2017新疆自治区阜康米泉中考英语(Word 版有解析).pdf

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1、 2017 年新疆昌吉州阜康市、米泉市中考英语试卷年新疆昌吉州阜康市、米泉市中考英语试卷 解析解析 一一、听力理解听句子 听力理解听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图画选择与句子内容相符的图画,每个句子读一遍每个句子读一遍。 (每小题每小题 4 分分,共共 4 分分) (2017新新 疆米泉中考)疆米泉中考) 二、 1 2 3 4 二、听句子,选择正确的答语,每个句子读一遍二、听句子,选择正确的答语,每个句子读一遍。 (每小题每小题 1 分,分,共共 6 分)分) 5AWhat a pity! BSounds goodCYou are wrong 6AWell doneBGood ideaCSee

2、you 7ANot at allBThats easyCIt was great 8AHave a good timeBSorry to hear thatCCongratulations 9AIm sureBI agreeCI hope not 10AThey study hardBThey have never been thereCThey have no talk with each other 三三、听对话听对话,选择正确的答案选择正确的答案 (每小题每小题 1 分分,共共 10 分分)听下面五段对话听下面五段对话,选择所给问题的正确答案选择所给问题的正确答案每每 段对话及问题读两遍

3、段对话及问题读两遍。 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考) 11Where are they probably talking now? AIn the bankBIn the cinemaCIn the bookstore 12Why cant Tom go out to play? ABecause he has to work in the garden BBecause he has to look after his father CBecause he has to study at home 13How long havent they seen each other? AFo

4、r a yearBFor 18 monthsCFor half a year 14What does the woman ask the man to drink? ASome teaBSome coffeeCSome milk 15How does the girl feel? AShe feels worriedBShe feels confidentCShe feels boring 四、听下面两段对话,选择所给问题的正确答案每段对话读两遍四、听下面两段对话,选择所给问题的正确答案每段对话读两遍。 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考) 16听第一段对话,回答第 16,17 小题 16W

5、ho is the woman? AA passengerBA ticket sellerCThe mans friend 17When will the man be able to get on the train? AIn an hourBIn a few minutesCThis evening 18听第二段对话,回答第 1820 小题 18How many times was the boy late that week? ATwo BThree CFour 19Why didnt the boy hear the alarm? ABecause his mother turned

6、it off BBecause he was sleeping CBecause he didnt have one 20Who is woman? AToms teacherBToms mother CToms sister 五、听短文,选择正确的答案,短文读两遍五、听短文,选择正确的答案,短文读两遍 (每小题每小题 5 分,分,共共 5 分分) (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考) 2121Who gave Tom one dollar at first? AHis motherBHis fatherCThe old man 22What happened when Tom went t

7、o buy a toy? AJames was hit badly by snowballs BTom met an old man and helped him CTom broke a window of the house 23Why did Tom go back to the house? Because he wanted to Aplay snowballs again Bpay for the window Cget his toy back 24How much money did Tom get at last? ATwo dollarsBOne dollarCNothin

8、g 25What does the story want to tell us? AWorking hard is very importantBHelping others is to help ourselves CBeing honest can bring us more 六、单项选择(六、单项选择(共共 15 小题小题;每题每题 1 分,分,满分满分 15 分)分)从每题所给的从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 选项中,选出最佳选项选项中,选出最佳选项 26 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)On _ Childrens Day,Mary received a prize for be

9、ing _ honest boy Athe;an B/;an C/;a Dthe; a 26.B【解析】考查定冠词。句意:在儿童节,玛丽因做一个诚实的男孩而获奖根据题干 On _ Childrens Day,Mary received a prize for being _ honest boy可知 On Childrens Day 意思是儿童节, 固定用法;第二空 honest 是元音音素开头的单词,所以用 an故选 B。 27 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)Tom doesnt feel sure of_ in his new school Ahe Bhim Chis Dhimse

10、lf 27. D 【解析】考查人称代词。句意:在他的新学校里汤姆不太相信自己根据题干 Tom doesnt feel sure of_ in his new school可知 feel sure of oneself 相信自己,固定短语;主语是 Tom,所以用反身代 词 himself故选 D。 28 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)What do you think of the movie The Fate of the Furious 8? It is _!I enjoy it very much Afriendly Bfantastic Cawful Dnoisy 28. B 【

11、解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你认为电影速度与激情 8 怎么样?它是极好的我 非常喜欢它friendly 友好的;fantastic 极好的;awful 可怕的;noisy 嘈杂的根据题干 I enjoy it very much我非常喜欢它可知应说它是极好的故选 B。 29 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)In the Name of People(人民的名义 )is so wonderful that my uncle _ to see it yesterday evening Apicked up Bstayed up Cset up Dtook up 29. B 【解析】考查动

12、词短语。句意“人民的名义是比如此精彩以至于我的叔叔昨晚熬夜看它“picked up 捡起 stayed up 熬夜 set up 建立 took up 拿起 根据题干前半句 In the Name of People(人民的名义 ) is so wonderful人民的名义是比如此精彩可知后半句句意应为以至于我的叔叔昨晚熬夜看它结合选 项只有 B 符合题意故选 B。 30 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)Look! The man at the gate _ be our headmasterHe is always standing there every morning No,it_

13、 be himHe is holding a meeting in the office now Amust; cant Bmust; mustnt Ccant; cant Dcant; mustnt 30. A 【解析】考查情态动词句意:看!在大门口的那个男士一定是我们的校长每天早上,他总 是站在那不,不可能是他他现在正在他的办公室开会must 一定,必须;mustnt 不可以;cant 不可能 ; 根据本题的前句 He is always standing there every morning,可知校长总是站在门旁,那么在门旁的 那个人是校长的可能性很大,故用 must;再根据 He i

14、s holding a meeting in the office now,可知校长正在开 会,那么在门旁的那个人不可能是校长,故用 cant,表不可能故选 A。 31 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)Dick in America,but he has been Chinese food since he moved to China Aused to live; used to eating Bis used to live; used to eat Cis used to live; used to eating Dused to living; used to eat 31. A

15、 【解析】考查动词短语。句意:迪克过去住在美国,但是自从他搬到中国他已经习惯于吃中国饭菜 【解答】答案:A 根据前面的 in America 可知是迪克过去住在美国,used to,过去常常,后面跟动词原 形;根据 since he moved to China,可知是习惯于吃中国的饭菜,be used to doing sth,习惯于做某事。故选 A。 32 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考) Jack was a little disappointed, he still went on with his work AAlthough BBecause CSince DIf 32. A

16、 【解析】考查从属连词。句意:尽管 Jack 有点失望,但他仍然继续工作根据句意可知前后句存在 让步关系,所以用 although 引导让步状语从句意思是尽管,虽然; Because 因为,Since 既然,if 如果, B,C,D 都不合题意,故选 A。 33 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)Do you know Victory Day in China? Yes,its _ September 3rd _ each yearIt tells the world that Chinese people love peace and hate warsChinese people wi

17、ll never forget the history Ain,on Bon,/ Cat,/ Don,in 33. B 【解析】考查时间介词。句意:你知道中国的胜利日吗?是的,是每年的 9 月 3 号它向 全世界宣告中国人热爱和平憎恨战争,中国人将永远不会忘记历史第一个设空处,根据时间“September 3rd“可知这是“9 月 3 日“,该时间是具体到了某一天,用介词 on ; 第二个设空处考查“每年“由 every,each 等构成的短语用做时间状语时,其前不用介词。故选 B。 34 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)We believe One Belt,One Road(一带一路

18、) will help China improve the _ with lots of countries Apopulation Bsituation Cenvironment Drelationship 34. D 【解析】 考查名词词义辨析。 句意“我们相信一带一路会帮助中国增进和很多国家的关系 “population 人口 situation 处境 environment 环境 relationship 关系 根据句中信息 We believe One Belt, One Road(一 带一路) will help China improve thewith lots of coun

19、tries 可推测句意为我们相信一带一路会帮助中国增 进和很多国家的关系。只有 D 选项符合题意。故选 D。 35 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)Two _ students _ to the opening ceremony last Friday Ahundreds; were invited Bhundred; were invited Chundreds of; invited Dhundred of; invited 35. B 【解析】考查被动语态。句意“上星期五有二百个学生被邀请参加开幕式。“。第一个空,hundred 百, hundreds of 成百上千的当前面有具体

20、数字时,不加复数,也不用 of 连用,因此 A,C,D 不正确。第二 个空,主语 students 是动作 invite 邀请的承受者,因此用被动语态,表示被邀请,这里是一般过去时态的 被动语态答案是 B。 36 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)Do you like the songs by Taylor? YesCountry music _ nice and full of feelings Asounds Blistens Chears Dlooks 36. A 【解析】考查词义辨析。A:听起来;B:听(强调动作) ;C:听见(强调结果) ;D:看起来; 根 据设空处后面的 ni

21、ce, 结合题干推测答语的句意是“是的, 乡村音乐听上去优美且富有感情 “, 所以 sounds 符合句意,故选 A。 37 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)When is the time to visit Brazil? In August and September,I thinkNot too cold,not too hot Ahottest Bhotter Cbest Dbetter 37. C 【解析】考查形容词的比较级和最高级。句意:参观巴西的最好的时间是什么时候?在 8 月和 9 月,我认为,既不太冷也不太热。根据问句“参观巴西的的时间是什么时候?“可知应该用最高级,

22、排除 B,D;根据 Not too cold,not too hot可知应是最佳时间而不是最热的时间,故选 C。 38 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)I think our teacherMrsAllen,knows everything I agreeBecause she over 2,000 books Aread Bhas read Creads Dis reading 38. B 【解析】考查动词时态。句意:我认为我们的老师 Allen 夫人懂得所有事情。我赞同。因 为她已经读了 2000 多本书了。根据语境“因为她已经读了 2000 多本书了。“强调过去的动作对现在造成的

23、影响,判断用现在完成时。现在完成时的构成是:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词;主语是 she,助动词用 has,故答案为 B。 39 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)Daniel,could you tell me ? Certainly,in Tokyo Awhen the 2020 Olympics will be held Bwhen will the 2020 Olympics be held Cwhere the 2020 Olympics will be held Dwhere will the 2020 Olympics be held 39. C 【解析】考查宾语从

24、句。句意:丹尼尔,你能告诉我 2020 年奥运会在什么地方举行吗? 当然,在东京。根据 could you tell me ?再结合选项,可知 could you tell 后面是跟一个宾语从 句,宾语从句中应该用陈述语序,即主语+谓语,所以排除 B,D再根据 in Tokyo是说现在他在东京, 而 2020 Olympics 指的是 2020 年奥运会,这里应该是一个将来时态,构成 will+动词原形。故选:C。 40 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)Our team lost the basketball game and I feel very sad _I believe you

25、 can do better next time AIts right BIts exciting CIts not a good idea DIts not a big deal 40. D【解析】考查常用日常交际用语。句意:我们队输了篮球比赛,我感到很难过。没什么大 不了的,我相信你下次能做得更好。Its right,对的;Its exciting这是令人兴奋的;Its not a good idea这 不是一个好主意。Its not a big deal,没什么大不了的。根据题干 Our team lost the basketball game and I feel very sadI

26、 believe you can do better next time我们队输了篮球比赛,我感到很难过。我相信你下次能做得 更好可知应说没什么大不了的,故选 D。 七、完形填空七、完形填空 (共共 1 小题;小题;每题每题 1 分,分,满分满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的从每题所给的 A、B、 C、D 选项中,选出最佳选项选项中,选出最佳选项 (2017新疆米泉中考新疆米泉中考)Do right things at the proper time,or its too late to regret for what has passed A

27、 grasshopper (蚱蜢)was playing the violin when he saw some ants busy (41) food“Why are you working on such a beautiful day?“he asked “We must collect food now,“said the queen of the ants“If we dont,what will we do when (42) comes“ “Oh,winter is a long way off,“said the grasshopper“You take life much t

28、oo (43) “ “But you must (44) today if you want to eat tomorrow,“said the little ant“You can play your violin after youve finished your work“ The grasshopper didnt want to follow her (45) He went away,singing Spring soon passed and the warm summer came All day long the grasshopper played the (46) Soo

29、n summer was overAnd then autumn passed,tooOne morning,the grasshopper woke up and was (47) to find that snow had fallen during the night“Why?Had the long winter come?“he said to himself The grasshopper wandered around looking for a place to keep ( 48) but there was no such place“How(49) I was not t

30、o listen to the antsWhile I am dying of cold and (50) they are sitting in their warm nest with plenty to eat“ The grasshopper was soon frozen stiff (冻僵的) The ants picked him up and carried him to their nest The grasshopper learned a lesson he would never forget 41Aplanting Bcollecting Cmaking Dprodu

31、cing 42ASpring BSummer CAutumn DWinter 43Agranted Bslow Ceasy Dseriously 44Asleep Bplay Cwork Drelax 45Asteps Badvice Cpattern Drequest 46Aviolin Bdrums Cchess Dguitar 47Aglad Bsurprised Canxious Dshame 48Aquiet Bclean Csilent Dwarm 49Asilly Bclever Chelpless Duseful 50Ainfluence Bpride Cregret Dhun

32、ger 【考点】记叙文 【分析】文章讲述蚂蚁忙着存食物过冬而蚱蜢却悠闲地拉小提琴,蚂蚁建议蚱蜢早点存食物,但他却不听 蚂蚁的建议,于是冬天到了,蚱蜢没有吃的,也没有取暖的地方,在冻僵之时蚂蚁救了他通过这个故事 告诉我们在适合的时间要做正确的事情,不要到了来不及时再后悔不已。 41B 【解析】考查动词。A 表示种植;B 表示收集;C 表示使,做;D 表示生产。由 We must collect food now 可知此处表示当他看见一些蚂蚁忙着收集食物时,选 B。 42D 【解析】考查对语境的理解。由 winter is a long way off 可知此处表示如果我们不这样做,冬天来的 时候

33、我们该做什么呢,选 D。 43D 【解析】考查副词。分析句子可知空格处修饰动词 take,要用副词来修饰,D 选项是副词,表示认 真地,其他选项都是形容词。take sth seriously 表示认真对待某事物,选 D。 44C 【解析】考查动词。A 表示睡觉;B 表示玩;C 表示工作;D 表示放松。由 You can play your violin after youve finished your work 可知此处表示但你必须得完成今天的工作,如果你想要明天有吃的话, 选 C。 45B 【解析】考查名词。A 表示步骤;B 表示建议;C 表示模型;D 表示要求。由 He went aw

34、ay,singing 可知此处表示这个蚱蜢不想听她的建议,选 B。 46A 【解析】考查名词。A 表示小提琴;B 表示鼓;C 表示棋;D 表示吉他。由 A grasshopper (蚱蜢) was playing the violin 可知此处表示一天到晚蚱蜢就拉小提琴,选 A。 47B 【解析】考查形容词。A 表示开心的;B 表示吃惊的;C 表示紧张的;D 表示羞耻的。由 Why?Had the long winter come 可知此处表示吃惊地发现晚上下雪了,选 B。 48D 【解析】考查形容词。A 表示安静的;B 表示干净的;C 表示沉默的;D 表示温暖的。由 While I am d

35、ying of cold 可知此处表示寻找一个地方来取暖,选 D。 49A 【解析】考查形容词。A 表示愚蠢的;B 表示聪明的;C 表示无助的;D 表示有用的结合语境可 知此处表示没有听蚂蚁的建议我真傻呀,选 A。 50D 【解析】考查名词。A 表示影响;B 表示自豪;C 表示遗憾;D 表示饥饿。由 with plenty to eat 可 知此处表示的是当我要死于寒冷和饥饿时,选 D。 八、八、 阅读理解(阅读理解(共共 3 小题;小题;每题每题 2 分,分,满分满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的从每题所给的 A、B、 C、D 选项中,选出最

36、佳选项选项中,选出最佳选项 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)More and more Chinese are having English names,but not everyone is good at finding oneWhy not offer them some help?An American girl called Lindsay Jernigan is now teaching people how to get better English names While working in Shanghai,Lindsay met many Chinese peopl

37、e with strange English namesSome of them chose a lucky number of “Seven,“a favorite fruit,“Apple,“and a cartoon character,“Snow White“Others had names like “July“ and “Rabbit“ After noticing the problem,Lindsay had an ideaShe quit her job and set up a website to help Chinese people get better Englis

38、h names The website helps people in two waysAfter they take an online quiz,people will get five English names based on their personal information,such as age,job and even future plansThis costs 18yuanPeople can also meet with Lindsay to talk about their English nameBut that costs more Now, about 2,

39、000people each day visit the website Most of them are preparing to study or work abroad Lindsay is planning to offer them more help,such as helping them write resumes(简历) 51What does Lindsay think of the name of “Rabbit“? AWonderfulBStrangeCCreativeDBoring 52What does the underlined word “quit“ in t

40、he third paragraph mean in the passage? Acared about Blooked for Cpicked up Dgave up 53If you get a name from Lindsay face to face,you should pay her A.18yuan Bless than 18 yuan Cmore than 18 yuan Dmore or less than 18yuan 54Which of the following is NOT true about Lindsay? AHer idea came from her w

41、ork experience in China BHer website mainly helps the Englishspeaking people CShe plans to provide more service for the customers DShe can help the people to get name in two ways 55The best title of the passage is AA hardworking American girl BHow to find an good English name CDont choose English na

42、mes without thinking DAmerican girl helps to choose an English name 【考点】日常生活类阅读。 【主旨大意】这是一篇日常生活类阅读,主要介绍越来越多的中国人有英文名字,但不是每个人都能起好 自己的英文名子,一个叫 Lindsay Jernigan 美国女孩发现了这个问题,于是她建立了一个网站,专门帮人取 英文名字,根据他们的年龄、工作、未来的计划等,一个名字十八元如果当面交谈会更贵些,现在她还 帮助准备出国留学或工作的人写简历或提供更多的帮助。 51 B 【解析】 细节理解题。 根据第二段 Lindsay met many Ch

43、inese people with strange English namesOthers had names like“July“and“Rabbit“琳赛遇到了许多中国人,他们都有奇怪的英文名字有些人的名字叫“七 月“和“兔子“可知,“兔子“的英文名字很奇怪。选 B。 52D 【解析】词义猜测题。根据后面 set up a website to help Chinese people get better English names建 立了一个网站来帮助中国人起更好的英文名字。可知,应该是“辞去、放弃“工作,give up 放弃。选 D。 53C 【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句

44、 This costs 18yuanPeople can also meet with Lindsay to talk about their English nameBut that costs more这要花 18 元,人们也可以和琳赛谈谈他们的 英文名字,但那要花更多的钱。可知,应该是超过 18 元,选 C。 54B 【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段 She quit her job and set up a website to help Chinese people get better English names她辞去工作,建立了一个网站来帮助中国人起更好的英文名字。可知,B 选项“

45、她的 网站主要帮助讲英语的人“不正确。选 B。 55D 【解析】主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句 An American girl called Lindsay Jernigan is now teaching people how to get better English names 美国的一个叫 Lindsay Jernigan 的女孩现在是教人如何获得更好的英 文名字。可知,短文主要介绍美国女孩帮助选择一个英文名字。选 D。 (2017新疆米泉中考)新疆米泉中考)You may have heard of the famous saying,“East or West,home is t

46、he best“What does the word“home“mean to you?How do you say the word in French,in Chinese,in your language?Although people usually know what the word means,it sometimes has no exact translationIts not surprising,because the idea of home is different from country to country,and from person to personA

47、home is more than a roof and four wallsIts the cooking,eating,talking,playing and sleeping that go on insideAnd at home you usually feel safe and relaxed Homes look different in different countriesThey also have different things insideFor example,in cold northern Europe,theres a fire in the living room or kitchen an


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