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1、Day 19 从句混合练习&M3U3词汇一从句混合练习1. It was early in the morning _ he came back home with his wife. A. while B. when C. since D. before2. It was 4:00 in the morning _ he finished his experiment in the lab. A. that B. when C. until D. since3. It was quite a few days _ he thought up a good plan to complete t

2、he experiments. A. when B .before C. until D. since4. Its several years _ the dam was built. A. before B. after C. when D. since 5. Even if you tell him to do it under the directions, he wont do as _. A. to tell B. he is told to C. you tell him D. being told to6. Word(消息 n.) came from the front _ ou

3、t troops would attack that city early in the morning. A. that B. what C. / D. where7. We thought _ necessary to have a discussion on that problem at the meeting to be held the following day. A. it is B. it C. it would be D. it be8. The city is twice _ ten years ago. A. that was B. that of C. it was

4、D. what it used to be9. He said that he would never forget the days _ he spent with the farmers in that village. A. that B. when C. in which D. during which10. It is said that the person who he can ask for help _ a big reward. A. to be given B. being given C. to have been given D. will be given11. T

5、he days he spent _ a study of the plants growing in the mountains is unforgettable and exciting. A. to make B. to have made C. in making D. and made12. He crossed the big room, and, _ by the window, looked out to the distance. A. stood B. to be standing C. standing D. to stand13. He crossed the big

6、room, and then stood by the window, _ out to the distance. A. looked B. having looked C. looking D. to look14. Though _, he still tried hard to find out the way out. A. to be impossible B. it is impossible C. being impossible D. impossible15. 1) _ excited us Chinese greatly that Liu Xiang, as a Chin

7、ese, won the Olympic championship of mens 110 meter hurdle race. A. What B. That C. It D. As2) _ excited us Chinese greatly _ that Liu Xiang, as a Chinese, won the Olympic championship of mens 110-meter hurdle race.A. It, was B. What, was C. That, was D. As, was3) Liu Xiang, as Chinese, won the Olym

8、pic championship of mens 110-meter hurdle race, _ excited us Chinese greatly.A. it B. that C. which D. /16. _we all know, _ is no end to learning. A. That; it B. What; that C. As, there D. For; what17. _ life pace continues to speed up(加速 v.), we are quickly losing the art of enjoyment. A. With B. W

9、hen C. As D. While18. _ time going on, the little girl has turned into a pretty young lady. A. As B. While C. When D. With19. The great time we have been looking forward to _ finally. A. coming B. came C. come D. has come20. _ it is, the workers keep on working in the working site. A. How hot B. So

10、hot a day C. However hot D. Such a hot day21. _ took away the papers without permission? A. Who was it that B. Was it who that C. Who it was that D. It was who that22. - I say you mustnt look down upon him because you are better than him as a whole. He is strong _ you are weak. - Yeah, I admit I hav

11、e to learn from him in some way. A. while B. if C. because D. where23. It might be one more week _ they finish all the experiments. A. before B. when C. after D. until24. I disagree with you _ put too much emphasis on grammar.A. that Bwhere C. when D. as 二M3U3词汇练习1. 众所周知,楼兰是中国的庞培。(as)2. 都知道互联网是获得信息的

12、最好途径。(access, as)3. 失落的文明 4. 我明年就要接手我家的家族生意了。5. 1999年中国从葡萄牙接管了澳门。 6. 右翼分子已经控制了该党。7. 公司现在由原总裁的女儿负责。8. 九寨沟以其纯净的水而出名。 9. 张家界因其众多的险峰而闻名全世界。10. 石油从管道中喷涌而出。 11. 火山随时可能爆发。12. 大雨倾盆而下。 13. 我们很关注英语的发展状况,美国人也是。(concerned, so)14. 我根本从未对他的话不理不睬,我弟弟也是。如果城区居民能喝到干净水,农村居民也应该能。15. 谋杀案是在生产电视机的工厂里面发生的。(强调划线部分)16. 一直想夺取

13、(take over)中国领土的日本占领了东北三省。(强调划线部分)17. 人们了解到的是他对科学的兴趣也是他取得成功的原因之一这个事实(而不是了解到别的东西)。(强调划线部分)18. 汉朝于公元前206年建立,长安是其首都。(with)19. 由于他父亲是该项目的负责人,他轻易地就能获得相关信息。(with, access)20. 飞机掉进海里沉了,机上当时由600个乘客,包括机组人员(the crew).(with)21. 孔子对中国的教育和文化影响很大。22. 电脑从来没空闲过。(use)23. 为了回报中国人的帮助,美国人决定对日宣战。(return, declare)24. 为了获得更好的服务,顾客们可能要多付费。(return)25. 清朝在1911年不复存在。26. 中国东部地区很发达(developed),西部地区就是另外一个景象了。(story)27. 整个城市现在是一片废墟。28. 飞机上的乘客们的状态不错。(board, condition)29. 总统宣告为战斗中的死难者而建的纪念馆明天向公众开放。(open to sb, memory)


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