1、Ode to the West WindIf Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?-如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?.Percy Bysshe Shelley西风颂是雪莱“三大颂”诗歌中的一首,写于1819年。这首诗是诗人“骄傲、轻捷而不驯的灵魂”的自白,是时代精神的写照。诗共分5节,每节的韵脚安排是:aba,bcb,cdc,ded,ee。Major Literary Works无神论的必然 The Necessity of Atheism(1811)麦布女王 Queen Mab:A Philosophical Poem(1813
2、):his first long serious work emphasizing how the“Spirit of Nature”西风颂 Ode to the West Wind(1819):best of his well-known lyric poemsMajor Literary Works伊斯兰的反叛 The Revolt of Islam(1818):a long narrative in Spenserian stanza,proclaiming a bloodless revolution and the regeneration(新生)of man by love解放的普
3、罗米修斯 Prometheus Unbound(1819):4-act poetic drama;derived from Greek mythology;“the most perfect of my product”致云雀(To A Skylark,1820)Major Features of Shelleys PoetryRich in myth,symbols and classical allusions,especially in describing fire,air,water,wind and earth;Strong dramatic power as shown in t
4、he rapidity of his lines;Style abounds in personification and metaphor and other figures of speech.His Position in English HistoryOne of the leading romantic poets,an intense and original lyrical poet in the English language;As far as his lyric poems are concerned,he is regarded as one of the greate
5、st of all English poets.Historical BackgroundEvent Time:August 16,1819Location:The Slaughter of St.Peters.Manchester(彼得卢事件,曼彻斯特)Two party:Englands nobility&working-class citizens Relative words:Economic problems(经济问题)French Revolution(法国大革命)Established order(既定规章制度)Parliamentary reform&laws redesign
6、ed (重整国会&重订法律条文)Result:11 killed&500 injured(11死,500伤).全诗共5节,可分为两个部分1.Part 1(1-3):写西风扫落叶,播种子,驱散乱云,放释雷雨,把地中海从夏天的沉睡中吹醒,让大西洋涂上庄严秋色。这一部分是对西风的赞歌。2.Prat 2(4-5):诗人将自己写入诗歌,同西风合为一体,把主观感情与自然景物融合在一起。表现诗人投入革命风暴的强烈愿望,也展示了对光明前景的热切期望,充满对光明未来的坚定信念。王佐良译本王佐良译本 第一节第一节 啊,狂野的西风,你把秋气猛吹,不露脸便将落叶一扫而空,犹如法师赶走了群鬼,赶走那黄绿红黑紫的一群,那
7、些染上了瘟疫的魔怪 呵,你让种子长翅腾空,又落在冰冷的土壤里深埋,象尸体躺在坟墓,但一朝 你那青色的东风妹妹回来,为沉睡的大地吹响银号,驱使羊群般蓓蕾把大气猛喝,就吹出遍野嫩色,处处香飘。狂野的精灵!你吹遍了大地山河,破坏者,保护者,听吧听我的歌!第二节第二节 你激荡长空,乱云飞坠 如落叶;你摇撼天和海,不许它们象老树缠在一堆;你把雨和电赶了下来,只见蓝空上你驰骋之处 忽有万丈金发披开,象是酒神的女祭司勃然大怒,愣把她的长发遮住了半个天,将暴风雨的来临宣布。你唱着挽歌送别残年,今夜这天空宛如圆形的大墓,罩住了混浊的云雾一片,却挡不住电火和冰雹的突破,更有黑雨倾盆而下!呵,听我的歌!第三节第三节
8、 你惊扰了地中海的夏日梦,它在清澈的碧水里静躺,听着波浪的催眠曲,睡意正浓,朦胧里它看见南国港外石岛旁,烈日下古老的宫殿和楼台 把影子投在海水里晃荡,它们的墙上长满花朵和藓苔,那香气光想想也叫人醉倒!你的来临叫大西洋也惊骇,它忙把海水劈成两半,为你开道,海地下有琼枝玉树安卧,尽管深潜万丈,一听你的怒号 就闻声而变色,只见一个个 战栗,畏缩呵,听我的歌!第四节第四节 如果我能是一片落叶随你飘腾,如果我能是一朵流云伴你飞行,或是一个浪头在你的威力下翻滚,如果我能有你的锐势和冲劲,即使比不上你那不羁的奔放,但只要能拾回我当年的童心,我就能陪着你遨游天上,那时候追上你未必是梦呓,又何至沦落到这等颓丧,
9、祈求你来救我之急!呵,卷走我吧,象卷落叶,波浪,流云!我跌在人生的刺树上,我血流遍体!岁月沉重如铁链,压着的灵魂 原本同你一样,高傲,飘逸,不驯。第五节第五节 让我做你的竖琴吧,就同森林一般,纵然我们都落叶纷纷,又有何妨!我们身上的秋色斑烂,好给你那狂飚曲添上深沉的回响,甜美而带苍凉。给我你迅猛的劲头!豪迈的精灵,化成我吧,借你的锋芒,把我的腐朽思想扫出宇宙,扫走了枯叶好把新生来激发;凭着我这诗韵做符咒,犹如从未灭的炉头吹出火花,把我的话散布在人群之中!对那沉睡的大地,拿我的嘴当喇叭,吹响一个预言!呵,西风,如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?.Ode:an elaborately formal ly
10、ric poem,often in the form of a lengthy ceremonious address to a person or abstract entity,always serious and elevated in tone.自由颂(Ode To Liberty,1820)西风颂(Ode To The West Wind,1819)O wild West Wind,thou breath of Autumns being,The West Wind is a manifestation of spiritual or supernatural energy,asso
11、ciated with breath,respiration and inspiration,with pneuma and anima,the Holy Ghost or Spirit,the spirit of life itself.This is important in a stanza which contains so many references and allusions to death and decay,reaffirming the energy and vitality of the west wind.Wild Spirit,which art moving e
12、verywhere;Destroyer and preserver;hear,O hear!The Wind possesses these two attributes,coupled also with its role as Creator.In Hindu mythology the three principal gods are Siva(Destroyer),Brahma(Creator)and Vishnu(Preserver),and it is significant that Shelleys poem invokes all three gods as manifest
13、ed in the one abstract force of(or within or behind)the West Wind.The phrase neatly expresses the ambivalent attitude which Shelley feels towards the Wind.If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear;If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee;A wave to pant beneath thy power,and shareAt this point there i
14、s a break in the poem,a radical shift of argument and a pulling together.Shelley likes himself,hypothetically,to a leaf,a cloud and a wave,subject to the force of the West Wind,and asks to be borne aloft with it:he may be talking about inspiration or enthusiasm,both words which are derived from the
15、sense of being filled with air,inflated,rising above experience and age.The trumpet of a prophecy!O,Wind,If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?There is a conscious echo here back to the clarion call of stanza 1:there the call was associated with Spring,and there are similar suggestions here of th
16、e proclamation of a new era in human society,preceded by the apocalyptic energy symbolized by the West Wind.The poem ends it with a question,which might appear rhetorical,but is more probably intended to indicate Shelleys own uncertainty.V.Image analysis*The poem1.The first three stanzas:Destroyer a
17、nd Preserver2.The last two stanzas:Companion in the Revolution1.Forceful&dynamic effects as”destroyer and preserver”2.Asking for its power to lift him and express the emotion of companion with the wind in the“revolution”.Image analysis*Thou,from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven,like
18、ghosts from an enchanter fleeing你无形,但枯死的你无形,但枯死的落落叶叶被你被你横扫横扫,有如有如鬼魅鬼魅碰到了巫师,碰到了巫师,纷纷逃避纷纷逃避 Stanza 1Destroyer-破坏者破坏者Stanza 1Preserver-保护者保护者O thou,Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed The winged seeds,where they lie cold and low,Each like a corpse within its grave,until Thine azure sister of the Sp
19、ring shall blow 以车驾把以车驾把有翼的种子有翼的种子催送到催送到 黑暗的冬床上,黑暗的冬床上,它们就躺在那里,它们就躺在那里,像是墓中的死穴,像是墓中的死穴,冰冷,深藏,低贱冰冷,深藏,低贱,直等到春天,你直等到春天,你碧空碧空的姊妹吹起的姊妹吹起 Image analysis*Image analysis*Of vapours,from whose solid atmosphere Black rain,and fire,and hail will burst:oh hear!Stanza 2那是你的浑然之气,从它那是你的浑然之气,从它会迸涌会迸涌 黑色的雨,冰雹和火焰黑色的
20、雨,冰雹和火焰:哦,你听哦,你听!The must and the coming of a revolutionStanza 3The inevitability for the old world to be replacedThy voice,and suddenly grow gray with fear,And tremble and despoil themselves:oh hear!听到你的声音,它们已听到你的声音,它们已吓得发青吓得发青:一边一边颤栗颤栗,一边,一边自动萎缩自动萎缩:哦,你听:哦,你听 Image analysis*Stanza 4Emotion:willing
21、 to be the revolutions companionOh,lift me as a wave,a leaf,a cloud!I fall upon the thorns of life!I bleed!A heavy weight of hours has chaind and bowd One too like thee:tameless,and swift,and proud.Image analysis*Image analysis*Make me thy lyre,even as the forest is:What if my leaves are falling lik
22、e its own Stanza 5Determined to devote his whole life to the career.Theme of the work*1.“Ask”the wild west wind,a“destroyer and preserver,”to hear him.2.The poet is like the wind at heart,untamable and proudwant to drives“dead thoughts”like“withered leaves”over the universe.3.Here the spring season is a metaphor for a“spring”of human consciousness,liberty.Shelley asks the wind to be his spirit,and in the same movement he makes it.