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1、 Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.教学设计Period 1 (Section A 1a-1c)Teaching Aims:1. Words: outgoing; better: loudly; quietly; hard-working; competition. Language objectives: Thats Tara, isnt it? Sam has longer hair than Tom . Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom

2、. Tara works as hard as Tina.2. Ability objectives: to talk about personal traits and compare people; to improve Ss speaking, listening and writing skills. to grasp the structure of comparatives, e.g. comparatives with (i)er and more, both and as.as.; to grasp the structure: A+谓语+比较级(adj./adv.)+than

3、+B, A+谓语+as+原级(adj./adv.)+as+B; to recycle vocabulary about description 3. Emotional objectives: to find strengths of somebody else, to explore the beauty of the world.Important and difficult points:1. To talk about personal traits特点 ; to grasp how to compare people.2. To use target language: A+谓语+比

4、较级(adj./adv.)+than+B, A+谓语+as+原级(adj./adv.)+as+B, comparatives with (i)er and more.3. To improve Ss listening, speaking and writing skills; to develop their communicative competence.Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Leading-in. To show some pictures to recycle adj. based on some types, and learn some new

5、words.Step 2 1a1 Learn new words:outgoing,better loudly quietly which competition fantastic hard-working clearly win funny friendly smart lazylook at the picture in 1a and make a list of the adjectives. Purpose: to make Ss recall some adjectives they have learnt before; Step 3 Presentation 1. . To a

6、sk Ss the usage of the adj. and show some example sentences about comparative degree. 2. To show some adjectives and adverbs with (i) er, -r, more and some special words like better, more, worse, etc. Then ask Ss to discuss the common points of the words.Purpose: to lead in comparative degree; to ma

7、ke Ss summarize the change rules of comparative degree of adj.and adv.1. To make Ss compare two persons or two things with the above adjectives and adverbs; to summarize the pattern of comparative degree. “A+谓语+比较级(adj./adv.)+than+B”2. To show the map of Liaoning Province to guide Ss to compare Chao

8、yang and Dalian in size, climate, slight spots and so on; to show the pictures of Chaoyang fossil to let Ss know Chaoyang is a place where the first flower comes out. Purpose: to practice comparatives; to show the structure of “A+谓语+as+原级(adj./adv.)+as+B” and complete emotional aims. Step 4.1b liste

9、n and write the number of the pairs.Listen again for the students to listen and fill in the chart.Check the answers with the classStep 5 Practice. 1. Pair work: Compare two persons.Purpose: to make Ss practice the patterns of comparative degree.Step 6 To sum up.1. To make the Ss summarize what they

10、have learnt in this class.2. Guessing game.;Step 7 Homework. 1. Preview 2d2. Writing: The person I respect.Blackboard design:Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.Section A 1a-1c1. Key words:- (i) er, more- both, as.as.2. Patterns:A+谓语+比较级(adj./adv.)+ than + B A+谓语+as+原级(adj./adv.)+ as + B Period 3

11、 (Section A 2a-2d)Teaching Aims:1)Key vocabularies: competition, fantastic, which, clearly, win, though(2)Key structure:Is Tom smarter than Sam. No, he isnt . He is smarter than Tom. Which one was Lisa? The one with shorter hair.Who is more hard-working at school?Ability aims:Students can use the Co

12、mparison of adjectives to compare different persons.Emotional aims:Everyone may has own opinion, different people have different ideas.Teaching important points:(1)To learn how to add er/-ier/more after adjectives/adverbs.(2)To learn : S + be + adj./adv.比较级+than+被比较对象S + have/has +adj./adv.比较级+n.+ t

13、han+被比较对象(3) To learn: Who+be+adj. 比较级+?Teaching difficult points:(1) To learn Which/who sentences.Ss can understand and write a short passage between two persons. Teaching procedures:Step 1 Enjoying a movie1. Play a movie and fill in the blanks.2. Review: A +谓语+ as +原级 (adj./adv.)+ as +B.3. add er/

14、-ier/more after adjectives/adverbs.Step 2 Presentation.Show the pictures, and add er/-ier/more after adjectives/adverbs.Then use“B is (not) +as +adj/adv原级 +as A.”Step 3: 2a 2b Listening1.Listen and change the adjectives into comparatives by -er/ier/or more. 2. Listen again and say:3. How are Tina an

15、d tara different ?3. Pay attention to: more outgoing,as.as.Step 4: 2c Pair work: Fill in the chart first and then make conversations in pairs.Step 5: 2d Role-play the conversations Let the students read the chart and find out the differences between Sam and Tom.Explain the comparatives of the adject

16、ives1) smart-smarter 2) funny-funnier 3) hardworking-more hardworking3.Let the students have five minutes for the students to recite the statements.4.Role-play the conversation in pairs.Step 6 To sum up.3. To make the Ss summarize what they have learnt in this class.4. Guessing game.;Step 7 Homework

17、. Period 3 (Section A 3a-3c)Teaching Aims:Key structure:Is Tom smarter than Sam?Is Tina more outgoing than Tina?Are you as friendly as your sister?Does Tina work as hard as Tara?Whos more hard-working at school?Ability aims:Students can use the Comparison of adjectives to compare different persons.E

18、motional aims:Everyone may has own opinion, different people have different ideas.Teaching important points:(1)To learn how to add er/-ier/more after adjectives/adverbs.(2)To learn : S + be + adj./adv.比较级+than+被比较对象S + have/has +adj./adv.比较级+n.+ than+被比较对象(4) To learn: Who+be+adj. 比较级+?Teaching diff

19、icult points:(2) To learn Which/who sentences.Ss can understand and write a short passage between two persons.Teaching procedures:Step1 Revision 2,写出下面形容词的比较级形式whiteyoungfunnyredwestcloudygreenwindyhappyBlue curlybusyyellowstraightsorrybigtallscarysmallhotwarmshortcoldstrictlongCool cheapterriblefan

20、tasticColorful successfulunfriendlytiredsurprisedDelicious relaxedinternationalExpensive sunnyStep 2 Grammar FocusLet the students read the sentences in the box and make sure they understand them. Pay attention to the use of the following sentences:Is Tom smarter than Sam?Is Tina more outgoing than

21、Tina?Are you as friendly as your sister?Does Tina work as hard as Tara?Whos more hard-working at school?要点总结形容词在句中常作表语和定语,也可补充说明宾语;副词的句中主要作状语。 1,无需比较时,用原级。或两者比较表示双方在程度、性质、特征等某方面相等时,用原级as-as : Xiao Wang is as tall as Xiao Liu.This building looks not so(as)high as that one.2,两者比较,一方比另一方更-,用比较级:比较级+tha

22、n 3,要注意比较级的特殊变化和用more /less +原级表示比较的词Step 3 3aLet the students fill in the blanks in the box. Check the answers.Step 4 3b Think of yourself two years ago. Write about how you are different now.Step 5 3c Practice Fill in the chart.Step 6 To sum up.5. To make the Ss summarize what they have learnt in

23、this class.6. Guessing game.;Step 7 Homework. Period 4 (Section B 1a-1e)Teaching Aims:Knowledge aims:(1)Key vocabularies: talented ,truly, care, care about, the same as, similar, be different from(2)Key structure:Thats not important for me A good friend has cool clothes. /is talented in music. /like

24、s to do the same things as me. / is good at sports. /truly cares about me. /makes me laugh. /is a good listener.Ability aims:Students can learn and use the sentence structures to describe different persons and say their thoughts about their own friends.Emotional aims:To tell the students: How to fin

25、d a true friend.Teaching important points:(1)To learn how to make a sentence by using these phases.(2)To learn perform own thoughts.(3)To learn how to listen.Teaching difficult points:(1)To learn how to make a sentence by using these phases.(2)To learn perform own thoughts.Teaching procedures:Step 1

26、:Lead -inShow some pictures to the students and perform the word “ friends”Step 2 PresentationShow some pictures and a movie and some phrases.Step 3 PracticeStudents talk about their own thoughts about friends.Step 4 Lets chooseA friend in need is a friend indeed.Present some situations to let stude

27、nts choose their perfect friendsStep 4 Lets chooseA friend in need is a friend indeed.Present some situations to let students choose their perfect friendsStep 5 Listening1. Play the tape and ask students to listen to it. And choose the answers.2. Play it again and ask students to fill the blanks3. T

28、alk about Molly and Mary like about their friends. Read the dialogue and explain the meaning.Step 6 SurveyWho is your friend in your classFind the differences and the same things between you and your friends.Homework1. Read 1c three times.2. Practice the survey with your partner.Bb design Unit 3Im m

29、ore outgoing than my sister. Period 3 Section A (1a1e) I think the most important thing is that a friend Thats not important that a friend has cool clothes. is talented in music. likes to do the same things as me. is good at sports. truly cares about me. makes me laugh. is a good listener. is differ

30、ent from me is similar to me Period 5 (Section B 2a-2e )Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:(1)Key vocabularies and phrases:mirror, kid, as long as, necessary, be different from, both ,bring out ,grade, should ,the same as ,saying ,reach ,hand, touch, heart, fact, in fact, break ,arm, laugh, share, loud, s

31、imilar, be similar to, (2)Key structure: 1 My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. 2 Im quieter and more serious than most kids. 3 We enjoy studying together. 4 Its not necessary to be the same . 5.I always get better grades than he does. 6.I dont really care if my friends are the same as

32、me or different. 7.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 8. She made me laugh and feel better. Students can learn and use the phrases and sentences to describe the people.Emotional aims:To tell the students: Find a suitable friend.Teaching important points:(1)To learn how to re

33、ad a passage(2)To learn how to talk about our friends.Teaching difficult points:(1)To learn how to read a passage(2)To learn how to talk about our friends. (3) To describe a person.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warm up. Listen to an English song about friends.Step 2 Work on 2a .Do 2a write the comparat

34、ive forms of the following adjectives.Step 3 Pre-reading.Play a guessing game about the teacher and her friends.Step 3 While reading.1. Read the three passages and find their opinions about friends. And learn the new words.2. Underline the comparative words and phrases in the passages.3. Have a comp

35、etition: Which group can do the best?Scan and finish the tasks in their own groups Check with each other and then show their answers.Step 4 Post reading.1. Work on 2c. Are the questions true or false?2. Work on 2d. Lets compare: How do you and your friends compare with the people in the article?. 3.

36、 Lets think and write. 1). Which saying about friends is your favorite? 2).Which friend do you think about when you read this saying? Why? 3).Write a passage like this.Bb design Unit 3Im more outgoing than my sister. Period 6 Section B (2a2e) For me, its ( not) necessary to . XXXis quite different f

37、rom XXX is the same as XXX is similar to Period 6 Section B (3b-4)self checkKnowledge aims:(1)Key vocabularies and phrases:primary , primary school ,information (2)Key structure:Lisa is the same as me. Peter is different from me.xxx is the same asxxx is similar toxxx is different fromxxx is asasxxx

38、is talented in xxx is better atAbility aims:Students can learn and use the phrases and sentences to describe the people.Emotional aims:To tell the students: Recognize a person Teaching important points:(1)To learn how to recognize a person(2)To learn how to talk about our friends.Teaching difficult

39、points:(1)To learn how to recognize a person(2)To learn how to talk about our friends.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-inWatch a video and say sth. about a true friend.Step 2 PresentationPresent two persons of my best friends.This is my two best friends.They are both middle school students. Lisa is s

40、imilar to me.Peter is different from me.Step 3 Lets talk Talk about the two persons.Lisa is the same as me. We both have long hair . We are both friendly, smart.I am as quiet as her. We are good at singing.She is talented in English, too.Peter is different from me.He is more outgoing.He is much bett

41、er at sports.He is a little funnier.He speaks more loudly.Step 4 Practice1. The two persons want to be the weekend student helper for primary school in the English Study Center. Who is better for the job , Peter or Lisa?2. A: Who do you think should get the job, Peter or Lisa?B: xxx is A: .Step 5 Ch

42、eck and practice1. Check the homework of period 3.2. Make notes about the two of your friends. One friend should be similar to you; the other friend should be different.3. Read your paper out.4. Who is better for the job, why? Step 6 Practice1. Put the words in the correct columns in the chart.2. Fi

43、ll in the blanks using the correct forms of the works in brackets.Step 7 Homework1. Review the comparative forms in this unit.2. Review the sentences ,passages and dialogues in the unit.3. Do the exercise.Bb design Unit 3Im more outgoing than my sister. Period 7 Sectionb (3b4)self checkxxx is the same asxxx is similar toxxx is different fromxxx is asasxxx is talented in xxx is better at


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