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1、Unit 2 RobotsSection I Warming up and Reading导学案一、课前预习 I. 词义配对1. desire A. liking; goodwill; approval2. bonus B. unreasonable; not sensible3. alarm C. walk or travel with sb as a companion or helper4. sympathy D. formly announce; make known clearly5. elegant E. feeling of discontent caused by sb els

2、es good fortune of success6. favor F. tasteful and stylish in appearance or manner7. absurd G. sharing the feelings of others; feeling of pity and sorrow8. accompany H. to make people very worried about a possible danger9. declare I. money added to someones wages, especially as a reward for good wor

3、k10. envy J. to want or hope for something very muchII重点短语1. 独立思考 _2. 试验;考验 _3. 更准确地说 _4. 伸出某人的手 _5. 给打电话 _6. 转向;回转 _7. 毕竟 _8. 不管;别惹; _9. 把带走 _10. 爱上某人或某物 _III重点句型 1. Do you think _ _ _ _ a robot to _ _ itself?你认为机器人独立思考是可能的吗?2. His name was Tony and he seemed _ _ a human _ a machine.机器人名叫托尼,看上去更像一个

4、人,而不像台机器。3. Claire thought _ _ _ _ be offered sympathy by a robot.克莱尔觉得,机器人会向她表示同情,这有点荒唐可笑。4. _ _ _ Tony _ _ help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant.作为善意,托尼答应帮她,使她变得漂亮,使她的家变得高雅大方。5. By the_ and _ look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was _ _ _.从格拉迪斯脸上的的那种有趣而又惊奇的神色来

5、看,克莱尔知道,格拉迪斯认为她有风流韵事了。6. By that time, Tony expected the house _ _ _ _ .托尼想在此之前将房子改装得焕然一新。7. _ _ _ _ Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window.就是在那个时候,克莱尔意识到托尼已经把前边窗户的窗帘拉开了。8. Just before they left, Claire heard Gladys _ _ another woman that she had never seen anyone _ _

6、_ Tony.就在他们离开之前, 克莱尔听到格拉迪斯跟另外一个女人小声地说,她从来没有见过像托尼这样英俊的男人。9. But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt you _ _ _ _ _ _ with machines.但是,尽管托尼很聪明,他还得作一番改建- 总不能让女人和机器相爱吧。二、重难点剖析1. Do you think it is possible for a robot to think for itself?你认为机器人独立思考是可能的吗?a) 此句是一个含有宾语从句的复合句,其中宾

7、语从句中的it 是形式主语,to think for itself 是这个句子的真正主语。it 放句首,真正的主语放在后面,这是英语的一种常见结构。It is necessary for us to work hard.我们努力工作是必要的。b) think for oneself 独立思考 for oneself 强调独自做某事,无人帮忙。注意:它与in oneself/by oneself/of oneself的区别。by oneself 独自地(alone)指单独一个人,无人做伴in oneself 本来,本身of oneself 自动地,自发地The old man lives by

8、himself in a lonely village. 那位老人独自住在一个偏僻的村子里。The door opened of itself. 门自动开了。He is clever in himself. 他本来就聪明。归纳总结:it作形式主语,真正的主语可以是不定式,-ing分词短语或从句。It is important to master a foreign language.掌握一门外语是重要的。It is not easy to finish the work in two days.两周之内完成这项工作是不容易的。It is no use crying over spilt mil

9、k.覆水难收(打翻牛奶,哭也没用)。It is a waste of time trying to persuade him to quit smoking.说服他戒烟是浪费时间。It is a pity that you didnt read the book.真遗憾!你没有读那本书。It is strange that he should be so rude to a lady.真奇怪,他竟然对一个女士这样无理。It is believed that we will have a brighter future.相信我们会有一个更加辉煌的未来。It happened that I hav

10、e read the story before.碰巧我以前读过这本小说既境活用:(1) _ solve the problem in this way. 他用这种方法来解决这个问题是有可能的。(2) _ complaining. 抱怨没有用。(3) _ he didnt finish college. 真遗憾他大学没有毕业。(4) _ not to help him. 我们不帮助他们是不对的。2. But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt you cannot have women falling

11、in love with machines.但是,尽管托尼很聪明,他还得做一番改建-总不能让女人和机器相爱吧。分号后边这句话的结构是have sb doing, have 的意思是cause (sb to do), doing做宾补。另外,不定式和过去分词也可以在该结构中做宾补,他们的用法不同。详细用法如下:归纳总结:1)have sb doing 表示它所指的动作具有进行体含义。它有两个意思:一是使某人做某事,二是与否定词连用,表示不许某人做某事,常用于I wont have sb doing 形式。Im sorry to have had you waiting so long.让你等这么

12、久,真是对不起。He had us laughing all through the meal.他弄得我们整个吃饭时间都欢笑不止。I wont have you speaking so rudely to your mother. 我不允许你这样粗鲁地对你的妈妈讲话。I wont have this sort of unpleasant thing happening again. 我不允许这种不愉快的事情再发生。2)have sb do 表示它所指的动作可以指将来或者指可能发生的动作。意思是“叫某人做某事”。I will have someone come and keep me compa

13、ny. 我要找个人来和我作伴。I had my children clean the house before your arrival.我叫孩子们在你到来之前把屋子打扫干净。注意:这种结构与have +n.+ to do (此处是不定式做定语) 的区别。The professor has an extraordinary way to make his class lively and interesting. 这个教授有特殊的办法使他的课生动有趣。还要注意:有时不定式和现在分词在该结构中做宾补区别不大,所以书中的句子也可以改为You cant have women fall in love

14、 with machines.3) have sb/sth done 这个结构用来谈论安排事情被别人来做,过去分词在这里有被动的意思。它有两个意思:一是表示主语有意志的行为,have 具有使役意义。二是表示“遭遇”、“经历”,此时句子所表示的动作是违背主语的意愿的。We ought to have her examined by a doctor. 我们应当让她找医生给检查一下。Youd better have that bad tooth pulled out. 你最好找医生把那颗坏牙拔掉。The old woman had her handbag stolen. 这位老太太被偷了手提包。J

15、ohn had his house burned down last night. 约翰的房子昨晚被烧毁了。即境活用:(1) I _to your teacher in such an impolite way. 我不许你用这样没礼貌的方式和你的老师讲话。(2) I will _the story for her. 我要找个人来给她翻译这个故事。(3) They soon _again. 他们很快使汽车引擎重新发动起来。 (4) If you dont get out of my house Ill _. 你要是不给我出去,我就叫人把你抓起来。 3. As a favor Tony promi

16、sed to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant. 托尼许诺帮助克莱尔,让她更漂亮,让她的家变得更高雅。as a favor “帮个忙”;“作为一个忙”。As a favor, could you please send this letter for me?帮个忙,请把我这封信寄出去好吗?As a favor of his sending my letter, I invite him to a dinner.由于他帮我寄信,我请他吃放。归纳总结:favor n.1)恩惠;善意 ask a favor of s

17、b 请某人帮个忙 May I ask a favor of you? 请您帮个忙行吗?do sb a favor 帮个忙 Could you do me a favor and turn off that light? 劳您的驾,请把那盏灯关掉好吗?do sb as a favor 为帮忙而做某事 Im doing this as a favor, remember , its not part of my job.owe sb a favor 欠某人的情 Of course Ill help you move house; I owe you a favor anyway.当然我会帮你搬家,

18、说来我还欠你的情呢。2)支持;赞许gain/win favor 得到赞许 The idea may win favor with older people.这个想法也许会得到年纪较大的人的人的欢迎。lose favor 失去支持 Plans to increase taxes have lost favor among party members.增税计划已失去党派成员的支持。 in favor of 同意;支持(计划,主意或制度)Some ministers spoke in favor of the bill. 资历较深的部长们发言支持这项计划。3)偏袒 show favor to sb

19、对某人偏袒 Judges have to be careful not to show favor to either party in dispute. 法官得小心谨慎,不能偏袒纠纷中的任何一方。即境活用:(1)_ and turn the radio down while Im on the phone. 劳驾,我在打电话,把收音机的声音调小点好吗?(2) _the death penalty? 他赞成死刑吗?(3) He was careful to _. 他小心谨慎,不对任何人偏袒。三、易错易混知识点 1. satisfaction n. 满足/满意 作不可数名词; 令人满足/满意的事

20、物 作可数名词She smiled with satisfaction. 她满意地笑了。Your success is a great satisfaction to your parents. 你的成功很是让你的父母高兴。satisfy vt. 使满意或满足satisfy a request/desire/need/ones curiosity 满足要求/欲望/需要/某人的好奇心Nothing satisfies her; she is always complaining. 她对什么都不满意,总是抱怨。satisfied adj. 满意的;满足的 常用句型:be satisfied wit

21、h 对满意/满足Im not really satisfied with the way he cut my hair. 我对他那样给我理发不太满意。a satisfied look/smile 满意的表情/微笑satisfactory/satisfying adj.令人满意的,让人满意的a satisfactory conclusion 令人满意的结论a satisfying meal/result 令人满意的饭菜/结果即境活用:(1) _ , the day we look forward to came at last. 使我们满意的是,我们期望的那一天终于到来了。(2) Ive tri

22、ed very hard to improve my English. But by no means _ with my progress. 我已经尽力改进英语了,但英语老师对我的进步不满足。(3) I just want to _ 一 Why did he do it? 我只是想满足我的好奇心,为什么他做这件事?2. sympathy n. U 同情心 have/feel sympathy for sb. 同情某人 I have a lot of sympathy for her; she brought up the children on her own. 我非常同情她,她是靠自己把孩

23、子抚养大的。have/feel no sympathy for sb. 不同情某人 be in sympathy with 赞同;支持 The school should be entirely in sympathy with these aims. 学校应该完全支持这些目标。have some sympathy with 赞同;支持 We have a lot of sympathy with your stand on lower taxes. 我们非常支持你关于减税的立场。即境活用:(1) We all _ the famine victims . 我们都非常同情遭受饥荒的人。(2)

24、Im sure he will _ your proposal. 我确信他一定会赞成你的建议。(3) .I _ that point of view. 我比较赞成这种看法。3. reach for 伸手去够;伸手去拿 She looked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page and suddenly reached for his hand. 在他翻书时她好奇地看着他的手指,并且突然禁不住伸手去摸他的手。He reached out for a book from the shelf. 他伸手从书架上拿了一本书。The boy

25、 reached out his hand for an apple. 小男孩伸手拿了个苹果。归纳拓展reach vt./vi.表示“伸手去拿”的常见短语有:reach for; reach out for; reach out ones hand for reach vt. 1)伸手触及某物 We picked all the fruit we could reach. 我们摘了所有够得着的水果。 2)到达 Your letter reached me yesterday.我昨天收到了你的来信。3)实现目标 常用搭配:reach a decision/agreement/result/set

26、tlement 得出结论/达成协议/实现目标/ 达成协议 4)(通过电话)与取得联系 Here is my phone number, in case you need to reach me.reach n. 伸手可及的距离相关的短语有:out of ones reach(或out of the reach of )/beyond ones reach(或beyond the reach of) 伸手不可及 within ones reach 伸手可及 e.g. The shelf is so high it is well out of /beyond my reach.架子太高,我根本够

27、不着。The oranges are within Tims reach.这些橙子蒂姆够得着。即境活用:(1) He _ the book I offered him. 他伸手来拿我给他的书。(2) Can you _ the apple on the tree? 你能够到树上的那个苹果吗?(3) I like to have my reference books _ . 我喜欢把参考书放在伸手能够到的地方。(4) He _ the phone and quickly dialed a number. 他伸手去拿电话机,很迅速地拨了一个电话号码。4. accompany vt. 陪伴; 伴随;

28、给某人伴奏Id like you to accompany me to the police station. 我想让你陪我去警察局。The strong winds were accompanied by heavy rain.狂风夹杂着暴雨。The singer was accompanied on the piano by her sister. 那位歌手的姐姐用钢琴给她伴奏。归纳拓展accompany vt. 固定搭配形式:accompany sb. to sth 陪伴某人去某地 be accompanied by 由伴随/ 伴奏company n. 陪伴 固定短语: keep sb.

29、 company陪伴某人。 Ill stay here and keep you company. 我留下陪你。即境活用:(1). Children under 14 must be _. 14岁以下儿童必须有成人陪伴。(2). Lightening usually _ . 雷声通常伴随闪电。(3). Her mother _ . 她的妈妈用钢琴给她伴奏。5. affair n C 1) 事务 international affairs 国际事务 public affairs 公共事务 foreign affairs外交事务2) 事件 Watergate affair 水门事件3) 暧昧关系

30、have as affair with sb. 和有暧昧关系matter n 1) 问题;事情 money matter 钱财问题 private matter 私人问题 2) 物质(与精神相对) The universe is composed of matter.世界是由物质构成的。 3) 材料,物品 waste matter 废物 reading matter 读物 4) 固定搭配:a matter of opinion 看法问题 to make matters worse 将情况弄得更糟business n. 1) 日常工作 He handles the mail and all th

31、at business 他负责处理邮件之类的工作. 2) 买卖;贸易 do business with foreign companies 和外国公司做买卖。 3) 公司;商店 She runs a grocery business他经营一家食杂店。 4) 职责;理应关心的事 My private life is none of your business.我的私生活与你毫不相干。 5) 差事 on business 出差 business trip 商务旅行即境活用:(1) Are you in San Francisco for _ or pleasure? 你来旧金山出差还是消遣?(2)

32、 We should concern ourselves with state _. 我们应该关心国家事务。(3) The car had broken down, and to make _ worse, it was beginning to rain. 车坏了,更糟糕的事,天开始下起雨来。6. declare v. 宣布;声明;声称The country declared her independence in 1908. 那个国家在1908年宣布独立。She declared(to us) that she didnt want to see him again. 她(向我们)声称她不

33、愿意再见到他。I declared the meeting closed. 我宣布会议结束。The accused man declared himself innocent. 那个手指控的人宣称自己是无辜的Jones was declared (to be) the winner of the fight. Jones. 被宣布为拳击赛的胜者。He declared against the proposal. 他声明反对这个建议。归纳拓展declare 的常见句型:declare sth宣布某事; declare (to sb.) that (向某人)宣布;declare sth.+done

34、/adj./ (to be) sth. 宣布; declare against/for 声称反对/支持 注意declare与announce的区别:declare多指正式地当众发布,常用于宣战、议和与宣判;announce则指公开地发布人们所关心的或感兴趣的事情,尤指新闻之类的消息。即境活用:(1) She declared _ . 她声称自己对这一次抢劫一无所知。(2) The governor declared _. 州长宣布紧急状态。(3) I declare _. 我宣布汤姆被选中。(4) His actions declared _. 他的行为宣布了他是一个诚实的人。(5) The

35、government _ building a new bridge.政府反对建造一座新桥。7. leave sb./sth. alone 让某人独自待着;别惹;别碰某物 She shouted “Leave me alone” and ran to her bed. 她喊着“别管我”,然后跑向自己的床。I told him to leave my things alone. 我告诉他别乱动我的东西。Please leave my personal affairs alone. 请别管我的私事。类似短语有:leave aside 搁置leave behind 遗忘(没拿);留下(不带走)lea

36、ve out 遗漏leave off 停止,中断即境活用:(1) lets _ the matter _ for a moment.(2) We _ _ work at five oclock.(3) Youve made a mistake -youve _ the letter t.(4) I have _ my coat _ in the bus.(5) You _ my sister _ or Ill tell my father.四、课后自测(一)基础知识自测I. 单词拼写1. I have no s_ for Jane, its all her own fault.2. The s

37、tudents have a strong d_ to discuss the question.3. The mother was a_ when her baby fell onto the ground and began to cry.4. Playing tennis is one of his greatest s_. 5. Would you please do me a f_ to push the car to start? 6. The musician _(伴奏) the singer at the piano. 7. Before answering the quest

38、ions, youd better _ (浏览) all of them.8. The premier is busy dealing with important _ (事务) of the state.9. She _ ( 宣布) that she would not take drugs any longer. 10.Her classmates _ (羡慕) her good luck.II.用所给短语的正确形式填空in favor of ring up have sympathy for protect sb. from test out leave sb. alone or rat

39、her turn around reach for be absent from1. It strikes me that nobody is _ the changes.2. He is in a temper today so _.3. I saw Kelly _ the gun. 4. After Boeing (波音公司) had the plane built, it was _ thoroughly. 5. He didnt know how to do his homework because he _ class. 6. A man who often _ others wil

40、l be done favor to. 7. He went home very late last night, _, in the early hours this morning. 8. As Senior Two students, we have the ability to _ being addicted to the Internet.9. Some women especially enjoy passengers _ to see them.10. My classmate _ me _ saying that the school football team had ha

41、d three victories this month against other schools.(二)能力提升自测I.单项填空1. I was being _ for a driving license for the third time. A. desired B. tested C. taken D. asked 2. For a moment nothing happened. Then _ all shouting together. A. voices had come B. came voices C. voices would come D. did voices com

42、e 3. We are at your service. Dont hesitate to _ us if you have any further problems. A. turn around B. turn to C. turn up D. turn out 4. The education system rather than the teachers _ to answer for the overburden on the middle school students. -I agree. I hope the reform being carried out in Shandong at present will bring about the _ results. A. are; desired B. are; desiring C. is; desired D. is; desiring 5. All of us were _ to hear that Lily, our companys most


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