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1、 2020朝阳一模情景文讲评 1 描图策略 2 审题构思 3 增补细节 CONTENTSCONTENTS 目目 录录 描图策略描图策略 01 Direct vs. Indirect How do cultural differences influence sentence structures? Attachments Tree Main Clause Bracelet connecting the beads v v v v 一眼看穿一眼看穿 层层递进层层递进 Individualism vs. Collectivism What makes a proper main point? Ac

2、curate 拼写及语法准确拼写及语法准确 Pay special attention to the spelling and the grammar. We diccused about making a vedio to record our experiences at school. We discussed making a video to record our experiences at school. Easy to find 位置好找位置好找 Put the main point in the very beginning of each paragraph. Approp

3、riate 表述得体(英语树状结构表述得体(英语树状结构 ) Organize your ideas in a western way 要点需确定核心动词:要点需确定核心动词:1)人物分组人物分组 2)确定交互动作)确定交互动作 Key verb How to describe a picture? (5W1H) when, where, who, what, why, how 审题构思审题构思 02 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,微 笑看“英语园地”写一篇短文,讲述你在这个寒假居家自主学习的过程。 2020朝阳一模朝阳一模 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下

4、四幅图的先后顺序,微 笑看“英语园地”写一篇短文,讲述你在这个寒假这个寒假居家自主学习的过程居家自主学习的过程。 2020朝阳一模朝阳一模 看时间、定时态看时间、定时态看内容、定变量看内容、定变量 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,微 笑看“英语园地”写一篇短文,讲述你在这个寒假这个寒假居家自主学习的过程居家自主学习的过程。 2020朝阳一模朝阳一模 制定计划制定计划 执行计划执行计划 沟通沟通交流交流 学习收获学习收获 Who did what? Key verb! made a (detailed) study plan started learning as sc

5、heduled/carry out the plan had on-line classes 或或 communicated with achieved a lot and was praised by parents 构思构思:文章结构:文章结构 I spent an unforgettable winter vacation this year, during which I became an autonomous learner. At the beginning of the vacation, I made a detailed learning plan. I first lis

6、ted the learning tasks for the following days and then made plans in great details to ensure that they are practical and feasible. Then I started learning as scheduled. With the learning materials piled on my desk, I was always in high spirits every day. To my delight, I could carry out the plan str

7、ictly. Whenever I met with difficulties, I turned to my teachers and classmates for help through the Internet. Thanks to the convenient video chat app, I could get my problems solved in time, which guaranteed my learning in a right and smooth way. At the end of the vacation, I had a systematic revis

8、ion of previous lessons, and gained more confidence in weak subjects. My parents also took notice of my progress and gave me a thumb up for my self-discipline. I had a great sense of accomplishment because my autonomous learning ability was cultivated, which I believe will have a far-reaching influe

9、nce on me. 2020朝阳一模标范朝阳一模标范 I spent an unforgettable winter vacation this year, during which I became an autonomous learner. At the beginning of the vacation, I made a detailed learning plan. I first listed the learning tasks for the following days and then made plans in great details to ensure that

10、 they are practical and feasible. Then I started learning as scheduled. With the learning materials piled on my desk, I was always in high spirits every day. To my delight, I could carry out the plan strictly. Whenever I met with difficulties, I turned to my teachers and classmates for help through

11、the Internet. Thanks to the convenient video chat app, I could get my problems solved in time, which guaranteed my learning in a right and smooth way. At the end of the vacation, I had a systematic revision of previous lessons, and gained more confidence in weak subjects. My parents also took notice

12、 of my progress and gave me a thumb up for my self- discipline. I had a great sense of accomplishment because my autonomous learning ability was cultivated, which I believe will have a far-reaching influence on me. 主人公做了什么?主人公做了什么? 收获?变量收获?变量 时时 间间 线线 动动 作作 线线 升升 华华 线线 时间延展时间延展辐射作辐射作 用用 大作大作文常见结构文常见

13、结构 衔接 要点 心情、结果 衔接 要点 心情、结果 衔接 要点 心情、结果 衔接 要点 心情、结果 时时 间间 线线 动动 作作 线线 升升 华华 线线 分段:分段: 4-5段为宜段为宜 1. 盖帽盖帽 (2) 2. 图图1 (3) 3. 图图2 (5) 4. 图图3 (5) 5. 图图4+升华升华(3+2) Time + Who did what?+Gain/Change? 增补细节增补细节 03 2020朝阳一模朝阳一模 制定计划制定计划 made a (detailed) study plan 1. 量体裁衣量体裁衣 take my learning habits into consi

14、deration/account 2. 攻坚薄弱攻坚薄弱 prioritize the subject that I struggle with 3. 有效切割有效切割 break down large projects and tasks into bite-sized tasks/manageable chunks 4. 劳逸结合劳逸结合 strike a proper balance between study and rest/relaxation 目标:目标:to study more efficiently/to manage time more efficiently 心情心情/

15、结果:结果:be ready/bursting/expectant to put my schedule into practice 确定首尾确定首尾 Why? How did you feel? 2020朝阳一模朝阳一模 目标:要坚持完成计划目标:要坚持完成计划 to stick to/carry out/implement the plan 执行计划执行计划 started learning as scheduled 或或carry out the study plan 1. 时钟的作用时钟的作用分割画面意义分割画面意义 自主自主 vs. 互动交流互动交流 2. 事件发展事件发展人物变化人

16、物变化 一帆风顺?稳步提升?克服问一帆风顺?稳步提升?克服问 题题 结果:完成计划;心情:结果:完成计划;心情:be satisfied with the great progress made 主人公目标?阶段主人公目标?阶段成果?心情?成果?心情? 2020朝阳一模朝阳一模 直线上升直线上升 Then I started learning as scheduled. With the learning materials piled on my desk, I was always in high spirits every day. To my delight, I could carr

17、y out the plan strictly. 曲线上升曲线上升 At first, I could hardly resist the temptation of TV and the Internet/I found it hard to stay away from many distractions. However, with the goal set in mind/with the study plan stuck on the wall constantly reminding me of my goal, I tried hard to stay focused/stick

18、 to my plan. As time passed by, I became more and more focused and efficient. 点出让自己克服困难的核心做法点出让自己克服困难的核心做法 遇到困难遇到困难 解决问题、解决问题、实现个人成长实现个人成长 2020朝阳一模朝阳一模 吃透图片言外之意吃透图片言外之意 Following my plan, I attentively reread some textbooks. With more time to digest and reflect on the knowledge, I gradually figured

19、out the connection between many key concepts and got a clearer picture of the subject. 引入对比、挖掘本质引入对比、挖掘本质 2020朝阳一模朝阳一模 沟通沟通交流交流 had on-line classes 或或 communicated with 1.Thanks to the convenient video chat app, I could get my problems solved in time, which guaranteed my learning in a right and smoo

20、th way. /which effectively facilitated my learning. 2.I took full use of the convenient on-line learning apps and communicated a lot with my teachers and classmates. tool facilitate your study 网络媒介、老师、同学网络媒介、老师、同学 目标:答疑解惑;成果:解决了目标:答疑解惑;成果:解决了问题,心情:不再问题,心情:不再迷茫迷茫、焦虑、焦虑 2020朝阳一模朝阳一模 沟通沟通交流交流 had on-li

21、ne classes 或或 communicated with 老师答疑解惑老师答疑解惑 unravel puzzles 1. Whenever I met with difficulties, I turned to my teachers and classmates for help through the Internet. 2. Under the patient guidance of my teacher, I quickly figured out the parts I was weak in/at and learned the corresponding measures

22、 to fix them. 3. Teachers quickly pointed out/pinpointed the crux of the problem that had long been perplexing me and patiently helped me figure out the solutions to it. 确定问题确定问题找到方法找到方法 2020朝阳一模朝阳一模 沟通沟通交流交流 had on-line classes 或或 communicated with 相隔很远,但心在一起相隔很远,但心在一起 Though far away, our hearts w

23、ere together. The warm smiles and encouraging words from my teachers dispelled my anxiety (sense of loneliness)/relieved my pressure/melted my heart/drove away the coldness of winter. Greatly motivated by my classmates, I was more determined to study harder. Seeing my “battle companions” fighting to

24、gether with me, I was greatly encouraged and energized, determined to strive harder for my goal. 同伴作用同伴作用陪伴激励陪伴激励 学习收获学习收获 I achieved a lot and was praised by my parents 2020朝阳一模朝阳一模 1. At the end of the vacation, I had a systematic revision of previous lessons, and gained more confidence in weak su

25、bjects. My parents also took notice of my progress and gave me the thumbs up for my self- discipline. 2. When I proudly shared my harvest with my parents, they raised their thumbs up in praise of my autonomy and high efficiency. 3. With a great sense of pride bubbling up in my heart, I was confident that I could achieve more in study with strong self- 自我认可自我认可+父母肯定父母肯定更加自信更加自信 要点要点 细节细节 如何增补有效细节?每图定首尾如何增补有效细节?每图定首尾主人公目标、阶段成果、心情?主人公目标、阶段成果、心情? 一棵树搞定描图、三条线牵引结构、仨问题打磨细节一棵树搞定描图、三条线牵引结构、仨问题打磨细节


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