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1、Unit 6 Design Period FiveCommunication Workshop 课时精练(北师大版必修2,广东专用)时间:40分钟.完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。On Tuesday,a big earthquake hit Haiti,a poor country.Many famous stars have been calling for people to lend their support to those left homeless after the earthquake in Haiti.Shakir

2、a has posted a_1_on her personal website asking everyone to donate cash to Jeans Yele charity organization,while other stars including Mark Hoppus,Yoko Ono,singer Joey Mcintyre,and Kim Kardashian have all taken to their T pages to raise_2_of the tragedy.Jeans campaign has proved so_3_that the websit

3、e crashed as a result of the number of donations being made every_4_.A spokesperson revealed the organization was working on_5_the site to allow for more donations.Meanwhile,Winfrey opened her talk show on Wednesday_6_viewers to donate to the Red Cross,saying,“This is a time where we,as a_7_nation,s

4、hould come together and support those who are in need.”And Coldplays Martin is pressing for donations to Oxfams Haiti appeal:“I visited Haiti with Oxfam a few years ago.Its a_8_of extreme poverty and very_9_living conditions.Most people in PortauPrince live in tin shacks(棚屋)The_10_that has struck Ha

5、iti will have turned the city into an unimaginable hell.”Hollywood super couple Pitt and Jolie have also extended their efforts by_11_$625,000 to help Doctors Without Borders in the earthquakeravaged zone.In a statement,Jolie says,“It is incredibly horrible to see a_12_of this size hit the people wh

6、o have been suffering from extreme_13_,violence and unrest for so many decades.”Pitt adds,“We understand the first response is_14_to serve the immediate needs of countless people who are now displaced from their homes,are suffering from injury,and most require_15_care.”【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。贫穷岛国海地遭地震重袭后,众

7、多明星纷纷号召人们向无家可归的海地灾民伸出援助之手。1Aword BmessageCsentence Dsignal答案B考查名词用法。夏奇拉在她的个人网站上发帖号召大家给海地慈善机构捐款。post a message发帖子。2Ahappiness BillnessCawareness Dcarelessness答案C考查名词用法。raise awareness of“提高对的关注或意识”。3Avisible BmiserableCpopular Dcapable答案C考查形容词用法。琼发起的赈灾筹款行动得到了广泛支持。popular受人赞同的,受欢迎的。4Aminute BdynastyCc

8、entury Dyear答案A考查名词用法。由于捐赠人数太多,该网站陷入瘫痪。every minute强调人们捐款之踊跃,符合语境。5Aopposing BcriticizingCblaming Dimproving答案D考查动词用法。一名发言人称,目前该组织正在完善(improving)该网站,以接受更多捐赠。6Acalling for Bcalling inCcalling on Dcalling at答案A考查动词短语用法。call for要求,提倡;call in召集;call on(sb)拜访某人;call at拜访某地。7Amusical BlocalCemotional Dglo

9、bal答案D考查形容词用法。她说:“在这种时刻,我们作为国际大家庭的一分子,应该团结起来,援助那些需要帮助的人们。”8Amainland BcountryCcity Dtown答案B考查名词用法。根据常识可知海地是一个国家。第一段首句也是答案提示。9Asplendid BbrilliantCgraceful Dbad答案D考查形容词用法。正因为极度贫穷,所以那里的人们的生活条件是很差的(bad)。10Aearthquake BfloodCdrought Dmudrock flow答案A考查名词用法。根据文章的第一段可知是地震(earthquake)袭击了海地。11Aapproving Bdon

10、atingCsupporting Dagreeing答案B考查动词用法。从上文和本句的钱数可知是捐款(donate)。12Adisease BterrorCcatastrophe Dsickness答案C考查名词用法。catastrophe“大灾难”。根据文章可知,此次地震对于海地来说是一次大灾难。13Ahonesty BcuriosityCequality Dpoverty答案D考查名词用法。在过去几十年中,海地人民经受了极度贫困、暴力和动荡。第五段第二句中的extreme poverty是答案提示。14Aelectrical BcriticalChistorical Deconomical

11、答案B考查形容词用法。无数的人流离失所,受了伤,大多迫切需要得到照顾;第一时间满足他们当前的需要是关键。critical紧要的,关键的,符合语境。15Aelegant BdependentCurgent Dimportant答案C考查形容词用法。参见上题解析。urgent紧急的,急迫的。.阅读理解ASince the day we are born,we begin to depend on other people.None of us could live without other people.First of all,think about your food and clothes

12、.Do you grow your own food and make your own clothes?No!Other people provide us either directly or indirectly with the food we eat and the clothes we wear.As a child,you depend on your parents for your food and clothes.When you grow up,you still depend on other people for them.Some farmers may grow

13、their own food,but they still depend on other people for other foods and drinks,as there are always things they can not make by themselves.Secondly,we depend on other people for safety and understanding.Nobody in the world can avoid disease or danger.Nobody can be happy if other people do not unders

14、tand them.At the time when you are feeling under_the_weather,you seem to depend more on other people.If theres nobody taking care of you ,you may feel lonely and helpless.If luck is on your side and you feel safe and sound,you may depend on other people for their understanding.And if your family mem

15、bers and friends cant understand you,you may be on edge and feel sad and depressed.Thirdly,you also depend on other people for friendship and love.As a human being,you want to be on good terms with other people.You dont want to be left in the cold,of course.And when you are coming of age,you begin t

16、o need love.You need love from your family members,your relatives and friends;you need love from your peers.And most importantly,you need to love someone of the opposite sex who will love you.You know how happy you are when you are in love,and you know how sad you are when nobody is interested in yo

17、u.After_all,life_is_not_always_a_bed_of_roses.You may be caught short and may live from hand to mouth.You may fall ill all of a sudden and lie in bed.You may be taken for granted and nobody cares you.But are there ways to avoid all that?Yes,there are.One of the ways is:dont do to others what you wou

18、ldnt like them to do to you,but do first to others what you would like them to do to you.All in all,you cant find love without loving others.16Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AWhen someone misunderstands you,you may be nervous and feel sad.BEveryone wants to get on well w

19、ith others.CWhen you become an adult,its very important for you to get love from a peer of the opposite sex. DSome farmers grow their own food,so they dont depend on other people for food.答案D细节理解题。先用寻读的方法找到文章第二段最后一句话,发现D项与原文表述相反。17The words “under the weather” underlined in Paragraph 3 probably mean

20、_.Aslightly illBsafe and soundCsad and depressedDlonely and helpless答案A猜测词义题。根据“词不离句,句不离篇”的原则,解答此类试题首先要把握好段落大意及结构,再进行猜测。第三段从safety和understanding两方面进行论证。从第三段第二句关键词disease和第五句关键词take care of 可判断出under the weather指“(人)不舒服的;有病的”。18What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?ASometimes w

21、e should depend on ourselves instead of others.BLife is not always pleasant and there are often difficult things to deal with.CSometimes we cant get love or friendship from our relatives and peers.DLove can make you as happy as a king or as sad as death.答案B句意理解题。此类试题多属于推理判断题。这里主要从下文信息词推断出。be caught

22、short“钱不凑手”;from hand to mouth“仅能糊口地”;fall ill all of a sudden“突然生病”。19The passage is most probably taken from_.Aa popular magazineBa scifi magazineCa newspaperDan adventure book答案A推理判断题。本文论述了人生的一种观点。语言委婉生动,好像是一位经验丰富的长者娓娓道来。这种文章常出现在一般的流行性杂志上。20Which of the following best shows the structure of the p

23、assage?(stand for “Paragraph 1Paragraph 5”)答案C文章结构题。议论文阅读理解的关键是:抓论题,抓论点。抓住了论题和论点,就“牵住了牛鼻子”。这篇议论文观点鲜明,逻辑严谨。作者在第一段提出论题:None of us could live without other people,然后运用演绎法进行论证。主要在三方面提出论据,即food and clothes,safety and understanding,friendship and love。在最后一段得出结论:you cant find love without loving others ,关键

24、词all in all也为判断提供了重要提示。但在这里面绝不能忽视关键信息词first of all,secondly,thirdly,它们充分体现了文章的逻辑结构。BLots of kids love video games.In fact,they like them so much that they might always hear something like this from Mom or Dad:“Enough!Turn_off_that_thing_and_find_something_else_to_do!”It can be good advice,even if yo

25、u were just about to crash through to the next level.Why?Too much of anything is just too much.Its true that some studies have shown certain video games can improve handeye coordination(配合),problemsolving skills,and the minds ability to process information.But too much video game playing can cause h

26、ealth problems.Its hard to get enough active play and exercise if youre always inside playing video games.And without enough exercise,kids can become overweight.Really overdoing video games also could affect other important stuff,like friendships and how well a kid does in school.And its still uncle

27、ar what an effect violent and disturbing games have on a persons brain.But heres the good news:Playing video games some of the time can be OK.Just aim for no more than 1 or 2 hours a day and choose quality games.A good game will be the right one for how old you are.Games are rated like movies and yo

28、ur mom or dad can help figure out which ones you should use.You might challenge your mom,dad or even your grandma to swing the bat in a game of baseball or try out some fancy moves in one of the dancing games.Could your grandma be a dancing queen?Time to find out!21Who is this passage intended for?A

29、Parents.BTeachers.CStudents who dont listen to their parents.DChildren addicted to video games.答案D文中多次出现you 和your parents 等词,表明此文是针对玩游戏的孩子。22What can be inferred from the underlined part in the first paragraph?AThe mom complains her child spend too much time on video games.BMom wants her child to do

30、 more housework.CIts time for the child to do his or her homework.DChildren shouldnt play video games.答案A通过划线句子的标点及语气可知是家长抱怨孩子玩游戏。23Which of the following is NOT the advantage of playing games according to the passage?AVideo games can develop ones problemsolving skills.BVideo games can improve hande

31、ye coordination.CPlaying too much video game can make you clever.DVideo games playing is helpful to the minds ability to process information.答案C由第二段可知玩游戏有一定的好处,但文章并没有提到使人变得更聪明。24Which of the following advice we cant get from the passage?AParents should take notice of the games the children play.BChi

32、ldren shouldnt play video games at all.CPlaying games for a period of limited time is OK.DChildren shouldnt play violent and disturbing games.答案B第五段和第六段是玩游戏应该注意的事,从中可知适当玩游戏是可以的,而不是根本不能玩。25What can we learn from the last paragraph?AYou might beat your parents in a game.BYou can imitate some dancing moves from games.CYou should find out if your grandma is a dancing queen.DYou should learn something good from the video games.答案D最后一段虽然提到了与父母及祖母切磋球技及舞蹈动作,但是第一句话中提到in a game of baseball和in one of the dancing games,可知是吸取游戏里好的东西。


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