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1、Starter unit 1- unit 3 复习资料一 单元重点词汇和句型1. 早上好_ 2. 下午好_ 3. 晚上好_4. 你好_ /_ 5. 你好么?_ 6. 她好么?_7. 他们好么?_ 8. 我很好_ 9. 她很好_10. 他们很好_ 11. 谢谢_/ _ 12. 用英语_13. 怎么拼写? _/_ 14. 一张地图_15. 一个紫色的杯子_16. 两支蓝色的钢笔_ 17. 三把黄色的直尺 _18. 一个橙色的橙子_ 19. 一件红色的夹克衫 _ 20. 一串钥匙 _21. 一床白色的被子_ 22. 两支绿色的铅笔_ 23. 一块棕色的橡皮_ 24. 我明白了_ 25. 我会说ABC

2、s _ 26. 它是什么颜色的?_二 单元重点知识梳理1. 按照正确的格式和笔画写出26个字母,区分元音字母和辅音字母(字母书写口诀: 大写一律上两格,小写有辫上两格,下面无尾中间格,唯有f, j占三格)(注意以下几个字母的规范笔画:E, H, K, N, R, U, Y, d, i, j, p, t)考查方法:在四线三个上写出26个字母并标出元音字母;字母笔画;字母占格2. 字母音素(根据读音来判读)3. 字母缩写:HB, CD, BBC, NBA, kg, S, M, L, UFO, CCTV4. 交际用语典型考题专练:1. 下列字母中全部是元音的是_. A. i, o, e B. a,

3、o, s C. g, j, I D. a, e, v2下面的单词含有与字母i 发音相同的单词是_.A. Hi B. in C. quilt D. evening3. 以下字母与字母Mm 含有相同音素的是_ A. Dd B. Aa C. Ll D. Hh4. How are you? - _A. How are you? B. Im OK. C. Thanks. D. Hello!5. -How is your mother? - _.A. She is my mother B. Yes, she is fine C. Shes fine D. Thank you6. -How _ your f

4、riend? - He is OK.A. are B. is C. am D. /7. -Whats this in English? - _A. Its a jacket B. Its a jacket C. This is a jacket D. This is jacket8. - Whats that? - Its _.A. my friend B. UFO C. ruler D. a pen9. - _ - Its a red jacket.A. What color is it? B. What that? C. Whats color is it? D. Whats that?1

5、0. What color are the pencils? - _.A. Its orange B. Its oranges C. Theyre oranges D. Theyre orange11. Spell your name, please. - _A. Excuse me. B. Not. C. Yes, I can. D. F-R-A-N-K.用a/an 填空:1. Is this _ English book? No, it is _ Chinese book.2. This is _ orange. That is _ apple.3. There is _ “f” in h

6、is name.4. I have _ eraser. Its _ white eraser.5. You lost _”h” in the word.以下是Helen 和Bob 的对话,根据上下文补全对话:A: Hello, Helen!B: _A: How are you?B: _A: Whats this in English?B: _ A: _B: R-U-L-E-RA: _B: Its yellow.Unit 1 知识点梳理一 单元重点词汇和句型1. 我的名字_ 2. 他的名字_ 3. 她的名字_ 4. 它的名字_ 5. 姓氏_/_ 6. 名字_7. 电话号码_ 8. 我的朋友_ 9

7、. 在中国_ 10. 第11中学_ 11. 你叫什么名字?_12. 我叫Alan. _/_/_.13. 他叫什么名字? _他叫Eric. _/_15. -你是Cindy 么? _- 是,我是_/不,我不是_16. -他是Jack么? _ -是,她是_/不,他不是_17. 很高兴见到你_ 18. 我叫张明明_二单元重点知识梳理1. 询问对方姓名的问句和回答。2. I am Helen=My name is Helen. (考查方法:同义句转换)3. 初次见面问候:Nice to meet you! 回答:Nice to meet you, too!4. be动词的用法5. 正确使用人称代词和形容

8、词性物主代词:典型考题专练:1. - Hello! _ Mary. - Hi! _ is Jim.A. I; Her B. My name; His C. Im; My name D. He; she2. This is _ mother, and _ name is Mary.A. her; his B. my; her C. your; his D. my; his3. Whats her name? -_.A. Her is Mary B. Its Mary C. Mary D. He is Mary4. -_? His name is John. A. Whats he name B.

9、 Whats her name C. Whats his name D. Whats your name?5. Are you Helen? - _. Im Mary.A. Yes, Im B. Yes, I am C. No, I not D. No, Im not.6. -_? - Its 568-6234.A. Whats your telephone number B. Is this your telephone number C. Whats this in English D. What color is it7. - Whats four and five? - Its _.A

10、. six B. seven C. eight. D. nine8. Bill Blacks family name is_.A. Black B. Bill C. Bruce D. Brown9. She is Kate Green. Her _ is Kate.A. the last name B. the first name C. first name D. last name10. His name is _.A. Wang Jian Guo B. wang jianguo C. Wang Jianguo D. Wangjianguo词语替换:1. His name is Jack

11、Brown. Brown is his family name.A. first name B. last name C. middle name D. the first name2. Shes Jane.A. Her names B. My names C. His names D. She names3. Her telephone number is 232-4672.A. QQ B. phone C. ID D. car4. Tom lost his pen, and he is in the blues today.A. 穿着蓝色的衣服 B. 高兴 C. 闷闷不乐 D. 不在乎用所

12、给词的适当形式填空:1. Hello, _(I) name is Jack. Nice _(meet) you!2. _(she) book is blue and _ (you) book is green.3. - _ (are) you Helen? - Yes, I _(be).4. My _(one) name is Betty.5. Two and Two _(be) four.句型转换:1. He is Mike.(对划线部分提问) Whats _ _ ?2. Her name is Kate Green. (改为同义句) _ _ Jim Green.3. His last na

13、me is Smith.(对划线部分提问) Whats _ _?4. It is a white pen. (对划线部分提问) _ this in _?Unit 2 This is my sister.知识点一 单元重点词汇和句型1. 我的妈妈_ 2. 我的爸爸_ 3. 他的姐姐_4. 她的哥哥_ 5. 他的爷爷_ 6. 她的奶奶_7. 一个叔叔 _ 8. 一个阿姨_ 9. 两个表兄_10. 三个好朋友_ 11. 一张全家福_12. 过得愉快_ 13. 在下一张照片中_14. 我的父母都是老师。 _15. 我的爷爷奶奶也在照片里。_16. 她的女儿有一只小狗。它的名字叫Coco._17. 这是

14、我的家庭。_18. 这些是我的哥哥。_19. 他们是我的堂兄。 _20. 他是谁? _ 21. 你是谁?_ 22. 他们是谁?_二 单元重点知识梳理1. 初次见面介绍他人交际用语:2. 名词复数:3. 询问某人的身份的交际用语4. 问句中用this、that来提问,回答一律用it; 用these/those 来提问,一律用they回答典型考题专练:1- Jim, _ is Sally. _ is my good friend. - Nice to meet you, Sally.A. he; This B. this; She C. it; She D. she; This2. -Is thi

15、s your sister? - _. She is my aunt.A. Yes, she is B. No, she isnt C. Yes, it is D. No, it isnt3. Are those your family _.A. photo B. a photo C. photos D. the photo4. _ are my sisters.A. That B. This C. These D. It5. I have _ aunt. Her name is Linda.A. a B. an C. the D. /6. Jim Green is my uncle. We

16、call(称呼) him _.A. Uncle Green B. Green Uncle C. Uncle Jim D. Jim Uncle7. This a photo _ my family.A. at B. in C. of D. for8. Here _ five photos.A. is B. am C. are D. be9. -Are _ your _? - Yes, they are.A. this; cousin B. these; grandparent C. that; parents D. those; daughters10. - _? - She is my aun

17、t.A. Is she your aunt? B. Whats she C. Hows she D. Whos she词语替换:1. Kate, this is a photo of my family.A. phone B. name C. picture D. friend2. Jims parents are in China.A. brother and sister B. father and mother C. father or mother D. uncle and aunt3. He is my fathers brother.A. uncle B. aunt C. cous

18、in D. friend4. Have a good day! - You, too.A. Nice to meet you, too B. I have a good day, too C. You have a good day, too D. Thank you!用所给词的适当形式填空:1. _ (this) are your_(orange).2. Is _(he) your brother?3. My grandpa and grandma _(be) in the _(one) photo.4. These are my brothers family _(photo).5. Ar

19、e they your cousins? - No, they _(be). _(he) are my good _(friend).句型转换:1. Thats my sister.(对划线句子提问) _ is _?2. That is my parent.(改为复数句) _3. This is my family photo.(同义句改写) This is a _ _ my famly.4. These are his grandparents.(改为一般疑问句) _5. Are these your sisters? (做肯定回答) _Unit 3 Is this your pencil?

20、知识点一 单元重点词汇和句型1. 一支黑色的铅笔 _ 2. 5本书_ 3. 4个盒子_4. 她的铅笔盒_ 5. Lucy 的书包_ 6. 2本字典_7. 一个英语老师_ 8. 劳驾, 打扰一下_ 9. 6块手表_10. 我哥哥的棒球_ 11. 电脑游戏_ 12. 学校图书馆_13. 一张学生卡_ 14. 一枚戒指_ 15. 在教室里_16. 一些棕色的笔记本 _ 17. 你怎么样?_18. 感谢你的帮助_19. 别客气_20. 请求_ 21. 这个书包是你的么? _22. 这些铅笔是你的么? _23. 这些书不是我的,这些书是她的。_24. 这件红色的夹克衫不是他的。 他的是绿色的。 _25.

21、 Tom 的手表是黑色的。 他哥哥的是蓝色的。 _26. 打654-321这个电话找我。_27. 我的字典丢了。我一定要找到他。_二,单元重点知识梳理1. 含有be动词的一般疑问句2. 形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词3. 名词所有格典型考题专练:1. -Whats this in _ English? - Its _ eraser.A. /; / B. /; an C. an; an D. an; /2. - Is this her ruler? - Yes,_. Its _.A. it is; hers B. its; hers C. it is; her D. this is; hers

22、3. These _ arent _. Theyre my brothers.A. pen; mine B. pens; mine C. pen; my D. pens; my4. Is this _ green pencil box? - No, it isnt. The blue pencil box is _.A. he; his B. he; he C. his; he D. his; his5. Is this _ schoolbag? A. he B. his C. you D. hers6. The set _ keys are mine. Thanks _ your help.

23、A. for; for B. of; of C. for; of D. of; for7. - This book is mine. _ that book? - Its Lindas.A. Whats B. What about C. Hows D. Is8. - _ do you spell “ruler”? - R-U-L-E-R, ruler.A. How B. What C. Whats D. Hows9. Please call me _ 3126587.A. in B. at C. for D. on10. -Your watch is very nice. - _.A. Tha

24、nk you B. Sorry C. No, it isnt D. OK词语替换:1. You can call me at 678-435.A. e-mail B. ask C. telephone D. say2. My notebook is blue. What about yours?A. How about B. And you C. Whats D. What are3.Is that your baseball, Lily? - Yes, its mine.A. my pen B. my baseball C. my D. me4. Thank you for your hel

25、p.A. Ask for B. Thanks for C. Thanks D. Look for 用所给词的适当形式填空:1. That white watch is _(I).2. You must _(ask) teachers for help.3. Here _(be) some _(dictionary).4. Those are _(they) notebooks. _(it) are not _(her).5. _(be) these rulers _(you)?6. This is _(Jack)family photo.7. Excuse _(I), are you Mr. Wang?句型转换:This is your English dictionary.复数句: 一般疑问句(肯定和否定回答):否定句: 同义句:


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