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1、 Unit 6 Lesson 2 Reading and Writing 导学案 任课教师:龚雪 指导教师:齐文序学习目标:1、知识目标:Vocabulary preview, good phrases and sentences2、能力目标:How to use these words and sentences3、情感目标:Make new friends, but keep the old.(结交新朋友,但不忘老朋友)重点:Talking about their friends and know the importance of old friends.难点:Writing a pas

2、sage about friends.(写一篇关于朋友的文章).Before- reading(以对话形式开始导入新课) (读前-热身)T: Hello, girl, Im happy to see you , and I want to make friend with you .How about you ? Would you like to be my good friend?S; Yes, Id like to. T: And I want to know who is your best friend?S: .T: Thank you very much. From now, Im

3、 your new friend, is your old friend. And there is an English saying: “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver. The other is gold.” Today, we will learn the reading “Silver and Gold.”(通过对话式导入主题). While reading(读中了解阅读策略,写作知识积累)Task 1: Read the passage quickly and choose the main idea (中心思想)

4、and the style(文体)。-(Look at your English books of Unit 6 Lesson 2 Page 42.(看英语书42页)( )1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. How to make new friends B. How to keep old friends C. How to find silver and gold D. How they met each other( ) 2. Whats the style of the passage? A. Narration 记叙文 B. Exp

5、osition 说明文 C. Argumentation 议论文 助学:阅读策略 1. Skim for the main idea and the style of the passage.略读抓中心抓文体Task 2. Read the passage carefully and pay attention to(注意) six factors(六要素). Underline (划线) the answers to the questions. 在文中画出答案的位置小组讨论,两人一组进行问答。Who are the two girls?Susan and Wang DandanWhat u

6、nhappy thing happened to Wang Dandan?Her best friend is moving to Hong KongWhen did they m et each other?They met during their first year in school.Where did her friends father get a job?Hong KongHow did they keep in touch with each other?By (通过)_phone_Why were the new friends almost as good as the

7、old?There is an English saying “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver. ”阅读策略 2. When reading a narration, underline the six factors carefully. Who(何人),What(何事),When(何时),Where(何地),How(怎么), Why(何因)记叙文阅读,抓住六要素。初中阶段多为叙事短文,一般应包括Who, What,Where 三个最基本东西。Task 3: Write down the past tences(过去式) o

8、f these words in the reading.1.worry-_2.tell-_3.get-_4.cry-_5.meet-_6.study-_7.play-_ 8.imagine-_ 事实记叙文是写真实事情,常用一般过去时。Choose the sentences that are helpful in your writing and read aloud, then write them down. 选择文章中对你写作有帮助的句子大声读(或你欣赏的好词好句吧!)Vocabulary accumulating(词汇积累)be worry about , move away, cr

9、y a little, Im sure (that), However, lose friend, all the time, imagine (that), keep in touch through/with, reply to sb., I hope that, asas,_Sentences accumulating(语句积累)Im sure.I never imagined that (her family would leave this town).Make new friends, but keep the old. _ 句式变化要多样,从句,反问句,等要运用。语言知识变通(独

10、立思考,个人展示)1. Where do you study?(用last night改写) Where _ you _ last night?2 . Did you finish your homework? (做否定回答) _, I _. 3 . Susan had some new friends when she first came to China. (变为否定句) Susan_ _ _ new friends when she first came to China. 4. I cried because the girl was so lonely.(对画线部分提问). _ _

11、 you _ . 5. I meet my friend on my way home every day. (用yesterday 改写) I _ my friend on my way home _.Task 4: Fill in the blanks.(填空)Silver and GoldA story about 1 _.What2._thing happened to Wang Dandan?She was 3._ about her4. _ friend. Her friends father5. _ a new job in Hong Kong, so her family is

12、6. _ away.How did we feel after she told the news? She _ a little. I am _ for her father. However, I will _ my best friend. He began to _. When did they meet each other?They met _ their first year at school. They _ and _ together all the time. Maybe they will have to keep in touch by phone, Or they

13、will both feel lonely. And there is a saying in English, “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver. The other is gold.”语篇知识积累.助学:1. 文章结构-Part1 (Beginning) Part 2(Body) Part 3(Ending)2. 首段写作技巧. 提出问题,引起读者注意。回答问题,直入主题。通过过渡句,引出主体段。3. 主体段写作技巧紧紧围绕文章主题,通过六要素展开叙述。运用恰当精彩的描写为文章增色。4. 尾段写作技巧总结文章(可以用谚语,

14、 名言,感叹句等)。深化中心升华主题。5. 首尾呼应 6. 结尾扣题 Afterreading (读后写作输出)Task 5. 佳作欣赏(记叙文) 选择正确句子,为文章补充完整内容。The Teacher I Never ForgetHow time flies!(时光飞逝) Three years has passed since I became a middle school student. I had very good memories of my classmates and teachers. _. _. He helped us not only in class but a

15、lso after class. About two years ago, _.So he gave me many suggestions to improve it, and he also gave me every possible chance to speak in class. With his help, my promunciation has greatly been improved. I must say many thanks to Mr Zhang. _. AMr Zhang noticed that I was worried about my poor pron

16、unciation(语音)B. He is very kind and friednly to usC. The teacher I never forget is Mr Zhang, my English teacher.D. I wish him a healthy and happy life in the future.常用词汇:Encourage 勇敢的 great 极好的 wonderful 精彩绝伦的Happy幸福的,快乐的 sad 难过的 comfortable 舒服的Study hard努力学习 spend more time 花更多的时间常用句型:I am proud of

17、 you! 我以你为骄傲。I have confidence in myself. 我对自己有信心。I will try my best to work hard. 我将尽最大努力去学习。I like your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。I hope our dreams come true.我希望我们的梦想成真。Im looking forward to seeing you. 我期望见到你。Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver. The other is gold.Nothing is more joyf

18、ul than friendship, mutual care and help. 世界上最大的快事莫过于情谊-相互的关心和帮助。 写此作文,要注意以下几点: 开门见山, 简要写出人与人之间的关系。 要详细写一个最能体现与主人公关系的典型例子,例子要有说服力。 在作文的结尾可以抒发一下自己的真实情感。Task6. 在你的一生中,你一定交了不少的好朋友,留下了许多美好的回忆。你们之间发生的什么事情给你印象最深。写一篇100词左右的英语短文,再现一下你的这位朋友。内容包括:1. 简要介绍他/她的外貌特征和个性特点; 2. 列举一个事例,说明他/她在你学习上是如何帮助你或你们一起经历的一件事情。 3

19、. 感谢他 /她,祝愿他/她。_ 评课材料龚老师这堂英语课,以新课程理念为指导,充分考虑了学生年龄的特点,在教学中,注重根据学生的基础,去挖掘他们原有的知识资源,能够使学生在认知领域中掌握英语,是一堂成功精彩的英语课。在本课的教学设计和组织上注重了以下几个方面:一、教师有意识地帮助学生形成适合自己的学习策略,采用科学的途径,提高学习效率。良好的开头对一堂课的成功与否,起着关键的作用。本堂课一开始,教师以对话形式开始导入新课,使学生的注意力在最短的时间里被激活。 二、教师充分利用现代教育技术,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生学习方式。在阅读过程中了解阅读策略,积累写作知识。帮助学生明确文体,并重点强调记叙文的写作要素。老师教得容易,学生学得轻松,提高了实效性。三、教学活动的设计丰富多彩,效果显著。训练方式多样,有全班活动、师生互动、小组活动、双人活动、个人活动等,在活动中突破难点,在活动中发展学生能力。充分体现了以学生为主体,教师为主导的新课程理念。建议:1、本堂课中,老师设计了“语言知识变通”这一环节,虽然增强了学生对一般过去时的理解,但就阅读课来说,略显多余而且占用了一些时间。 2、教师课堂给学生的评价比较单一,并且没能够关注到每个个体的进步和多方面的发展潜能。回答问题的学生面还不够广。总体而言,对一名年轻教师来讲,这是一节较为成功的英语阅读课。 评课人:齐文序


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