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1、话题十宇宙探索对应教材Book 3Unit 4Astronomy: the science of the stars(一)核心素养下的话题解读“宇宙探索”是高中课程标准中“人与自然”主题语境内容要求之一,该内容包括“人类生存、社会发展与环境的关系;自然科学研究成果;地球与宇宙奥秘探索”等方面。这些话题为学生打开了一个了解宇宙的窗口。高考英语通过这些话题让学生认识宇宙、了解宇宙,从而培养学生对宇宙探索的好奇心和欲望。高考探究“宇宙探索”这个话题在近几年高考中并无涉及。(二)构建思维导图,提升思维品质图Book 3Unit 4Astronomy: the science of the stars(

2、三)根据思维导图,完成概要写作图:概要写作No one knows exactly how the earth began. According to a widely accepted theory, the universe began with a “Big Bang”. The earth exploded loudly and produced water vapor and other gases, making the earths atmosphere. As the earth cooled down, water appeared and stayed on the sur

3、face. It was the presence of water that allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas, which made it possible for life to develop. First, the appearance of small plants encouraged the development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish. Next, green plants began to g

4、row on land, which were followed by land animals. So reptiles appeared for the first time. Later, dinosaurs developed. However, they suddenly disappeared. After that, mammals came into being. Finally, humans appeared and spread all over the earth. However, they are putting too much carbon dioxide in

5、to the atmosphere, making the earth too hot to live on. So, whether life will continue on the earth will depend on whether this problem can be solved.1Last week, a lecture about the total lunar eclipse was delivered by Prof. Zhang, attracting a lot of astronomical enthusiasts to attend.上周张教授做了关于月全食的

6、讲座,吸引了许多天文爱好者参加。2A lecture about astronomy was delivered last week by our teacher, which appealed to lots of teachers and students to attend. 上周我们的老师做了一个关于天文学的讲座,吸引了很多老师和学生参加。3To help you have a better understanding of universe, Student Union will organize a lecture related to it.为了帮助你们对宇宙有更进一步的了解,学

7、生会将组织一次相关讲座。4To make sure you have a better idea about astronomy, Student Union will organize a competition about the related knowledge.为了保证你对天文学有更进一步的了解,学生会将组织相关知识大赛。自主排查 夯基固本核心单词(1)system (n.) 系统;体系;制度(2)theory (n.) 学说;理论theoretical (adj.) 理论上的(3)violent (adj.) 猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的violence (n.) 暴力violently

8、 (adv.) 猛烈地(4)unlike (prep.) 与不同;不像like (反义词) (prep.& v) 像;喜欢dislike (v.& n) 不喜欢(5)harmful (adj.) 有害的harm (n.) 害处 (vt.) 对有害(6)exist (vi.) 存在;生存existence (n.) 存在(7)puzzle (vt.& vi.) (使)迷惑; (使)为难 (n.) 谜;难题puzzled (adj.) 迷惑不解的(8)pull (n.& vt.) 拉(力);拖;牵引力阅读单词(1)religion (n.) 宗教;宗教信仰(2)billion (pron.& n&

9、 adj.) 英万亿;美十亿(3)globe (n.) 球体;地球仪;地球(4)atmosphere (n.) 大气层;气氛(5)fundamental (adj.) 基本的;基础的(6)chain (n.) 链子;连锁;锁链(7)multiply (vi.& vt.) 乘;增加(8)thus (adv.) 因此;于是(9)biology (n.) 生物学(10)gravity (n.) 万有引力;重力(11)gentle (adj.) 温和的;文雅的(12)climate (n.) 气候(13)crash (vi.& vt.) 碰撞;坠落(14)float (vt.& vi.) (使)浮动

10、(n.) 漂浮物单句语法填空1Harvard University takes in any outstanding student regardless of _ (religious), colour or background.答案:religion2Water _ (exist) in three forms, which are liquid, gas and solid.答案:exists3Some experts think reading is the _ (fundament) skill upon which school education depends.答案:fund

11、amental4Fruit juice can be _ (harm) to childrens teeth.答案:harmful5There is a lot of rubbish _ (float) on the surface of the river.答案:floating6What makes me _ (puzzle) is why he left the country without telling anyone.答案:puzzled7They have the chance to build an outwardlooking Europe that lives up to

12、its _ (globe) responsibilities.答案:global8She got interested in plants and decided to be a _ (biology)答案:biologist9The volcano erupted _ (violent), yet the village at the foot of it survived.答案:violently10The man took the little boy _ (gentle) in his hand and put him up into the tree.答案:gently联想积累1“太

13、空”单词集锦astronomer n. 天文学家astronomy n. 天文学astronaut n. 宇航员 satellite n. 卫星orbit n. 轨道 universe n. 宇宙gravity n. 重力;引力 spaceship n. 宇宙飞船planet n. 行星2“碰、撞”家族hit v. 碰撞;打击 crash v. 碰撞;坠落bump n& v. 撞;碰撞(声)collide v. 碰撞;相撞collision n. 撞击;碰撞 run into 撞上1in_time 及时;终于;迟早2lay_eggs 下蛋3give_birth_to 产生;分娩4in_ones

14、_turn 轮到某人5prevent . from 阻止;制止6block_out 挡住(光线)7cheer up 感到高兴;感到振奋8now that 既然9get the hang of 熟悉;掌握;理解10break out 突发;爆发11watch out for 密切注意;当心;提防选词填空prevent . from, watch out for, now that, in time, break out, cheer up1He climbed the mountain carefully, all the time _ loose rocks.答案:watching out f

15、or2Doctors say many diseases can be _ spreading by hand washing.答案:prevented from3Shes enjoying the job _ shes got more responsibility.答案:now that4She started as an office junior, and _ became the director of the whole company.答案:in time5Does everyone know what to do if a fire _?答案:breaks out6Whenev

16、er I encounter difficulties, she will encourage me and help me _.答案:cheer up联想积累1动词out短语大全burst out 大声喊叫;突然(哭,笑)起来go out 外出;不再流行;(灯)熄灭put out 熄灭;扑灭;生产come out 出来;出版help out 帮助解决难题(摆脱困境)look out 留神;注意watch out 注意;提防find out 找出;查明break out 突发;爆发give out 分发;耗尽,用光,发出(光、热等)work out 计划,思考;计算出;锻炼身体run out

17、用光;耗尽make out 理解;辨认出carry out 实行;实施figure out 理解;弄清楚2birth用法小结give birth to 分娩;出现;产生at birth 在出生时by birth 在血统上from birth 自出生以来3“动词 . from”表“阻止;禁止”短语prevent sb. from doing sth.discourage sb. from doing sth.stop sb. from doing sth.ban sb. from doing sth.keep sb. from doing sth.课文原句句式梳理仿写训练1.But when I

18、 tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.而当我试着向前迈步时,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。倍数的常用表示法:以twice为例,A is twice as big as B “A是B的两倍大”;A is twice bigger than B “A比B大一倍”;A is twice the size of B “A的尺寸是B的两倍大”。三倍以上用“基数词 times”。You devoted _ as you did be

19、fore, so I believe you will succeed this time.你付出的是以前的时间和精力的三倍,所以我相信你这次能成功。2.“Oh, dear,”I cried, “walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.”“天哪,”我大声说,“重力改变了,看来走路也的确需要练一练了。”now that“既然,因为”,引导原因状语从句。_ you apply for being the volunteer, you should take on your responsibility. 既然

20、你申请当志愿者,就要承担起责任。答案:1.three times as much time and energy2.Now that直击重点 突破考点harmfuladj. 有害的(P26)(1)单句语法填空Its important to protect your skin from the _ (harm) effects of the sun.As we all know, a bad eating habit does harm _ ones health.答案:harmfulto(2)单句写作He may not be able to help but _ asking him.他可

21、能帮不了忙,但是求他一下倒也无妨。答案:there is no harm in(1)be harmful to 对有害(2)harm n& vt. 伤害;损害do harm to sb.do sb. harm 伤害某人mean no harm to . 对没有恶意There is no harm in doing . 不妨做existvi. 生存;存在(P26)(1)单句语法填空Some species exist _ this small area of forest and nowhere else on the earth.As is known to us, the Peoples R

22、epublic of China came into _ (exist) as an independent country in 1949.The service is available to all _ (exist) customers.答案:inexistenceexisting(2)单句改错There exists different operas in China, such as Yue Opera, Yu Opera, Kunqu Opera, Huangmei Opera, etc._答案:existsexist(1)exist in 存在于之中exist on 靠而生存T

23、here exist(s)/existed . 某地有;存在(2)existence n. 存在;生存come into existence 产生;成立;开始存在(3)existing adj. 现存的;正在使用的puzzlen. 谜;难题vt.& vi. (使)迷惑;(使)为难(P27)(1)单句语法填空Why Lily makes the sachets (香囊) so beautifully is _ puzzle to me.Im not puzzled _ why many foreigners are so interested in Chinese kung fu.Her _ (

24、puzzle) look on her face suggested she didnt understand what I said.答案:aabout/overpuzzled(2)单句改错The reporters as well as some critics remained puzzling by the election results._答案:puzzlingpuzzled(1)puzzle about/over 冥思苦想;苦苦思索(2)a puzzle to sb. 一件让某人感到困惑的事情(3)puzzling adj. 令人迷惑的puzzled adj. 迷惑不解的;困惑的

25、pulln& vt. (拉)力;拖;牵引力(P30)单句写作The boss employed ten workers to _ the old house.老板雇用了十个工人拆除那座旧房子。They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to _.他们说手术很成功,预计他妻子能恢复健康。He _ in front of the gates.他把车停在门前。答案:pull downpull throughpulled uppull away (车辆等)驶离;开走pull in (车辆等)进站;驶向路边

26、停下pull down 拆除pull out 拔出;驶出pull through 恢复健康pull up (使)停车in time 及时;终于(P25)单句写作As the proverb goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Our efforts will pay off _.常言道,“有志者,事竟成”,我们的努力迟早会有所回报。Youd better do one thing _, so that you can concentrate on it.你最好一次做一件事,这样你就能集中注意力。_ did anyone involved

27、 speak to the press.任何相关人员都没有向媒体发表过言论。Well be able to finish repairing your car _.我们很快就能把你的车修好。答案:in timeat a timeAt no timein no time(1)in time for . 刚好赶上in time to do sth. 及时做某事(2)in no time 立刻;马上at no time 决不(放在句首时,句子用部分倒装)at a time 每次;一次at one time 曾经;一度at the same time 同时;然而from time to time有时;

28、偶尔(3)take ones time 别着急;慢慢来kill time 消磨时光in ones turn 轮到某人(P26)(1)单句语法填空Now the young parents have to take turns _ (look) after their sick baby.答案:to look(2)单句写作Theory is based on practice and _ serves practice.理论以实践为基础,相应地又服务于实践。This week _ raise the national flag and deliver a speech at the flagra

29、ising ceremony in our school.本周轮到我们在学校升旗仪式上升国旗并发言。答案:in turnit is our turn toin turn 依次地;相应地by turns 轮流地;交替地take turns to do . 轮流做Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事了break out 突发;爆发(P31)单句写作At last the firefighters put out the fire in the supermarket, which _ at ten this morning.最终消防员们扑灭了今早十点超市发生的大火。Mo

30、re healthy food, or your body will _ sooner or later.多吃健康食品,不然你的身体迟早会垮掉。He _ the guard and rushed into the hall.他挣脱了警卫,冲进了大厅。答案:broke outbreak downbroke away frombreak away (from) 摆脱;脱离break in 闯入;打断break into 破门而入break off 断开;中断break through 突破;克服;战胜break up 粉碎;解散;(关系)破裂;结束;放假break down (机器)出故障;(身体

31、)垮掉;(谈判等)失败;(化学)分解教材原句The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.(P25)地球变得激烈动荡,不知道这个固体形状是否会继续存在下去。(1)单句语法填空_ we will go outing or not depends on the weather.It is obvious to the students _ they should get well prepared for their future.Exactly _ the potato

32、was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it was probably around 1565.I think _ impresses me about his painting most is the colours he uses.答案:Whetherthatwhenwhat(2)单句改错Whomever is responsible for this project will be punished._答案:WhomeverWhoever(1)本句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是whether the shape would last or

33、 not。(2)在复合句中起主语作用的从句称为主语从句(Subject Clause)。引导主语从句的连接词主要有三类:a连词that, whether等;b连接代词what, who, whose, whatever, whichever, whoever等;c连接副词when, where, why, how, whenever, however, wherever等。常用it作形式上的主语由于主语从句太长,为了避免头重脚轻,常常用it作形式主语,而把主语从句放在句末。比较常见的句型有:aItbe形容词(important, likely, possible, clear等)主语从句;bI

34、tbe名词(secret/idea/mystery/pity/pleasure/wonder等)主语从句;cItbe过去分词(known/said/reported/suggested等)主语从句;dIt特殊动词(appear/seem/happen/matter等)主语从句。教材原句This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop.(P26)这就产生了一系列的反应,使得生命就有可能开始发展了。(1)单句语法填空The sun gives off light and warmth, which

35、makes _ possible for plants to grow.They were made _ (work) day and night in the past.While we should provide “safe spaces” within colleges, we must also make it safe _ (express) opinions and challenge majority views.As busy people, we are always looking for ways to save time and make our lives _ (e

36、asy)答案:itto workto expresseasier(2)单句改错They want to make clear to the public that they do an important and necessary job._答案:make后加it(1)本从句是“make it形容词/名词for sb./sth.to do sth.”句型。其中it为形式宾语,指代后面的不定式结构。(2)make复合宾语的结构makeit形容词/名词不定式/从句make宾语宾语补足语 find, feel, think, leave等动词也有这样的用法。课文回练 升华运用No one _1_

37、(know) exactly how the earth began. According to a _2_ (wide) accepted theory, the universe began with a “Big Bang”. The earth _3_ (explode) loudly and produced water vapour and other _4_ (gas) making the earths atmosphere. As the earth cooled down, water appeared and stayed _5_ the surface. It was

38、the presence of water that allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas, which made _6_ possible for life to develop. First, the appearance of small plants encouraged the later development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish. Next, green plants began to grow on

39、 land, _7_ (follow) by land animals. So reptiles appeared for the first time. Later, dinosaurs developed. However, they suddenly disappeared. After that, mammals came into being. Finally, humans _8_ (appear) and spread all over the earth. However, they are putting too much carbon dioxide into the at

40、mosphere, _9_ (make) the earth too hot to live on. So, _10_ life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.1_2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._答案:1.knows2.widely3.exploded4.gases5.on6.it7.followed8.appeared9.making10.whether基础达标 自主训练.单句语法填空1

41、Every year, _ makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.答案:whoeverwhoever “无论谁”,表泛指,在句中作主语,相当于anyone who。2My relationship with the actors is fundamental _ my work as a director.答案:tobe fundamental to . “是的基础”。3I can say that it is the _ (violence) film that I have ever seen

42、.答案:most violent由“that I have ever seen”可知,此处应用形容词最高级。4His last paintings are perhaps the most _ (puzzle), which even the artists cant make sense of.答案:puzzling此处形容词puzzling “令人困惑的”作表语,描述主语paintings的本质特征。5There _ (exist) a good way to solve the problem in geography.答案:existsThere exists . “存在;有”。6As

43、 secondhand smoking is _ (harm) and dangerous, people want a total ban against smoking in public.答案:harmful此处形容词harmful “有害的”作表语。7She bought a heavy curtain _ (block) out the light.答案:to block此处动词不定式短语to block out作目的状语。8Though injured seriously, he tried to cheer _, hoping to make his parents less worried.答案:upcheer up “(使)感到高兴,(使)振作起来”。9Measures have been taken to


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