1、腰痛和腰椎腰痛和腰椎间盘突出症间盘突出症lStructural support and balance for upright posturelProtection Spinal cord and nerve rootsInternal organslFlexibility of motion in six degrees of freedomLeft and RightSide BendingFlexion and ExtensionLeft and Right RotationlCranial-the head or towards the headlCaudal-the tail or
2、towards the taillAnterior-the front section or towards the frontlPosterior-the back section or towards the backlVentral-the front or anterior surfacelDorsal-the back or posterior surfaceCranialCaudalAnteriorPosteriorDorsal VentrallPedicle notchesSlight NotchDeep NotchIntervertebral ForamenlIntervert
3、ebral foramenlNerve roots exitBodyPedicleLaminaSuperior Articular ProcessSpinousProcessTransverse ProcessVertebral ForamenlBody-L1 to L5 progressive increase in masslPedicles-longer and wider than thoracic;oval shapedlSpinous processes-horizontal,square shapedlTransverse processes-smaller than in th
4、oracic regionlSpinal foramen-large to allow for cauda equina and nerve rootslIntervertebral foramen-large,but with increased incidence of nerve root compressionlIntervertebral DisclEnd PlatelApophyseal RingCartilaginousBonylThe FUNCTIONAL UNITFUNCTIONAL UNIT of the spinelComprised of:Two adjacent ve
5、rtebraeIntervertebral discConnecting ligamentsTwo facet joints and capsuleslFibrocartilaginous joint of the motion segmentlMakes up the length of the spinal columnlPresent at levels C2-C3 to L5-S1lAllows compressive,tensile,and rotational motionlLargest avascular structures in the bodylAnnulus Fibro
6、susOuter portion of the discLamellaelGreat tensile strengthMade up of lamellaeAnnulus FibrosusLayers of collagen fiberslArranged obliquely 30 lReversed contiguous layerslNucleus PulposusNucleus PulposusInner structureGelatinousHigh water contentResists axial forceslLargest avascular structurelBlood
7、supply by diffusion through end plateslDamage to the blood supply leads to degradation of the discThe Vertebral Body(VB)lKey RolesCarry 80%of the axial loads through VB and discEndplates enable nutrition to diffuse to discHas two rolesShock absorber of axial forcesPivot point in motion segmentLigame
8、ntum flavumPosterior longitudinal ligamentAnterior longitudinal ligamentlBands or sheets of tough,fibrous tissue that connect bones,cartilage,or other structureslBecome active when stressed to maximum range of motionlProtect the joints from being hyperflexedTwo major components of IVDAnnulus fibrosi
9、s:thick,fibrous“radial tire”LamellaeNucleus pulposus:ball-like gelBy age 50,95%of people show lumbar disc degenerationlNot all have symptomslSignificant changes to IVD are:Water and proteoglycan content decreasesCollagen fibers of AF become distortedTears may occur in the lamellaelResults in:Disc lo
10、ses height and volumeLoses resistance to loading forceslNo longer acts as a shock absorberlThe motion segment is the functional unit of the spine and consists ofMuscle(activators)Ligaments(passive restraints)Adjacent vertebral bodies A 3-joint complex of two facet joints and a disc(pivots)lDegenerat
11、ion can begin in one or more of these joints,but ultimately all three will be affectedProvide an overview of degenerative conditionsDegenerative DiseaseSpinal StenosisHerniated DisclLoss of normal tissue structure and function due to aging processlChanges are usually gradual,trauma sometimes acceler
12、ateslDegenerative changes do not always lead to clinical symptomslWhen changes cause symptoms(often pain),the process is referred to as osteoarthritislSpondylosis is degenerative changes in the spineThe Vertebral Body(VB)lDegenerative ChangesSclerosis:Increased bone formation adjacent to endplateslR
13、educes nutrition diffusing to disclStiffens endplate,and reduces ability to absorb loadsOsteophytes:Formation of small bony spurslCan project into neuro structuresKey RolesCarry 20%of compressive loadsHelp stabilize spinelDegenerative ChangesCartilage lining loses water contentCartilage wears awayFa
14、cets override each otherLeads to abnormal function of motion segmentLigaments and MuscleslLigaments attach bone to boneProvide stability,enable normal motionlDegenerative ChangesPartial ruptures,necrosis and calcificationsNegatively impact function of motion segmentlChanges include:Disc loses height
15、 and volumeCompressive loads transfer away from nucleus to margins Sclerosis of endplate reduces disc nutritionFacet joints wear away cartilage,begin to overrideMotion segment becomes hypermobileOsteophytes develop to attempt to stabilize motion segmentOsteophytes may encroach on neuro structureslNa
16、rrowing of the spinal canal and/or lateral foramen through which the nerves travellThree types:Central stenosis:in central spinal canal where cord or cauda equina are locatedLateral recess stenosis:in the tract where nerve roots exit canalAcquired:in lateral foramen where nerve roots exit to bodylMo
17、st frequent in lower cervical and lower lumbar spinelOften called“ruptured disc”lVery common pathologylL3-4,L4-5,L5-S1 common locationslThought to be a culmination of acute traumatic events to the disc Nuclear herniation:nucleus ruptures.No disruption of outer annular fiberslDisc protrusion:ruptured
18、 nucleus causes outer fibers to bulgelNuclear extrusion:Complete split in annulus.Material leaks but remains attached to nucleuslSequestered nucleus:Leaked substance no longer attached to nucleuslThe back and leg pain since-Greeks recognized it.lIn the fifth century AD Aurelianus clearly described t
19、he symptoms of sciatica.lThe sciatica arose from either hidden causes or observable causes-a fall,a violent blow,pulling,or straining.lThe most notable of these is the Lasgue sign,or straight-leg raising test,described by Forst in 1881 but attributed to Lasgue,his teacher.This test was devised to di
20、stinguish hip disease from sciatica.lMixter and Barr in their classic paper published in 1934 again attributed sciatica to lumbar disc herniation.lRuptured discs are among the most common and painful of all back ailments.lThe condition occurs when the outer cover of a disc is torn and the soft inner
21、 tissue extrudes.The extrusion often puts pressure on the spinal nerves,causing back and leg pain which can be severe.l腰椎间盘突出症是因椎间盘变性,纤维环破裂,髓核腰椎间盘突出症是因椎间盘变性,纤维环破裂,髓核突出刺激或压迫神经根、马尾神经所表现的一种综合突出刺激或压迫神经根、马尾神经所表现的一种综合征。征。lIt usually occurs in the L4/5 or L5/S1 intervertebral disc regions and is most often
22、 seen on only one side but may be bilateral.lIt may occur in other regions,especially at the L3/4 level,and occasionally disc protrusion may occur at more than one level simultaneously.lIt is often due to degeneration of the disc and therefore occurs most commonly in middle or old age.lDegeneration
23、of the annulus fibrosus allows the nucleus pulposus to herniate throughl压迫改变神经根的传导、营养状态,通过压迫改变神经根的传导、营养状态,通过影响局部血运和脑脊液的营养,影响局部血运和脑脊液的营养,l机械直接损伤神经内部,神经根受压变形,机械直接损伤神经内部,神经根受压变形,有张力,压迫神经根可引传导性损伤,功有张力,压迫神经根可引传导性损伤,功能改变。能改变。l同周围神经一样,单纯压迫不引起根痛,同周围神经一样,单纯压迫不引起根痛,没有炎症和刺激因素压迫只产生感觉缺失,没有炎症和刺激因素压迫只产生感觉缺失,运动无力,反
28、有效的机械刺激是轻度牵拉,最有效的机械刺激是轻度牵拉,与临床情况相吻合。与临床情况相吻合。l有病间盘水平的神经根比邻近有病间盘水平的神经根比邻近正常的神经根更敏感正常的神经根更敏感lKuslich在局麻下椎间盘手术中,在局麻下椎间盘手术中,对有炎症或压迫的神经根压迫对有炎症或压迫的神经根压迫特别敏感,压迫它再现坐骨神特别敏感,压迫它再现坐骨神经痛经痛lSmyth用尼龙线绕过受累神经用尼龙线绕过受累神经根,轻拉即再现坐骨神经痛的根,轻拉即再现坐骨神经痛的 损伤和炎症的组织释放的化学介质损伤和炎症的组织释放的化学介质使神经末梢致敏。使神经末梢致敏。l这些神经致敏物质包括由这些神经致敏物质包括由C纤
33、物质有反应。对损伤或炎症产生的致痛电学物质有反应。lMcCarron向狗硬膜外腔注入自体的髓核,表现出向狗硬膜外腔注入自体的髓核,表现出它的致炎作用。它的致炎作用。lOlmarker 发现身体髓核在神经发现身体髓核在神经l组织中产生炎性和退行性改变组织中产生炎性和退行性改变l腰腿痛当中,原因很复杂,椎间盘突出腰腿痛当中,原因很复杂,椎间盘突出l的大小与疼痛程度不一,的大小与疼痛程度不一,l生化和机械因素交互作用。生化和机械因素交互作用。l有很多证据表明髓核有致免疫原性,有很多证据表明髓核有致免疫原性,l自体髓核与血液接触,对髓核自身抗体已发现,虽然很多证自体髓核与血液接触,对髓核自身抗体已发现
35、炎症作用。它在体内的源性:l表1 PLA2 activiyu l PMN3,2l Platelet1.4l Plasma0.006l Sperm28.0l inflammatory synovial fluid 12.1l herniated lumbar disc1212.0l正常椎间盘内PLA2就有致水肿作用lSteroid局部应用非常有效,在没有免疫反应的生化炎症,局部应用非常有效,在没有免疫反应的生化炎症,作为疼痛发生机制的另一个原因作为疼痛发生机制的另一个原因l髓核有介导炎性的能力,含有高浓度的髓核有介导炎性的能力,含有高浓度的PLA2。lSaal在有腰痛病人病变节段的椎间盘组织内会
36、有不正常高在有腰痛病人病变节段的椎间盘组织内会有不正常高浓度的磷酸激酶浓度的磷酸激酶A2-PLA2。髓核、髓核、PLA2及别的致炎物质及别的致炎物质作用到椎间盘的伤害感觉受器,它激活痛感纤维的作用比作用到椎间盘的伤害感觉受器,它激活痛感纤维的作用比单纯压力更大单纯压力更大lPLA2进入神经根后进入神经根后神经水肿,髓鞘轴突损伤,同注射神经水肿,髓鞘轴突损伤,同注射蛇毒蛇毒 PLA2,但作用程度轻,支持了但作用程度轻,支持了PLA2的神经毒性的神经毒性l硬腰外使用自体髓核,发生传导阻滞,神经周围组织炎硬腰外使用自体髓核,发生传导阻滞,神经周围组织炎症症。lIncision of the anul
37、us fibrosus induces nerve root morphologic,vascular,and functional changes.An experimental study.lKayama-Japan:Spine 1996 lThe nerve conduction velocity was significantly lower in the incision group(13 14 m/sec)compared with the nonincision group(73 5 m/sec).lThe obvious signs of capillary stasis wi
38、th an increased number and diameter of the intraneural capillaries in the incision group.lKayama-Sweden:Spine 1998 lNucleus pulposus cells and fibroblasts were cultured for 3 weeks,and various preparations were applied to the cauda equina in 29 pigs.After 1 week,nerve conduction velocity was determi
39、ned by local electrical stimulation.lApplication of nucleus pulposus cells reproduced the previously seen reduction in nerve conduction velocity induced.lKuslich在在144例椎间盘手术中,在病变椎间盘外侧检查刺激例椎间盘手术中,在病变椎间盘外侧检查刺激或电刺激产生中度疼痛占或电刺激产生中度疼痛占70%,重度占,重度占30%。l突出椎间盘或狭窄的椎间只对突出椎间盘或狭窄的椎间只对DRG或突炎神经根的机械压迫或突炎神经根的机械压迫是持续的,
42、椎间盘性疼痛中,增加炎性神经根的敏感性起重要作用疼痛中,增加炎性神经根的敏感性起重要作用lOzaktay USA:Spine 1998 JunlPhospholipase A2 appeared to be neurotoxic when doses ranging from 100 to 400 U were applied on the mechanically sensitive segments of the dorsal root ganglia.lPLA2 doses comparable to serum concentrations in human rheumatoid ar
43、thritis when applied to dorsal root ganglia.lThese results suggest that dorsal roots and dorsal root ganglion may be impaired by phospholipase A2,leading to sciatica and low back pain.l中枢致敏中枢致敏l组织损伤可能导致连续的神经冲动至脊髓,这使后组织损伤可能导致连续的神经冲动至脊髓,这使后角神经元致敏角神经元致敏l致敏的神经元痛阈下降,致敏的神经元痛阈下降,l对传入冲动的反应增强,对传入冲动的反应增强,l对重复
45、的原因牵涉痛的原因lGilleffe发现了后角单个神经发现了后角单个神经元可接受从各种脊柱组织传入元可接受从各种脊柱组织传入的信号,呈一种高度会聚接收的信号,呈一种高度会聚接收状态。状态。l脊髓后角的神经元可以由压迫脊髓后角的神经元可以由压迫皮肤、椎小关节、韧带、及肌皮肤、椎小关节、韧带、及肌肉而兴奋,这种高度会聚功能肉而兴奋,这种高度会聚功能也是腰痛不易定位的原因也是腰痛不易定位的原因lHu SJ-Xian,PR China Pain 1998 JullAn experimental model in the rat.lA small stainless steel rod(0.5-0.8
46、mm in diameter)was inserted into the L5 intervertebral foramenlThese neurons had a greatly enhanced sensitivity to mechanical stimulation of the injured DRG and a prolonged after discharge.la persistent heat hyperalgesia 5-35 days lThe excitatory responses were evoked in the injured,but not the unin
47、jured,DRG neurons.lMultiple factors affect the development of back pain.lsmoking,pro-longed daily driving of motor vehicles,jobs requiring frequent repetitive lifting of heavy objects and twisting,the use of jackhammers and machine tools,and the operation of motor vehicles episodes of anxiety and de
48、pression.lIt is more common in males than females and has a maximal incidence in the third and fourth decades of life.lBack pain may be caused by stimulation of the pain fibers in the outer layers of the annulus fibrosus.lAlternatively,distortion of the posterior longitudinal ligament,which is richl
49、y innervated by pain fibers,may result in back pain.lLeg pain can result from compression of a nerve root by an HNPl腰痛可以起自于椎间盘、椎小关节、肌肉的腰痛可以起自于椎间盘、椎小关节、肌肉的神经末梢。神经末梢。l化学炎性介质释放,使正常无痛的运动变为化学炎性介质释放,使正常无痛的运动变为疼痛性的。疼痛性的。l髓核是强列的神经根和神经末梢致炎和刺激髓核是强列的神经根和神经末梢致炎和刺激物质物质l椎间盘与神经根的位置、椎间盘与神经根的位置、DRG的特殊神经生的特殊神经生理特点、神经
50、根和理特点、神经根和DRG易被压迫而出现坐骨易被压迫而出现坐骨种经痛。种经痛。l系列恶性冲动使后角感觉神经元致敏,导致系列恶性冲动使后角感觉神经元致敏,导致的慢性疼痛状态的慢性疼痛状态lThe following are risk factors for herniated disc disease in the lumbar spine:lsmoking,pro-longed daily driving of motor vehicles,and frequent repetitive lifting of heavy objects and twisting.lIt is more com