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1、新高考英语固定搭配(一)1.sometimes/at times/from time to time /every now and then/once in a while/on occasion/occasionally有时;偶尔 2.according to按所说,根据/ in my/our opinion3.in person=in the flesh=personally亲自,本人4.chat with friends online(chatting/chatted)5.surf the Internet 6.find information on a search engine 7.

2、do a wide range of/a variety of/various things online 在网上做许多事情8.shop for various things买各种各样的东西 9.there is a danger that.有.的危险10.keep doing sth一直做某事 11.be interested in对.感兴趣12.drag/keep oneself away from the online world强把自己从网络拖出来13.set a goal for为设定一个目标 14.do ones best/go all out to do sth尽最大努力15.s

3、et out to do/set about doing/get down to doing着手做某事16.prepare oneself for sth=be prepared for 17.a degree in.的学位18.keep it updated使它保持更新 19.as the saying/story/song goes常言道/正如故事/歌词说到/唱到 20.revise the things I have learnt during the day温习我白天学过的东西21 .shop online网购 22.spend more time enjoying real life

4、 花时间享受现实生活23.wake up醒来 24.get changed换衣服 25.preview the lessons预习功课26.recover consciousness 恢复知觉recover from .从 .中恢复 recovery n.recover oneself镇定下来27.be confident that 从句 be/ feel confident of /about/in (doing) sth对sth有把握/有信心 have confidence in/that. have confidence to do sth 有信心做with confidence 自信地

5、 肯定地 have/lose confidence in.对.有/失去信心28.be/ become addicted/ abandoned to doing sth 29.native speakers/tongue/ language/country / land/ home母语使用者/母语/祖国/故乡be native to 原产于.(sp) a native of.本地人;原产于的动/植物30.a variety of./varieties of /a wide range of./different kinds/sorts of31.do sb an injury=do an inj

6、ury to sb 伤害sb(类) do sb ham =do harm to sb =be harmful to sb be seriously /badly injured the injured 伤员32.face/accept/take up/meet a challenge面对/接受/迎接挑战challenge sb to sth/to do sth33.volunteer as 自愿担任 volunteer for sth 自愿为sth效劳volunteer to do sth 自愿做sth =offer to do sth do voluntary work /services

7、志愿工作/服务34.chat(away)with/to sb about sth 与sb闲聊某事have a chat with sb about sth35.not necessarily 未必 be of necessity必然,势必the necessity to do sth 做sth的必要性 in case of necessity 以备不时之需 It is necessary for sb to do sth sb有必要做36.at a time 每次,一次/ at one time 曾经,一度 at no time 任何时候都不/in no time 立即,马上 over tim

8、e 渐渐地,慢慢地in time 及时,迟早for the time being=for the moment暂时,目前37.aim at/track a target 瞄准,跟踪目标achieve/reach ones target/aim/goal 达到sb的目标 be aimed at/to do 旨在做.38.使sb了解.keep sb informed of sth39.In the meanwhile/meantime (n.) at the same time=meanwhile=meantime(adv.)同时40.前者,后者the former,the latter prev

9、ious adj previously adv.41.to be frank=frankly speaking 坦白地说to be honest/to be sure/to be exact/to be brief/to tell the truth/ to concludeto make matters worse/to begin with/ to start with / to put it another way42.an expert in/on/at stress(expert n.) be expert in/on/at stress (expert adj.)43.in par

10、ticular=particularly be particular about 对.挑剔44.more often than not通常 多半45.make lots of mistakesmake friends/make faces/make money/make tea /make progress/ make itmake a foutune/make a noise/make a decision/make a differencemake a recoverymake a living/make fun of/make a rule/make a poem/46.sit arou

11、nd and do nothing at allsit around doing nothing at all闲坐着无所事事47.to some extent(degree)/to a certain extent(degree)在某种程度上=in a way/in some way/in some sense extent 范围/面积48.for that reason/for various reasons49.graduate from Tising Hua in biologya graduate/ a volunteer/ a cook/ a judge50.wait for the

12、 exam results51.be/become/get increasingly popular with/among.52.set up/establish/found/launch a charity organization 创建一个慈善组织53.a thought flash through ones mind in a flash=in a moment=instantly54.be full of laughter 充满着.be filled with+tears/hope/life/confidence/fear/anger/joy/wonder/sadness55.in p

13、osition(place)/out of position(place )就位到位 在适当位置56.with an eager heart /with confidence /with the aim/purpose of57.treat sb/sth as.like.对待.像.,把.看作.treat sb to . 请某人吃.款待某人. treat sb for.with.用.治.58.be eager for. be eager to do. be eager that.59.every two days=every other day=every second day 每两天/每隔一天

14、60.sort out 整理,挑出 all sorts of/a wide range of/a variety of/varieties of/she was sort of/kind of stressed. 有点儿61.Besides doing all my schoolwork,.(课本p8) Besides teaching.(p15)prep.除了.(还有)=in addition to/as well as/apart from/aside fromBesides ,she was eager to seek professional advice.adv.此外62.much

15、smaller than he had expectedmore challenging than he had thought63.live up to ones hopes/expectactions/name/reputation/promise/standard64.apply oneself to doing apply ones mind to doing 专心致志做某事65.be /feel ready to do be /feel ready for66.be attractive to 对.有吸引力 a tourist attraction 一个旅游景点what attrac

16、ted sb most is that 最吸引人的是.67.within ones power力所能及 权限之内 beyond ones power 超越权限be in power 执政(强调状态)come to power开始掌权/执政nuclear/wind/solar power 核/风/ 太阳能68.likewise同样地,类似地69.只跟doing做宾语的动词:70.admit/adviseallow/appreciate/avoid/consider/delay/deny/discuss dislike/enjoy/escape/excuse/fancy/finish/forbid

17、/forgive/imagine keep/mention/mind/miss/pardon/permit/practice/prevent/prohibitreport /risk/stop/suggest /stand /bear/put up with/be busy/ be worth71.形容词变副词规则:1.一般情况加ly suddenly previously differently2.以e结尾直接加ly entirely definitely unfortunately3.以le结尾去e加y possibly simply4.以y结尾变y为i加ly luckily health

18、ily5.特殊情况 wholewholly true-truly fully dully 72.at the moment 此刻,目前,眼下at this/that moment 此时/那时at the last moment 在紧要关头for a moment 一会儿(表一段时间)(for a while)for the moment暂时;目前(for the time being /for now目前,暂时)in a moment 立刻,马上 (at once/right away /straight away)the moment (that)/the minute/the instan

19、t .73.look forward to(doing sth)期待,盼望e up with 想出(计划、回答) come up.vi.被提出.75.crop up(问题)突然冒出来;(名字或话题)突然被提到 crop n庄稼76.be in the middle of(doing)sth正忙于做某事They were in the middle of dinner when I called.77.have trouble/difficulty(in)doing sth有麻烦做某事78.thanks to多亏,由于/owing to /as a result of /due to /beca

20、use of /as a consequence ofIn consequence of /on account of79.make a difference(to)有影响,有作用e across偶然遇见/发现(run into / meet with /knock into /bump into /encounter)81.have an effect/influence/impact on.对.有影响(affect/ impact)82.make/earn a/ones living 谋生bine.with.把.和.结合起来84.turn.into.把.变成.;使成为.turn teati

21、me into a social occasion 把用茶点的时间变成社交时间85.as a result 结果 辨析 as a result of.由于86.take a break 休息一会儿 coffee/lunch/tea break 用咖啡/午饭的休息时间87.wash down 配着食物喝(饮料)For lunch we had bread and cheese ,washed down with beer.我们午餐吃的是面包,喝的是啤酒。88.play an important part /role in .在.中起重要作用89.provide sth.for sb.= prov

22、ide sb.with sth.为某人提供某物同义短语offer sb.sth./offer sth.to sb.& supply sb.with sth./ supply sth.to sb.90.ride a horse 骑马 ride a bike /ride electric bicycles/motorbikes91.cut.off (from.)切断的去路(或来路),使与外界隔绝(1)剪(切,砍)下 He cut off some branches from the tree.从树上剪下了一些树枝。(2)(隔)断,阻碍 They were cut off for not payin

23、g their phone bill.(3)切断的去(来)路;使与外界隔绝Some city people think country life is lonely because youre cut off from the outside world.有些城市人认为因为你和外面的世界隔绝了,所以乡下的生活是孤独的。(4)打断(某人并阻止讲话)92.fine china 精美瓷器 blue and white china 青花瓷93.be likely to do sth.很可能做某事 It is likely that./It is possible /probable that(二)1.

24、保持健康的方法 ways to keep fit 2.do exercise/gymnastics 做运动/做体操 3.go walking/jogging/cycling/bowling/skateboarding 去散步/慢跑/骑自行车/打保龄球/玩滑板 4.去体育馆/跑道 go to the gym/the running track5.与朋友们一起做体育运动 play sports with friends 6.独自锻炼/有竞争性的锻炼/为了消遣而锻炼 exercise by oneself/competitively/for fun 7.健康状况非常好/不佳 in pretty go

25、od/bad shape8.吃健康均衡的饮食 have a healthy and balanced diet 9.cycle/walk to school 骑自行车/步行去学校10.在每个队伍中 on each team11.学习游戏规则 learn the rules of the game 12.为弱者加油 root for the underdog13.do jump shots on ones own 自己练习跳投 14.try out for sth 参加.选拔 15.make the team 入选团队 16.be on the bench 坐冷板凳、在替补席 17.当替补队员

26、be a replacement 18.对.严厉的/强硬的/无情的 be tough on sb 19.强烈渴望做某事 have a strong desire to do sth 20.猛撞,猛击 crash into 21.gather around 聚集 22.the last quarter 最后一节23.reply sharply 斩钉截铁的回答 24.冲上球场 rush onto the court25.on the team 在队伍中 关于运动和健康的短语:1,build up ones body 2,lower the risk of developing diseases 3

27、,strengthen the immune system 4,reduce stress and get over negative feelings 5,learn to focus on peace of mind 6,sleep better at night 7,work out a training plan and do the right amount 8,wear proper clothes to avoid injury 9,warm up and cool down properly before and after sports 10,have a healthy a

28、nd balanced diet26.achieve ones goal/aim/success达到某人的目标/获得成功(同accomplish/fulfill)(2)make a remarkable achievement in a sense of achievement/pride 成就感(3) set achievable goals27.ache for 渴望得到 (同long/thirst/wish for, ache/long to do ) aching adj 疼痛的.28.risk doing 冒险做某事at risk 有危险(同in danger)/at the ris

29、k of doing/ run the risk of doing/ take a risk /take a risk.29.Whats up怎么了? What for为什么? So what那又怎么样? How come怎么会呢?30.make an announcement发表声明 announce sth to sb/to sb that 向某人宣布某事(同explain/ suggest/mention),It be announced that 据宣布declare war on 宣战 declare sb/sth to be.31.cheer up cheer sb on 加油,c

30、heer for 喝彩 cheerful/enjoyable 快乐的burst into cheers32.in particular=particularly/especially be particular about 对某某挑剔eg Some students form bad eating habits such as skipping breakfast, being particular about food.33.turn/switch off 关闭 turn/switch on 打开 turn/hand in 上交 turn up 调大 出现 turn down 调小 拒绝 t

31、urn out 被证明是,结果是(同prove) eg Whether we need more food depends on how many people turn_.34.Make sure of / about /that务必 确信 弄明白 be sure of /about /to do for sure/certain 肯定地eg.Make sure that you arrive there on time.eg.He would do anything he could to make sure of her happiness.be fed up with/be tired

32、 of/be bored with/be sick of 对厌烦36.strengthen (c)长处,优势(u)力量,力气,意志力。(1)have the strength to do sth 有力量/意志做某事build up ones strength增强体力 strengths and weaknesses优势和劣势(2) strengthen ones immune system/friendship/body (vt.加强 巩固)37.be related to/be connected with/be associated with /be linked to/with38.de

33、feat /beat sb a narrow/heavy defeat 惜败 惨败 suffer defeat39.allow/permit/advise/forbid sb to do/doing. be forbidden to do40.draw up 起草,拟定41 hang in there 坚持下去42.other than 同except43.in defense of 保护保卫,辩护 defend/protect/from/against44.Fans lined the road to the finishing line, cheering on the competito

34、rs.45.Esteban threw his bike over his shoulders and raced towards the finishing line.46.The audience was amazed at his show of sportsmanship and cheered and clapped for the cyclists.47.Offering me the prize was worth more than what I did for him.48.This was sportsmanship at its very best.49.Childhoo

35、d is the perfect time to key in on the enjoyment of healthy physical activity.50.Martial arts are often referred to as either soft or hard.51.The Chinese migrants used to gather in a park to enjoy cultural activitiesone of which was kung fu.52.They adopted a training from a Chinese military manual c

36、alled Ji Xiao Xin Shu, written Chinese general, Qi Jiguang, who had himself defeated Japanese.53.Its great for beginners or people recovering from an injury because of its low impactthat means it wont hurt your joints.(三)1、attach great importance to 高度重视2、play a vital part in 在.中起重要作用3、make outstand

37、ing contributions to 对.做出杰出贡献4、serve the society 服务社会5、from my point of view 依我之见6、a wise choice 一个明智的选择7、support the opinion 支持这个观点8、oppose the opinion 反对这个观点9、the following three reasons 以下三个原因10、become more and more popular 变得越来越受欢迎11、take action 采取行动12、do nothing about 对.无能为力13、be full of heavy

38、traffic 交通拥挤14、speed limit 限速15、suit sb.适合某人16、improve our environment 改善我们的环境17、pick up my daughter from school 去学校接我的女儿18、have got to 不得不19、do the shopping 购物20、after that 在那之后21、keep sb.fit 保持某人健康22、regular exercise 定期的锻炼23、cut the risk of heart disease 降低患心脏病的风险24、up to 多达25、at least 至少26、a litt

39、le bit longer 更长一点27、so what 那又怎样28、what about.怎么样29、be kind to the environment环保30、get stuck in traffic jams遇上交通阻塞31、stressed out焦虑的32、compared to与.相比33、an average of平均34、make exercises找接口35、be addicted to对.上瘾36、ask sb.for advice about向某人征求关于.的建议37、go downtown去市区38、roadworks道路施工39、thanks to their e

40、fforts由于他们的努力40、restore their habitats恢复它们的栖息地41、immediately come to your mind 马上想到42、throughout history 纵观历史43、the Chinese character Fu 汉字“福”44、Dragon-Boat Festival 端午节45、the eighth lunar month 农历八月46、play with lanterns 玩灯笼47、adults sit together 大人们坐在一起48、have a barbecue 进行一次烧烤野餐49、to prepare snack

41、s 准备零食50、three readers accounts 三位读者的描述51、my host family 我的寄宿家庭52、sweep away the dirt of the past year 清除过去一年的积尘53、as train tickets or flights have to be booked 因为必须预订火车票或航班54、a bottle of wine 一瓶葡萄酒55、Shanxi accent 山西方言56、some of the original customs 一些原始习俗57、be invited to a wedding 受邀参加婚礼58、for tee

42、nagers 对于青少年来说59、listen for specific words like names, numbers or dates 听一些特定的单词,比如名字、数字或日期60、somehow adv. 不知怎的;不知为什么61、the North Pole 北极62、on the envelope 在信封上63、stuff the turkey 给火鸡填馅64、sit on my grannys lap 坐在奶奶的腿上65、hang most of the decorations on the branches把大部分装饰品挂在树枝上66、a plate of sugar bisc

43、uits 一盘糖饼干67、Granny whispered. 奶奶小声说。68、Merry Christmas. 圣诞快乐。69、roll a big snowball 滚了个大雪球70、but she just waved 但她只是挥了挥手71、a loud and exciting affair 一件喧闹又令人激动的事情(四)1、enable people to communicate better 促进人们更好地交流2、have a wide variety of forms and uses 用途广泛3、have an impact/influence/effect on 对有影响4、

44、develop new friendships 建立新的友谊5、download interesting and useful apps 下载有趣而实用应用程序6、get updated with the news 更新信息7、explore different personalities 探索不同的个性8、be aware/conscious of 意识到9、all day long/the whole(entire)day 一整天10、mass production批量生产/ automate production 自动化生产11、have access to 使用;接近;可利用12、in

45、 fancy clothes 衣着华丽13、express oneself freely 自由地表达自我14、create a digital identity 创造一个数字身份15、avoid online safety risks 避免网络安全风险16、a blog avatar 一个博客头像17、experiment with/on 拿 试验18、move around/about 四处走动19、say a lot about 充分表明20、type in sth 输入21、a wide selection of ready-made images 一系列现成的图片22、cause a

46、few concerns 引起担忧23、in virtual worlds 在虚拟世界24、in a more positive light 以更加积极的眼光,从更加积极的角度25、subscribe to 订阅; 支持,赞成26、be related to 与有关27、for short 简称;缩写28、figure out 想出;弄清29、set up 创建;建立30、hold on 稍等;抓牢31、do sb a favour 帮某人的忙32、be concerned with 关心 33、compare to 与相比34、in addition 除此以外35、on the basis of 以为基础36、focus on 关注37、stay in touch with 与保持联系38、point out 指出


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