既可以调动孩子的学习英语的积极性,也可以增强孩子的记忆,给孩子提供一个轻松愉快的学习英语的环境。3.掌握对的方法最后对于孩子的单词记忆一定要掌握对的方法,不要让孩子死记硬背,孩子在小学阶段的记忆力好,如果有一个好的记忆方法,从小记熟一定量的单词,那么对孩子日后的英语学习是会大有益处的。比如联想记忆法,通过颜色鲜艳的单词卡或者实物,让孩子记忆单词。这样不仅能让孩子记住更多单词,还能激起孩子学习英语的兴趣。


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