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1、Selected Readings in British Literature Unit 1Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400)the Canterbury TalesGeoffrey Chaucer(1340?-1400)II.Geoffrey Chaucer Literary career The French period (The Book of the Duchess)The Italian period (Troilus and Criseyde)The mature period (The Canterbury Tales)d

2、iplomat,soldier,scholar,Controller of the Customs,Justice of the Peace and Knight of the Shire(Member of Parliament).the father of English poetry born in a middle class family,son of a well-to-do wine merchant.Life of ChaucerCanterbury Tales A rich,tapestry of medieval social lifecombining elements

3、of all classes,from nobles to workers,from priests and nuns to drunkards and thieves.When The Canterbury Tales were written:Christianity was the dominant social force throughout western Europe,including England.The Feudal System was the way of life in Medieval times and if you failed to follow it yo

4、u could be killed for treason.If you worked hard enough and did enough good deeds you could advance in the system but it was uncommon to advance past a knight or noble F eudal S ystemN oblesK nightsS quiresS erfsP easantsY eom anK ingC hurch Feudal S ystemFriarsM onksB ishopP opeMiddle Ages:General

5、Timeline476 C.E.Fall of Rome1066 C.E.Norman invasion of Britain1095-1291C.E.Crusades1306-1321 Dantes Divine Comedy1386 C.E.Chaucer begins writing Canterbury Tales1455 C.E.Printing PressBeowulf Composed sometimebetween850 C.E.900 C.E.1453Fall of Byzantine Empire with invasion of Ottoman Turks306 C.E.

6、Constantine comes to power in Eastern Roman Empire;beginning of Byzantine Empire1347 Bubonic Plague450 C.E.Anglo-Saxons invade England1375-1400 Sir Gawain&Green KnightGeoffrey Chaucers The Canterbury TalesHistory of the Tales Geoffrey Chaucer began writing the tales around 1387 AD Uncompleted manusc

7、ript published 1400AD,the year he died First book of poetry purposely written in the English language Set a precedent and poets from Shakespeare to Dryden and Keats to Eliot owe him a debt of gratitude Begun:1386 Planned:120 tales Completed:22 and 2 fragments Remaining:80 manuscripts Most highly dec

8、orated:Ellesmere Manuscript Variety of genres:general prologue is estates satire Pilgrimage as a framing device for tales Conventional springtime opening Ernest and game instruction and entertainment Pilgrimage Very popular to go on pilgrimage Pilgrims often want to Rome or Jerusalem Canterbury Cath

9、edral:shrine to Thomas a Becket Reasons Hope of heavenly reward Penance 苦修;忏悔苦修;忏悔 Pubs People went in groups for safetyCanterbury Cathedral:pilgrimage destination in the Medieval Times A pilgrimage is a religious journey undertaken for penance and grace.As pilgrimages went,Canterbury was not a very

10、 difficult destination for an English person to reach.It was,therefore,very popular in fourteenth-century England,as the narrator mentions.Pilgrims traveled to visit the remains of Saint Thomas Becket,archbishop of Canterbury,who was murdered in 1170 by knights of King Henry II.Pilgrims Upper class(

11、Knight,Squire,church people)Learned professions(Physician,Man of Law)Landed gentry(Franklin)Medieval manor people(Miller,Reeve 城镇(或地区)城镇(或地区)长官长官)Mercantile class(Shipman,Merchant)Guildsmen(Haberdasher男子服饰经销商;杂货商,男子服饰经销商;杂货商,Dyer,etc.)Laborer(Plowman)Egypt Aswan Mosque 埃及阿斯旺清真寺Synagogue:a Jewish con

12、gregation or the house of worship for that purpose,a Jewish institution for prayer,study,and socializing犹太会堂;犹太教堂 Chaucer is the first great poet who wrote in the current English language.His production of so much excellent poetry is an important factor in establishing English as the literary langua

13、ge of the country.And he made the dialect of London the foundation for Modern English speech.Thats why John Drydon called him“the Father of English Poetry.”Geoffrey Chaucer(1343-1400)Originally,Old English poems are mainly alliterative verses with few variations.Chaucer introduced from France the rh

14、ymed stanzas of various types to English poetry to replace it.In The Canterbury Tales,he employed heroic couplet with true ease and charm for the first time in the history of English literature.A heroic couplet is a traditional form for English poetry,particularly for epic and narrative poetry.It co

15、rresponds to a two line stanza in iambic pentameter.(押韵抑扬五音步押韵抑扬五音步)The heroic couplet became the principal metre used in drama about the mid-17th century,and the form was perfected by John Dryden and Alexander Pope in 18th century.Heroic Couplet(英雄双韵体英雄双韵体)Iambic pentameter consists of lines with f

16、ive feet(hence pentameter)in which the iamb is the dominant foot(hence Iambic).da-DUM da-DUM da-DUM da-DUM da-DUM Shall I com-PARE thee TO a SUM mers DAYThe Canterbury TalesArtistry of Language Chaucer wrote in English It was becoming more solid and widespread He used verse,which was the norm,but va

17、ried it according to his purpose Despite borrowing much of his material,his use of language injects these tales with new lifeThe prioressThe Wife of BathThe KnightThe Oxford ClerkChaucer Chaucer:He is a character in his own novel,and he writes in the first person as an outside observer traveling wit

18、h the pilgrims on their way to Canterbury.Prologue Represent a wide range of 14th century English society 3 Groups Represent:Agricultural feudalismLandownership and serviceKnights yeomanFranklin UrbanizationChange in feudal structureDoctorGuildsmen The ChurchOne of the most powerful elements in medi

19、eval society9 of pilgrims belong to clergy The General Prologue -Occasion -Time -Sketches of the pilgrims -Purpose -Motivation -Satire1 Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote When April with its sweet-smelling showers2 The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,Has pierced the drought of March t

20、o the root,3.And bathed every veyne in swich licou4.And bathed every vein(of the plants)in such liquid5.Of which vertu engendred is the flour;By the power of which the flower is created;6.Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth When the West Wind also with its sweet breath,7.Inspired hath in every

21、holt and heeth In every holt and heath,has breathed life into8.The tendre croppes,and the yonge sonne The tender crops,and the young sun9.Hath in the Ram his half cours yronne,Has run its half course in Aries,10.And smale foweles maken melodye,And small fowls make melody,10 That slepen al the nyght

22、with open ye Those that sleep all the night with open eyes11 (So priketh hem Nature in hir corages),(So Nature incites them in their hearts),12 Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,Then folk long to go on pilgrimages,13 And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes,And professional pilgrims(long)

23、to seek foreign shores,14 To ferne halwes,kowthe in sondry londes;To(go to)distant shrines,known in various lands;15 And specially from every shires ende And specially from every shires end16 Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende,Of England to Canterbury they travel,17 The hooly blisful martir for t

24、o seke,To seek the holy blessed martyr,18 That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke.Who helped them when they were sick.当四月带来它那甘美的骤雨,当四月带来它那甘美的骤雨,让三月里的干旱湿到根子里,让三月里的干旱湿到根子里,让浆汁滋润每棵草木的茎脉,让浆汁滋润每棵草木的茎脉,凭其催生的力量使花开出来;凭其催生的力量使花开出来;当和风甜美的气息挟着生机,当和风甜美的气息挟着生机,吹进树林和原野上的嫩芽里,吹进树林和原野上的嫩芽里,年轻的太阳也已进入白羊座,年轻的太阳也

25、已进入白羊座,已把白羊座一半的路程走过,已把白羊座一半的路程走过,而小鸟小雀唱着各自的曲调而小鸟小雀唱着各自的曲调整夜里它们都睁着眼睛睡觉整夜里它们都睁着眼睛睡觉(这是大自然拨弄出它们心声);(这是大自然拨弄出它们心声);这时候人们也就渴望去朝圣,这时候人们也就渴望去朝圣,游方僧也就渴望去异地他乡,游方僧也就渴望去异地他乡,去各地知名于世的神龛圣堂。去各地知名于世的神龛圣堂。无论英格兰各郡的东西南北,无论英格兰各郡的东西南北,人们尤其要去的是坎特伯雷,人们尤其要去的是坎特伯雷,去拜谢恩泽万民的殉难圣徒,去拜谢恩泽万民的殉难圣徒,因为人们有病时他给予救助。因为人们有病时他给予救助。Then pe

26、ople long to go on pilgrimagesAnd palmers long to seek the stranger strands Of far-off saints,hallowed in sundry lands,And specially,from every shires endOf England,down to Canterbury they wend To seek the holy blissful martyr,quickTo give his help to them when they were sick,就在这时节,就在其中的一天,就在这时节,就在其

27、中的一天,我正住在萨瑟克的泰巴旅店,我正住在萨瑟克的泰巴旅店,已经满心虔诚地准备好登程,已经满心虔诚地准备好登程,专诚去坎特伯雷那地方朝圣。专诚去坎特伯雷那地方朝圣。在那天傍晚,有二十九位旅客在那天傍晚,有二十九位旅客来到了这客店,他们形形色色,来到了这客店,他们形形色色,全都是在路上彼此萍水相逢,全都是在路上彼此萍水相逢,全都是跨着坐骑要前去朝圣,全都是跨着坐骑要前去朝圣,而坎特伯雷是他们去的地方。而坎特伯雷是他们去的地方。It happened in that season that one dayIn Southwark,at The Tabard,as I layReady to go

28、 on pilgrimages and startFor Canterbury,most devout at heart,At night there came into that hostelry Some nine and twenty in a companyOf sundry folk happening then to fallIn fellowship,and they were pilgrims allThat towards Canterbury meant to ride旅店的房间和马厩都很宽敞,旅店的房间和马厩都很宽敞,把我们个个安顿得十分舒适。把我们个个安顿得十分舒适。不

29、久后太阳从地平线上消失,不久后太阳从地平线上消失,我同他们每个人都作了交谈,我同他们每个人都作了交谈,很快就成了他们当中的一员。很快就成了他们当中的一员。大家约定来日上路要起个早,大家约定来日上路要起个早,而路上的情形,下面我会说到而路上的情形,下面我会说到。The rooms and stables of the inn were wide;They made us easy,all was of the best,And,briefly,when the sun had gone to rest,Id spoken to them all upon the tripAnd was soon

30、 one with them in fellowship,Pledged to rise early and to take the wayTo Canterbury,as you heard me say.但是既然我有很充裕的时间,但是既然我有很充裕的时间,在我进一步细述这故事之前,在我进一步细述这故事之前,我觉得比较合情合理的做法我觉得比较合情合理的做法是根据我对他们各人的观察,是根据我对他们各人的观察,把我看到的情况全告诉你们:把我看到的情况全告诉你们:他们是什么人,属于哪个阶层,他们是什么人,属于哪个阶层,甚至还要说说他们穿的衣裳甚至还要说说他们穿的衣裳现在我就从一位骑士开始讲现在我就

31、从一位骑士开始讲。But none the less,while I have time and space,Before my story takes a further pace,It seems a reasonable thing to sayWhat their condition was,the full arrayOf each of them,as it appeared to me,According to profession and degree,And what apparel they were riding in;And at a Knight I therefor

32、e will begin.这位骑士是个勇敢的男子汉,这位骑士是个勇敢的男子汉,从他一开始骑着马闯荡人间,从他一开始骑着马闯荡人间,就热爱骑士精神和荣誉正义,就热爱骑士精神和荣誉正义,就讲究慷慨豁达与温文有礼。就讲究慷慨豁达与温文有礼。在他君主的战事中表现英勇,在他君主的战事中表现英勇,他南征北战处处都留下行踪,他南征北战处处都留下行踪,在基督徒世界或在异教之邦,在基督徒世界或在异教之邦,他都因为有勇气而备受颂扬他都因为有勇气而备受颂扬There was a Knight,a most distinguished man,Who from the day on which he first be

33、ganTo ride abroad had followed chivalry,Truth,honour,freedom and all courtesy.He had done nobly in his sovereigns war,And ridden into battle,none more farAs well in Christendom as in heathen places,And ever honoured for his noble graces.攻下亚历山大城时他就在场;攻下亚历山大城时他就在场;他在普鲁士的多次庆功宴上,他在普鲁士的多次庆功宴上,比各国骑士优先,坐上了

34、首席;比各国骑士优先,坐上了首席;与身份同他一样的基督徒比,与身份同他一样的基督徒比,他在立陶宛、俄罗斯战功最大;他在立陶宛、俄罗斯战功最大;围攻阿尔赫西拉斯他也参加,围攻阿尔赫西拉斯他也参加,并且驰骋在柏尔马利亚作战;并且驰骋在柏尔马利亚作战;他与人一起把阿塔利亚攻占,他与人一起把阿塔利亚攻占,也把阿亚斯攻克;在地中海上也把阿亚斯攻克;在地中海上他率领大批高贵的战士出航。他率领大批高贵的战士出航。When we took Alexandria,he was there.He often sat at table in the chairOf honour,above all nations,

35、when in Prussia.On Lithuania he had ridden,and Russia,No Christian man so often,of his degree.In far Granada at the siege was heOf Algeciras,and in Benamarin.At Ayas and Attalia was he whenThey were won;and in the Mediterranean SeaHe had been with many a noble army.他曾十五次投入殊死的战斗,他曾十五次投入殊死的战斗,又为我们的信仰,

36、三次把敌手又为我们的信仰,三次把敌手杀死在特莱姆森的比武场上。杀死在特莱姆森的比武场上。他一度侍奉帕拉希亚的君王,他一度侍奉帕拉希亚的君王,在那段时间里我们这位骑士在那段时间里我们这位骑士征讨土耳其异教徒的另一支:征讨土耳其异教徒的另一支:每次赢得最高荣誉的总是他。每次赢得最高荣誉的总是他。尽管他极其勇敢却世事洞达,尽管他极其勇敢却世事洞达,举止的温和简直就像是姑娘;举止的温和简直就像是姑娘;一生中他不管遇到什么对象,一生中他不管遇到什么对象,也从来都不曾说过一句粗话。也从来都不曾说过一句粗话。这骑士真是忠贞、完美又温雅这骑士真是忠贞、完美又温雅。In fifteen mortal battl

37、es he had beenAnd fought for our faith at TlemcenThree times in the lists,and always killed his foe.This same distinguished knight had been alsoAt one time with the lord of PalatiaAgainst another heathen in Turkey;He was of sovereign value in all eyes.And though so distinguished,he was wiseAnd in hi

38、s bearing modest as a maid.He never yet a boorish thing had saidIn all his life to any,come what might;He was a truly perfect gentle-knight.现在我告诉你们他那副装备:现在我告诉你们他那副装备:他的马虽好,衣着却并不华美。他的马虽好,衣着却并不华美。穿的是一袭粗布的无袖长衣,穿的是一袭粗布的无袖长衣,已被他锁子甲弄得满是污迹;已被他锁子甲弄得满是污迹;因为他是远征后刚乘船归来,因为他是远征后刚乘船归来,接着便上路来进行这次朝拜。接着便上路来进行这次朝拜。黄杲

39、炘译选自坎特伯雷故事,译林出版社(1999)Speaking of his equipment,he possessedFine horses,but he was not gaily dressed.He wore a fustian tunic stained and darkWith smudges where his armour had left mark;He had just come back from his voyage,And now was going on this pilgrimage.The Knight Was an honorable warrior who

40、fought for Christianity against the heathens.Appropriate that he is the first pilgrim to be introduced because he stands at the top of the social hierarchy,thus is the most socially prominent person on the journey.Tells the first story;many offer him compliments.All of the battles mentioned that he

41、fought in were religious wars of some kind.The Knight Prologues description:Worthy man Loved the following Chivalry Fidelity Honor(good reputation)Generosity courtesy Honored for his worthiness in warThe KnightSummonerThe MillerA poem can be broken down into three parts:(1)Stanza(节节):a group of line

42、s set off from the other lines in a poem.It is the poetic equivalent of a paragraph in prose.In traditional poems,the stanza usually contains a unit of thought.(2)The line(行行):a single line of poetry(3)The foot(音步音步):a syllable or a group of 2 or 3 syllables.To scan a line of poetry one counts the number of feet in a line.For a beginner,the easiest thing to do is to count the number of stresses.Typically a foot will contain a stressed and an unstressed syllable.Homework for Unit 2 Reading William Shakespeares Tragedies Hamlet Romeo&Juliet


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